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Fherin Page 2

by C. R Corbin

  Those ample breasts, those voluptuous thighs and most of all that flesh in between her legs, that inevitable soaking wetness that I would gladly sink myself into. I wanted to slide all of me inside of her, I wanted her to feel every inch that I had and I wanted to grab those mounds and suckle every inch of her as I did. These overwhelmingly lustful thoughts only supported the notion that I was her mate, it was an inevitable sign. I grimaced and shake my head, I would have to think about this later, this might be an error in my health and my senses, and a human being mated to a Kanosian was nearly unheard of....

  I sling her over my shoulder as I heard them approaching, I lunged with a great deal of haste to a spot behind one of the corners and heard them walking down the path. I looked to my right and left, in the corner that I tucked myself away in, there was a room, I listened in carefully and deduced that there was no one inside and burst through. There was a small window here, I gripped its handle and tore it open before leaping into the snow ...the extraction point would be somewhere in the mountains from what I gathered ...What the hell was that noise?

  "We're under attack!" cried out a human as I saw this red light flash over the snow that surrounded the building. I looked around in confusion before I saw this overwhelming veil of darkness fall onto me. Then I looked up.

  It was our ship...Why was our ship hanging over head and why were the drop hatches opening? What was the meaning of this?

  I disregard the thought and rushed up the small snowy hill before I heard it, the weapons were charging ...and then I realized what they were doing. They were going to blow the entire base up and kill me along with it...that was their intention...Why would they kill me? Why would they let this happen? Why would they order me to capture the girl only for them to blow the entire base up? Were they trying to....no ...He didn't want the girl at all. He just wanted an excuse to kill her along with me.....

  "Don't fire!" I shouted into my communicator and heard nothing come back my way.

  "Don't fire!" I called out once more and still there was no return signal ...I expected the worse. Either the signal was jammed or they couldn't hear me, either one was terrible.


  I growled to myself as I used all of my strength to run up the small hill. I see a couple humans firing at me as I turned back to watch them but the vast majority of them were also trying to scatter. Due to my Kanosian physiology I was able to run at a much faster speed but that didn't change the fact that I was sent hurtling through the air as soon as the first laser struck the base. I fly through the snow and kept my arms around her, tucking her head under my shoulder as we fly across some snowy embankment and I collapsed onto the floor. The explosion had shoveled a large amount of snow on top of her and I. I was shivering, my hands were shaking and I could feel a distinct pain in my right arm...I had apparently broken something.

  The ship continued to fire at various spots around the base in order to kill off the remaining humans, or at least I would presume. My instincts were telling me to remain hidden lest the ship fire on me. Why would they fire on me? Had I been betrayed? I am left with only my thoughts and the feeling of her body against mine as I listened to the last humans scream.

  This was not good.

  I heard the ship disappear and struggled my way through the snow before I stared at my arm and noticed a distinct bend near the wrist. I grimaced as I paw at it with my other hand and stared...I looked over at her while she rested against my chest, my left arm was tightly clutching her and I quivered as I looked at her body. She was likely going to succumb to the cold if I left her out here and this wound on my wrist needed immediate attention. I looked around and saw this small cavern tucked in the mountain near where I had landed.

  I carry her up to it and press her down onto the rocks. I tugged at my belt until I found the lighter and the fuel cubes before tossing one of the cubes into a small circle of rocks and lighting it. It soon flashes a brilliant orange and I leave her next to it before I gripped my right gauntlet and tugged it off. I stared at the fracture and frowned. With the tube of medgel and the rest of the supplies that I had this fracture would only be partially repaired but it would have to do.

  I take the small syringe of binding fluid from my med pack and inject myself with it. I sighed and hissed as I felt it binding the bones back together. After that I slathered of the medgel on and calmly sighed as the gel heated up while I slapped it onto me. It heats and presses into my flesh while I groaned, my breathing relaxes soon enough and the bone began to mend back into place while I stared at it. It would still be fragile but it would have to do for now. I hang my right arm at my side as I stumbled over to her to look for any injuries that she may have had...luckily like my first inspection she had none that I could see. All I had to worry about was the fact that she might catch something in all of this cold but the fuel cube already remedied that....

  I had to find a way to stop the wind from blowing into this cavern.

  I looked over at the entrance and stumble outside to take a look at the remnants of the base which was quite a ways off. I can see it in the distance, almost everything was totally destroyed. What was left was the tattered remains of a base that was once there. I looked at the ground and saw a couple of miscellaneous supplies such as bits and pieces of cloth and parts of the building, the like. There wasn't much that wasn't incinerated in the explosion but there was some items of note, such as this piece of tarp that clung to a nearby boulder. I stumbled over towards it and grabbed onto the fabric, it was wide and was presumably part of some sort of banner or sheet. I gripped it and stared at the flames that were running along its side. I grabbed onto the cloth and tossed it down on the snow to put out the fire before dragging it back towards the cave and embedding it along the entrance of the cave in order to keep the wind from blowing in through the use of some adhesive I had in my belt.

