The Black Knight Box Set

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The Black Knight Box Set Page 11

by Christian J Gilliland

  "What? What do you mean…"

  "Something is weighing heavily on your mind," The bartender observed, "I talk to distracted folk all day. To those lost in their own minds. You, my lady, are somewhere else, in a world of your own distraction."

  "Oh," Sarasin breathed a relieved sigh, "Yes…" Her mind was indeed a haze, so much so that she was afraid of speaking anymore.

  "Well if you are interested," the bartender continued, looking around to make sure nobody was listening, "I have something that could help with your situation. Something to help release you from your world of distraction." He produced a small clear plastic bag filled with glimmering gold powder and tied shut at the top with a string, "For a being in a predicament such as yours, I will give you a very good price…"

  Sarasin sighed and reached in her pocket, producing her Govian Military ID. She tossed it across the counter, and the bartender closed his eyes and quickly shoved the bag back into his pocket.

  "Oh shit. Please…" he spoke frantically, a bead of sweat formed at his forehead, "My Lady, do forgive me. I didn't know; I'm just tryin…"

  "Unless you desire to spend the rest of your days in Korgath for peddling sugir, I suggest you leave me alone," Sarasin spat with an annoyed tone, "Right now." The bartender nodded and quickly stood up and walked away.

  "Wait," Sarasin called after him, not removing her gaze from the table before her. He stopped and hesitantly turned back around.

  "Y… yes my lady?" He asked.

  "Send the red-haired waitress back to me. I wish to speak with her."

  The bartender looked a bit perplexed, "I employ no waitresses that are red of hair my lady," he earnestly promised, "You must… you must be mistaken."

  "That cannot be true," Sarasin slammed her fist against the table and stood to face the bartender, "Do you understand who you are fucking with? Do not protect her! One of your waitresses approached me earlier. Where is she?"

  "I… I do not employ…"

  "Answer me!" Sarasin shouted. She raised an open hand in his direction. He screamed as he fell to the floor and covered his head with his arms. A couple of regulars got to their feet and started walking toward Sarasin.

  "Whoa now!" A male voice suddenly shouted above the commotion. A figure quickly approached the scuffle, "That's enough of that, all is well." Sarasin recognized the short brown haired male and sighed. She lowered her hand and turned toward him, shaking her head as he drew near.

  "Brother…" she sighed as he stepped up to her. He scooped her up, and she tearfully wrapped her scarred arms around him. He was a comforting sight to her on her stressful day. He held her tenderly and patted the back of her head, sensing her frustration.

  "What are you doing?" He gently asked his sister as he released her, though not letting go of her arms, "Come on, let's get you out of here before you cause any more harm. So sorry everyone!" He waved everyone back to their seats and guided Sarasin toward the front door.

  The brother and sister stepped out onto the city's dusty sidewalk. By that time, more people had come out of their homes and were either driving on the street or walking by the tall buildings that composed Canrom City. Sarasin and her brother stood silently for a moment before he turned to her.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, looking her up and down, "Nobody hurt you, right?"

  "I am fine," Sarasin replied, "I am happy to see you again Rubaan."

  "As am I," Rubaan smiled, "It has been what, a year? Why I hardly recognized you. Just look at you; your hair is so long!"

  "Yes," Sarasin sucked on her lower lip, "It has been too long… I am sorry for that, I have been…"

  "You are an important person," Rubaan interrupted her, "I understand that, and I don't hold it against you." Rubaan grabbed his sister's hand and started to lead her down the street, "Come on."

  "Where are we going?" she asked as the two walked away from the bar and past a fruit shop.

  "To the pier," he informed her, "Where we can be alone… I have so much to tell you."

  "About what?" Sarasin asked.

  "Things…" Rubaan shrugged his shoulders. His expression looked distressed, and it sparked her curiosity, "Things have happened. I only have the faintest idea of what they mean. It is something I couldn't tell you on the phone… dangerous stuff, you know?"

  "Are you okay?" Sarasin asked, "Is your family okay?"

  "I… I suppose for now…" Rubaan insisted as they approached a run down looking car, "Here we are." Sarasin chuckled when she saw the car Rubaan had led them to.

  The two stood before an old red coupe. The thing looked like it should have been recycled many years ago as it was covered in dents scrapes and scratches. The front fender was black, as it had been replaced long ago, and patches of rust peppered the rest of the body. Sarasin saw a dent on the rear bumper, sparking a memory, and smiled as she shook her head.

