The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 29

by Macy Blake


  Saeward stretched and tried not to smile at the grunt of disapproval he received from Eduard. The beautiful redhead was curled in front of him in their massive bed. The others were there as well, most of them worn out and sleeping with little smiles of satisfaction on their faces. The exception was Draco, who eyed him with a pleased expression from the opposite side of the bed. The dragon had Sawyer plastered against him, and he was rubbing his hand gently up and down Sawyer’s spine. How all of the noise from the bathroom hadn’t woken Sawyer was a surprise to Saeward, but he was still sleeping soundly when they’d returned to the bedroom. Draco had been awake and watching. For a moment, he’d been nervous, wondering if Draco would be angry. But he looked smug, as if he’d been biding his time and waiting for the moment to happen. As if he’d known all along that it would.

  Ward hoped Sawyer would feel the same. But in his heart, he already knew he would. If there were a visible bond between Sawyer and his mates, Saeward would be able to see that he was now connected to the web. He’d practically felt it snap into place while in the tub with the others. But why hadn’t it been for Sawyer alone? Why had he felt so connected to the other guardians without Sawyer there? It was a puzzle, but one for which he wouldn’t spend too much time seeking an answer. Instead, he would be thankful that he had such delightful companions whose beauty and power were unmatched. His own smile turned proud. If the prince could see him now, he would seethe with jealousy.


  He would not spoil this moment with memories from the past. He rubbed his chest and stretched once more. The water called to him. He wanted to escape for a short time, if only to process all that had happened. He loved nothing more than to sink beneath the surface and let the sounds of the world above dim and fade to a dull roar. But that would require leaving them, and he couldn’t quite bear to move.

  “Go,” Draco rumbled quietly, drawing Ward’s attention once more. “We’ll join you when the others wake up. Sawyer is beginning to stir, and the others are simply napping after your delightful romp in the tub.”

  Saeward couldn’t help but grin. “Delightful romp?”

  “Well, it certainly sounded appealing. I could have simply said that the noises you managed to draw from our boys were delightful. I wish I could have witnessed their faces.”

  Our boys. His cheeks heated, but he didn’t look away. “They are beautiful.”


  “You don’t…mind?”

  “Mind? You making love to our mates and making them happy? You beginning to understand and accept your place in our lives? Why would I mind?”

  When he put it like that… Saeward searched Draco’s gaze but found no signs of anything but happiness and contentment.

  “We are very close,” Draco added softly. “Soon, the guardians will all be gathered. Only two remain.”

  “Do you… worry?”

  “Worry?” Draco asked.

  “That it will grow more dangerous the closer he comes to completing the circle.”

  Sawyer stirred, and Draco began a low rumble that settled him once more.

  “It is my greatest fear,” Draco confessed. “Now go get your morning swim in so you don’t begin to twitch while we’re having breakfast. The prince and his companions should be returning soon. Will you let Cecil know that we’ll breakfast out by the pool this morning?”

  Saeward nodded and gave Eduard’s hair one last nuzzle before he climbed from the bed and grabbed a pair of shorts from the set of drawers Eduard had set aside for him. As he slipped them on, he couldn’t help but turn his attention back to the tangle of limbs on display. They melded together, each touching the others. And to think that he was part of that now. He met Draco’s pleased expression once more before turning and leaving the room.

  Pearl greeted him once he made it downstairs, demanding his attention by pushing against his legs and dancing around his feet. He knelt down and hugged her properly then scratched behind her ears for good measure. She bumped her face against his before turning to run for her ball.

  “Good morning, Saeward,” Cecil said.

  “Good morning. Draco asked me to tell you we’re having breakfast by the pool this morning.”

  “Excellent choice. You’re heading for your morning swim?”

  “Yes. I will play fetch with Pearl first.”

  Cecil nodded his approval. “She does enjoy her time with you in the mornings.”

