Davron part 5

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Davron part 5 Page 2

by Gary Weston

  “What the hell is going on?” Burns demanded.

  Lariat had no answers and another technician appeared. “Beijing has just been hit.”

  “They're all over the place,” Lariat said, “We can see their ships visually, but with nothing else.”

  “We can't hit fresh air,” said Burns. “We're sitting ducks. People are dying and we can do nothing about it.”

  The attacks were relentless. Burns and Lariat ruled out old enemy nations flaring up again because they too were being hit hard. The defences were desperately trying to shoot back, but apart from the the laser fire appearing magically like random lightening bolts, they had nothing to aim at. Any aircraft sent up were immediately shot down.

  Through rubble strewn streets, people were running scared, no one spared; nowhere safe. People barely recovering from their wars with each other were going through it all over again, only this time they couldn't fight back.

  Chapter 61

  By the end of another day, there was a buzz of anticipation in the air, at least between Davron and Belle. Matlock and Akrins didn't notice it; more interested in tormenting the male alien.

  “Tonight could be the night,” said Matlock, getting a plate of food together.

  “I was thinking that myself,” said Davron, who only had eyes for Belle.

  “Is that right, Patrick?” said Belle, coyly.

  “Oh. I was talking about the alien cracking under pressure. That's all.”

  “Of course you were,” said Danders. “What else would you mean?”

  Akrins and Matlock took off to tease the alien with the food and Danders said, “Must be my turn to clean up in here. Why don't you two kids run along and play.”

  “Yes, mother,” said Belle. “Patrick. Why don't you freshen up with a shower? I know I could use one. I just want a word with Liz, first. I'll see you in your room soon.”

  Without a word, Davron left the kitchen to go for a shower and then to wait.

  Belle said, “Liz. I don't think I can do this.”

  “Still nervous?”

  “Nervous? Try petrified.”

  Danders said, “Hmm. The holder of the eighth W S A star is petrified.” Danders hugged Belle. “You don't have to go to him if you don't want to, Jazz.”

  “But I do want. You know what scares me.”

  “Jazz. You said if he lived, you would not hold back. He looks very much alive to me.”

  “If we don't do this, I'll lose him.”

  Danders said, “Not to me you won't. He loves you, Jazz. He truly loves you.”

  “And I him.”

  They waited and talked, giving Patrick time to shower and get to his room. Matlock and Akrins entered with the empty plate.

  “I felt sure he would crack this time,” said Matlock.

  “Maybe they don't eat much,” said Akrins. “Next time just a single mouthful.”

  “Did you check up on the female?” Danders asked.

  “Yeah,” said Akrins. “She's a real mean bitch.”

  “He's just miffed she doesn't go for his manly charms,” scoffed Matlock.

  “Man. The only way I'd have her is with gravy.”

  Belle stood up to leave. “Don't you two kill them. They're no use to us dead.”

  As Belle reached the door, she turned to look at Danders, who just smiled and nodded. Belle went off for her shower.

  Chapter 62

  Belle deliberately ignored the full-length mirror in the shower room. She had denied herself loving relationships for years. This was her time; her life to begin again. She wrapped herself in her robe that reached to the floor and she went off to Davron's room. She thought about knocking, but just opened the door and walked in. Davron was also in a robe, sitting on his bed. He had dimmed the lights and had scented the air. Soft music came from somewhere.

  Belle stood before him, trying to smile, inside quivering like a jelly. Davron stood up and let his robe drop to the floor and went to her, naked. Kisses, lots of kisses. Gentle kisses of lips. Not the electrifying kisses of a green lady, but the passionate, human kisses of a real, flesh-and-blood woman.

  “Patrick. I...”

  “Shhh!” He pressed his fingertips to her lips. Looking deep into her eyes, he took the lapels of her robe and pulled it apart. She gasped as he let it fall to the floor. The first scar was on her shoulder. Patrick softly kissed it. One above her right breast. He kissed that one, too. Her nipple he teased with his lips and teeth. Then he kissed the scar below that breast. He took her hand and led her to the bed and she lay back on it. One by one he kissed and became familiar with each of her nineteen scars. She let him turn her over, so the scars on her back and down her legs received the same loving attention.

  Belle turned over again, tears streaming down her face. The scars on her still young body were a part of who she was. She had finally faced her biggest fear. Her body. No doubts, now; no more doubts. Patrick loved who she was and what she looked like didn't mar that love.

  “Patrick. Thank you.”

  He kissed her lips, her face. “Thank me? For what? Loving the most wonderful woman ever? I'll love you until my last breath.”

  “And I you, Patrick. Now love me.”

  Chapter 63


  “Shut up.”

  Danders laughed. “I never said a word. So?”

  Belle gave the plasma pulsator a turn. “It was probably the most wonderful night of my entire life.”

  “Yeah? I couldn't make up my mind what all the noise was. You or the starving aliens.”

  “It was pretty intense. He wasn't shocked by how I look.”

  Danders grinned but gave nothing away. “I'm happy for you. Just run with it, right?”

