The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 17

by Macy Blake

“Rise, Solomon. Your wounds have healed. Thank you for your service today.”

  “It is my honor.”

  The others woke as well, each of them healed. Even Ollie and Natasha. “Solomon, will you take the others back to your realm? I have a few last items of business to take care of.”

  “Of course, my goddess.”

  Solomon opened a portal as each of his pack rose. They bowed to the goddess before turning to Shaq. He gripped each of them by the shoulder, marking them with his scent before they stepped one-by-one back into the bar. The goddess pulled Ollie and Natasha to her next, touching them both on the cheeks. Magic flowed and they gasped. “There are big things in store for you, young ones. Your bravery today will be well-rewarded.”

  “Thank you,” Ollie said.

  “We take care of pack,” Natasha replied.

  “Your fathers have taught you well.” She turned to Vaughn and Sam next. “Your children are amazing. They are a credit to you and your pack.”

  Sam sniffed and lowered his head. “Thank you.”

  “Go now, Jerrick pack. Meshaq will send you to your home. Please keep the events of this day to yourselves.”

  Shaq opened a second portal, and they stepped through after Ollie and Natasha grabbed Shaq in a hug. Once they were through, Shaq closed it again and grabbed Drew’s hand. But the goddess wasn’t finished yet. There was one pack member left.

  Walt stood frozen next to the tree where he’d woken up. He looked like he didn’t quite know what to say or do. Shaq could only imagine what this must feel like to him. “Walter,” the goddess whispered.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Your bravery today showed courage and wisdom. Under normal circumstances, I could not make this offer to you, but I wish to reward my champion today as well.”

  Walt glanced at Shaq and Drew then turned back to her. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Would you like to become one of us? A true hellhound of Meshaq’s pack, a protector of the secrets and guardian to humans?”

  Shaq couldn’t help the burst of pride that soared through him. It was the biggest honor he could receive from her, adding another to his pack in such a way. Walt looked at him again and smiled sadly before gesturing to his leg. “I’m in no shape to be much of a protector.”

  “I disagree,” the goddess said sweetly. “You are exactly what a guardian should be. Will you accept my offer?”

  Walt looked to Shaq, who smiled and gave him a nod of approval. “I… I will,” Walt said.

  The goddess reached out to him and held both cheeks in her hands. Her magic glowed brightly and swirls of flames filled the entire area. Drew gasped and tucked his face into Shaq’s shoulder, but Shaq never took his eyes from Walt. His newest pack member. Within seconds, a huge hellhound stood where Walt had been seconds before. Shaq threw back his head and howled and Walt quickly joined in. When he finished, he looked back to his goddess. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my champion. Until we meet again.”

  She faded from the clearing, leaving Shaq alone with Drew and Walt. Once she was gone, Walt transformed back into his human form. He took a tentative step forward, and nearly broke down. “It doesn’t hurt,” he gasped. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”


  Drew knew something was wrong the second consciousness returned. It had been a really weird few days as they got Walt adjusted to being a newly formed hellhound. Shaq had been on high alert, refusing to leave Drew’s side unless he had multiple hellhound guards around him. It was going to be a thing. So when he woke up and he wasn’t safely tucked in bed beside his furnace of a mate… he breathed and looked around. He was standing outside in the grass of their front yard. At least he’d gone to bed with clothes on. He was always cold lately, even with Meshaq beside him.

  “Hello, young man.”

  Drew yelped and spun around, only to come face to face with an old woman. She was standing on the sidewalk in front of Shaq’s house, a wooden cane in her hand. He knew her. He’d met her before. The memories flooded his mind, and he went back to right before he ran. When what he now understood were wolf shifters were after him, convinced he was their alpha’s mate.

  The moment Drew left his apartment, he knew they were out there. He couldn’t see them, but he could feel them. He hurried to unlock the car, climbed inside, and immediately locked the doors again. He looked around, but still didn’t see anyone. His instincts were screaming at him to move, so he started the car and drove toward the hotel. The gas light came on in his car and he glanced down at it nervously. He’d been needing to get gas for a few days, but he’d been too scared to stop.

