Kragyn (Farseek Warrior Series Book 1)

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Kragyn (Farseek Warrior Series Book 1) Page 12

by Clarissa Lake

  She sniffled a little longer, but she stopped the racking sobs.

  When she’d calmed for a few minutes, she twisted around and went to the end of the bed to remove Kragyn’s boots. All she had to do was press the pad at the heel, and they opened up for easy removal. She dropped them over the side of the bed to the floor, then removed her own boots as he watched her. Tossing her boots off the bed, she twisted back around and lay beside him again. Resting her head on his shoulder, she put her arm over his middle and sighed.

  Very soon, they both fell asleep.

  Reanne woke with a start from a dream where she was desperately trying to find Kragyn on Julconi. When she got to the landing spot of the Dreadnaught Four shuttle, it was taking off without her. For a moment she didn’t know where she was, except it was not the cave she shared with Kragyn. Then she realized Kragyn was spooned against her from behind wrapped in his arms.

  “What is it solmatu? You are safe in my arms, sweet one, on Dreadnaught Four.”

  “Thank gods. I had a horrible dream that I couldn’t find you, and you left Julconi without me.”

  “It will never happen as long as I draw breath.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Better. The wound is a little sore, but I can breathe fine. We slept half a rotation span. It will be at least that much longer for the nanites to finish the repair.”

  “I swear, if you hadn’t killed Lorn, I would have.” Reanne” murmured vehemently. “The things Maselle told me he did to her… She should have killed him in his sleep.”

  “You would never do that to me, would you?” he teased nuzzling the back of her neck.

  “That’s not even funny, Kray. The thought of spending the rest of my life without you terrifies me.”

  “I know,” he said, “because I feel the same about you. If I hadn’t found you when I did, I don’t know if I would have made it to evacuation. Some days, I wished I could just lay down and die. But you made me want to live again.”

  “I understand that you might come to feel that way after everything you’d been through. My months on that slave ship were like being in jail. Standing naked in front of hundreds of beings at the slave auction was utterly degrading,” she said “I hoped the male who bought me would at least be kind. Then I heard the rumors about the Alcranians…”

  “Don’t think about that anymore, you’re safe now.”

  “And we got a get out of jail free card.” Reanne turned over to face him.


  “It was a board game I used to play. Players would draw cards to tell them how to move on the board. Sometimes the moves were good and sometimes you’d get a go-to-jail card then hope to get that get-out-of-jail-free card.”

  “Well, I guess we did get out of jail free. I guess I should have had a little more faith that they would come for us.”

  “The only thing I’m going to miss is our wonderful bathing pool.” Reanne sighed.

  “I’m afraid I have more bad news,” he added thoughtfully.


  “We can’t have sex in the shower, or even share a shower.”

  “Ooh,” she moaned. “Well, at least this bed is a lot softer than the floor of the cave.”

  “And right now, I want you so much, but my shoulder is still too sore.”

  “Well, now I think I can help you with that, sweetheart.” She kissed him, caressing his cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You can just relax, and I will take care of you,” Reanne murmured in a deliberate sultry tone.

  It was the proverbial offer he couldn’t refuse. Kragyn liked the idea so well he rolled on his back to let her have complete access. She got out of the bed to take off her pants and returned to bed and climbed on top of him, straddling his middle.

  Smiling down at him, she grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it off over her head. She tossed the shirt onto the floor and held her arms up, displaying her breasts for his enjoyment. He couldn’t resist reaching up to cup them in his hands and gently squeezed them. After a few moments, he rolled the beaded nipples between his thumbs and fingers.

  Her eyes closed and she moaned. He looked between her legs in time to see the lips clench each time he squeezed her nipples to the edge between pain and pleasure. It made him so hard to know that she was hot for him as well.

  Reanne leaned over to kiss his mouth while she rubbed her taut nipples against his chest. The long, tongue tangling kiss made him groan as his pants seemed to be getting tighter by the moment. She made sure he was kissed thoroughly before she kissed and nibbled her way down his chest. She paused to lick and suck his male nipples before she moved lower dragging her lips and tongue over his flesh sending heat straight to his cock.

  When she reached the waist of his pants, she crawled backward to straddle his thighs. She opened the fastener on the waist and pulled open the hook and loop closure of the fly. He wore nothing under them, so his cock sprang up ready for pleasuring.

  Reanne paused looking like she wanted to take it into her mouth. He held his breath, unsure he could control himself if those luscious lips wrapped around it.

  It seemed she had only paused to admire his impressive manhood because she went back to work stripping him of his trousers. He lifted his hips just enough so she could complete the task. She dropped them on the floor then turned her attention back to his cock.

  Caressing his balls, she rubbed her soft cheek up the length of his cock, glancing up to see his reaction. He was holding on by a thread as he felt the stirring of an orgasm gathering low in his back.

  When she dragged her wet tongue from the base to the tip, licking the drops of precum from the tip, he groaned in sweet agony. She continued to lave up and down his length and all around it until it glistened. She ended with a kiss on the head, stroking with her tongue briefly then stopped.

