Roommates & Thieves: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (Breaking The Rules Book 3)

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Roommates & Thieves: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (Breaking The Rules Book 3) Page 16

by Jenna Reed

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Just let go.” His words are low and guttural. I meet his hooded gaze and seeing the pleasure on his face causes me to move faster. It is time to let go. I close my eyes and move my hips faster. His finger presses between us and hits the right spot. The building heat in my gut releases and I freeze on him in order to fully ride out the pleasure.

  I’m pulled into another kiss as he rolls me onto my back without ever pulling out of me. I can feel him twitching inside my gripping flesh. His pace is steady and slow. My eyes stay closed as I relish the feel of his lips against my neck and collarbone. I can feel every thrust of his hips, and I just want him closer. We are meant to be one, and it is the best feeling ever. I rest my heels on his calves and try to move into his thrusts. Every feeling seems to meld together into an ocean of pleasure. The heat, the flesh, the sweat, all working together, and bringing me closer to the edge.

  Stars appear as everything comes to a head. My body moves against his on its own with no control. My toes curl, and my legs wrap themselves tightly around his waist, bringing his body even closer to mine. I can feel him deep inside me as my flesh wraps around him, and our souls connect as one. The orgasm is like nothing I have ever felt before. I would have never guessed I could feel such a strong feeling with someone, but I’m happy it is with him.

  His heavy breathing forces me to open my eyes. He meets my gaze and moves even harder into me. He lets out a yell of completion, and I am entranced by him above me with the look of pure pleasure on his face. This is my man, and I make him feel like this. It is such a wonderful feeling. It is the last thing I see as a wave of aftershocks rip through me just as intense as the actual orgasm.

  “Don’t ever leave.” He comes down next to me and pulls me into his arms. “I love you, Nina.”

  “I love you,” I parrot. I feel a strong, calm settle over each part of my body as my heart starts to slow. It has been so long since I’ve felt this content. Through everything, we found our way back to each other. Now I’m not much of a crier but tears well in the corners of my eyes. We have lost so much time over a small misunderstanding. Part of me wishes we could turn back time and fix things before they got out of hand, but after what happened to us, how he came back into my life, I know it was fate that brought us together. Travis is my soulmate. My roommate, best friend, and partner in crime. The feel of his heartbeat against my cheek has such a soothing rhythm, and as I lie there awake, tears of joy slip down my cheeks.

  Sometimes you have to go through the tough, gritty stuff to get to the ooey-gooey center. Travis isn’t just the center of the brownie. He’s the entire fucking thing.



  Travis has been my official boyfriend for a little over a month now, and I’ve been wanting to do something to pay him back for the amazing private movie showing he did. I’ve just not been able to find the perfect thing. He surprises me every day with his thoughtfulness. I’ve never been as well taken care of as I am now. Never been as happy and sexually sated, I might add. God, this man rocks it under the sheets.

  Plus, he can cook! Say goodbye to frozen dinners and pizza delivery and say hello to home-cooked chicken alfredo and meatloaf. He definitely got his cooking skills from his mom, because every time he takes me to Sunday family dinner at his parents’ house, I come back three pounds heavier. I pretty much gave up on my diet.

  Being with Travis in front of Grady was a little weird at first, but even that became normal after a while. Literally, everything fell in place, and I finally have the life I always hoped for. Seeing it clearly, I imagine our future together. Maybe some miniature versions of us running around in a few years. I see myself brushing some little girl’s hair, while Travis plays ball with a little boy in the backyard.

  Then it clicks. Playing ball… baseball! I finally know what I can do for him.

  How didn’t I think of this before?


  “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” I ask Grady as he drives me to parts unknown with no explanation. I play around with the air, but the thing hates me. His truck’s heat doesn’t have a middle setting, it’s either blasting me in the face, or I’m freezing.

  “That’s exactly what Nina said when I was driving her to the movie theater.” He laughs as we pull up in front of what looks like an abandoned warehouse.

  “Great minds,” I say, pretending to shrink away from him against the door.

  “I am not going to kill you, this is where you’re supposed to be,” he tells me as he pulls into a parking lot beside it. There are a lot of cars for an abandoned building, but I’m still clueless as to what is going on.

  “It’s around the building,” he explains.

  “What is around the building?”

  “I have no idea.” I don’t believe him. He knows. I can tell by the stupid grin on his face.

  “Fine, let’s go, so you can kill me behind the building, where no one will ever find my body.” I get out of his truck and as soon as I do, I can hear it. Kids laughing and playing somewhere close by. Now I’m really confused. I glance over at Grady, who shrugs like he has no idea what’s going on. Liar.

  Together we walk around the building, getting closer to the sounds of children. I start walking faster, my curiosity getting the best of me. When I finally round the corner, I freeze.

  Behind the building, I find an old baseball field, and on that field is a group of kids playing a game…but it’s not just any group of kids. It’s my group. My little league baseball team is here.

