Dark and Deadly

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Dark and Deadly Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  Warren’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fainted.

  Chapter Four

  Ryan used his inhuman speed to catch Warren before he hit the floor. He cradled his mate in his arms and carried him to the couch.

  “Real smooth,” Ash bit out. “Did you not learn from your previous encounters with him? Why the fuck would you throw that out there like that?”

  Ryan sat on the edge of the couch and looked down at his sleeping beauty. He couldn’t seem to get this mating shit right to save his life. Everything he did was the wrong thing, and more times than he could count, he wished he could hit a rewind button.

  He looked up at Ash. His gorgeous, masculine mate. Ryan still couldn’t believe he had two of them, so opposite from one another. Whereas Warren was delicate and human, Ash looked like a damn warrior standing there, in control, seeming to know all the right words.

  “How do you make this look so easy?” Ryan brushed his hand over Warren’s soft hair. “I just keep screwing this up, and you seem to come in and save the day.”

  “Because I think before I speak.” Ash’s tone had gentled. “You have to remember that Warren has no idea about our world, and you have to move him into it more softly, not go psycho on him.”

  Ryan fists convulsed in his lap. He’d never had patience and clearly no common sense. He wanted to get past the “getting to know you” phase and move right into the “we’re a comfortable triad” part of their relationship.

  Ash touched his shoulder. “He’s waking. Let me be the first face he sees so he doesn’t freak out or pass out.”

  “Or call the cops,” Warren groaned as his eyes fluttered open. “Please tell me I imagined that. Please tell me you don’t really have fangs.”

  Ryan chucked his thumb over his shoulder. “Ash has canines.”

  Ash slapped Ryan’s shoulder. “What did we just talk about?”

  “I don’t want to be the only freak in the room,” Ryan admitted. He didn’t want Warren looking at him that way, like so many others had in his lifetime. Either afraid of him or loathing him. Ryan just wanted to be accepted, especially by these two.

  It was already killing him that Warren feared him, and Ryan wanted to make things right. He didn’t want either of them seeing the things Ryan tried so hard to hide, the ugly side of his life that filled him with shame, that he would do whatever it took to keep from them.

  “You’re not a freak,” Ash snarled. “You just need to learn relationship skills, buddy. Haven’t you ever been in one before?”

  Ryan refused to answer that. Neither of them needed to know just how pathetic he truly was, how he didn’t deserve either man.

  “Are you two really talking about this right now?” Warren pushed himself to his elbow. “I feel like I’m gonna to be sick.”

  Ryan reached out to help Warren sit up, but Warren jerked away from him. His wretched upbringing, the abuse, his violent way of life, none of that came close to gutting Ryan the way Warren’s continued rejection had.

  “I need…” Warren looked around and then up at Ash. “I’m not handling this too well.” He curled an arm around his stomach. “Did he say you had canines?”

  “I’ll get some crackers,” Ryan grumbled as he got up and walked out of the living room. He’d been to Warren’s house enough times to know where the pantry was. He lingered after grabbing a sleeve.

  Ryan shouldn’t take this personally. Warren was human and scared. But fuck, Ryan wasn’t going to lie to himself. It was hard not to take his mate’s rejection to heart.

  Goddamn it hurt. Right in the center of his chest. He thumped his fist against the ache and told himself to man up. This wasn’t about Ryan. This was about easing Warren into their world, about showing him what being mated was all about.

  Hell. Ryan chuckled wryly to himself. He needed to learn what mating was all about, because this shit was insane. Two mates? Twice the work and twice the headache.

  And twice the reward.

  That was if neither of them murdered him first.

  Ryan’s heart was in the right place. Too bad his actions and words couldn’t get it together.

  “Hey.” Ash appeared in the doorway, gripping the edge of the wall. His brows were pinched, and his dark chocolate eyes were a bit wide. “I think something is seriously wrong with Warren. We should get him to a doctor.”

  “What do you mean something’s wrong with him?” Ryan nearly crushed the sleeve of crackers in his hand. “He was fine when I left him with you.”