  They had developed a routine of sorts. Usually, Pearl slept in the room with them, and as Saeward was the first one out, he took her with him. This morning, she’d already been downstairs enjoying her favorite sunny spot on her pillow by the big doors overlooking the pool. Either way, once he’d learned how much she liked having the ball thrown, he was happy to play. It was always quiet in the mornings. The vampire guards did their rounds, but the fae were all gone to their realm. With Sawyer and the guardians still in bed, it was the time of day with the fewest possible people around.

  He only had to toss the ball three times before Pearl decided she’d rather find a sunny spot to rest. Saeward didn’t blame her. It was a beautiful morning, made only more beautiful by the feelings of joy coursing through his chest. He waded into the pool and slipped beneath the water. His skin tickled with power as his energies settled once more. He felt whole, more balanced than he’d been in a long time. After pushing off the pool bottom, he swam underwater to the deeper end of the pool. He popped up again and couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t need a long swim this morning after all.

  He ducked beneath the gentle waterfall and let it pour over his face before climbing out and making his way up the stone steps to the top of the water feature. Eduard had shown off the design with such pride, having thought of every possible need. A smaller pool was tucked away at the top of the steps, hidden behind cleverly designed landscaping. The water here was warmer, a reminder of the bath from earlier. Saeward’s cheeks heated as he sank into the water, reminded of smooth skin and heated touches. He trembled and couldn’t quite hide his smile. He would have smiled wider if he hadn’t felt eyes on him.

  “It’s rude to hide yourself,” Ward grumbled.

  The captain of the prince’s guard stepped from behind the trees and bowed his head. “My apologies, Guardian.”

  “Come sit. You can still see the valley from there,” Ward said. He pointed to one of the rocks where he often sat with his feet dipped into the hidden oasis at the top of the waterfall. It gave him a view of the others as they trained. He’d been considering speaking to Andvari about helping him as well. The vampire had found ways to use the skills of the others to greater advantage. Ward generally just used his size and brute force. He’d learned from watching the others that with some finesse, he could be even more effective when keeping Sawyer safe from harm. And after this morning, he felt like he could approach Andvari with his request. Their moments together had… bonded them in a way Saeward hadn’t imagined possible. Andvari’s strength had given him courage he hadn’t known he possessed. And the rewards… they had been better than he’d ever imagined.

  Loch bounded to the rock and crouched upon it. His gaze traveled the expanse of the property, constantly on guard.

  “You should tell him,” Ward said softly. He’d watched more than only Sawyer and the guardians as he’d kept his distance from them. He’d observed many things, even some about the fae which they’d tried to keep hidden.


  “Well, you should have the prince tell him.”

  Loch merely arched a brow.

  Ward sighed. “That the prince weakens the longer he is here and must return to your realm daily to regain his strength.”

  Loch scowled and jumped down to crouch beside the edge of the pool where Ward sat. “You don’t know what you speak of.”

  His tone was low and threatening, but Ward pressed ahead, his newfound courage giving him boldness he’d long thought taken away.

  “Yes, I do. I haven’t s
aid anything. But you shouldn’t keep it from them. It’s not safe. They need to know if he’s not at his strongest. If another attack occurs—”

  “I will stand between my prince and anything that comes his way.”

  “And what about Sawyer?”

  Loch scowled and returned his attention to the distance.

  “You and I both know that your prince will order you to protect the Chosen One.”

  “That is not my duty.”

  Ward pushed himself out of the water as he heard voices emerging from the house. Draco had been right that they were beginning to stir. Sawyer laughed happily and jumped onto Draco’s back. Draco pretended to almost drop him, drawing another laugh from Sawyer’s lips. Andvari smiled at them both before moving to the edge of the yard where several of the guards waited to give him a morning report.

  “Your duty is to follow your prince’s orders.”

  Ward also knew what that felt like. That forced loyalty that left no room for thoughts or opinions not held by the one you served. Kavalan might hold himself separate from them, but he wouldn’t allow harm to come to Sawyer. He couldn’t. His pride wouldn’t allow it. Loch seemed to know it as well, but he didn’t acknowledge Ward’s statement. He changed the subject instead.