  Reanne straightened and arched her back and stretched deliberately drawing his attention to her breasts with her nipples puckered into hard peaks. She walked on her knees, still straddling him until her dripping entrance was poised over his cockhead. Slowly, she lowered her silken tunnel over him, resting her hands on his ribcage.

  “Ooh! That feels so good!” she crooned softly.

  He might have said the same if he could string the words together. Reanne was so thorough in pleasing him, he hoped he could hold himself in check long enough to give her a ‘happy ending’ as well. He reached for her breasts kneading them and plucking at her nipples as she rocked over him, hugging him with her inner walls.

  He loved the way her breasts felt in his hands. They had been lovers long enough, so he knew just how to pleasure them to intensify her arousal. As she moved faster, up and down on his shaft. He pulled and pinched her nipples until she moaned.

  He knew she was getting close by the way she ground her pussy against the flesh over his cock. Panting and humming softly with each stroke.

  “I’m going to,” she gasped, and her inner walls clamped down around his cock, and her body jerked intermittently with the power of her climax. She keened in ecstasy each time her body tense with another contraction while Kragyn’s seed exploded inside her. He surged, and she shuddered as they cooed and moaned their pleasure.

  Finally, Reanne collapsed against him, resting her head on his uninjured shoulder with his cock still inside her. Kragyn hugged her and stroked her back. Then he reached down and gripped her buttocks and pushed his cock just a little deeper into her, making her quake against him in an aftershock of her orgasm.

  She murmured his name and kissed the hollow of his shoulder. Kragyn closed his eyes and sighed in satisfaction. Love was such a small word for the magnitude of what he felt for her. She had brought joy into his life and made him want to live when he’d begun to believe that dying might be a better choice.

  They had escaped Julconi with nothing but the clothes on their backs, but the only thing that mattered was they still had each other.

  After they separated Kragyn and R
eanne drifted off to sleep again for a few hours more. When they next woke, Kragyn’s wound was almost completely healed. He could move his shoulder again with barely a twinge. It was very tempting to just stay in bed enjoying the pleasures of his delectable solmatu, and continue celebrating their escape from Julconi prison.

  But there were practical matters to be addressed. They were both naked, and the only clothes they had were the dirty prison clothes strewn on the floor. Then he remembered that the ensign had said his possessions had been returned. That meant his uniforms should be in the drawers because he had worn regular clothing while on Farseek.

  He left his uniforms and military paraphernalia on the ship, never expecting it would be more than two years before he would return. He got up and opened the closet and found his four uniforms almost exactly as he’d left them in his other cabin. They actually bore a resemblance to the prison issue, except that the black cargo pants and khaki green t-shirts bore the insignias of the Farseek Brigade.

  The brigade didn’t waste credits on fancy regalia. The black jackets with their rank insignia and achievement patches were as formal as their uniforms got. Ground teams generally wore jackets of camouflage material if they went into a mission without their armor.

  As he looked through the drawers, he found everything was there. Now he just had to request some clothing for Reanne even though he liked having her naked in their cabin.

  She was still asleep, so he decided to use the head and shower. No more lingering baths in the warm spring pool in their cave. Water was a precious commodity on a starship. It was recycled many times between stops where they could replenish the holding tanks. Showers were regulated to ration the water.

  The shower first dispensed a cleansing fluid over the body then stopped so he could use a soft sponge to clean himself for a short span. When the span was up, clean water sprayed over him for a span just long enough to rinse him. Then warm air dried him.

  Reanne was sitting on the bed naked, staring at the discarded clothing on the floor. She looked up at him as he emerged from the bathroom.

  She gave a self-deprecating laugh and said, “I have nothing to wear. I refuse to put those back on.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Stand up for a moment,” he said, and she complied. “Arfer, scan female Reanne Winter for clothing size.”

  A soft glowing ring of light circled her body and traveled from the top of her head to the floor and back. The light vanished indicating the scan was complete. Deliver the standard issue for a recruit to our quarters.

  “Yes, Lieutenant Commander Vermaktu.” The feminine computer voice replied.

  Reanne laughed in delight as she heard it. “Oh, my god! I can’t believe that voice sounds so much like the computer on Star Trek.”

  “I don’t know what that is, but it could be your inferior translator.”

  Reanne shrugged. “Did you shower already?”

  “Yeah, it’s all yours.” He took a moment to explain the process. She went into the tiny cubical and Kragyn got dressed.

  A few minutes later, a short series of tones announced the delivery of Reanne’s clothing. She came out of the bathroom just as Kragyn carried the plastic crate into the bedroom. He grinned at her enjoying the view as she was still naked. He liked her that way, but only for him.

  “These are only a little better than the prison issue, but it’s something to wear until we get someplace to buy something pretty for you.”

  “Thank you, Kray.” She met him in front of the bed. He set the crate on the bed and pulled her into his arms for a kiss. His cock stirred instantly as her body pressed tight against his. But then her stomach growled reminding them both they hadn’t eaten since the day before.

  Kragyn sighed when their lips parted looking down at her wistfully.

  “That’s a hard choice,” she said pressing her belly against his erection as her nipples tightened into hard points. “Food first, sex later.” She put her hands flat against his chest and pulled out of his embrace.