  He moved swiftly to the living room to find Warren curled into a ball on the couch. He was groaning, and his eyes were clamped shut. Even from where Ryan stood he saw the beads of sweat coating his mate’s face.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Ryan turned to Ash.

  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m calling Dr. Bjord.” Ash pulled out his phone. “Lift him as gently as you can and bring him to my SUV.”

  Ryan bent at the waist and scooped Warren to his chest. He knew his mate was out of it because he didn’t protest Ryan touching him. He felt light as Ryan walked outside. Ash was already at the SUV, the back door open.

  Ryan slipped in, keeping Warren in his lap. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re getting you a doctor.”

  Warren whimpered and wiggled closer, resting his head on Ryan’s chest.

  “How’s he doing?” Ash looked at Ryan through the rearview mirror, concerned etched in his expression.

  “Warm. Too warm.” Ryan was trying his best not to panic. Warren needed him to be calm and in control. But fuck, humans were plagued with diseases, some so serious that Warren could be taken from them.

  “He’s going to be okay,” Ash said soothingly as he turned the corner. “Dr. Bjord knows all about our kind. He’s damn good at what he does.”

  “But this is Warren,” Ryan said. “He better know how to fix our mate.”

  Because if the doctor couldn’t, Ryan wasn’t sure what he would do.

  * * * *

  The pain had come out of nowhere. It curled his stomach into agonizing cramps. Warren was sweating like crazy, and the urge to vomit sat in his throat.

  He was scared. Beyond scared. But admittedly, being in Ryan’s arms made what was going on less frightening. Seeing Ash take charge helped calm Warren in ways that seemed impossible in his tiny crisis.

  Warren hadn’t had the love and support growing up from the people who mattered most to a child. He’d had Uncle Morgan, and that was something, but Warren had never felt as if he truly belonged anywhere.

  He tried to remind himself that Ash and Ryan were totally wrong for him, that they were nuts. Ryan had proven that by saying he was a vampire and that Ash had canines. Completely bonkers. Right?

  “Follow me,” the doctor said when he met them in the front of the clinic. Warren was in so much pain that he didn’t care he was being carried like a wounded kid.

  He didn’t want Ryan to put him down. Warren needed to feel the safety of his arms as he was taken to an exam room.

  “Everything is going to be okay.” Ash kissed Warren’s forehead. “Ryan and I are right here, baby.”

  Okay, this was getting too damn weird. Now they acted as though all three of them were together, as if they’d been that way for years. For now Warren relaxed in Ryan’s arms, blanketing himself with the guy’s protectiveness.

  “Put him on the table,” the doctor instructed. Warren had seen Dr. Bjord around town. The guy was handsome, with kind eyes and an easy smile. He was always with another guy who looked like he’d cut down anyone who looked the doctor’s way.

  And crap, that same guy came into the room. He was wearing a white lab coat and a scowl. He was clearly irritated that he had to be awake at this hour.

  Dr. Bjord laid a hand on Warren’s shoulder. “Tell me what’s going on.” He looked at Ash and Ryan. “Do you want me to clear the room?”

  Ash started to take a step back, but Warren latched onto his wrist. “No, they can stay. It’s my stomach.
I’m cramping badly and sweating.”

  “Was this sudden?” Dr. Bjord grabbed an iPad from the counter and began tapping the screen.

  “No, about two weeks ago it happened. Only it had been much worse. I just thought I ate some bad sushi from the gas station.”

  Ash grimaced. “Never eat seafood from a gas station.”

  “Never.” Ryan shook his head. “You’re just asking for trouble.”

  Warren rolled his eyes. They were taking turns talking again. Did they even realize they were doing it? “Thanks. I wish you’d been in the gas station that day to stop me.”

  “This started two weeks ago.” Dr. Bjord nodded. “And since then?”

  “A lot of nausea. Some dizziness. And then tonight the pain was back. Can food poisoning last that long and come back like this?”

  Dr. Bjord looked grim. “Not usually. Why don’t we run some tests and try to figure this out? You’re not afraid of needles, are you?”

  Warren wasn’t going to admit in front of these big, strong men that he was terrified of them. It wasn’t having it in his arm. It was the anticipation of getting stuck with it.

  He shrugged.

