Bound by Earth: The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 1

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Bound by Earth: The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 1 Page 10

by Quinn Loftis

Tara glanced to the side when she saw movement and caught Jax attempting to smother a grin with his hand. She was glad her friend was amusing him. It could be worse. She could be offending Jax, in which case they wouldn’t have a chance to work at this company, not that she was saying she wanted to work at the same company Elias worked for, but if she did.

  “I can assure you”—Elias spoke up, interrupting her thoughts, his voice practically purring as he leaned across the table toward her—“I’ve no issues with vaginas in general.”

  Tara’s brow rose at his words. “I can assure you I’ve no interest in your issues or lack of issues with or without vaginas.”

  “Could we please all stop using that word?” Jax asked.

  Elias and Tara both pointed at Shelly at the same time and said, “She started it.”

  She promptly raised her hand and sang, “Guuuuiiiiiltyyyy.”

  Jax pursed his lips as he looked at Elias. “Really?”

  Elias shrugged, not looking the least bit embarrassed.

  Tara sighed. “Could you please just give us the personality tests, and we will be on our way?”

  “And we’ll take our vaginas with us,” Shelly added. “Vagina talk,” she corrected. “I meant we will take our vagina talk with us. Because obviously we can’t very well leave our va—”

  Tara smacked a hand over Shelly’s mouth.

  Elias smirked. “Are you sure she doesn’t need an off switch?”

  Jax held out two forms, and Tara took them with her free hand. Ignoring Elias she turned to the other man. “Thank you.”

  “I do hope you ladies have what it takes. Who knows?” Elias winked. “Maybe you’ll end up with me in the extraction department.”

  Unfortunately, Tara had already dropped her hand from her friend’s mouth. “I’ll extract something all right. Ouch!” Shelly yelped as Tara stomped on her foot. “What was that for?”

  “For not having an off switch,” Tara muttered and then turned when she heard her nickname being called from behind them.

  “Hey, T.”

  Tara turned to see Tucker walking up to her smiling like he had a secret, or like she was his secret. What was up with this guy? Her attention was momentarily captured by the two recruiters. She could have sworn she heard both the recruiters… It was hard to say what they were doing … growling maybe?

  “Hey,” she said to Tucker, but the word came out as a question.

  “Found anything you’re interested in?” he asked, standing too close for comfort.

  “She might, mate, if she wasn’t rudely interrupted in the middle of a conversation with a recruiter,” said Elias calmly.

  “Oh, burn,” Shelly whispered.

  Tara was so shocked by the abruptness of Elias’s tone that she turned to look at him. For once, his eyes weren’t on her. He was staring directly at Tucker. And though his voice had sounded harsh, the look on his face didn’t show anger. It simply appeared as though he was bored of Tucker’s presence.

  “Yeah, sorry,” Tucker said, a sheepish smile spreading on his handsome face. “Gotta admit, I see Tara and everyone else just fades into the background.”

  “You’re a little young to be declaring such deep affection,” Elias countered. “There are a lot of women in the world.”

  Tara felt as if he’d just slapped her. She wanted to tell him she wasn’t simply some woman, but before she could react, Tucker spoke.

  “There’s a ton of rocks on the ground, but only a few worth taking home to put on your collection shelf. The rest you skip across the lake and let sink to the bottom. Tara isn’t a rock you toss away.”

  “Tara isn’t a rock at all,” Shelly quipped. When both guys turned their withering glares on her, she threw up her hands. “Just saying.”

  Elias took a step toward the end of the table as if he was going to walk around it, but Jax placed a hand on the younger man’s arm. “Think before you act.”

  Elias stood frozen, staring at Tucker as if he’d somehow personally offended him, though all he’d done was defend Tara. Maybe Shelly was right. Elias had vagina issues, and Tara had managed to stay clear of vagina-issue guys all through high school. She wasn’t about to jump on that bandwagon now.

  “Okay, then,” Tara said in a much too cheery voice. “I think this rock needs to roll away, now. So, I’m just gonna…” She pointed toward the exit. “Thanks, Jax, for telling us about your company. I appreciate that you took your time. Sounds great. Shelly and I will get these personality forms completed straight away and—”

  “There’s an address on the form to mail them back to us,” said Jax.