  “It is not safe here,” Loch added after a moment of quietly watching Sawyer and the other guardians.

  “I know. The birds grow restless.” They both paused for a moment and turned their attention to the trees. They rippled with movement, more birds than leaves. It wasn’t natural. “You should at least advise Kavalan to share with Andvari the truth so he is prepared. I understand that he doesn’t want everyone to know his weakness, but look at what they did for me.” Saeward gestured toward the pool and the surrounding landscape. “They built all of this to make sure I had access to water as it was something I needed. They would find a way to do something similar for your prince.”

  “The prince returns to our realm daily. He is fine.”

  “And he leaves you here in case something happens while he’s gone. Who is protecting him while you are here?”

  Loch scowled and ignored the question.

  “He leaves you to protect his mate. Sawyer is his priority. You know I speak the truth. I’m going to go have breakfast,” Ward said before Loch could reply. “Think about what I said. I… I would rather you explain the situation, but I will keep Sawyer safe. He is my priority.”

  Loch glanced once more at the others as they laughed and gathered around the tables surrounding the edge of the pool. Cecil emerged from the house with a tray of coffee mugs, each perfectly made to the likes of each one. Viv and Justine would follow soon after with their breakfast. It was a good routine, and one in which Ward hadn’t really participated before.

  He climbed out of the small pool and looked down at the fae.

  “I will explain the situation to the vampire,” Loch said. “You are right. We mustn’t leave the Chosen One at a disadvantage.”

  “Thank you,” Saeward said. “Um, do you want to have breakfast? I know Viv would make you—”

  “No,” Loch interrupted. “But I’m glad to see that you are joining them. Soon, my prince will take his place among the guardians as well.”

  Ward looked toward the forest where the fae always disappeared in the morning before turning back to Loch. “That would be for the best.”

  He approached the others with only the slightest of hesitations. They always kept an open seat for him. Sawyer had told him early on that he was welcome to sit with them whenever he was ready. He took a breath and walked to the table. Draco was still pretending to try to shake Sawyer off his back, but he was also holding onto his legs so he didn’t actually go anywhere. Eduard already had his phone pressed to his ear and was standing off to the side, but he smiled widely when he noticed Saeward approaching.


  Sawyer wiggled his way free of Draco’s hold before turning and leaping at him. Ward caught him easily and couldn’t help but return Sawyer’s beaming smile. “Good morning. You’re going to get all wet.”

  Sawyer pecked a kiss onto his cheek as he dangled in Ward’s arms. “I don’t care. Are you joining us for breakfast?”

  Ward nodded, and it earned him another of those bright smiles.

  “Can we go for a swim after I workout with Andvari?”

  “Of course. I am hoping to speak with him about training as well.”


  Ward nodded.

  Sawyer let out a happy sigh. “This is going to be an awesome day. My brother’s here. Victor’s coming. You’re all here.” Sawyer lowered his voice and tucked his face close to Saeward’s ear. “And you spent some time with the others. I’m so happy.”

  “As am I,” Ward rumbled quietly.

  Sawyer hugged him tight, and he stood there for a long moment holding his mate close. The others looked on, smiling as well, before Viv arrived with bowls of food for each of the round tables. Ward sat Sawyer back on his feet then placed a gentle kiss to his forehead. “We should sit before they eat everything.”

  Sawyer bolted toward Draco and flopped down onto his lap. Draco let out an oomph of mock pain, but adjusted his position without complaint to make room for his mate. Saeward snagged one of the fluffy towels from the basket at the edge of the pool and wrapped it around his waist before he sat down next to them. Within seconds, he had Henry sitting on him while he sent a smug grin Sawyer’s way.

  “What?” Henry asked, blinking with faux innocence at them all. “We have guests. We need extra seats. I don’t mind sharing.”

  “I bet you don’t,” Sawyer said with a chuckle.