  “I'm making up for a long lost time. Poor Patrick has no idea what he's unleashed.”

  “Spare me the details. Well, no. I'm the only woman you can have girly chats with. Don't deny me the juicy bits.”

  Belle said, “And yet strangely, I have no interest in what you and Dale get up to. What did you get up to, by the way?”

  Danders laughed. “Everything. I'm not sure what we have could be classified as love, but it will do for us.”

  “As long as you're happy.”

  The day was uneventful, and they returned to the ship wondering if the attack was ever going to happen. Both had seen action in battle, and they knew waiting for trouble to hit was as tough as the fighting, sometimes. Constantly being alert, ready to respond. Belle had seen more combat action then Danders, but Danders knew what being a W S A officer was all about.

  Matlock had seen his share of blood spilling, but was more used to taking out terrorists than charging in all guns blazing, surrounded by the enemy. A twisted breaking neck or a knife to the throat to a spy or a terrorist after weeks or months of surveillance was his normal methods.

  He would follow his own path and game-plans, usually without the brass even being aware of it. If 'bad guys' died without their authorisation, the file was recorded as case closed, followed by Matlock? in red. They didn't approve of Matlock, and certainly didn't like his lone-wolf ways, but on some base level, appreciated that they probably needed him.

  Akrins they really hated. But if an engineering superstar was needed in the thick of the action, he was the name at the top of everyone's list. He could fix the unfixable, blow up anything, and generally annoy any enemy they threw him at. If just once he would slip up and not come home...!

  Matlock and Akrins had success with the male alien at last, once Akrins had given up with the idea they were dealing with a large bird he could spit-roast.

  “You call us aliens,” said the alien. “How wrong you are.”

  “Feeling talkative, are you?” said Matlock, taking the empty plate away. As before, the alien was only given enough food to torment him, not to satisfy his hunger.


  Akrins said, “Talk and we'll feed you. Both of you.”

  He pointed a thin, bony finger at them. �
�You are the aliens. This is our planet.”

  “Interesting,” said Matlock. “Come with us.”

  They took him to the kitchen and let him have his pick of the food. It wasn't combinations the humans would have selected, but he seemed happy with it. Everyone watched the dried onion flakes being mixed with milk.

  Davron asked, “I assume you have a name?”

  “Krilltok. Draxvom Krilltok. I accept Krill.”

  “Very well,” said Davron. “Krill it is. Krill. We don't want to be your enemies.”

  “That decision has been made. Cannot be unmade. You will all die.”

  “Not exactly the start of a beautiful friendship,” said Belle.

  Davron said, “As least we're talking now. Dale. You might as well bring in the female. Her dying of starvation won't help anything.”

  Matlock and Akrins picked up a laser rifle each and went to get the female. They found her on the bed, looking weak. She turned to face them and saw the rifles.

  “Have you come to kill me?”

  “No,” said Matlock. “Come with us. You can eat.”

  “I will not talk.”

  Matlock said, “I admire you for that. You and Krill aren't warriors, but you have courage.”

  “Krill? Krilltok has talked?”

  Akrins said, “A little. He's eaten. Come and join him.”

  She started to get off the bed, but almost fell down, being weak with hunger. Matlock grabbed her to help her, and that was the chance she needed. She snatched the rifle from him and pointed it at Matlock's chest.

  Akrins pointed his rifle at the female. “Drop the weapon or I'll kill you.”

  Matlock said, “Idiot. I'll be dead too, if you shoot her.”

  “I will kill him if you don't give me your weapon.”

  “I don't think so,” said Akrins.

  “Give her the gun, Toby. She can't get far.”

  Reluctantly, Akrins handed over his rifle.

  “Where is Krilltok?”

  “Follow me,” said Matlock.

  With a rifle in each hand, she followed them to the kitchen.

  “She got the drop on you?” said Belle, astounded.

  Matlock just shrugged.


  “You talked, Krilltok.”

  “No. I...you need food.”

  “Get me food.”

  Krilltok obliged and the tasty onion and milk proved to be a hit with Trabson. She ate three bowls of it, keeping a rifle aimed at the humans. “Good food. What have you told them?”

  “Nothing, much.”

  Davron said, “He told us we are the aliens. This is your planet.”

  “Crap,” snarled Akrins. “Nobody lives here.”

  Krill said, “We did, once. This is Solvaron.”

  Davron said, “You had to abandon this planet?”

  Trabson said, “Yes. And now you violate Solvaron.”

  Akrins said, “Again. Nobody lives here. Not now.”

  “You don't understand,” said Krill. “You cannot live here because...”

  Before Krill could explain, the alarms heralded the arrival of the enemy ships.

  Chapter 64

  With Krilltok and Trabson guarding them, there was nothing they could do but let the ships land. Krilltok and Trabson got the humans outside and they watched a dozen ships, nine of them the drones, land on the plateau. The airlocks of the three ships opened and four of the Solverons stepped out of each ship. Three were armed, but quickly understood the situation. Two females walked towards the Romulus. Words were exchanged between Trabson and one female. The female looked at the humans and chose Belle to talk to.

  “You the leader?”

