Come Back Around

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Come Back Around Page 17

by BA Tortuga

  “You’ll stay here with me until after the first prayer, right?”

  “Sure. We won’t let you run.”

  “Ha ha.” Alej grinned at each of them in turn. “Thanks for being here.”

  Soon the whole batch was seated, and then Dani was standing there with Lucia, eyes huge.


  Before Mat could move, Pop got up and circled around behind the arch, holding up his phone to film. If there was one thing Dani couldn’t resist, it was a photo op.

  Her eyes met Pop’s, and she grinned wide and started tugging on Lucia’s hand. “Come on!”

  “Let go, Sister! I have petals!”

  A laugh moved through the crowd, but Dani and Luce walked down the aisle mostly as planned, with Lucia holding both baskets while Dani tossed flowers out of both. Those were his girls.

  “Okay, Aunt Jenny!” Dani called. “The marrying can come now! Tío is all ready!”

  “Not yet.” Lucia ran to Alej, dragging her sister along. They launched into Alejandro’s arms, kissed him soundly. “Now. Now you’re all ready, Tío.”

  “I am.” Alej let him lead the girls to their spot on the bench. Mat was back in place before the bridal march actually started.

  Everyone looked beautiful—all of Jen’s friends came down, and then Reid.


  Oh, you stubborn, prideful, gorgeous asshole cowboy.

  Reid walked down without his crutches, barely limping, lips tight as fuck.

  “Querido.” He mouthed the word, aggravated and amused and kinda turned on.

  Reid winked at him and blew him a kiss, before coming to light next to him.

  Jen handed off the bouquet to Reid, then took Alej’s hand. If he wasn’t such an old meanie, he might cry.

  She looked beautiful—glowing was a real thing—and when they all said their prayer, Alejandro never once looked away from her.

  That was some love right there.

  He sat after that, knowing all he had to do was get the ring out. In fact, he pulled out the box so he was ready to pop up and give it over.

  The sermon was super-short, and he wasn’t listening. He had Reid’s hand, and it was warm and solid, and all he could do was look at his husband.

  “Do you have the rings?” He heard it distantly, but Reid kinda pushed him up.

  “Oh.” He rose, stepping up to hand off the ring box. Boom. His part was all over but the pictures. As he sat down, though, Mat tugged out the bag holding Reid’s ring, which he’d pulled out of the car.

  “I, Alejandro, take thee, Jennifer….”

  Mateo looked over, and Reid was staring right at him, mouthing silently, “I, Reid, take thee, Mateo.”

  “To be my wedded wife,” the pastor said.

  Mateo nodded. “To be my wedded husband.”

  A single tear slid down Reid’s cheek, and the whole world disappeared except for the two of them, right then, right now.

  “To have and to hold, from this day forward.”

  Mateo nodded. “For better, for worse.”

  Reid’s hand slipped into his. “For richer, for poorer, in sickness.”

  Mat nodded. “And in health, to love and to cherish.”

  His heart stopped as they spoke together.

  “’Til death do us part.”

  “With this ring,” he said along with Alej, “I thee wed.” He fished the ring out of the little bag so he could slide it on Reid’s ring finger.

  “Yes.” Reid pressed up, kissing him quickly. “I so do.”

  He choked right up. “I do too, querido. So much.”

  “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead-Harris,” the pastor said, and the whole place cheered.

  “They’re married!” Lucia’s happy cry filled the air. “Now they’re a real live family!”

  “Just like us, baby girl,” Reid said, holding his hand so tight it almost hurt.

  “Yes. Just like us.” He leaned over and held his arms open to Dani, who leaped right into them, totally unafraid.


  “Yeah, Luce?”

  “Where are your crutches?”

  “Oh, I left them out in the hall. I’ll get them as soon as everyone goes.”

  “You do know you’re not supposed to—” he started.

  “I know, I know, but she’s only ever getting married once.”

  “Yes. We hope.” Mat winked when Reid hit him in the ribs.