  Saeward couldn’t help but snicker as the others laughed. He finally felt part of the group, in the circle at last. He glanced back toward the hidden pool and the rock where Loch was still perched. Watching. Guarding. He could only hope that it wouldn’t take Kavalan as long to figure out the truth as it had him. The longer he kept himself and his people apart from the others, the longer it would take for them to belong.

  Henry offered him a slice of melon, and Ward nipped it out of his fingers. As he chewed the sweet fruit, he ran his hand along Henry’s back. Eduard ended his call and joined them, running his hand along the back of Saeward’s head before taking the empty seat beside him. Andvari returned soon after, having updated the guards and given them their new orders for the day.

  Mikey and his mates joined them moments later. Sawyer tugged one of the other tables a little closer, and they all spread out around them. “Eduard, will you maybe see about getting some bigger tables for out here?” Sawyer asked.

  “Already ordered, my love. I had them custom made. They’ll be arriving within the next few days.”

  Everyone ate and chatted while Saeward sat back and basked in the glow of an amazing morning. Draco leaned back once he was finished and reached out to him. Ward only paused for a moment before placing his hand in the dragon’s. The touch sent a warm tingle through him, and the heated glance he earned from Draco was enough to warm him even further. Sawyer and Henry continued to chat from their perches, both of them listening to tales of fantastic creatures as told by Quillon and Andvari. One day, Saeward would tell them of some of the amazing sea creatures who existed still, hiding from the rest of the world in the depths of the ocean.


  Sawyer reclaimed his attention from where it had drifted. “Yes?”

  “Quillon wanted to know if you’d consider shifting for him. Is that too weird? He’s never seen a hippocamp.”

  “I would be happy to, although I cannot shift into my full water form here.”

  “Yeah,” Sawyer added. “The pool is nowhere big enough for that. We’d have had to put in an Olympic sized one or something, and that just didn’t seem to make sense.”

  “Whoa,” Quillon said. “You’re that big in your shifted form.”

  Henry snickered. “You have no idea. He’s huge. Just wait.”

  Ward took the op
portunity to tickle Henry’s side and earned himself a laugh in return.

  “What?” Henry protested. “You are.”

  “Come, little one. Let’s show them.”

  Henry didn’t have to be asked twice. He scrambled off Ward’s lap, and then reached for his hand. He gave a tug and Ward stood, releasing his hold on Draco as he moved. The dragon gave him an approving and encouraging nod as he passed. When he reached the edge of the grass, Ward pushed down the shorts he wore, and in one seamless movement, shifted into his horse form. Henry let out a happy sigh and leaned against him. Ward nuzzled into him in return, and then gently lowered his front legs.

  “No way. For real?” Henry asked.

  Ward simply turned his head and gave his mane a toss. Henry grabbed a handful of it before using it to pull himself up onto Ward’s back. “Holy crap. This is so amazing. My dads are going to freak. And Ollie’s going to be so jealous. You’re even bigger than Ben, and no one’s bigger than Ben. Well, maybe Uncle Meshaq, but you’re even bigger than him. Holy crap. No one’s bigger than Uncle Meshaq!”

  Ward began to slowly walk as Henry babbled, his excitement making the slight twist of nerves Ward had felt at shifting in front of strangers wane. He turned to see them all standing at the edge of the yard, watching.

  “Giddy-up,” Henry yelled.

  Ward did a quick side step that made Henry wobble from his position on his back.

  “Uh… sorry, Ward. Got a bit caught up in the moment.”

  Ward wished he could laugh, but instead he started walking a bit faster, making sure Henry was able to move with the rhythm before he sped up even more. Henry leaned into his neck, both hands fisted into his mane as Ward circled the house and led them back around to where the others stood waiting. Draco moved beside him and held up his arms to Henry. “Come on. I’ll help you down.”

  Henry swung a leg over and slid down into Draco’s arms. “Did you see? Wasn’t that amazing?” He turned to Ward and flung his arms around what he could reach of Ward’s neck. “Thank you. That was so awesome. I just… thank you so much.”


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