Heart Beats

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Heart Beats Page 4

by Davidson King

  “See ya.” I shut the door, and when Ledger was out of sight, I breathed. He was intoxicating.

  Chapter Six


  I wouldn’t say I spent the week avoiding Shane, but I would say I didn’t go out of my way to talk to him. That night at my place I almost kissed him, and that played over and over in my head until I drove myself crazy. It would absolutely complicate things. But then again, maybe one night was what we needed. I scoffed at my own logic. I’d seen enough movies and read enough books to know the whole “fuck them out of my system” thing didn’t work.

  “Are you on medication?”

  I looked up and saw Max. He was the manager of the bar area and one of my closest friends. He was a great-looking guy with short dark hair, stubble, and a sexy body. I once thought about making the moves on him, but that thought didn’t last. Now, his heart belonged to Sparkles, aka Lane. Those two were complete opposites: Sparkles with his pink hair, loud clothes, and snarky sass. Max with his normal clothes, dark hair, and zero sass.

  “No, why?” I slipped the headphones off my ears. I was doing sound checks, getting ready for tonight at the club.

  “Well, I’ve been watching you for five minutes. You keep scoffing at yourself, and you’re laughing at nothing.” Max walked over to me. I had a booth on the stage, my own space, and most of the time no one invaded it…This wasn’t one of those times.

  “I think we need to talk about you staring at me for five minutes. It’s fucking creepy,” I said and smiled. “Just thinking about things.”

  “What kind of things? Sexy things?” He looked behind himself to where Shane was cutting up limes. “Shaney sexy things?”

  “Shaney? Does he know you call him that?”

  “Don’t change the subject. You’ve both been weird all week. What’s going on?” He rested his forearms on my booth, and I only had to narrow my gaze at him, and he removed them.

  “Nothing is going on. Mind your business.”

  “Snappy. But I deal with snappier on a daily basis, so I am immune to your sharp tongue.” He smiled, and I knew he wouldn’t leave unless I said something.

  “Nothing is going on. He helped with stuff, we almost kissed. It was weird.”

  Max furrowed his brow. “What was weird? The almost-kiss or the helping you?”

  “Seriously, how do you function?” I asked. “The almost-kiss was weird, fucknut.”

  “I see. Maybe if you’d kissed, it wouldn’t be weird now.” He shrugged. “Go on, go kiss him and see if you feel better.”

  “Don’t ever have kids, Max. You suck at advice.”

  “I’ll have you know I’m an amazing uncle with the best advice ever.”

  “You lie. You forget I talk to your sisters. I know you’re a brain full of pudding when it comes to advice.”

  “Fine. But know this.” He inched closer. “It’s only weird between you and Shane because you let it be.”

  They were wise words, but I wasn’t letting him know that. “Right, okay, thanks.”

  “I knew the second he came in to interview that you wanted him. It’s been a long time, and you watch him like you want to devour him. So, if it’s been this long and you still want him, you should just try.”

  I knew Max was right. But I also didn’t want to fuck up the vibe of this place. Toby and Atlas worked together but were together early on. Sparkles didn’t really work here. He danced for the club sometimes, so it didn’t mess with things. Shane and I had been working together and would continue to work together. If us hooking up fucked anything up, Atlas would be pissed.

  “Flower delivery,” Toby said, interrupting Max and me. “For you, Ledger.”

  Me? “Who’s it from?” No one would send me flowers.

  “There’s a card.” Toby gestured to the little piece of paper as he placed them on the bar. I went over to the edge of the stage. The bar was directly below me and bordered the entire stage. It worked as a great barrier, so people wouldn’t try to hop on.

  “Can you read it?” The flowers were beautiful. I didn’t know flowers well, but the colors were yellow, purple, and red.

  “Great seeing you at the con, can’t wait to see you soon.” Toby read the card, then flipped it over. “No name.”

  “Probably Trinity,” Shane said as he closed the lid to the cut limes a little hard.

