Bad Boys Break Hearts

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Bad Boys Break Hearts Page 10

by Smeltzer, Micalea

  My jaw drops at that last tidbit of information, especially since it hits close to home. At one point my dad talked about running for President one day. Obviously that never came to fruition.

  “That’s probably just a rumor,” I whisper, mostly to make myself feel better.

  “What’s a rumor?” I jump in surprise, finding Cole’s tall lean body towering above us.

  Kenna, the subtle person she is, begins to elbow me repeatedly in the arm giving me a look that says told ya so.

  “N-Nothing,” I stutter, caught off guard by his imposing presence. The guy is tall. No wonder he’s a basketball player. “How are you?” I ask, raising my hand to shield my eyes from the sun. It’s too bad I don’t own prescription sunglasses, but they’re expensive and maybe it’s vain of me but I didn’t want to wear the ones that fit over my glasses because I think they look dumb.

  “Good, good. You ran off the other night.”

  I’m about to ask him what he’s talking about, but then I remember how after Mascen cornered me in the closet at Harvey’s I grabbed the girls and left.

  “Oh, yeah. I was the DD. I had to get these ladies home.” I smile up at him.

  My neck begins to prickle like a thousand tiny spiders are crawling up my spine. I hate spiders and want to swat at my body, but I know they’re not actually on me. Instead, I’m certain if I turn around I’ll find Mascen boring a hole into the back of my neck.

  “Ah, I understand.” His full lips tilt up on the corners, his amber eyes shining down on me. “So, if you’re not running off on me then, does that mean if I ask you on a date you’ll say yes?”

  Kenna lets out a gasp and Li giggles. Worst wing women ever.

  “I guess that depends, are you asking?” The words sound far more flirtatious than I meant them to and Cole’s grin grows. He might not make my heart pound out of my chest like Mascen does, but he is a nice guy and seems to genuinely like me. Why shouldn’t I go out with him? Sometimes chemistry isn’t there right away, but it can grow in time as you get to know a person.

  Angling his head to the side, he smirks in a playful way. “Do you want to go out on a date with me, Rory?”

  I hesitate for a moment, because Cole is Mascen’s friend and if this would go somewhere things could get potentially awkward. But I’m not about to let Mascen Wade keep me from living my life. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  Somehow his smile grows impossibly larger. “Cool. Give me your phone.” I pass him my cell and he puts his number in before giving it back to me. “Text me so I have yours.” He winks and then smiles at Li and Kenna. “See you guys later.”

  He heads back up the few steps to rejoin his friends.

  Minutes pass, but my neck never stops burning.

  * * *

  “Yes! Run! Run! Run!” I jump up and down, shouting at the quarterback. Or I think it’s the quarterback. That’s the only player I know the name of so it’s what I’m going with. I’ve never been a sports person, but witnessing the game in person has me wanting to learn. This is fun. Intense, but enjoyable.

  Whoever he is, and whatever position he plays, he manages to make a touchdown, but barely.

  Sitting back down, I sip at the soda I bought in the first quarter. It’s watered down now, but I don’t relish the thought of paying five bucks for another.

  “Aren’t you glad you came?” Kenna bumps her shoulder with mine. Her face paint is smeared now, and while I’d look like I tried to watercolor my face, somehow she makes it look intentional.

  “Definitely.” I grin back at her and then at Li.

  I was worried I might get stuck with girls who wouldn’t like me, or that I wouldn’t like them, but while all three of us are vastly different, Kenna the outgoing one, Li the more quiet shy one, and me somewhere in the middle, we all click.

  I focus my gaze on the field in front of us, trying to ignore the non-stop itching on my neck. I’ve refused to look, but I know Mascen has stared at me the entire game. He probably knows by now that I agreed to a date with his friend and he’s even more pissed off at me for no good reason. It’s clear he has a chip on his shoulder, from what I don’t know, but he’s decided to use me as his own personal punching bag. Too bad for him, I’ve already been one for my mom and I won’t be that girl anymore. I will stand up for myself. He can act like a bully all he wants, but he’ll never get me where he wants me.