  Now it was time to ruminate and lament the fate that I had been granted. The fate that Denos had bestowed upon me.

  Why would they betray me in such a manner? Was I not a good soldier? I always followed orders even if they were questionable, I never did anything that would suggest that I would be insubordinate, other than a few instances of me protesting that things aren't what Kanosian warrior code mandated, but I never took any sort of physical or verbal action....

  So why was this happening? Why would they betray me in such a manner? Surely Helor would have done something had this become known...

  I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of my comrades doing such a thing to a man that had bled with them, dined with them, lived with them and suffered as they had suffered. This was the fate that had befallen me after all of those efforts to befriend them? Really? This was what I received at the end of it all?

  I refused to accept it, there had to be a reason...there had to be something right?

  I stripped off my armor and sat close to the large flame to feel the full effects of its warmth. I muttered to myself and ponder what had just occurred. The warmth dashes across my arms and my chest as I glanced into the flickering light and sighed. The glow of the flame was intense and I sigh as I feel my body accepting the heat, Kanosians weren't meant to live in such cold places so this was a welcome occurrence, we were meant for the savannah, for warmth.

  But there were more important matters at hand after all...her.

  I glanced over at her body lying there next to the snow, her head was resting on the rocks. I walked over to her and knelt beside her still form. My hands were outstretched and I run them along her side, she felt a great deal warmer than the last time I had felt her that was for sure. I rubbed her forehead and since she wasn't deathly cold I presumed that she would be fine. It seemed like she was a young woman, perhaps a couple years into her adulthood. I glanced over those fair cheeks and that lovely black hair that seems to dance over her face while I run a finger over her. I pursed my lips and nodded while glancing her over, my hands rushed along her side and I find myself wanting to
hold her...

  Perhaps that was a bit tamer than what I was actually thinking.

  I wanted to grip her and pin her to the ground, I wanted to get on top of her and spread those legs to see that soaking mess that would be there before I sunk into her. I would see her soaking folds and plunge myself into her, I would slip my tip along her insides as I gripped those ample breasts of her's, I wished to nuzzle her neck and pleasure her with every inch of this muscular body...Oh dear, those lustful thoughts were lurching up on me once more, how I abhorred them at this very moment. I should be thinking about a way out of this, a way to get answers...not a way to get into her pants! And yet when I look at that wonderful body it's all that I can think of.

  But I would so need to formulate a way off of this planet somehow. I don't even know where I would start regarding a way to gather clues but I had to try. Perhaps they thought that I had already gotten far enough and decided to just blast the rest of the base since I was still there but just hadn't sensed me?

  Was there some kind of error that had occurred? What had happened to cause them to fire? Were my earlier presumptions that he was trying to kill us both correct? Was he really trying to kill me and the girl at the same time? Denos has been a bit cold to me, but I never thought anything of it....

  I ruminate each scenario in my head and with each thought my heart grows heavier. The eternal rule of the Kanosian warriors was that you didn't harm your comrades, no matter what, that was a steadfast rule. Now that I thought about it they had been descending more and more, they were violating more of the warrior code and there was word that they were going to be kicked out of the Kanosian military soon if they didn't stop. But that's all it was! A rumor! That was it! There wasn't any truth to it. Was there?

  And for all that time I was stumbling around the cavern and trying to think of a reason, I noticed her shifting.

  I sit next to her and watched as her head rose slowly and she looked around. I had given her a toxin that knocked her unconscious for quite a while but there was a pretty specific time interval involved for when she would wake up. She woke up in the middle of it and raised her head to glance over at me, I saw that there was red in those green eyes and I felt myself getting aroused, enticed by her display of fury.

  "KANOSIAN!" she snarled and lunged at me, she didn't even have a weapon on her, but she merely lunged at me with her bare hands while I tried to toss her off of me. Luckily everyone in the Kanosian military was fitted with nanites translators so I could understand the vast majority of human dialects. According to human standards she likely had one as well.

  "Calm down!" I shouted and she shakes her head.

  "Fuck you!" she snarled out and tried to strike me, her head bounces off my forehead and she shakes me before I shoved her back.

  "C-calm the hell down human! I'm not going to hurt you! I can't!" I stuttered and she continued to kick my chest while shaking her head.



  What the fuck was happening?

  One second I was investigating a noise and the next moment I'm stuck with some Kanosian in a cave? What the hell was the meaning of all of this? Where was everyone? Where were the guards and the base? Why wasn't I rescued? Was I on some alien ship or planet? Had I been captured and become a prisoner as the result of some battle or invasion of Peroph that I didn't even know had occurred?

  "What the hell is going on? Who are you?" I asked him after getting my bearings, his eyes seemed to light up at the sound of my voice and I found myself getting lost in those golden orbs. There was something about this guy that...drew me towards him.

  "I'm Fherin. I was sent to capture you by a force of Kanosians. Unfortunately I have "failed" in a sense." he stated and I chuckled loudly at his claim.

  "If you failed then why the hell am I still with you? Shouldn't you be in a cell?" I asked him in a bitter voice and he shakes his head.