  “Coach!” One of them screams, and all their little eyes turn to me at once. In a matter of seconds, I have the entire team running in my direction. A moment later, twelve ten-year-olds are circling me.

  “Hey, guys. What are you all doing here?” I ask, spotting my friend Rhett on the field waving at me. Nina is on the sideline, the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on her beautiful face.

  “Your girlfriend asked us to come and visit you,” one of them says.

  “Will you play a game with us, Coach T?” Another one asks, and then they all start to chant the question.

  “Yes, of course. Head out to the field, and I’ll be there in a minute, guys.” My gaze moves to Nina, “Just got to say thanks to someone.”

  I walk over to her, and as soon as I’m close enough, I ask, “You did this?”

  “Yes,” she tells me, a grin splitting her face, “are you excited?”

  Wrapping my arms around Nina, I pick her up and swing her around. My lips find hers without effort, and I don’t even care that I’m kissing her in front of her brother. Something that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t look at him, but I hear him making a gagging sound behind us. After a few more seconds of kissing her, I place her back down on her feet and shift my weight from foot to foot, unsure of what I should say. Usually, I’m not this tongue-tied, but I didn’t expect any of this, and it’s got me walking a tightrope of emotions.

  “You can go.” She places her hand against my chest, and I can feel the heat of her skin through the fabric. Pressing up onto her tiptoes, she whispers against my lips, “Have fun.”

  Cupping her by the cheek, I tell her, “Thanks, baby, I love you.”

  Releasing her, I run out onto the field, joining my team, but not before I hear Grady telling Nina, “I guess you two really do care for each other. You’re always doing the weirdest shit.”

  “Yeah,” she says, “I guess we do.”


  About the Author

  Jenna Reed is the pseudonym of the international bestselling author duo J.L. Beck and C. Hallman who write contemporary and dark romance.

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  Also by the Authors


  Kissing & Telling

  Babies & Promises


  The Bet

  The Dare

  The Secret

  The Vow

  Bayshore Rivals

  (Reverse Harem Bully Romance)

  When Rivals Fall

  When Rivals Lose

  When Rivals Love



  The Rossi Crime Family

  (Dark Mafia Romance)

  Convict Me

  Protect Me

  Keep Me

  Guard Me

  Tame Me

  Remember Me

  Hating You

  Breaking You

  Hurting You

  Regretting You

  (Dark Bully Romance)



  Runaway Bride


  There Captive

  (A Dark Reverse Harem)

  Cruel Obsession Preview

  Unedited and Subject to change

  A Dark Romance



  Paranoia skates down my spine as I walk a little bit faster down the sidewalk. Cool night air fills my lungs, and my heartbeat thuds loudly in my ears. All I can see and feel is that creeper from the party coming up to me and grabbing my wrist. His fingers biting into my flesh. The smell of alcohol on his breath as he spoke into my face

  “Dance with me…” He didn’t ask, he demanded and there was no way I was going anywhere with him so I kicked him in the nuts and left the party. But now I can’t help but feel like he’s following me.

  Reaching the end of the sidewalk I chance looking over my shoulder. My gaze falls on nothing but darkness. The light pole above my head does very little to illuminate the street, and when I look back again before crossing the street I find someone walking towards me.

  Panic bubbles up inside of me and this time I don’t even walk I just start running. The air rips through my hair, and my lungs burn as fear implants itself deep in my gut.

  Run. Don’t look back. Just keep running.

  Cutting down a side street, I’m hoping to throw the guy off, but as I continue running, I can still hear their footfalls behind me. This has to be a nightmare, something I’ll wake up from any second now.

  Glancing over my shoulder I realize it’s anything but a dream. My eyes catch on the plaid pattern of the man’s shirt. Instantly I know this is the creep from the party. Shit. Instinct tells me to run, but deep in my gut I know what I should do.

  My hands shake as I try and pull my phone out to dial 9-1-1 but my fingers slip over the sleek device and I keep putting the wrong passcode in. Panting, I make it underneath an illuminating street lamp and force shallow breaths into my lungs.

  A grunting sound meets my ears and when I look over my shoulder again the man is gone. Just gone, vanished like he wasn’t there at all.

  Dazed I stare at the exact spot he was in, fearing he’ll reappear any second, but he doesn’t. A strange calmness washes over me. It makes zero sense, but I don’t dwell on it long enough to digest it. Instead, I shove my phone back into my pocket and run the rest of the way home.

  By the time I reach my apartment, I’m panting, a sheen of sweat forms against my forehead. I fumble with keys, almost dropping them before finally getting the damn door open. Once inside, I slam the door closed and lock it before turning and sagging against the door.

  I moment later, Max is by my side. The eleven year old cat I rescued from euthanization last year has been my most trusted friend. I sink my fingers into his long fur and lets his low purring calm me.

  You’re okay, everything is okay… I repeat to myself.