  When the game ends, the stands immediately start emptying out, and with them goes the creepy crawly feeling I endured the whole time. I blow out a relieved breath, smiling and chatting with Li and Kenna as we exit the stadium.

  We pick up a pizza and some beer, courtesy of Kenna’s fake ID, to take back to our dorm.

  Entering the small space, I’m overcome with a sense of peace. It amazes me how quickly this place has become home. I haven’t had this feeling of comfort since I was eight. It’s something I won’t take for granted.

  Sitting the pizza box down on the coffee table, I flip open the lid, grabbing a slice of pepperoni before getting comfortable on the couch.

  Kenna removes the caps from the beer and passes one to Li and me.

  “God, I love pizza,” Li hums, nibbling on the end of hers. She always takes the smallest of bites, reminding me of a rabbit.

  “Me too.” Kenna swipes a slice and plops into the chair.

  I’m sure we all look a mess from being outside in the still warm early fall weather. Tennessee heat is no joke. The humidity is enough to take a grown man down.

  “Do you know what you’re going to wear on your date with Cole?”

  At Li’s question Kenna instantly perks up. I’m kind of surprised she’s going into graphic design with as much as she loves fashion.

  “Oh … um … I haven’t thought about it yet. I mean, he only just asked me.”

  “Don’t worry,” Kenna leans forward, her piece of pizza dangling, “I’ll take care of it.”

  I feel like I should be a tad worried about what she might pick for me to wear, but I can’t bring myself to care. I’m learning the happier I am, the less I care about any other bullshit. If only I wasn’t so afraid that my current happiness is entirely fleeting.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Cole talked about Aurora the whole fucking game. I think Cupid shot him with a fucking arrow or something. Cole has never talked about another chick like this before. It’s fucking irritating, and why does it have to be her of all people? If it was any other girl he was talking about I’d probably be laughing my ass off seeing him all torn up over her but this was Rory.

  I might not want her, but I saw her first.

  Fuck, I sound like a petulant child whining over a toy.

  “What’s up, man?” Teddy pounds his hand down on my shoulder, shaking me from my thoughts. His fingers are wrapped around a red Solo cup, and his smile is that of a guy who knows he’s getting laid tonight. I look around the party raging in my house. At one point I actually liked these things. It was an excuse to get shit-faced and pound some pussy. Tonight, it’s more an annoyance than anything.

  “Enjoying the view.” I sweep my fingers over the middle of the living room where a group of girls dance, gyrating on each other and trying to get attention from those watching.

  Teddy’s lips tip up on the corner. “Me too.” He takes a sip from the cup. “I don’t see where you’re actually enjoying it, though.”

  I twist my lips together, trying to think of a response but frankly I’ve got nothing since he isn’t wrong.

  “Maybe parties are starting to get a bit old.”

  “Or maybe you’re getting boring.” Teddy laughs, smacking the back of his hand against my chest. “I’m going to enjoy myself.”

  I watch as he lifts his cup in the air, bleeding into the space between the girls. Several swarm around him like those dumb bugs that dive straight for a bright light. I roll my eyes, silently wishing one would get zapped, because at least that would provide some sort of entertainment for me.
/>   Emptying my cup I toss it in one of the trash bags Cole and I set out through the townhouse to encourage people not to drop their shit where they feel like it.

  Turning, I head onto the back deck, digging out the pack of cigarettes from my pocket as I go. Leaning against the railing, I light up the cigarette, pulling in a long drag to fill my lungs. Shoving my fingers through my hair, I look out at the townhouses behind mine. Row after row, life after life, all perfectly lined up. But nothing is ever truly neat and tidy. I suppose I have to admire the human tenacity to try anyway.

  The way I see it, life fucks you over again and again.