  “No. From my lips to God’s ears. Only this once.”

  “Well, some of us have to do it twice.” Mat nudged Reid with his elbow.

  “Some of us are slow on the uptake, but we learn.” Reid stuck his tongue out.

  “Daddy, are we going to get our pitchers taken?” Dani asked.

  “Pictures,” Reid corrected. “And yes. All the family will take pictures together.”

  “And we’re family now?” Luce asked. “Like for real for real?”

  “For real, baby. We always have been, but now we’re going to live together again.”

  Dani nodded. “Daddy and Papi are going to live in our house again like when I was a baby.” She looked at him, serious as a heart attack. “This time, I think we should get a baby brother.”

  “Oh, uh. We can talk about that later.” Panic flared for a moment, but Reid’s laughter brought him back to earth.

  “Let’s worry about getting all your toys from Papi’s condo first, hmm? There will be a baby for y’all to visit and play with soon enough. I bet Aunt Jenny will let us babysit.”

  “Good save,” he whispered.

  “Thanks. Keep them quiet until the big reveal, hmm?”

  “I’ll take Lucia; you’ve got Dani.”

  “You got it.” Reid firmed his mouth. “We need to file out, honey.”

  “You need your crutches. Seriously. Where are they?”

  The cowboy that ran the ranch came over with a wheelchair and a warm grin. “Here. It’ll be fast and easy. Believe me. I end up in it a lot. Ford swears I have the worst ankles in history.”

  “Yeah? I usually have good ones. Well, now I’ll have one stinker.” Reid chuckled warmly. “I’ll take it if it’s what we had to do.”

  “Can we ride on your lap, Daddy? Please?”

  Reid nodded. “If Papi will push, we can all go together.”

  “I will. Lead the way, Stoney!” Mat would do the pushing. Stoney hadn’t signed on for this.

  Dani clambered up as soon as Reid sat, with Luce following right behind. Reid looked up and back at Mat, reaching to cup his face, and that wedding ring glinted in the light.

  “Love you, darlin’.”

  “And I love you.”

  They’d get their marriage license late next week; that way, Reid’s people could be there.

  Things worked out the way they should. Sometimes, at least.

  And when they didn’t, goddamn it, he wasn’t ever going to let go.

  Ever again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “SO, happy that wedding season is over, babe?” Ford teased, knowing Stoney was through with weddings until maybe next April. They’d run all the way into late September this year.

  “You know it. I didn’t know groomzillas were a thing until this year. Fuck a duck sideways.”

  The last wedding had had not just one, but two.

  “Well, we got a couple more grooms coming,” Ford said, watching to see if Stoney lost his shit.

  “No.” That was firm, sure, and damn near mean. “You promised Halloween and the Christmas season was it for the rest of the year. You promised me a week in Cancún.”

  “Whoa. Whoa, babe.” He put one hand on Stoney’s shoulder. “Of course I did. I just mean the Harris-Porter pair and their girls are coming up for fall break. Geoff promised Lucia he would show her how to make flood iced cookies before the holidays.” He had no idea what the hell that meant….

  “They’re the ones that got reengaged here, huh?” Stoney relaxed under his hand. “That’s nice. Geoff loves little

  “He’s good with them.”

  “Dad, did you know we have guests coming this weekend?” Quartz was so damn grown-up these days it stunned him. “Hey, Uncle Ford. I have plans with Curtis and Jason, remember? We’re going to work on our science fair project?”

  “I remember, son.” Stoney smiled at his boy. “I’ve already talked with Jason’s mom. She’s picking you up.”

  “Cool. Thanks.”

  “No problem, kiddo. You know school comes before work.” Ford had kinda grown up the other way, so he tried to help Stoney find that balance for Quartz.

  “Yeah, I know. Dad’s just tired. I can tell.” Quartz winked at Ford. “Seriously, you should take the man out to supper at a real restaurant. One that requires you to wear shirts and not have horseshit on your boots.”