  “Oh, good,” she replied. “And, uh, Elias, um, thank you for, well, uh … just thank you.” Without looking back at the three guys, Tara grabbed Shelly’s hand and dragged her friend toward the gym doors.

  “Why’d you thank that gorgeous, delicious, butt munch? All he did was insult you. Wait, are you one of those chicks who gets off on a guy humiliating them? Please say no. I mean, not that I won’t be your friend if you are. I will totally be your friend, but I will no longer want to live vicariously through your love life.”



  “Shut up.”

  “Can do BFFF. But this discussion is tabled for later.”

  Chapter 8

  Standing in the gym, Elias watched Tara and her friend scurry away. It bothered him she couldn’t seem to get away from him fast enough. Not that he’d given her a reason to stay. What he’d said had been insulting. But he’d had a method to his madness. Elias had needed to get Tara away from the boy who had been attempting to stake some sort of claim on her.

  “A water acolyte? What the hell are you doing here?” Jax asked Tucker as he released Elias’s arm and turned to face the boy.

  “Acolyte?” Tucker shook his head, the good-guy act suddenly dropping. “Such a nasty word. Those of us who study the stronger arts prefer the term elemental wizard. But how do you know I’m not simply another Natura Venatori like you two?”

  “I don’t give a damn what you call yourself, but you’re no nature hunter. I can practically smell the darkness coming off you,” said Elias.

  “And I don’t get around to Hydro Academy often,” added Jax, “but I’m pretty sure you aren’t enrolled.”

  “I am not,” said Tucker with a smirk. “I go to school here. And I’ve gone to school here for four years.”

  “Why would you want to go to a human school?” Elias asked. “You don’t belong here.”

  “One of the ‘benefits’ of being attuned to water, Elias” Jax said, putting air quotes around the word benefits. “Since the human body is mostly water, an elemental acolyte can keep themselves looking young indefinitely by simply manipulating their own cells.”

  “The great ones can change their appearance entirely,” said Tucker.

  Jax stepped out from behind the table and closer to the boy. “Is that what you aspire to, Tucker? Greatness?”

  “Don’t we all?” Tucker replied.

  “No.” Elias said. “Some of us want to help others.”

  Tucker laughed. “How noble. The little earth hunter wants to save the world. Imagine that.”

  Elias balled his hands into fists, and he, too, stepped closer to Tucker.

  Tucker’s lips turned up in a sly smile. “I haven’t done anything wrong, Venator.” The last word was bit out through tight teeth despite the smile that belied his irritation with them.

  “The mere fact that you exist is wrong,” Elias growled. “You might not have done anything, but that sentence will always end with ‘yet.’ Why should we wait until you cause trouble to deal with you?”

  “Because there are rules and you bloody well know it.”

  “Rules can be bent,” Elias warned.

  “What do you want with Tara?” Jax asked. Elias crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for an answer.

  “I already told you,” Tucker said. “She’s not a rock you toss back.”
r />   “Are you with her?” Elias asked, his jaw so tight it was a wonder his teeth didn’t crack. The thought of Tucker, or any male for that matter, being with Tara made him see red.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” The dark acolyte laughed. “She doesn’t even know about our kind. You can’t be with her no matter how much you desire her.”

  “Again you fail to end the sentence properly. She doesn’t know about our kind, yet.” Elias was usually calm and in control of his emotions, but something about Tara had gotten under his skin, and he felt like electricity was humming just beneath the surface of his flesh.

  “She won’t ever need to know about it if she doesn’t go to your precious academy. She’s mine. I found her and I’m keeping her. There’s no reason for her to get involved with the elementals. She can have a normal life.” Tucker’s voice was sincere despite the fact there was no way he was only interested in Tara because of attraction. It was no coincidence that the object of his affection was a future Nat Vent.

  “She’s already been Marked,” Jax pointed out. “Soon, her powers will begin manifesting themselves. You are wrong. She does need our academy. She needs to know what she is and what she is capable of. Maybe there’s still hope for you, too, Tucker. I don’t generally trouble myself with anything that doesn’t concern the academy of earth, but perhaps I can help you. Who is your master? I’m sure Hydro Academy would be willing to rescue you. They always love the chance to snuff out a rogue water elementalist.”