  No one else is out on the deck, thank fuck for that. I’m not in the mood for the chaos and necessary socialization. But when am I ever? I’ve learned to play a part, but it’s not me. Honestly, who the fuck am I?

  My mom would tell me I’m Mascen Zane Wade. That I’m a great son and brother. A fantastic baseball player. That I care a lot—I would say too much, and that’s another reason I’m so fucked up.

  Tugging on my hair, a growl rips out of my throat. My insides are in constant turmoil as I do my best to hold onto the last of my sanity. I’m struggling in so many ways, with a million different things I can’t speak of.

  Standing outside for a few more minutes I smoke another cigarette before heading back in. Immediately the music and chatter is too much to handle. I could go up to bed—we always keep the upstairs off limits—but I would still hear everyone existing in a world I’m no longer a part of.

  Slipping through the bodies, I make my way to the bottom level, digging the keys to my truck out of the bowl by the garage door.

  I normally drive my Land Rover everywhere, but the cherry red Chevrolet Silverado is what I want to go out in tonight.

  None of my friends notice me leave since I don’t immediately receive a text asking where I’m going. I’m thankful most of them are occupied for the most part, especially Cole since he notices shit the most. He was playing beer pong with a couple of guys from the football team the last I saw of him.

  Putting the garage door up, I back out, disappearing into the night and passed all the cars parked on the street.

  Driving out of town a short way, I turn onto an unmarked gravel road. I found it by chance on a night I was stressed and couldn’t sleep. I got out and drove and drove, trying to clear my head. I ended up here and it’s been one of my favorite places ever since.

  Parking the truck in the field, I hop out and grab some blankets from the back seat. Pulling the cab down I hop in and toss the blankets down to form a cushion against the hard bed. Laying down, I look up at the sky.

  It’s clear, full of stars—a country sky unpolluted by the human population.

  This land is probably on someone’s farm, but I’ve never been caught yet, so I keep coming. It’s a place that feels entirely mine. Free of judgment and the fear I seem to live with constantly anymore.

  What do you have to be afraid of Mascen?


  But the stars above me? They don’t judge me for my sins, my mistakes, and my misdeeds, not like the entire world does.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wipe down the last of my tables, the restaurant lights dimmed since it’s after closing time. Aldo counts the cash in the register and Izzy is in the kitchen making sure everything is cleaned and left orderly.

  Tossing the rag over my shoulder, I release a breath. It’s been a busy night and now that it’s over exhaustion has hit tenfold. My feet ache, sweat is dried to my skin, and there’s a sting of hunger in my belly.

  It’s nearly midnight and on top of the chaotic evening Mascen returned with another date. Totally different girl, but same table, and a nearly identical order. My gut tells me he’s trying to get under my skin, that he thinks he can hurt me by rubbing other girls in my face.

  “Tired?” Aldo asks, closing the cash register. He leans forward on his elbows, his white t-shirt pulled tight over his muscular chest.

  “Yeah,” I admit, sliding onto the barstool across from him. “Hungry too.”

  He rubs his stubbled jaw, his lips twisting. “Hold on a sec.” He holds up a finger and disappears into the kitchen. I watch after him with a raised brow, wondering what he’s up to.

  A grin splits my face when he returns a few minutes later with French fries from the kids menu on a giant platter with a cup of ketchup.

  “Please tell me you like fries,” he practically begs, setting the plate down in front of me. One of the fries falls off the side and he deftly grabs it, tossing it into the bin behind the bar.

  “Of course, who doesn’t?”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  We both pick up a fry, dunking it into the ketchup at the same time. We exchange twin grins. I have to stifle a moan at how delicious the fry tastes. I skipped dinner since the rush was insane and now I’m paying for it.

  “These are yummy.” I’m pretty sure anything would taste like heaven to me right now.

  “Don’t tell my sister these are my favorite thing on the menu. She’ll kill me. My mom too.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.” I mime zipping my lips and tossing the key over my shoulder.