  “Ah, man, the diner in Glenwood is out.” Ford winked. “I actually have plans for your dad when you have fall break in two weeks.” He was going to take Stoney to Vegas for the big bull riding finals.

  “No shit?”

  “Quartz! Language!” Stoney looked up at him, pretty eyes wide. “You do? I mean, we have plans?”

  “I mean, we’re going out of town. Quartz wanted to go to the Junction anyway. We’ll fly out there.” Oh, look at that surprise.

  He needed to remember that, as much as Stoney loved the Leaning N, his man needed the change of scenery, a chance to not be a dad or a boss or an owner.

  Sometimes Stoney just needed to be Ford’s.

  That was how it was when you got married, right? You had to work at it. Had to make yourself happy, as well as all those other people.

  Ford had a feeling the Harris-Porter clan would agree with him.

  “So what do the groom and groom want?” Stoney asked, taking his hand as they headed to the kitchen.

  “Just a vacation, I think. The two of them with their girls. Reid said they were moving into a bigger house—one with a studio and an office. They’re talking about adopting another baby once the youngest is in school full-time.”

  “Oh, wow. So, gourmet kid food?”

  “You know it. Mac and cheese and spaghetti with meatballs.”

  “Geoff will be tickled as shit.” Stoney rubbed a lazy circle against his hand. “We’re really heading somewhere? Just the two of us?”

  “Las Vegas. Nevada, not New Mexico.” They’d done that one weekend to check out an amazing hotel redo.

  “Oh? No shit?” Stoney pinked and ducked his head, lips curling in a little smile. “We going to stay on the Strip and see the sights?”

  “We are. I got us a room at the Wynn, and we’ll go to the Thomas and Mack at least once….” His man did love rodeo and such.

  “The big bull riding?” Stoney turned and beamed at him. Oh, he was so getting laid tonight. “For real?”

  “Yessir.” He stopped just short of the kitchen. “Does that earn me a kiss?”

  “Honey, that earns you a blowjob. As a starter.”

  Shit, why hadn’t he done this before?

  Oh, right. Wedding season.

  Good thing Tanner handled hunting season these days. Stoney only had a few clients he took out, and none of them would be up this year.

  “I’ll hold you to it.” Ford took that kiss he’d asked for, anyway. “You think there’s pizza tonight?”

  Stoney leaned into him. “We’re having chili. I have a craving.”

  “Geoff will make me pizza for lunch tomorrow.” That was the best thing about being the boss. “I love you, babe.”

  “Good goddamn thing too. We’re surrounded by weddings. It takes a lot of commitment to make these things work without any homicides.”

  “Ah, yeah. But better homicide….”

  “Than anything else….”

  He grinned at Stoney before pulling the man in for one more kiss. He loved Stoney, and he loved their life together.

  Even when all they could deal with at any given time was another wedding….

  BA TORTUGA, Texan to the bone and an unrepentant Daddy’s Girl, spends her days with her basset hounds, getting tattooed, texting her sisters, and eating Mexican food. When she’s not doing that, she’s writing. She spends her days off watching rodeo, knitting, and surfing Pinterest in the name of research. BA’s personal saviors include her wife, Julia Talbot, her best friend, Sean Michael, and coffee. Lots of coffee. Really good coffee.

  Having written everything from fist-fighting rednecks to hard-core cowboys to werewolves, BA does her damnedest to tell the stories of her heart, which was raised in Northeast Texas, but has heard the call of the high desert and lives in the Sandias. With books ranging from hard-hitting GLBT romance, to fiery ménages, to the most traditional of love stories, BA refuses to be pigeonholed by anyone but the voices in her head.




  Twitter: @batortuga

  By BA Tortuga


  #6 – Trial by Fire

  #30 – Two Cowboys and a Baby

  #65 – Two of a Kind


  #16 – Commitment Ranch

  #42 – Finding Mr. Wright

  #78 – Whiskey to Wine

  #85 – Come Back Around


  #53 – Cowboy in the Crosshairs


  Now Available

  Commitment Ranch

  By BA Tortuga

  Leaning N

  A fist fight, a snowstorm, a stolen kiss in the barn… and a second chance at love.