  "Same old Caroset. Father's old car… you know all you have to do is ask, and I would buy you something newer."

  "No way," Rubaan immediately objected, "I don't accept handouts. You know that. Besides, I keep this old girl running pretty well. Well, me and Dauid… mostly Dauid… Dauid keeps it running."

  "Dauid?" Sarasin remembered the old man working on her father's car when she was a child. She hated sitting in his shop and waiting, "That blind old one-handed Humaan that should have died twenty years ago? He is still alive?"

  "He is," Rubaan chuckled as he raked his mind for the proper phrasing, "Just as crazy and drunk as ever."

  "Indeed?" Sarasin took a seat in Rubaan's car, slamming the door shut behind her. The door popped on its hinges and made her jump at the sudden noise. Her brother smiled as he hopped into the driver seat and closed his own door. When his look of delight faded, he suddenly let out a sigh. Sarasin could tell something was bothering him.

  "How are mother and father?" Sarasin asked, changing the subject.

  "Mother and father are fine," Rubaan replied, "Little Alma is doing well. She is beautiful, has red hair like you. She's only a few months younger than my son."

  "Alma," Sarasin reflected, "My little sister. How I wish I could meet her one day… how is Roc? I have yet to see him."

  "Healthy," Rubaan grinned as he thought of his son, "Happy. He's crazy he tears the whole apartment up and tries to eat everything. You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to come by and see mother and father. You could meet Alma and Roc. You haven't even met my wife yet."

  "All for good reason," Sarasin regretfully told him, "Mother and Father believe me to be dead. They have believed it for years. For them to know that I am who I am would be too much for them. Plus, being seen with me could potentially put everyone in danger."

  "Oh but fuck me though right?" Rubaan teased as he cocked his head at his sister. Sarasin rolled her eyes and looked at him with a playful smile.

  "I'm disguised, you ass," She rebutted, "Nobody knows who I am."

  "Or so you think," Rubaan thought a moment and pulled out into the street, "You may be surprised." Sarasin watched the look of distress suddenly return to his face and turned toward her brother. She wore a concerned expression as she hiked her feet up into the seat.

  "What is the matter?" She asked, "What is bothering you so much?"

  Rubaan took a deep breath, and his nostrils flared, "I'm that easy to read, huh?" He forced a fake smile and kept his head forward and his eyes on the road, "Weird things are happening Sayraa. I mean, truly weird and evil things are happening."

  "What do you mean?"

  "There is so much to tell…" Rubaan replied evenly. He took a right and continued driving toward the pier, "There are so many things that have happened to me that I can't explain in our short time together today. It's all so unbelievable, things that sound like they are out of a story… you'll think me crazy, Sayraa. I have witnessed a malevolent force arriving on this planet with an evil power that we cannot begin to understand…" He paused for a moment to find his words and his expression went very serious, "Did you see the… De
mon vision?"

  Sarasin thought back to the sudden vision she saw after killing Korros. The one of Crinnan the Demon. She knew what it meant; she knew who he was.

  "I did," Sarasin replied, perplexed by what Rubaan was saying.

  "What does it mean?" Rubaan asked, "I saw it this morning. I saw the image; none of it made sense."

  "The Empire seems to have broadcasted a message across the NaNe," Sarasin explained, "It is something they have been trying to figure out for years now. I guess they finally perfected it... in mainland Govia, he is all over the news. He murdered so many people; over one hundred thousand others are trapped because of his actions. He is Govia's most wanted terrorist now."

  "How?" Rubaan seemed befuddled by her explanation, "How is any of that possible?"

  "I couldn't begin to explain to you the intricacies of it," Sarasin looked out her window and watched the buildings pass by, "But he has done something that has completely rocked the Empire to the core. They still haven't recovered."

  Rubaan took in a deep sigh and shook his head with disbelief. He turned the car down another street and spoke.

  "I think… well I mean, it all has to be connected somehow. Call me crazy, but the Demon… the things going on with me, the things I have seen… I think everything is connected and something very bad is about to happen."

  "Something bad?" Sarasin asked inquisitively, "Like what?"

  "I have no idea," Rubaan glowered, "But I wouldn't be surprised if the whole damn world ended." Sarasin nodded silently, and Rubaan pulled into a parking spot as the two finally arrived at the pier. He shifted the car into park, and the two sat silently for a moment.

  "Let's speak by the water for a few minutes," he decided as he turned off the engine, "You can tell me more about what is going on with you."