  Making a quick detour, Drew headed for the nearest gas station. There was one by the highway that was huge and really well lit. It was also always really busy. He pulled up to one of the pumps and waited in the car for another second to see if anyone pulled in behind him. No one did. He hurried out of the car and began pumping his gas while keeping an eye on his surroundings. That’s when he saw her. An old woman was walking down the sidewalk, a wooden cane in one hand. She appeared to be struggling toward the gas station.

  The pump stopped, and Drew finished the transaction. He screwed the cap back on his gas tank and tapped his foot nervously. He couldn’t just let her struggle. He sucked in a breath and looked around, but didn’t see any of his creepy followers. He hurried over to her but stopped several steps away so he didn’t startle her. “Ma’am? Do you need a hand?”

  She glanced up at him with a beaming smile. “Aren’t you sweet,” she said softly. “I’d love a hand if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t. Not at all. Where are you headed?”

  “Just into the store there. I decided I needed some of those cheese crackers with peanut butter so I made the trip to pick up some.”

  Drew couldn’t help but smile in return. She sounded like every awesome grandmother he’d ever seen on television. “Then let’s go get you some.”

  She looped her arm through his, and he guided her into the gas station. It was relatively busy, so Drew decided to stay with her and make sure she was okay. Getting his mind off his own worries was a relief. He grabbed a pack of the same crackers she picked up for himself and joined her in the checkout line. There were several people in line in front of them, and they ended up standing beside a spinning rack filled with neatly-folded paper maps.

  She plucked one out while they were waiting and grinned mischievously at him. “You ever play the map game?”

  Drew shook his head. “What’s the map game?”

  “Well, sometimes, life gets a little heavy and I think, if I could just get away, where would I go? I pick up a map and close my eyes. Where ever I point, that’s where I’d go.”

  “That sounds fun,” Drew said. “I don’t really just get in the car and go.”

  “No one does, anymore. We should, though. Sometimes the best thing we can do is get in the car and go.”

  It was her turn to check out, so she stepped up to the register and bought the crackers and the map. When she was finished, Drew paid for his crackers, and they walked together back outside. She handed him the map and smiled. “Next time things get heavy, point to the map, sweet boy.”

  He couldn’t help but smile back at her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know I didn’t. I wanted to.”

  “You know, my day was set to be bad, but you reminded me it doesn’t have to be. Thank you,” Drew said.

  She patted his hand and stared at him. He trembled and wasn’t sure why. “Remember, Drew. The only way out of the darkness is to be the light.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She patted his hand again and ignored his question. “Thank you for showing a kindness to an old woman. You lightened my load today.”

  “Will you be okay getting back home?” Drew asked. “I can move my car and walk with you.”

  “Oh, I’ll be fine.” She gave her pack of crackers a little shake. “I’ve got
some extra fuel.”

  She gave him a wave and another sweet, beaming smile as she walked away. Drew clutched the map to his chest as got into the car before he tucked it into the glove box. A few nights later, when he’d been desperate and afraid, he’d done just what she suggested. He pulled out the map and pointed.

  The memory faded and he stared at her as he chewed his lip nervously, remembering that spot on the map. It had led him directly to Shaq. “How?”

  “Magic, my boy. You found him, I see.”

  Drew glanced back toward the house. “I should get him.”

  “You could. What are your instincts telling you?”

  That he should wait another minute.

  “You sent me to him, didn’t you?”

  She wiggled her eyebrows at him and grinned mischievously. He chuckled in reply. There was something about her.

  “He’s my mate,” Drew said, his smile still bright. “You knew.”

  “Of course, I did. May I come closer, Drew?”

  She knew his name. It should worry him, but he had a feeling she knew a lot more than just his name. He nodded and she stepped closer, her cane tapping into the grass as she reached him. She patted his cheek with a smile. “You are going to have such a beautiful life, my boy.”

  “You helped me. Why?”