  “Well, I suppose so. I am Captain Jazz Belle.”

  “You will die for defiling Solveron.”

  Davron said, “How? How have we defiled this planet?”

  “This is sacred ground. Only a few escaped to go to our new world. Millions of us died. This is is where our dead rested until you disturbed them.”

  Belle said, “Now I understand. We made a home on a planet considered sacred by these people. That's why they hate us.”

  “They must die,” said Trabson.

  Davron said, “Hey. What is your name?”

  “You, a male human dare to ask?”

  “That's put you in your place, Patrick,” said Belle. “This is women's business. Ok. Ignore the males. What is your name?”

  “I am a captain like you. Captain Axistrim Gosdore. Trabson is correct. We have to kill you.”

  Belle said, “It doesn't have to be like that. We didn't realise this was your planet. Your sacred place.”

  Krilltok dared to voice a male opinion. “They could leave?”

  Axistrim glared at Krilltok.“What? Who asked for a male opinion?”

  “I'm sorry. But it's true,” said Krilltok. “They did not know this planet is sacred to us. They can just go.”

  Davron said, “Of course we...Belle. Tell the captain we can go.”

  “Not with the Romulus like that,” said Belle. “All that scrap metal will have to go.”

  “I can do that in less than an hour,” said Akrins.

  “And go where?” said Danders. “Not back to Earth. Not with the death penalty over Patrick.”

  “I'm for a fresh start,” said Belle. “We can find another planet if they'll let us go.”

  Danders tried. “Captain Axistrim. We sincerely apologise for being here. Please. Let us live. Let us go. Those from Earth know nothing of this planet. You have nothing to fear from humans.”

  Axistrim seemed to be considering that. “Your computer. Take me to it.”

  The humans shared puzzled looks but obliged the captain. Davron led them to the flight-deck.

  “Better let a woman do this,” said Danders. “Captain Axistrim. This is our computer.”

  Axistrim sat awkwardly on the spare seat and as if she had worked the Romulus' computer all her life, her eight thin fingers flew over the controls.

  “What the hell is that?” said Davron.

  “The stuff you couldn't get at,” mocked Danders.

  The screen lit up with everything the Romulus had hidden about her intended mission before Davron had stolen her. The planet on the screen was a smaller version of Earth.

  “This is my computer,” admitted Davron. “How did you get at this when I couldn't?”

  Axistrim sighed and looked at Danders. “You let a stupid male loose on a computer?”

  Danders shrugged. “He's not actually as dumb as he looks.”

  “If you say so. Now look. This you need to see.”

  “That looks like top secret information,” said Davron. “Ah! Now I think I get it.”

  Danders said, “Plans for a super city on that new planet. And look at the list of people planning to go there. I don't know all the names, but the ones I do are the stinking rich and powerful.”

  Axistrim said, “Your Earth is dying. Only the privileged intend to survive on that new planet. Everyone else will be left behind.”

  Davron said, “And look at one of the top names. Paul Davron. My late father had wangled himself a place.”

  “Patrick,” said Danders. “Your name isn't there. He was going to leave you behind.”

  Davron scowled as he said, “That I can believe. Thanks, Dad.”

  Axistrim turned to face Davron. “And you wonder why we didn't trust you humans? You don't even trust each other.”

  “Point taken,” said Davron.

  Axistrim worked the computer again. “There. I've done it.”

  “What?” Danders asked.

  “Sent the signal to stop the attack on Earth.” Axistrim stood and walked to the still open airlock. “Why I let you live, I don't know. Go find that planet. The coordinates are there. Perhaps let a female work it out?”

  Belle said, “Thank you. We won't let you down.”

  “But will you let yourselves down?”

  With that telling remark, Axist
rim led her people to their ships and minutes later they had taken off and had gone.

  Chapter 65

  “It has stopped,” said Lariat. “It's over.”

  “Are you sure?” Burns asked.

  “It's been relentless until now. For over an hour, nothing.”

  Burns shook his head. “More death and destruction. What the hell was all that about?”

  Lariat said, “I'll send everything we have to the damaged cities.”

  Burns nodded and walked away.

  * * *

  “That's the last of it,” said Akrins as he and Matlock threw the last of the scrap metal off the Romulus. “Any damage to the hull?”

  Davron finished his inspection. “It's ready to go. The sooner we go the better.”

  They climbed down and entered through the airlock.

  “Jazz. The ship's ready to go,” said Davron.

  “Liz has set the course. We can go at any time.”

  “Then let's find our new home. I'll shut the airlocks.”

  Davron went to close up the ship, so they could take off. He looked outside at Spero, for one last time. As the airlock closed up, something was flying towards the ship. He stopped the doors closing up and Muffin flew into his arms.

  “Hey, pal. You almost got left behind. Hey. Maybe there'll be a lady monkey, just waiting for you.”


  Davron closed the airlocks and two minutes later, they were taking off to start their lives anew.

  The end.

  Hi. Thank you for reading my space opera story. I hope you enjoyed it. Do Belle and her crew go off to more adventures? You decide. Gary Weston





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