  He grins at me, a dimple popping out in the corner of his left cheek.

  “Ooh, fries!” Heather, the waitress that had called in sick the day I was hired, breezes over and swipes two fries. “See you later, guys. I’m out.” She waves over her shoulder as she leaves, her bright red hair swaying. There and gone in a moment.

  Despite my past waitressing experience I’ve learned a few new things from Heather. The girl is scarily efficient and Izzy would be lost without her.

  “I’m going to have to get her back for that,” Aldo remarks, leaning his arms on the shiny wood counter. “No one takes my fries.”

  I pause with one ketchup dipped fry raised halfway to my mouth. “But I’m eating your fries.”

  He reaches for another. “Yeah, but I chose to share with you.”

  For some reason color rushes to my cheeks.

  Rubbing his hands on a napkin he stands up straight. “I have some things to finish. Leave some for me.” With a wink, he turns, heading down to the other end of the bar to clean.

  Shaking my head, I scarf down a few more fries before getting up to leave. “Thanks, Aldo.”

  “See you tomorrow, Rory.”

  I give him an awkward wave, heading into the back to grab my bag. Clocking out, I exit through the back door into the parking lot reserved for employees.

  My truck is parked near the end, closest to the back alley. Not the safest spot, but when I got here it was the only one left open.

  With my head bowed, fumbling for the key to my truck I don’t notice the form leaning against the driver’s side until a cigarette butt comes sailing into my line of vision, falling to the ground right in front of my foot.

  I jump back, my hand flying to my chest in surprise, so of course my keys fall out of my hands to the ground, right next to that stupid butt.

  “I don’t remember you being so clumsy,” his deep, husky voice intones. He bends down, that dark head of hair of his nearly close enough to graze me. With one large hand he scoops the keys up, but does he give them back? Of course not. He loops the chain around his index finger, spinning it around and around. Taunting me like a trapped bird.

  “I didn’t remember you being a stalker.” I try to swipe my keys from him, but he has the reflexes of a ninja and deftly lifts his arm high enough above his six-foot-plus frame that there’s no chance I can reach them.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, along with my keys, he draws his shoulders up. He stares down at me, his eyes are black pools in the dark. A shiver courses down my spine, one not from any sort of chill in the air, but the electric forcefield that seems to exist around him.

  He keeps staring, not saying a word. Rolling my eyes, my hands settle on my hips.

  “What is it, Mascen? Why are you lurking around my ca
r after midnight? I’m tired and not in the mood to deal with you and your bullshit.”

  He moves so fast I don’t have time to react. I find my back pressed against the side of my truck, the rickety door protesting from the sudden contact.

  “I don’t know why the fuck I’m here,” he seethes, his eyes darting down to my lips. “I shouldn’t be, that’s for hell sure. You should be the last thing on my mind, but lately you’re invading every fucking thought of mine.” His lips skim over the side of my cheek and dammit if I don’t shiver in pleasure from the touch. His hand comes up to my chin, holding my head so I can’t move. My heart thunders in an out of control beat, threatening to tumble out of my chest. I bet Mascen wouldn’t bother catching it. No, he’d let it fall to the ground and stomp all over it.

  Stiffening my spine, refusing to cower to him, I say, “Looks like you’ve got me right where you want me, if you ask me. Cornered. In your grasp. What are you going to do about it?” His tongue moistens his lips at my words and I find myself smirking. “You want to kiss me, don’t you, Mascen? But you’re too chicken-shit to do it. That’s what all bullies are—afraid.”

  He snarls at me, opening his mouth to speak, but that’s when one of the dumpsters clang.

  “Rory? You still here?” I hear Aldo’s voice coming closer and Mascen slowly registers it too, realizing we’re not alone. He lets go of me, shoving my keys in my hand.

  “Don’t go on a date with Cole.”

  The words, you can’t tell me what to do, are right on the tip of my tongue but he bleeds into the shadows, disappearing completely and suddenly I’m alone.


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