The Queen

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The Queen Page 4

by Cole Denton

  “Well, I need to find Roisin a new toy for that pretty little pussy of hers. I am also looking for a ball stretcher for Liam.”

  “Liam’s sack does not hang low enough for you?” Klyn asked and looked at me.

  “Liam’s equipment is not proportioned,” I explained. “His cock is thick and long, but his balls seem to hug against his body a lot.”

  “Means he is stimulated often. Come to think of it, I am not sure if there has been a time that I have seen him when he was not aroused,” Klyn considered what he had said. “Maybe once or twice when I have seen him sleeping.”

  “Aw, Klyn. That is so sweet of you to check in on my young gentlemen while they are sleeping,” I teased. “Anyhow, I want to get him a ball stretcher. I am also in need of a new crop.”

  “Or two…” Klyn chimed in.

  “Or three or four,” I finished.

  It was one of our inside jokes that we shared every year on the way to the festival. Both of us poked fun at my crop fetish. Each year, one of the warlocks had a cart at the festival that specialized in leather goods. I always bought my crops from him.

  “So, a pussy toy for Roisin, ball stretcher for Liam, and supply of crops for the Queen,” Klyn summed up as our carriage came to a stop at the end of the festival.

  “And some toys for myself as well,” I said and feigned shock that he had not already mentioned it.

  “Are you letting your men come to the festival today? I had not seen them in their room before I came to get you,” Klyn asked.

  “Yes, of course I let them. I volunteered them to help Madame Kamara until two o’clock this afternoon. That will give them time to go around the festival and be back to the castle by four o’clock to get ready for the festivities tonight.”

  “Are you excited to select a new young man?” Klyn inquired as we strolled in the direction of the cart with the sugared bread.

  “I am always excited to select a new toy. And the boys are ready for a new brother.”

  “You have a good group of young men. They are obviously equipped to handle your needs, Queen.”

  “Indeed, they are,” I proudly said as we each took our sugared bread plates from the woman behind the cart.

  “Enjoy your day, Queen Octavia,” the sugared cart woman said. When I thanked her by her name, she smiled widely and looked at Klyn. “Enjoy your day as well, Sir Klyn.”

  “We will, thank you. I am sure we will be back by your cart before we leave for more bread,” Klyn politely added as we strolled away and toward a bench near the fountain in the square. “How did you recall her name?” Klyn asked me.

  “Mother always told me that if I can look someone in the eye and say their name, that I will have made a friend for life,” I explained before slipping a forkful of sugared bread into my mouth.

  “Your mother was a very kind soul. I remember her vividly,” Klyn added. “She would be very proud of you.”

  I laughed and swatted at the air with the hand that held my fork.

  “I am serious, Octavia. You rebuilt Drishane—”

  “With your help,” I interrupted.

  “You took on all of the responsibilities of both your father and your mother—”

  “Again, with your help,” I added.

  “You have carried on some on the most cherished and beloved traditions that were important to your parents.” Klyn gestured outward and around us with his empty plate. “The Annual Drishane Festival was very important to them. They loved giving the townspeople an event and meal that cost them nothing.”

  I laughed and shook my head at him before I glanced at the signage that hovered over the circular garden bed memorial for what had been known as the Drishane Massacre. From where I sat, I could read the memorial sign perfectly. I gained the ability to see at great distances with precision due to the venom from Lochlann Mortas. To this day, whenever I think of that name, I am overcome with anger.

  “I am quite certain my parents would not approve of the festival now,” I admitted. “Gone are the days of the formal meal and dancing. Now we have festival carts and craftspeople. Witches and warlocks with carts. Depraved acts in corners of alleys and in Madame Kamara’s place. So much to be proud of,” I said sarcastically.

  “Meals and food are still free. Entertainment is free. The education is still free. If it were not for your generosity, this day would not happen.”