  "I have failed because they have...betrayed me. Or at least that is the most likely of the possibilities at hand. It is possible that they actually fired on me by mistake but...I have my doubts." he states and I frown while glancing at him.

  And how can I believe you?" I asked him as he pointed to the outside of the cavern.

  "You're free to see and even leave if you want. There's nothing I can do for you now, especially since I don't have anyone to return you to judging by how they had treated me during the mission. I'm unsure if I would even be welcome aboard the ship based on my suspicions." he remarked and I scowled as I stepped outside of the cavern. The cold immediately hit me like a truck, I looked to see if the base was there and I could see...nothing.

  "Where are we?" I called out.

  "On a mountain or hill of some kind next to your base." he said and I laughed.

  "Okay then where's the base Kanosian?. Don't lie to me anymore than you already have." I remarked and he stepped outside with me, pointing his hand off to the side at this small crater of snow in the distance, I could see bits of rubble and ash and...

  Oh no.

  "You bastard!" I cried out and struck his chest before breaking out into hysterics. I grabbed all that I could find, rocks, the tools that were still on my belt, anything that I could use to hurt him. He grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall while snarling. I could feel the bravado rush away from my stomach as soon as it had arrived, I could also feel an incredible amount of heat nestle itself in between my legs as his hands tense around my wrists and I watch him growl at me.

  "I was not the one who did that." he snarled at me and I watched his golden eyes as they shone. I could feel my leg quivering while he looked me over with those feral eyes. I find myself inching backwards after he releases his grip, he kept his gaze on me and merely scowled as I drew further and further away.

  "I understand your frustrations but right now we need to work together if we hope to survive in this environment." he remarked and I spat on the ground beside me.

  "Work with a Kanosian? If you bastards hadn't come and indulged in your little war fetish then I would still have a base! I would still have friends! This is all your fault! This is the fault of all of your race!" I remarked and dashed at him once more. He grabbed my shoulders and pinned me down on the ground while snarling.

  "Listen to me! I know the man who did this to your base! He was my commander, Denos. We can and will find him and find out why he did this. Believe it or not I also have an interest in capturing him. I was not supposed to be here once that bomb fell, in fact I wasn't even informed that a bomb would be falling. Bickering over our differences will not aid us in any way." he remarks and the fire lights up behind my eyes with a greater intensity. I can barely hold onto my temper as he stared at me, shaking his head.

  "I am sorry about your grievances with my people. At times in the last couple of years I have come to question my commander's actions as well as the virtues of this war. Regardless I am a warrior of Kanosia and will not tolerate the slander that you proliferate." he remarks and I nearly lunge at him again but contain myself.

  He was still holding me down and from this angle I got a pretty good view of his torso. His pectoral muscles and his abs were rippling, those muscles hardened into something akin to the body of those Greek gods from what seemed like an eternity ago back on Earth. I stare at him and find my cheeks heating up as I felt his rough and calloused hands holding me down, my eyes glance over his crotch which was still obscured by a thin layer of fabric before they settle on his eyes. Those golden eyes shimmer in contrast with the dull grey cave, I bite my lip and turn away just as his rough blue skin separated from me and he turned away.

  "Slander? That's a laugh. You know that everything that we have done has been in defense and nothing more. You can keep your slander. I don't give a shit." I muttered while walking over to the corner of the room while he looked on. He opens his mouth to say something, but I turned away before he got the chance to speak.


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  The next 24 hours or so are spent with me laying on this cold stone floor while he sits by the fire. I tried to sleep but kept on getting restless, call me paranoid but I was still a bit unsure about falling asleep next to a Kanosian.

  "You can shut your eyes human. I know you want to." he muttered and I groaned.

  "Whatever, not like I’m going to trust you." I muttered and his gaze lingered on me, he cleared his throat and began to speak once more.

  "You were very special to Denos. He was going to capture you and use you for ransom considering who your father is." he remarked and I groaned. It was hard enough knowing that I was stuck there with him with a base that was completely destroyed. Now he has granted me the knowledge that I only survived due to him being sent to capture me, as a result of who my father was. I'm kind of regretting all that frustration with father's attempts to protect me now, especially since the attempts seemed to be vindicated at this point.

  "And what? You're going to send me to him? Is that it?" I asked and he shakes his head.

  "No....whatever agreement I had with Denos is now null and void. I have no interest in serving the man at this point and frankly, considering his bombardment and our relations prior to this attack, he likely doesn't want me back. Rather he wants me dead." he remarked.

  "So what's stopping you from handing me off to another commander once you're done with all of this? You could hand me to any Kanosian general and gain a good deal of prestige."

  "You're not going to try to escape?"

  "Just answer the damn question."

  "Fine. Traditionally we don't...well we don't do such things as ransom. I wasn't quite set on the idea from the start and now I don't think that his reasons for capturing you were even for ransom. Rather he wanted to get rid of both of us at the same time. You, in order to spite your father, and me, in order to get rid of a pesky member of his crew that would question his authority." he remarks and I snort.


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