  Ash kissed Warren’s cheek. “Want me to hold your hand?”

  Warren looked aghast at him. “Go away.”

  His cheek tingled where Ash had kissed it, and Warren had had to stop himself from leaning into it. One, hello, Ryan and Ash were his stalkers. Two, there were too many people in the room.

  Ryan chuckled. “He doesn’t want to look like a wuss.”

  “A lot of people are afraid of needles.” Dr. Bjord set the needle and a clear tube on the bed. “Close your eyes if you want. It’ll be over soon.”

  Warren glowered at everyone. “I’m not a wuss. Just get your needle poking over with and fix me.”

  Dr. Bjord narrowed his eyes. “Did I hear you say please?”

  Warren bit his lower lip and felt himself blush. “Sorry. Please.”

  He might not have been raised in the best environment, but Warren did have manners.

  “If your mates will step aside, I can get this done,” Dr. Bjord said.

  “Mates?” Warren noticed how Ash and Ryan stiffened. They looked at the doctor, and something passed between them.

  “Friends,” Dr. Bjord corrected. “I’ve been binging on UK reality shows. Don’t mind me.”

  The guy was straight-up lying, but Warren didn’t get a chance to question him. Dr. Bjord shoved that damn needle into Warren’s arm, and Warren howled, jerking back.

  “Don’t do that,” Dr. Bjord chastised. “Do you want the needle to go where it’s not supposed to go?”

  “Do you need me to hold him down?” Ryan asked. The guy was dead serious.

  “Hold me down and I’ll slice your balls off,” Warren snarled. He looked wide-eyed at Ryan. “That just slipped out.”

  Warren wasn’t trying to be difficult or pissy. He was in pain and didn’t want to be there. He might’ve felt the way he did about Ash and Ryan, but he truly did appreciate their swift action in bringing him here. He even appreciated their concern.

  As twisted as that sounded.

  “All done.” The doctor removed the needle. “See, simple and painless.”

  A tiny trail of blood leaked out before the doctor cursed and grabbed some gauze, pressing it against where the needle had been. But Warren wasn’t watching the doctor. He was watching how Ryan had inhaled sharply. How his eyes had grown darker than they already were.

  No. Warren refused to believe he was really a vampire. They didn’t exist. He’d imagined seeing Ryan’s fangs. Warren was under a lot of stress, and his mind had played tricks on him.

  But that look…

  The doctor patted Warren’s hand, drawing Warren’s attention away from Ryan. “I’m going to run some tests on your blood. If nothing comes up, we’ll figure things out from there.”

  The doctor and his scary friend left the room. Warren looked at Ryan again then slowly peeled the gauze away. A droplet of blood popped up.

  Ryan clenched his jaw and turned away.

  “Testing him?” Ash asked. “That’s a dangerous game.”

  Warren tossed the gauze at Ryan, and Ryan snarled as he moved to the door. He jackknifed, ignoring the searing pain in his gut. “You are a vampire!”

  “I told you that already.” Ryan breathed in and out, lifting his head as if to center himself. “Stop teasing me unless you want me to feed from you.”

  Warren’s heart thrashed as he looked at Ash. “He really will bite me, won’t he?”

  Ash scooted a chair to the bed and sat. “That’s why we needed to talk to you. I’m not sure how to go about this but to be completely honest. Ryan is a vampire. I’m a wolf shifter. We’re crazy about you because fate thought we’d be perfect together. We’re mates.” He chuckled, but the friendly sound didn’t do anything to calm Warren’s racing heart. “Not the UK kind. We’re meant to be together. That’s why Ryan acted like an ass when he met you.”

  “I didn’t act like an ass,” Ryan defended.

  “You were totally an ass,” Warren said.

  “Finding a mate is rare,” Ash went on. “Ryan handled the discovery all wrong, but his heart was in the right place.”

  “You’re both nuts, you know that?” Warren threw his head back, and a burp of laughter escaped. “And I’m just as nuts because I believe this shit is true.”

  Ash squeezed Warren’s hand. Fuck, Warren hated to admit just how much he loved Ash touching him. He was seconds away from asking the guy to crawl into the bed next to him.