  Ford Nixel has two law offices, two fancy condominiums, and all the right connections. In short, he has everything he wants.

  The last thing he needs is his Uncle Ty’s stake in the Leaning N, a ranch that’s been in the family for generations. Ford hasn’t even been to the ranch in over a decade, not since he left his boyfriend Stoney behind and headed back to college alone.

  Ford arrives at the Leaning N to find Stoney, now a single father, right where he left him. A fist fight, a snowstorm, and a stolen kiss in the barn later—Ford knows none of the heat between them has dissipated.

  Now Available

  Finding Mr. Wright

  By BA Tortuga

  Leaning N

  Everything’s bigger in Texas, including weddings. And misunderstandings.

  Colorado wedding planner Mason O’Reilly lands a major contract: a two-hundred-guest wedding at the Leanin’ N Ranch, where his friends Ford and Stoney are working to provide a safe space for GLBT events. The Wright/Preston ceremony is a destination wedding, and as the grooms are from Texas, everything is done over the phone and email. There’s no way that could lead to trouble, right?


  Oil tycoon Noah Wright isn’t happy about the impending disaster, but he admires Mason’s quick thinking and grace under pressure. And that’s not all he likes about the out-and-proud wedding planner. Even though Mason’s interested in Noah, his Mr. Right can’t possibly be a rancher from Dallas.

  Can he?

  Now Available

  Whiskey to Wine

  By BA Tortuga

  Leaning N

  Love is hitting the slopes, and the competition is fierce.

  It’s Gay Ski Week in Aspen, and blind sculptor Bleu Bridey and his ex-fiancé, Dan, are at the Leaning N Ranch to unveil Bleu’s latest commission.

  Former Olympic snowboarder Ryan Shields is there too… and he’s Bleu’s true love who got away. Seeing Bleu again, Ryan remembers how they couldn’t get enough of each other in college.

  Too bad it looks like Bleu is with Dan now, because Ryan would love to remind Bleu how good they were together, in and out of the sheets.

  Between Ski Week parties, a bunch of exes, a private ski lesson, and one terrible
accident that leaves Bleu stranded and Ryan in rescue mode, it’ll be a wonder if these two manage to survive, much less find a few seconds alone to remember how much love they have to keep them warm even in the worst of storms.

  Coming in August 2019

  Dreamspun Desires #87

  Small Town Sonata by Jamie Fessenden

  Can the trusted town handyman rebuild a broken pianist’s heart?

  When a freak accident ends Aiden’s career as a world-renowned classical pianist, he retreats to his New Hampshire hometown, where he finds the boy he liked growing up is even more appealing as a man.

  Dean Cooper’s life as handyman to the people of Springhaven might not be glamorous, but he’s well-liked and happy. When Aiden drifts back into town, Dean is surprised to find the bond between them as strong as ever. But Aiden is distraught over the loss of his career and determined to get back on the international stage.

  Seventeen years ago Dean made a sacrifice and let Aiden walk away. Now, with their romance rekindling, he knows he'll have to make the sacrifice all over again. This time it may be more than he can bear.

  Dreamspun Desires #88

  Beauregard and the Beast by Evie Drae

  A Once Upon a Vegas Night Tale

  His greatest prize can’t be won in the octagon.

  Champion MMA fighter Adam Littrell needs no distractions as he prepares for the fight that will determine whether he retires. But when he opens the door of his swanky Las Vegas home to his new personal assistant, Bo Wilkins, staying focused becomes a struggle.

  Aware of Adam’s surly reputation, Bo doesn't expect to like his new employer, let alone fall for him. But Bo is pleasantly surprised when a shared love of books leads them to study for their GEDs together and plan for a life after their current careers. Adam won't be able to fight forever, and Bo wants a relationship on equal footing.


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