Innkeeper Chronicles 3.5: Sweep of the Blade

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Innkeeper Chronicles 3.5: Sweep of the Blade Page 30

by Ilona Andrews

  planet, so there will be little chance of them reuniting.”

  “What about the Kozor and Serak Houses?” Maud asked. “Who will be

  in charge now?”

  Ilemina sneered. “House Krahr doesn’t concern itself with the petty

  political squabbles of minor houses. I can tell you who won’t be in

  charge: the idiots who thought to test the might of Krahr. If they want

  to travel to Karhari and retrieve what’s left of their former leaders, that

  is their burden. I have a feeling they will be in no hurry to do so. No

  matter, onto more important things. I understand my son has asked you

  to marry him?”

  “Mother,” Arland snarled.

  “Yes,” Maud said.


  “Did you accept?”


  Ilemina smiled, baring her fangs. “Excellent. We have some impressive

  recordings of both of you from the battle on the station, lots of blood,

  severed limbs. They are working on it now. We will splice it in with the

  wedding announcement. Shall we say a month from now? The valas will

  be in full bloom. You don’t want to get married on the Battle Station, do


  Arland put his left hand over his face.

  Both Ilemina and Otubar stared at her.

  “Ummm, no?” Maud said, not sure if she should brace herself. “I would

  prefer a traditional wedding…”

  “That’s my girl,” Ilemina said. “You sure you want to marry him?”

  “I love him, and I would be honored to be his wife if he will have me.”

  Ilemina looked at her son.

  “Why can’t you ever leave anything alone?” he asked.

  “The lady professed her love. It requires a response.”

  “I love her. I want to marry her.”

  “Perfect,” Ilemina said. “I am glad we have all that cleared up.”


  Otubar reached over and plucked Helen from the bed. “Come with me,

  child. It’s time we tested you with other weapons.”

  “If you do well, I will give you cake,” Ilemina said.

  Helen’s eyes lit up. “What kind of cake?”

  “Delicious kind,” Otubar told her. He set her on his massive shoulder like

  she was a parrot and carried her out of the room. Ilemina watched them

  go with a smile, followed them, and paused in the doorway.

  “By the way,” she said, “I was going to tell you once you both have

  properly recovered, but since you’re awake, I might as well. A human is

  here to see you. I was going to turn him away, but he is an Arbitrator,

  which presents some difficulties. His name is Klaus. He says he is your







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