  Tucker laughed. Any remnant of the “good ol’ boy” who’d been standing there by Tara was completely gone. “Rescue me? You Natura Venatori really don’t have a clue. My master, who shall remain nameless, wields elemental power the fools at your pathetic elemental schools couldn’t even begin to fathom. You would never breach his stronghold, much less defeat him.”

  Despite the words, Elias could hear the doubt in the boy’s voice. As much as he tried to convince himself, surely, deep down, Tucker had to know a single master elementalist couldn’t impart the same wisdom he could get studying at an academy. Didn’t he?

  “Are you saying you just want to settle down with Tara and play house?” Elias asked.

  Tucker shrugged his wide shoulders. “I’m saying it’s none of your concern.”

  Elias started to argue, but Jax held up his hand. “We can just agree to disagree for now. Elias,” he said as he looked over at him, “why don’t you go see if Tara and Shelly are all right. I think they headed toward the exit that led outside.”

  As Elias began to move past Tucker, he placed one hand on the table and one hand on the dark elemental’s arm. He murmured under his breath a quick spell that would keep the other male stuck where he was. It would hold him there long enough to be annoying, but the spell wasn’t dangerous. Elias was a good five feet away when he heard Jax chuckle and tell Tucker the spell would wear off soon enough but to get comfortable in the meantime. Elias smiled to himself. The spell itself wasn’t dangerous, but being stuck with Jax might be. Water was one of the four fundamental elements. As a Natura Venatori, Jax had to respect all the elements. But that didn’t necessarily mean he had to like them. Water was intrinsically very powerful against earth. After all, the Grand Canyon was carved by a single stream. There were few humans alive more attuned to earth than Jax. This made the big man uneasy around the element of water. And a dark acolyte attuned to water … rooted in place next to Jax. That situation could be volatile. Oh well, I guess the little water git shouldn’t have made a claim on one of ours.

  Tara and Shelly had some time before the start of their next class. Tara pushed open the main doors of the gymnasium and stepped out into the spring morning. She took a deep breath and let the sounds and smells of the world around her center her. She had no idea what had just happened. But she did know she had just stood across from the only guy in the history of guys who had finally made her want him. Like really want him. And no, she did not get turned on by being humiliated. But even after he’d opened his full lips and spoken those rude words in that sexy accent, Tara still wanted him. She also wanted to yell out in frustration and stomp her foot like a freaking two-year-old.

  “Why,” she finally growled out.

  “Why are hot, brooding guys butt wipes?” Shelly asked. “It’s another one of those unwritten laws. Find me a kind, sexy bad boy, and I’ll give you my left boob.”

  Tara frowned and asked dryly, “Why on earth would I want your left boob?”

  “It’s the bigger one. Duh,” Shelly said as she laid down on her back on one of the picnic tables scattered around the school grounds.

  Tara sighed and slumped down onto the table’s bench. “I was asking ‘why’ because I’m frustrated, not because I wondered why he is a jerk.”

  “He’s obviously a frustrating guy,” Shelly said as she stared up at the clouds.

  “He’s the first guy I’ve ever been attracted to. Like, really, really attracted to.”

  Shelly must have heard the desperation in Tara’s voice because she sat up slowly and looked at her. Her eyes narrowed as she studied Tara, and then a grin broke out across her pretty face. “You want to jump his bones!” she exclaimed with way too much excitement in her voice. No girl should say something like that about her best friend with that level of excitement or that loudly, ever, anywhere.

  “Shut your mouth,” Tara hissed. “You do not go bellowing something like that out in the middle of a freaking high school. It’s like putting a banner over your head saying, ‘Please spread dirty rumors about me because I like it.’”

  “Tara, we’re outside, alone,” Shelly pointed out, the grin still in place. “Does he make your girly bits tingle? Wait.” She held up a hand. “Don’t answer that. Just write about it in your diary, and I’ll read it.”