  I finished my sugared bread and looked around at all of the townspeople at the festival. Everyone appeared to be having a good time and enjoying the festivities. I tried not to get too close to the crowds though because of my hyper hearing that I also obtained on that dreadful night two hundred years ago. I end up with a headache that pounds for days after the Drishane Festival.

  Klyn and I walked to a flower cart and picked out a beautiful bouquet of a mix of flowers and went to the memorial. I read the carvings in the wood sign that hung over the patch of grass and planted flowers. I had not been surprised to see several bundles of flowers that sat on the grass or leaned against the stones at the edge of the memorial. There had been some candles set on top of the stones, and a child had even put a paper crown in the grass.

  “Do you think Lochlann will come back?” I asked Klyn as we headed in the direction of the shops.

  “I do not think so. We have not seen any attempts from him to get in since the massacre. Besides, we are essentially gone to him. If somehow he does find us he will not get in.”

  “I know he will not breach the castle. But I do not want another massacre on our hands.”

  “Octavia, we have this conversation every year. We cannot live in the past in order to move forward.”

  “I know you are right, Klyn. I just cannot help to wonder what he is doing.”

  “You remember what Tiara said; Lochlann’s group are thugs and thieves who want nothing more than to live off of what others have. And remember, she cast the protective spell over Drishane that makes it appear dark, or gone to vampires.”

  “Yes, I remember,” I agreed.

  “Chances are he has been killed by one of his own, or has moved on from Dreyle altogether.”

  Klyn was right. We had not seen or heard from Lochlann Mortas since the massacre. While I would love revenge, I do not want to bring war to Drishane.

  “Now, I would like to go see if there is a new book that I have not read yet in the book shop. Are you coming with me?” Klyn asked.

  “Yes, I will come with you to the boring book shop.”

  Just as sex and caring for my young men was a hobby of mine, reading and education was Klyn’s hobby. I did not have anything against reading, I just would rather be doing different things. But I did try to make an appearance at each artist’s cart or shop during the festival. Oddly enough, an erotica section had appeared in the corner of the shop, piquing my interest.

  “Are these all novels with sex in it?” I asked the shopkeeper.

  “Yes, Queen Octavia. Some of it is rather taboo,” the shopkeeper warned with flushed red cheeks.

  “Brilliant,” I took a step back and looked at the bookshelf full of these erotic novels. I almost bought all of them, but decided that the shopkeeper would enjoy seeing me each week to purchase a new book. I picked up three though and handed them to the older woman. “I would like these, please.” I handed the grateful woman enough Royal Darick to cover the books and told her to keep the rest.

  “Thank you, Queen Octavia!”

  “Would you be able to hold onto the books for me and give them to one of my boys this afternoon?” I asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “It will either be Liam, Michan, or Ethan, that will pick them up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Klyn approached the woman with a few books in his hand as well. Unlike me, he wanted to carry his books with him. Typical Klyn.

  Our next stop was to my friend, Madame Kamara’s. She had a unique shop that was only open a few times out of the year, but always held something new. She traveled
the world and always brought back toys of pleasure from other lands and countries. Her apprentice, Ruby, tended to the main part of the shop and would open it up even while Madame Kamara was traveling. They also had spaces on the second level of the shop for people to try out their new found objects.

  When Madame Kamara was around, she had special items for those with a taste for the taboo. Tastes that would send the seeker deeper into the forest to find. Both Madame Kamara and Ruby were craft witches and made objects of sin that would never have been found in this village hundreds of years ago.

  “What are you going to do with those books when you take one of Madame Kamara’s dames out back?”

  Klyn’s deep laugh made me smile.

  “Then I shall lay the books down on a bureau while I pleasure the lady,” he added matter of factly.


  We stepped inside Madame Kamara’s bustling shop. As expected, my three young gentlemen were moving about in the shop. Many women, and a few men, wore smiles and flushed cheeks as they watched Liam, Michan, and Ethan, pull boxes from shelves and take them over to potential customers. It was no surprise that the shop was busy today. Madame Kamara had just returned from traveling and many were eager to see what new items she brought from afar.