  “When you’re ready, I’ll show you my wolf.”

  “When I’m ready, I’ll already be in a padded room.” Warren laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, wishing the pillow would stop making that crinkling sound.

  “Nah, you’ll handle this just fine. Most humans do. You’ll absorb and adjust.”

  “To being with a vampire and a wolf?” Warren cocked one eye open. “On what planet? I don’t do ménages, and I don’t do furry.” He looked at Ryan. “And I don’t do anyone who likes to bite me.”

  Warren didn’t care what the two said. When he got out of the clinic, he was moving away from Crazy Town. This was too much to swallow.

  “You weren’t saying that when I had my dick all up in your ass,” Ryan snapped. He blew out a breath and closed his eyes. “Sorry, I’m working on my outbursts. I’ve never had to censor myself so damn much before.”

  “Keep reminding me that you’ve had him and I haven’t.” Ash scowled.

  “Will you two shut up?” Warren rubbed his temples. “You guys are giving me a damn headache.”

  He was also shocked Ash was this pissed about not sleeping with him. Once again Warren thought Ash was too gorgeous to want someone like him. Had the sushi put him in a coma and Warren was dreaming all this?

  The doctor returned and looked between Ryan and Ash. He had a strange expression in his eyes. Warren wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the doctor had found.

  “I need to speak to Warren in private.”

  “We’re not going anywhere,” Ryan snapped. “Just tell us what’s wrong with our mate.”

  Dr. Bjord’s brows shot up.

  “We told him while you were running your tests,” Ash said.

  “Binging on UK reality shows?” Warren arched a brow.

  The doctor chuckled. “It was a good cover, admit it.”

  “Tell us what’s going on.” Ash grabbed Warren’s hand and held it. “We’ll deal with whatever is wrong with him.”

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Warren is pregnant.”

  Warren passed out again.

  * * * *

  Ash blinked several times, trying to make sure he’d heard the doctor correctly. He almost slapped his palm against his ear to dislodge whatever was making him misunderstand the news. “Come again?”

  Gavril waved a hand at Ryan but was looking at Ash. He enunciated his words slowly as though Ash were fu
cking daft. “He’s a vampire. I’m assuming he’s from Christian’s lineage since he knocked your mate up.”

  The room fell completely silent for just a second before Ryan staggered back, his hand pressed against his gut. He looked just as stunned as Ash felt. “I’m only half vampire.”

  Ash looked down at Warren’s hand. All three were mates, yet he couldn’t help but feel jealous. Ryan had had time with Warren, had bonded with him, and Ash felt like a third wheel coming in on the late end of things.

  He stood and walked out of the room. Ash needed some fresh air to digest it all. He didn’t know Ryan or Warren, not really. Fate thought they would be perfect together, but what if fate had gotten it wrong? What if his attraction to Warren was simply that? Attraction.

  Ash had fed Ryan, and some good head had come out of that, but who was to say they were mates? Again, it could be simple attraction. Powerful attraction, but maybe that was all it was.

  Ryan and Warren were about to start a family. Where the fuck did Ash fit into all of that?

  He walked outside exhaling while scrubbing a hand over his head. Shit just kept getting complicated. He’d seen the way Warren had instantly curled into Ryan when the vampire had scooped him up and carried him to the SUV.

  There was no denying their bond, even if Warren was frightened of it and resisted. But Warren had shut Ash down at every turn. If Warren was feeling the pull with Ash, wouldn’t there be some kind of sign? Wouldn’t there be some kind of attraction?

  He wanted to walk away. His legs ached to get moving. What was holding him back? Warren would be fine with Ryan. They needed each other. What they didn’t need was some wolf shifter getting in the way of their budding relationship.

  Ash started down the street, heading toward Pump. He’d had the night off, but loud thumping music, slinging drinks, sweaty hot guys, and the scent of sex in the air was exactly the kind of distraction he needed. Maybe he would even fuck a twink or two in the bathroom to get Warren and Ryan out of his system and get his head on straight. Ash wasn’t about to risk his heart. Not today.

  He’d already been fucked up every which way in the past, and Ash didn’t want a repeat.


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