  It’d been years since I felt fear like that, not since I was a little girl living in foster care. My skin crawls and I suppress the thought.

  All that matters is that I’m safe. That I’m in my apartment and nothing happened to me.

  Everything is going to be okay…



  Slamming my fist into the fuckers face I watch with glee as agony overtakes his features. He should’ve known he would die especially after touching what was mine.

  An image of my beautiful Dove fighting to get away from him. Her big blue eyes brimmed with fear, her plump bottom lip trembling. Clenching my fist, I let the anger from that memory sink deep into my bones.

  “What were you planning to do when you got her alone? Huh? Why were you following her?” I growl, my patience withering away with every passing second. “Part of my doesn’t want to know what he had planned, but the other, bigger part does. I want to hear the words, want them to fuel my anger even more.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?” The bastard sneers playing stupid.

  I cock my head to the side and give him a bemused expression. “You must think I’m a fucking idiot, huh? That I didn’t see her tell you no. That she didn’t push you away? Or that I didn’t watch her run out of the house and down the street? That I didn’t see you follow a short while later.”

  If it wasn’t for me he would’ve hurt her, but I was there, just as I’ve always been. And just like all the others who have tried to hurt Dove, he too will die at my hands.

  “You’re fucking crazy!!” he spits. Blood drips down his lip from the punch I landed against it and all I can do is stare at it. I can’t stop the cruel smile that splits across my face. My blood signs with joy, and the dark beast inside me cheers with elation at the sight of his blood.

  Grabbing him by the hair I tip his head back, reveling in the scream that pierces the air. Ahhh, there is nothing like when they scream or beg for me to let them go. The hope that shows in their faces before all is lost. Before I snuff the light out of their eyes with my hands.

  “Crazy? You haven’t seen anything yet,” I sneer.

  Clenching my fist a little tighter I pull back my arm and land another punch, this time my knuckles meet the bridge of his nose and the satisfying crunch of bone cracking fills my ears.

  The monster inside me is terrifying, real, and it consumes me. I don’t stop as his screams continue to echo through the warehouse. They all cry and beg, but at the end of the day it’s their own fault. Had they made a better choice, they wouldn’t be here.

  By the time I’m done, his face is unrecognizable, and he’s lulled over in the chair I’ve tied him to. Turning, I grab a knife and lift his chin, or what’s left of it. Then I slice him from ear to ear. I feel nothing as I do this, no that’s not true. I feel something. Joy, happiness, relief. His death makes the weight on my chest a little lighter.

  Dove is safer now that I’ve extinguished him. Safer now that another worthless person is gone from her life. Another person wanting to hurt her that won’t ever get the chance.

  I was put on this Earth to protect her, to ensure her safety as long as I lived.

  I might never have her in the way I want, but at least I can always make certain no one hurts her. She will forever be mine, even if she doesn’t know it.

  Walking away from the body I head to the sink and wash the blood from my hands. I spend way to long watching the reddened water swirl down the drain. When it finally runs clear, I scrub my hands with soap, rinse and dry them. Pulling out my cell, I text Rob to tell him to get the clean up crew together.

  Most people would probably feel guilt or at least some type of emotion after doing what I just did, but I don’t feel anything.

  Not that I can’t feel at all, because I can, I just chose not to. Feeling all the time would make it hard for me to kill people for the mob on top of protecting Dove.

  My phone chimes, and I see Rob’s name flash across the screen letting me know that he’s gotten my message. When he arrives, I walk out to my car like nothing ever happened. I consider just driving home, but at the last second turn onto the street to Dove’s place.

  She lives in a relatively safe area, but that didn’t stop me from putting cameras and motion sensors in her house. I would go to any length to ensure her c
omplete safety. Even in the safest neighborhood in the country, no one knows what happens behind closed doors.

  Parking on the street a few houses down, I shut the car off, and look up at the apartment building. How much longer can I do this?

  Subject myself to her sweet scent, soft murmurs, and beautiful face. How much longer can I go on before I’m forced to claim her? My need for her is starting to consume me, eating away at every single rational thought that I have. Everyday I’m forced to tamp it down but I’m not a saint and soon enough I’ll break.

  Forcing the thoughts away before they take root, I exit the car and walk across the street at a leisurely pace. It’s quiet and if you look hard enough you might see a few stars hanging in the night sky. When I reach the door to the apartment building I slide my key card into the door, waiting for the click to push it open. No one even glances my way as I walk inside. I’ve been here so many times most probably think I live here.

  In fact, I know one of Dove’s neighbors actually thinks I do. Of course I don’t correct her. What would be the fun in that? I use the walk upstairs to clear my mind and by the time I reach Dove’s door I’m a little more composed. Pulling out my phone, I check the surveillance feed in her bedroom one last time. The image confirms that she’s sound asleep, tucked nicely into her bed. Unlocking her door I enter her apartment slowly. I’ve done this so many times it’s like riding a bike to me.


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