  My young gentlemen were all shirtless and only wore their black trousers. Ethan wore leather suspenders with his pants, though. That young man does not seem to ever put on weight.

  “Queen Octavia, so kind of you to stop into the shop,” Ruby said cheerfully and then leaned forward to press her cheek against mine. “Madame and I had wondered when we would see you today. Is there something in particular that you are looking for?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. There are a few things. First, I need something for Liam’s balls. He has a long cock, but his balls do not dangle much.”

  “Ah, yes, a ball stretcher, yes?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I paid very close attention to the two that Ruby had and decided to get both and for Liam.

  “I am also looking for a beautiful toy for one of the castle’s bakers.”

  “How old is she?” Ruby asked as we slowly strolled to a table near the counter.

  “Twenties. With experience,” I added. I did not want to take Roisin a novice object.

  “I have the glazed cocks with raised pebbles,” Ruby handed me a lacquered, wooden cock that had raised bumps. I wanted one of these for myself.

  “Perfect. I will take two of these, Ruby. What else do you have? Anything new?”

  “I am so glad you asked. Madame Kamara has some special objects that she brought back from her travels to Asia. I know she is dying to show you. But, I made these very recently.”

  Ruby picked up a long wooden glazed cock from a display table and held it toward me. It might have been close to two feet long and each end had a bulbous cock head.

  “What on earth?” I mused. “Klyn, come look at this,” I called out.

  “It is double the sin,” Ruby said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

  At the same time, my imagination ran wild. Not only did I imagine experiencing it with Madame Kamara, but I also imagined two of my young men using it as I took a crop to their tanned, muscular bodies.

  “Ruby, this is a delightful looking toy,” I pulled my eyes off of it long enough to glance at Klyn. “What do you think, Klyn?”

  “I think it would be lovely to stumble upon two women in the castle as they enjoyed this.”

  “I was thinking the same, but also for the boys.”

  “Of course, you were,” Klyn said. “Make sure poor Liam has his ball stretcher on while he’s using it,” Klyn added under his breath.

  My fingers slid over the raised bumps on the wooden shaft. My pussy ached to experience this. Ruby took the items I had wanted to the front counter while we continued to roam about the crowded shop. Klyn knew that my hearing was going crazy in here being so close to so many so he stayed near me. I could clearly hear the wanton behavior going on just up the stairs. I was quite certain there were four voices moving lasciviously with each other. I felt the effects of their activities between my legs. It made me want a part of whatever was going on up there.

  Klyn had eyed a wooden paddle and we walked over to it. I raised my eyebrow at him when he looked up.

  “What? I had been considering something to paddle your men with when they sleep in too long,” he commented.

  I knew that he had only been kidding. The boys are used to tending to me at all hours and they were kept up most of the night. The last thing that I want between my legs is a young man falling asleep while he is eating me.

  “You know, all you have to do is tell me if you are having a problem with one of them. I will handle it,” I sternly said.

  Klyn laughed, set the paddle down and shook his head.

  Madame Kamara had seen that I was in the shop and smiled broadly at me from across the room. She had such poise and charisma. Even the way she walked commanded attention with her elegant gait. She was beauty and perfection…and a witch that could bring even the strongest of men to their knees. As she walked toward me, her hair hardly moved, nor did a tit bounce. She embraced me and kissed my cheek and then gripped Klyn’s forearm.

  “Thank you, Queen, for letting me utilize these strapping lads. They are so obedient.”

  “I am pleased to see that they have been helpful,” I proudly said as I watched a small group of women laugh as they looked into a box that Michan held.

  “Your shop is packed!” Klyn added and gestured around the room. “Ruby mentioned you brought some things back from Asia,” Klyn recalled.