  “Not really her style.” I chuckled, smirking. He was adorable when he was jealous. “No matter, they’re gorgeous. I’ll take them home. Can you store them in Atlas’s office until closing?”

  “Sure no problem.”

  Shane went about getting ready for the club opening. He wouldn’t make eye contact with me, and when I spotted Max, he was smiling. Yeah, the jerk was right—something had to give with Shane and me. But I had to work first. I’d have to think of what I wanted and what to say to him.

  “Okay, everyone, it’s last call, get your final drink, and let’s slow things down,” I said into the microphone and mellowed the music. There was a rush to the bar, as always, and servers were trying to get last-minute orders in.

  As I watched all the bartenders work, it was Shane that grabbed my attention. He didn’t seem frazzled or anything as people shouted drink orders at him. He listened, nodded, and mastered the orders. It was no wonder Max trusted him with the bar whenever he wasn’t there. The other bartenders weren’t as smooth and often had to ask people to repeat their orders. Not Shane. It was like watching an exotic dance. Who knew mixing drinks could be so sexy?

  Ciro, the head of security for Joker’s Sin, came up to the stage. He was a big man; he shaved his head close to his scalp, but I noticed, even with a baseball cap on, that he had it growing out. It was dark, like his eyes. He was a huge guy, built, and if I hadn’t seen him smile before, I’d think it impossible. People generally moved out of his way when he walked through the club, and while his gaze was always searching for trouble, it never lingered on anyone. There was never a glimmer of interest in his eyes that he found anyone attractive. I knew he must, but he was a secretive man, and yet I completely trusted him.

  “Guys are doing a sweep—can you make an announcement in ten minutes for people to start clearing out? They’re trickling, and I’m in no mood tonight.”

  I smiled at him; he didn’t return it. “Are you ever in a mood? Do you even have emotions, Ciro?”

  He stared at me, a placid look on his face. “You want to see a mood, Edge?”

  I chuckled but I’d be lying if I didn’t say the man, while a friend, was scary. “Why didn’t you just talk in my earpiece? You didn’t have to come up here.”

  “Tried, you didn’t answer.”

  I looked over to the small box clipped to my pants. The light was red. “Shit, sorry, I must’ve grabbed one that wasn’t charged.”

  “It’s fine. So you’ll make the announcement?”

  “No problem, Ciro.”

  He gave me a curt nod and left. I went back to watching Shane. He was now shaking his head, telling people no more drinks. This was the way every night. They all knew it, but they pressed. Shane smiled and said no, and when they’d get indignant, he’d shrug and walk away. They couldn’t ruffle his feathers. But one mention of Trinity or flowers from someone for me and he was like an angry peacock.

  At the ten-minute mark I made the announcement, and slowly people started exiting. I played soft music until the last person left, and then I started putting things away. I didn’t have a ton to do, but there was maintenance. I always had a small garbage pail near me I tossed things into, so I grabbed the bag, made sure it was all shut down, and walked off the stage.

  “Don’t forget these,” Atlas said as he handed me the flowers.

  “Let me toss my garbage first.”

  He took the bag. “I’ll get it. You seeing someone?”

  Atlas owned Joker’s Sin. He was a stunning man with flawless brown skin, long, dark, braided hair, honey-colored eyes, and a smile that was contagious. He was a showman through and through
, and working with him was an adventure. If anyone could get me to settle as a DJ in one place it was him, and I never regretted it.

  “Nah, someone from the con sent them. Could be Ziggy, or maybe even one of the organizers.” I looked at the card again. “Weird they didn’t sign it.”

  Atlas shrugged. “Could be an error on the florist’s part. I’ve gotten gifts before with a card, and the person’s name would be cut off. I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s a nice gesture.”

  It was, and I knew Lion would love them too. He would peck at the petals and rub his face in them.

  “Yeah, okay, well, I’m heading out.” With my flowers in hand, I went out the back toward my car. I didn’t know where Shane was. I wanted to ask him if we could talk, but he’d either left early or was off doing something for Max.

  I opened the side door and realized I had no idea how I was going to get the flowers home without the water spilling in the car.