  Tara’s eyes narrowed. “You’ve read my diary? When?”

  “Every time I sleep over. Girl, that shite’s better than those novels you read. You should seriously consider writing as a career.”

  “Good freaking grief.” Tara groaned. “We desperately need to discuss boundaries again and how you have none.”

  “Maybe, but let’s wait until after we see what your future first time has to say.” Shelly nodded in the direction behind her, and Tara turned around to see what she was talking about.

  Elias Creed was striding toward them with purposeful steps. His shoulders were pulled back, and his head was held high. He walked with the confidence of a man twice his age. There was no ounce of hesitation, no flicker of uncertainty in his eyes as he approached them. Honestly, he looked like a predator on the hunt, and when his eyes found hers, Tara felt as though she was his prey.

  “I’m having twins,” Shelly jingled behind her. “Because his swagger just impregnated me a second time.”

  “I thought you said he was a butt munch,” Tara reminded her.

  Shelly chuckled. “Butt munch or not, he’s totally got enough sexy pheromones wafting off of him to get any woman within a five-mile radius knocked up. Not even gonna lie.”

  Tara wanted to kick herself in her own girl parts for the way she was drinking Elias in. He’d been a total ass, and yet she was salivating just from watching him walk.

  “Hey T,” Shelly whispered.


  “You’re drooling.”

  “Unfortunately, you’re not wrong,” Tara muttered.

  As soon as Elias was out the door, he spotted Tara and her friend at a picnic table about twenty yards away. His eyes lasered in on the lush brunette who had hijacked his attention from the moment he’d first entered the gym. Her pale grey/blue eyes were mesmerizing. She was beautiful, but it was clear she had no clue. The clothes she was wearing outlined her curvy figure and were a visual delight, but she seemed a bit awkward in them, as though she didn’t usually wear close-fitting things. All in all, she was lovely.

  He’d been hard-pressed to tear his eyes away from her even for a second. There was a part of him that worried if he looked away, then she w
ould disappear as if she’d never been there. He realized it was foolish thinking, but something about her had Elias all out of sorts, and it was driving him mad. Apparently, that madness made him a fool. There was no other excuse to blurt out something so insensitive about there being more women in the world in font of Tara. Not that Elias was exactly the most sensitive person on a good day. But he did know how to be respectful to a female. His grandmother had made sure of it.

  “Are you all right?” he asked Tara as soon as he was within five feet of them.

  “I’m great,” she said her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I love it when a guy insults me. It’s my jam.”

  Shelly, her friend, snorted and nudged her shoulder. “I knew I’d rub off on you one day. You’re doing me proud, female dog, doing me proud.”

  “Did she just call you a—”

  “Bitch,” said Tara. “Yes, yes she did.”

  “Okay, then. I just wanted to apologize for…” He paused and flexed his jaw. Apologizing wasn’t something he enjoyed doing. “…for being insensitive. I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t worthy of the boy’s affection. I was just a little thrown off by meeting you.”

  Tara stared up at Elias and tried to gauge the true meaning behind his words. He said you as though Tara was significant. Not like he was thrown off by meeting some random stranger. “It seemed more like you were thrown off by Tucker,” Tara pointed out, considering that had been when the rude comment had flown from his lips.

  “You should be focusing on your studies, not flitting about with boys who don’t deserve you,” he said in a voice that was too nonchalant for the fierce expression on his handsome face.

  “First of all, I don’t flit with anyone, let alone boys. Secondly, I really don’t think that’s any of your business.” Who was this guy? Why did he think he had the right to reprimand her? He’d known her all of thirty minutes.

  Elias stepped closer as he looked her in the eyes. “He’s not for you.” His words were slow and measured and sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop the trolley, pause the flitting,” Shelly said as she hopped off the table to stand beside Tara. “Are you like one of those alpha males who decides he wants a chick and just claims her? Tara…” Shelly clapped her hands and squealed like a child. “It’s just like what you said you wanted in your diary. You said you wanted a guy who would just take what he wanted. I think your exact words were, ‘I don’t want him to ask for permission because I want him to know the instant he sees me that I’m his, that he has a right to take me because I’m his.’”


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