  “Because a soul as bright as yours shouldn’t be dulled by something dark and dangerous. I’m tired of waiting, sweet Drew, and you were my way forward.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will. One day. But for now, we have other things to discuss. How are you feeling?”

  Drew shrugged. “Fine? Why is something wrong?”

  She grinned again. “You tell me. Is something wrong?”

  “Well… I mean, I feel weird, I guess? And everyone keeps saying I smell really good. Like doughnuts or something. I mean, who smells like doughnuts other than someone who works at Krispy Kreme? Oh man, Krispy Kreme sounds really good right now.”

  “Then we shall get you some.” She held out her hand, and Drew took it without thinking. From one blink to the next, they were standing outside a white and green shop. The bright neon red sign was lit up. Hot now.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I just did. And I won’t be doing it on command either. This is a special occasion.”

  “It is?”

  She did the eyebrow wiggle thing again and Drew had to laugh. She walked into the shop and up to the counter. “I need doughnuts, young man.”

  The kid behind the counter turned with a snarly scowl, but it immediately turned into a smile. She had that effect on people. Drew couldn’t seem to stop smiling, either. “How many?”

  “Drew, how many?”

  “Um… four or five dozen. Oh wait, I don’t have my wallet.”

  “Child, the day I can’t get you doughnuts is the day I stop… well, the day I just stop. We better get six dozen, because your other half is going to be calling his pack in, and we’ll want to feed them.”

  “He will? Why?”

  “He just will.”

  The kid began piling the pastries into boxes and then Drew got a whiff of the coffee. “Oh God,” Drew groaned.

  “I’d rather you called me Goddess,” she said.

  Drew blushed and looked away. “Sorry. The coffee smells so good. I really need to get some of the good stuff for the house. Shaq’s coffee tastes like water, I swear.”

  “Then we shall get you some coffee. You know, coffee was my idea. Back in the day.”

  Drew blinked and looked over at her. “We have coffee because of you?”

  “One of my finer accomplishments, if I do say so myself.”

  The poor kid behind the counter just looked confused but he poured Drew a to-go cup of coffee and passed it over the counter.

  “Anything else?”

  She just smiled at him again and the kid smiled back and handed over the stack of boxes. She pulled a small coin purse out of her pocket and gave him some cash. Drew stood there blinking like an idiot until she put the boxes in his hand and led him out the door again. “Those sure do smell good,” she whispered.

  Another blink, and they were standing in front of Shaq’s house again.

  “Uh-oh,” she whispered. “I do believe your mate has awoken and knows you aren’t there. We should probably go inside.”

  Drew adjusted his hold on the boxes. “Should… I know it’s probably rude and you’re like… the Goddess? I’m not sure. Ohhh. You’re the Mother Goddess.” Shaq had explained it to him after their encounter with the three goddesses. Supposedly, the mother had turned over her powers to her three daughters. But Drew was beginning to figure out that wasn’t actually the case at all.

  “That I am, Drew. Now what’s this about being rude?”

  “Would… would you mind waiting outside for just a minute? I think I should go in alone.”

  Her eyes twinkled as she looked at him. But she nodded anyway. “Go ahead. I’ll be along in a moment.”

  “Thank you for understanding. This… it’s new, and we’re still…and with everything that’s happened.”

  “I know.”

  Drew hurried into the house just as Shaq opened the bedroom door and came out. He was scowling, as Drew had expected. His mate really didn’t like it when he couldn’t see him. “I’m here.”

  Shaq glanced down at the boxes, then up at Drew with a frown. “Did you leave? I’d have come with you.”

  “Well… sort of?”

  “How did you sort of leave?”

  “Um… I’m going to put these in the kitchen, and then I have someone I want you to meet.”

  Shaq’s back immediately straightened and his eyes began to dance with flames, so instead of going into the kitchen, Drew headed for Shaq and pushed the boxes into his arms. “Will you put these in the kitchen for me?”

  “Did you get coffee?”


  “Smells really good.”

  “I know. Will you put some cream and sugar in it for me?”

  “Drew? Love, what’s going on?” Shaq asked.