  I turned and Shane was jogging over to my car, box in hand.

  “What’s up?”

  “I had a job once as a delivery guy for a flower company. One of my many talents, I guess.” He chuckled and placed the box on the passenger seat. “Flowers?” he asked, and I gave them to him. He rested them inside on newspaper and cloth that were in there too, basically tucking the flowers in. Then he took the seat belt and buckled them in. “There. It should stay put, just try to avoid potholes.”

  “Yeah, thanks. That’s smart.”

  He shrugged. “Ok, well, have a good night.”

  He turned and started to go into the club.

  “Shane?” He looked over at me with a curious expression. “I wanted to um, maybe we could talk or whatever. Tomorrow maybe?”

  The crease in his forehead and surprise in his eyes were cute. Damn, this guy had me hooked.

  “Like lunch or something?”

  I nodded. “Great, yeah, say like one? We can come into work together too, if you want. Up to you.”

  He stood stock-still, something going through his head I wasn’t sure about, and nervousness bubbled in my stomach. The uncertainty of what he’d say was making me sweat, but when he smiled, the worry washed away. “Sounds good. I have your number. I’ll text you in the morning, that good?”

  “Yeah. Night.”

  He gave me a little wave, and I watched him until he was back inside.

  Chapter Seven


  After I returned to the club, I didn’t stop smiling…I couldn’t. Max asked what was up, and I just told him I was in a good mood. I rushed through my closing routine, and Toby dropped me off at my place. I thought I’d have trouble falling asleep, but I didn’t.

  Of course I woke up only a few hours later and wasn’t able to fall back asleep. It was only seven, too early to text Ledger about lunch. So, I took a shower, ate a banana, decided to watch some news…That was depressing, so I played some video games. Time trickled on and finally, at ten, I decided to text Ledger, asking if we were still on for lunch. And I waited.

  It took him half an hour to respond, and all the text said was: For sure. Let’s meet at the diner.

  Now, if you didn’t live in Haven Hart, saying “the diner” would be vague, and you’d ask which one. But anyone who had lived here for a while knew the diner meant the only one that was any good. It was crazy retro, and the food was artery-clogging and amazing.


  I had a lot of time, but I’d have to take the bus there, and that meant catching one that wouldn’t make me late. I changed my outfit a lot and couldn’t remember if I put deodorant on, so I was pretty sure I put it on twice. By the time I was on the bus, I probably should’ve put it on once more for good measure. I didn’t know why I was so nervous, but I was.

  I’d lived in Haven Hart long enough to be recognized when I walked in. One of the servers, Betty, smiled and waved for me to pick a seat. One quick look told me Ledger wasn’t here, so I chose a booth in the back corner. I didn’t know what he’d say or why he’d really asked me to come, but I wanted privacy regardless.

  Although I knew what I’d be ordering, I didn’t want to look like I was eagerly awaiting Ledger’s arrival, so I perused the menu. Whenever the bells chimed over the diner door, I discreetly looked up. I checked my phone, and it was five after one. Late, of course. I hoped he wasn’t standing me up.

  “Hey,” Ledger said as he sat across from me. How’d I miss him arriving?


  “Sorry I’m late. Lion wouldn’t get off me, and I had to race to get out.” He chuckled.

  “No problem, I just got here anyway.”

  “Hey, dolls,” Betty greeted us when she came to our table. “I thought Shane here was going to be eating alone. He’s been here a while.”

  Mental note to thank Betty with a bag of burning shit for that unwanted tidbit. Ledger smiled and the way he looked at me, I knew I’d given my eagerness away.

  “I had trouble getting here, no big. So, you ready to order, Shane?” he asked, never once opening the menu.

  “Yeah, bacon burger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake, please.”

  Betty nodded and asked Ledger for his order.

  “Chicken club, tater tots, and a coke.”

  “You got it, be right back with your drinks.” I watched as Betty left, the buffer I hadn’t realize I’d wanted. Now it was just Ledger and me.