  He let her because he was hungry as well. She noted there was no underwear in the crate. “Don’t your people wear under clothes?”

  Kragyn shrugged. “Not usually. But there is a liner in the female shirts to support your breasts made of smart fabric.”

  “I can live with that.” Her breasts weren’t overly large, but they still needed support for strenuous activity. Once she put on the t-shirt and arranged them in the liner, she realized it gave her the same support as the sports bras she favored.

  “Before we go, I need to explain something, so you don’t feel slighted by my behavior. Farseek warriors, Uatu people, in general, to not share affection in public beyond a clasping of hands or a chaste kiss on the cheek. I treated you differently on Julconi to make it clear to all the other males that you were my woman,” he said. “But that is not necessary among my people. I have declared solmatu, and they will respect that.”

  “I understand,” she said. “My people would adhere to the same standard on duty in the military.” She smiled at him. “I promise I will keep my hands to myself if we are not alone in our cabin.”

  “Then let’s go find something to eat then I will take you to the medical bay to get a new translator.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The mess hall was two floors below the level of Kragyn’s cabin. Reanne noticed right away that the ship was far more utilitarian than the starships on TV. Everything was neat and clean but mostly metal with some kind of finish or stainless steel. In some places, there were a lot of conduits and what looked like access panels. The décor was uninspired, but it seemed sturdy and made her feel safe.

  She walked through the unfamiliar corridors at Kragyn’s side with his hand resting lightly at the small of her back. People they passed on their way to the mess hall nodded respectfully at Kragyn as they passed.

  Considering how strange the surroundings felt to her, Reanne suspected he was feeling out of place. As long as he’d been missing, many of them likely had presumed him dead. Despite his confident demeanor, she sensed he was distressed. She was glad there were hardly any people in the mess hall because it was between scheduled meal times.

  Kragyn still needed medical clearance before he could return to duty. Once he was cleared for duty, he would set up a meeting with Commander Ganatu to determine his duty assignment.

  He helped Reanne select her food because she couldn’t read the language, nor was she familiar with the ship’s cuisine. Most everything was reconstituted in the food processors on demand. Compared with some of the fare offered since her captivity, dreadnaught chow was delicious.

  Although, she and Kragyn had put together some tasty meals with the skitters and slithers he caught.

  They sat across from each other at one of the long narrow tables in a row of six, eating in silence for a time. This was an unusual state for them. Usually, they always had something to say to each other.

  “It feels kind of weird to be back, doesn’t it?” Reanne said in a gentle tone.

  He didn’t answer right away; he seemed to have a difficult time putting his feelings into words. “Yeah,” he said finally. “I’m not even sure I belong here anymore.”

  “Is it because Pazel took over your team?”

  “Not really. Commander Ganatu had no choice since I had gone missing with the rest of our people on Farseek. Pazel was the logical choice since he was being groomed to assume command of his own team while under my command.”

  “While I was in the lounge talking with them back on Julconi, they told me that your military has two lines of command on every dreadnaught.”

  “That’s right. Captain Kaldatu is responsible for the ship’s operations and defending the ship. Commander Ganatu oversees the ground teams that go down to the planets to fight the enemy.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “We train in ship’s operations in case there are casualties, and we need to assume control of the ship. It’s never happened though. I have alwa
ys been a warrior, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “Maybe you aren’t ready to go back to regular duty. It’s only been one rotation span, and you were nearly killed yesterday.”

  “That was personal, and I am almost fully recovered. It started as soon as the shuttle landed and I knew we were getting off that purgatory. I started to feel out of sync.” He frowned, toying with his food. “All this time, I thought things would be fine if I could just get back to my unit in the Brigade. I thought I would be fine…”

  “But you’re not,” she said gently. “Back on Earth, they call it post-traumatic stress disorder. Getting your world blown up, being sold into slavery, tortured, and thrown into that barbaric prison. Anyone of those could leave you messed up.”

  “I’m a warrior. I should be able to handle it.”

  “Pazel said they have gene therapy for it that will balance your brain chemistry.”

  “You talked to him about this?” Kragyn’s eyes flashed anger.

  Reanne discreetly put her hand over his. “He’s your friend, and he knew something was wrong. Kray, even I could see the change. We all need a little help sometimes.”

  His expression softened. “I will probably need to have the therapy before they medically release me to resume my duties.”

  “Well, you said we’re going to medical after we eat to get my language chip, and you have to get clearance to return to duty” she murmured so only he could hear. “No one has to know anything beyond that. Besides, if any of them had gone through what you did, I doubt they would handle it any better.”

  They ate in silence for a couple minutes then Reanne said, “I know you stepped in front of me on purpose when Lorn shot you. You could have been killed.”

  “I know, but I wasn’t,” he said matter-of-factly. “And you were not hurt.”

  “No, just scared as hell,” she muttered.

  “I would do it again, too. I’m not that easy to kill, and normally when we go into battle, we are in full body armor that augments our strength, and protects us from injury by most conventional weapons. Who knew Lorn even had a crossbow?”


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