  “Well… first, I’m fine. Just… hold on. I need to get… her.”

  Shaq grumbled a little, a low disapproving growl, but he nodded and went into the kitchen anyway. Drew went back to the front door and found the Mother Goddess standing there with a serene smile.

  “Sorry,” Drew said. “Um, he’s a little out of sorts.”

  She stepped forward and looped her arm through Drew’s. Her cane tapped as they crossed the living room and entered the kitchen.

  Shaq froze, his eyes widening and flames dancing brighter than Drew had ever seen them before. He began to glow, an orange-red mist surrounding him.

  Shaq dropped to his knees. “Goddess,” he whispered.

  Drew blanched. “Oh no. Was I supposed to?” He gestured to Shaq’s reverent position and waved his hand around.

  “No, my boy. Champion, rise.”

  Shaq looked extremely nervous as he stood, his gaze darting back and forth between them. Drew moved away and tucked himself under Shaq’s arm. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I know her.”

  Shaq turned wide eyes to Drew. “You know the Mother Goddess?”

  “Well, yes? Sort of? I mean, I didn’t know she was a goddess. I just thought she was this nice old lady that I helped. But… she sent me to you. It’s because of her that I’m here.”

  Shaq hugged Drew to him and looked over at the goddess.

  “Thank you,” he said, awe heavy in his voice. “Thank you for my mate.”

  “You’re very welcome, Meshaq. You should call your pack. You’ll be wanting them gathered soon.”

  “I… I can do that. Is something wrong? How armed do they need to be?”

  She made a face, that twinkle eye thing, and smiled. “You’ll want them to be very well armed, I’m sure. But tell them we have doughnuts.”

  Shaq didn’t look like he gave a crap about the doughnuts. “Portal?”

; “No need,” she said kindly. “Besides, that’ll give me time to pick the best ones.”

  She opened one of the boxes and plucked out a doughnut.

  Shaq looked down at Drew. “My phone is in the bedroom.”

  “Go get it. I’m fine, I promise.”

  Shaq didn’t look completely convinced, but Drew gave him a little nudge. He hurried out of the room and Drew took the opportunity to snag a doughnut for himself. “Man, these things smell amazing.”

  “It was a good idea.”’

  Shaq sprinted back into the kitchen, his phone clutched in his hand. His bare feet slid across the tiled floor and he ended up bumping into Drew as he stopped. “Really?”

  Shaq ducked his head and the goddess giggled.

  “He’s crazy about you. I can’t say I blame him.”

  “Oh, don’t you start, too,” Drew griped. “It encourages him to act like this.”

  She scoffed at him a took a bite of doughnut. Jam squirted out the others side and plopped down on the counter. She giggled again.

  Drew couldn’t help but grin back at her. It was as if he couldn’t be upset if she was there.

  Shaq wrapped his arm around Drew and then snagged a doughnut for himself. “Pack is coming. I didn’t tell them why, just said I needed them to gather at my place.”


  She finished her treat, and Drew handed her a paper towel to wipe off the gooey sugar.

  “Before the rest arrive, I’d like to tell you both a few things you might not know.”

  “That sounds serious,” Drew said quietly. He leaned back into Shaq, seeking a bit of comfort from his mate.

  “Serious, yes. Dangerous… maybe a little. But it doesn’t mean bad. No, Drew, in fact, you’re the opposite of bad.”

  “He’s good,” Shaq confirmed.

  She smiled at the big lug, and Drew could practically hear her cooing at him.

  “What’s the opposite of an alpha, Meshaq?”

  Shaq frowned and tucked Drew in a little closer. He didn’t answer. Drew looked up at him and saw Shaq’s puzzled frown.

  “Opposite?” Shaq asked. “I… I don’t.”

  Something weird was happening. Drew didn’t understand, but there was something going on. Shaq seemed to be having trouble thinking, like he was struggling to remember something but couldn’t. He had his hand spread out across Drew’s chest and Drew laid his on top of it. Tension bled out of Shaq at Drew’s touch, but the confusion didn’t fade.


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