by Kyrja
Himitsu - “Secret” in a language long dead.
Kasais – In Nohoyo, those who are in charged with enforcing laws. The term is a bastardization of an ancient tile for those who were to guide others in how to serve Sov.
Kinji - All of the land, including the desert, north of Bila.
Laknor – A type of nut, native to the desert, said to be sweet.
Magami – “Hands” in an old language. Those formerly known as Fire Tenders.
Magami no te – Hands of the Goddess
Merlarn – A man who is specifically tasked with the holy duty of impregnating women from the desert in an effort to produce the prophesized savior.
Mezhdu - Those whose spirits are born into the wrong-gendered body.
Midbar – That area of the known lands which is mountainous; it lies between the desert and the sea. Can also be used as an adjective to describe a person who lives in this region.
Nohoyo - A land long hidden in which only Sov may be worshiped. Also known as Taiyo no Hoyo, which means “Embraced of the sun.”
Puj’hom – An individual who lives near the sea.
Qatyeh – A head wrap used by desert dwellers to protect an individual from excessive heat. Also used to absorb sweat.
Sylnad - “Flower” in an old language.
Taiyo no Hoyo – Also known as “Nohoyo,” a place for Sov to teach his people how to worship him.
Tulki – “Fox” in an old language
Tuq’deb – An individual who lives in the desert.
Uchawi - A certain kind of magic used by those from Bila, using words, gestures, and grid lines.
Undia – A person from the desert who can feel the water beneath the sands.
Yahlah – The leader of a compania.
Abalah – High Priest of the Blue Dolphin Order
Afdal - From Bila / Magic Maker / Sahil’s son
Aidena – Tuq’deb / heir to Siri Ventus / daughter of Hadia / mother to Nieva / Undia
Amphedia – Goddess of the Seas
Ashika - Bahari / shark
Batal – Priestess of the Silver Swordfish Sisterhood / True daughter of Amphedia/ Bahari
Borja - Ahadi / Female / water goddess in Nohoyo
Ceirat - Mezhdu / From Midbar / female spirit in male body / knows the potential of a thing.
Chared – Tuq’deb / son of P’onyem / son of unknown man from Bila / Undia / Chained Man
Dayam - Kaya’s mother
Deiserin - First Empress of Bila
Denit / Maw’ki – Tuq’deb / Jarles’ paternal grandmother / Kerr’s lover / Jonath’s mother / created by Giya
Drena / S’ray – Tuq’deb / Jarles’ mother / Jonath’s lover
Easif – Tuq’deb / Warrior / Female / Picked by Kerr to accompany Jarles
Eruitt – Tuq’deb / companion of P’onyem / apprentice of Giya
Fumaini - From Bila / assistant to Councilor Tojiru
Giya – Goddess of the Earth / Lumas’ other self
Hadia – Tuq’deb / Aidena’s (human) mother / acts as eyes for Siri Ventus / Nieva’s grandmother
Honsa - Mezhdu / From Midbar / male spirit in female body / knows the land
Iruka - Bahari / Dolphin
Ishra – Tuq’deb / Warrior / Male / Picked by Kerr to accompany Jarles
Jahari - Ahadi / goddess of Nohoyo / first to pledge herself to Giya
Jarles – Tuq’deb / son of Drena and Jonath / the Savior/Heir
Jonath – Tuq’deb / Jarles’ father / Drena’s lover
Kani - Bahari / Crab
Kaya – From Bila / former prince
Kerr / Sabbah – Tuq’deb / True son of Amphedia / Jarles’ paternal grandfather / Denit’s lover / Jonath’s father
Loris – Kaya’s (fake) brother
Lumas – Goddess of Beauty / mate to Sov / Other Self of Giya
Maji - Puj’hom / very old woman who met a bahari
Masu - From Nohoyo / Fire Tender
Mizu - Puj’hom / very old man who met a bahari
Moyo - Husband of Hadia
Muuaji - From Nohoyo / Kasais
Nieva – Tuq’deb / Aidena’s daughter / transforms into an owl
Oculis – Acts as the Eyes of Siri Ventus / Drena’s (unknown) father / Jarles’ maternal grandfather / Aidena’s (unknown) father / enchanted owl creature / grandfather/(unknown) father to Nieva
Ordan - Mezhdu / From Midbar / male spirit in female body / knows the emotions of others
Ozahm - Ahadi / Lord of Death
P’onyem – Tuq’deb / Jarles’ maternal grandmother / Chared’s mother / Oculis’ lover
Quarn – Kaya’s (fake) brother
Ramil – Tuq’deb / Warrior / Male / Picked by Kerr to accompany Jarles to the city by the sea
Raito - Moon God / Serat Caeli
Rajesh - Ahadi / god of Bila / firstborn son of the first Empress of Bila, Deiserin
Rhian - From Bila / emperor’s daughter / Kaya’s intended as a child
Rigam – Kaya’s father
Sahil – From Bila / extremely powerful magic maker / Afdal’s father
Sakari - From Bila / secret student to Sahil
Sabbah / Kerr - Tuq’deb / True son of Amphedia / Jarles’ paternal grandfather / Denit’s lover /
Jonath’s father
Sashio - From Bila / magic maker / accompanied Afdal to find Sahil
Savaar – True son of Amphedia
Serat Caeli – Twin brother of Siri Ventus / Moon God
Shio - True daughter of Amphedia
Shihoru - Bahari / seahorse
Sina - From Nohoyo / daughter of council member / Fire Tender
Siri Ventus – Goddess of the Air / blind
Sora – From Midbar
Sov – Sun God
Tadashi – Kaya’s family name
Tako - Bahari / octopus
Than - From Bila / magic maker / accompanied Afdal to find Sahil
Tyran - Mezhdu / From Midbar / female spirit in male body / knows the dreams of others
Umi - Bahari / Water
Vray - From Nohoyo / Fire Tender / has red eyes
Yeni - Tuq’deb / new to the city by the sea
Zaria - From Nohoyo / Fire Tender