  “Yes, I brought some incredible toys from Asia.” Madame Kamara looked from Klyn to me. “I have some very special objects of sin,” Madame Kamara emphasized the phrase that she knew my parents used to describe pleasure toys.

  We both laughed and I followed her to the side of the room where she had been standing when I came into the shop. I had shared many sexual encounters with the confident Madame Kamara. All of my encounters with her felt very organic and genuine. I never felt as though I had to constantly control everything, though I tended to like it that way. When she was in town, she often spent a few days with me at the castle. Poor Klyn often walked in on those wild nights too.

  Kamara pulled a box down off the shelf and opened it. A magnificent ebony object stared at me. The unique color complemented the fascinating object that lay before my eyes.

  “What…what on earth?” I murmured as I ran my finger over the toy.

  The object was of a hard material and nothing like the glazed and lacquered wooden toys that I have had. One end was a bulbous head that resembled a cock head that curved down into some sort of a handle with a loop, or hole in it. This was gorgeous.

  “You will love this. I have been dying for you to try this.” I flicked my eyes up at her and met her playful smile. “Want to go upstairs and try it?”

  “Of course,” I agreed.

  I glanced across the room at Klyn and pointed upstairs so he knew I would be a little while. As I climbed the winding stone stairs, the sounds and voices of what awaited around the corner rang in my ears. Once at the top of the stairs, a visual display of erotic behavior lay before me. Indeed, there had been four people engaged in the open room.

  “Have I ever told you how much I adore your shop?” I murmured to Madame Kamara as we stood still to admire the bodies moving together.

  “Why, yes, Queen Octavia, yes, you have,” she boasted. “Come, we will go behind a private curtain.”

  I followed Madame Kamara beyond an emerald green velvet curtain, and stood to the side while she untied the golden rope to lower the drape.

  “Would you like to see what this docile looking object does, my Queen?” she teased.

  “Without hesitation, I can tell you that I definitely would like to see what it does,” I assured her.

  The moisture between my legs had become irritating. My clit was swollen, and I ached wit
h need. I could feel my nipples hardening further as Madame Kamara seductively removed her silk black dress. Her ample breasts sat beautifully against her body, and her hard, deep red nipples jutted out.

  Madame Kamara turned her back to me, propped her foot up on a table, and looked over her shoulder at me with a confident grin before she bent over. One of her hands pulled at an ass cheek, exposing the end of the object with the open loop.

  “Oh, my,” I whispered as I realized that this sinful object was meant to stimulate the hole that so many regarded as forbidden or taboo.

  “Go on, give it a gentle pull,” Madame Kamara encouraged.

  With my thumb and forefinger, I took hold of the onyx handle and pulled. Madame Kamara moaned lightly as the motion of the sinful object excited her.

  “How long can you leave it in?” I asked while I continued to tug and pull on the object.

  “Mmm, as long as you would like. I enjoy wearing mine during the day and I leave it in during sex. The orgasm is intense.”

  “I can imagine,” I agreed and inserted two fingers from my other hand into her soaked pussy. “Is it as good as cock?” I crudely asked.

  “It is very different and hard to compare the two. Cock, you can take for a while. But this, you can leave in and stay around all day,” she explained and then moaned. “Of course, you have those handsome young men at your beck and call. You probably get cock up the ass whenever you please,” she teased.

  This was true, but I was still very intrigued by the object and wanted one. I also had the idea about my gentlemen wearing these.

  “Can the object be worn by men, too?” I asked.

  “Absolutely. In fact, the men we passed on our way in here are all wearing them.”

  “Lovely. Just lovely. I would like to buy one for each of my men, and a fourth for the young man I select tonight.”

  “Would you like to get one for Klyn, too?”

  We both laughed about Klyn sitting under a tree reading one of his books while he had one of these up his ass. Madame Kamara’s warm pussy constricted around my fingers as she came. She took her foot off the table and turned to look at me.


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