  “You seem nervous.” He spoke softly and calmly, and I realized it was silly to be anxious. We’d worked together for over a year, and we were together at the con. Why was this more nerve-wracking?

  “Nope. I’m cool.” I could feel his intense gaze on me, but I avoided it, taking the time to people-watch instead.

  “If you rather not be here, you can—”

  “No,” I practically shouted making a few heads turn our way. “No, I’m fine. Sorry. It’s weird, I guess. We’ve never really just hung out.”

  “Oh, that’s not true.” Ledger scoffed. “I helped you move, and the con, and we work together, and what about the beer at my place?”

  The reminder of being at his place and the almost-kiss made heat rush to my cheeks, and I cursed my pale complexion.

  “Yeah, but all those were reasons to be thrown together. This is the first time it’s for no other reason than just to hang and have lunch.”

  He nodded. He didn’t say anything, but damned if I didn’t feel his gaze all the way to my cock. I hadn’t been with a lot of people, but I knew when one was interested, and any doubt that I thought Ledger wasn’t immediately dissipated with his salacious grin and the lustful sparkle in his eyes.

  “Here are your drinks, food’ll be up soon.” Betty put the drinks in front of us, and Ledger and I thanked her. There was this thread, pulling me toward him, wrapping me around his whole being, and I wished the diner were empty, and I could see what he’d do if I jumped the table and ravished him.

  “We should do more hanging out for no reason,” Ledger said and wrapped his plump lips around his straw and sucked…He was the devil.

  “Uhh…” Smooth, Shane. “Yeah.”

  We didn’t say much after that, but I knew he felt the electricity between us. He’d chuckle for no reason and whenever he looked up, his gaze homed in on my mouth, and he’d lick his lips. By the time Betty came with our food, I was grateful to have the reprieve. I needed to calm myself, or I’d be walking out of here with a hard-on and no doubt a few laughs.

  When the bill came, Ledger scooped it up before I had a chance to grab it. “Maybe we go dutch?” I asked.

  “Nope. I asked you out for lunch.” He smiled and threw some bills on the table.

  “That would imply a date.” I was testing the waters, trying to get a feel for what Ledger wanted. He had asked me here to talk but we hadn’t really talked much at all, just eye-fucked each other.

  “Would that be so bad? A date…with me?” He cocked his head; the so-sure look on his face would be obnoxious on anyone else, but on him,
it was fucking hot.

  “No, it wouldn’t be so bad at all.”

  He stood and I followed him out. “I was thinking,” Ledger spoke as he held the door open for me, “maybe you’d like to come to my place, and we can drive in to work together later?”

  I wasn’t sure if that invite meant he wanted me to come back to his place for sex or if he wanted to just talk and get to know me better. I was fine with either.

  “Yeah, I have a Joker’s Sin shirt at work, and these pants are fine. It’s not a themed night, so that sounds fun.”

  If it was a themed night at Joker’s Sin, that would be a whole different ballgame. Atlas liked to change things up there. It kept the place vibrant and new. We’d had Women of Rock night, 80s Night, Leather Night…so many.

  “Great. You took the bus, right?”


  “Perfect, then. Right this way.”

  I followed Ledger to his car. I’d been so nervous when Ledger drove me home from the con that I didn’t take the opportunity to admire it. I wasn’t very knowledgeable about cars but like art, I knew what I liked, and I loved the luxurious and spacious nature of Ledger’s deep-blue Infiniti SUV. Ledger liked to bring his own equipment to places, whenever he did go, so having a big car wasn’t surprising. Owning a car wasn’t something I’d ever considered since taking the bus was no big deal for me, but if I ever did, it would probably be something like Ledger’s.

  He played music as we drove—no surprise there—but it wasn’t as loud as when we drove back from the con, which meant if I wanted to say something, I could.

  “So, what made you decide on the name ‘DJ Edge’?”

  The side of his mouth quirked. “My name is Ledger, and Edge worked real well. I got lucky there.”

  Duh. Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’m an idiot. “Yeah, makes sense.” I turned to face the passenger window and rolled my eyes.


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