  Canrom city was situated on the southern coast of the Great Vikith Sea, a large body of saltwater nearly twenty times the size of the city. Clustered before the two were many docks and boats of varying sizes and purposes. Gulls flew overhead, honking at one another and occasionally dipped into the water for a meal. The brother and sister walked up to a wooden bench from where they could see the whole pier and took a seat.

  "I have something to confess, Sayraa," Rubaan declared as he got comfortable. He looked over at his sister, and she gave him a curious look.

  "I have been thinking on this for quite some time. I mean, ever since everything happened to me, and though it may seem insignificant… I am rejoining the army," Rubaan looked down at his hands, and nodded his head thoughtfully, "It is what I feel I must do to prepare for what is to come. For now, I am a member of mother's guard, but soon I will be sent to work with Commander Xian at Base 21."

  "Indeed," Sarasin tried to withhold judgment. She was concerned with the way her brother was speaking, and with his decision to become a member of Black Knight, "I suppose I will have to watch out for you on the battlefield then." She let out a troubled sigh and shook her head, "Oh how you complicate my life."

  "Me?" Rubaan asked with a chuckle, "Never." The two laughed, and Sarasin leaned into Rubaan. They sat for a moment and watched the water and Rubaan gently wrapped his arm around his sister and rested his hand on her shoulder.

  "I killed a man today," Sarasin suddenly whispered, "I killed an evil man."

  "If he was evil, then he deserved it. The world is better off," Rubaan pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, "Who was it?"

  Sarasin pursed her lips together as she replayed the morning's events in her head. She saw him again, his smiling face, his bald head. She watched herself throw him like a doll through the Sanctuary and finally saw his bleeding and broken face as she blasted through his skull.

  "High Priest Korros," Sarasin bit her lip as she admitted to her crime. Rubaan's eyes grew wide, and he glanced up from lighting his cigarette, but only for a moment. He lit the cigarette, took a drag and exhaled.

  "By the Brothers, Sayraa," he anxiously rubbed his chin with his free hand, "The entire planet loves that man."

  "Yeah…" Sarasin snorted, "The entire planet except for me… he is the one I told you about, the one who…"

  "You don't need to finish that sentence," Rubaan held up a hand to shush her, "I kind of just put all that together. So what is the likelihood of you getting in any trouble?"

  "I do not know," she whined as her fingernails flirted with puncturing the skin of her palms, "The only people who saw me at the Temple were two Monks of The Severed Tongue, and a little girl… she heard Korros say my name."

  "Monks don't break their vows," Rubaan took another drag from his cigarette, "They can't. They have no tongue. And the government doesn't listen to little girls... you know that. I think you will end up okay." The two sat for a while and silently stared out at the pier. The cool breeze blew in from the water and through Sarasin's hair, knocking her hood off. She quickly lifted it back into place and finally stood.

  "Thank you brother," she looked down at Rubaan tenderly and gave him a smile, "Thank you for meeting me today. I have to go now; I have work to do. I love you."

  "You know, you don't always have to go back," Rubaan argued as he stared solemnly at her, "You could just… you could just leave it all and come home, you know? Mother and father think you're dead. Come home, end their suffering, join the resistance, we could use somebody like…"

  "Enough, Rubii," Sarasin glared at her little brother, "You know I cannot."

  "What's stopping you?" Rubaan asked as he stood to face her, "Really, what is stopping you? Fear? Are you afraid they will find you? Do you enjoy the life you live?"

  "That's enough, please," Sarasin closed her eyes and tried to block her thoughts of depression from coming, "Look I am in way over my head. There is no leaving the Govian Empire, especially as a person in my position. You should know that. They would find our whole family and me within a day."

  "Oh bullshit," Rubaan waved his hand dismissively. "They have been looking for mother and father for years."

  "And I have been preventing them from being found," Sarasin argued, "Without me, you would all be in grave danger."

  "Keep telling yourself that," his voice was lightly seasoned with a hint of anger, "If you think you're the only one capable of protecting this family then you are delusional. We are strong; we are capable…"

  "You are," Sarasin stepped back up to her brother. She put a hand on each of his shoulders and pressed her forehead against his, "I love you so much, brother. I must return to my people now before I am missed. Please, take care of yourself. Please, if you are in danger, let me know, and I will always help."

  "Yeah…" Rubaan ignored his thoughts of Eon, "I love you too sis. Don't forget who your people really are though." Sarasin gave Rubaan a thin smile and stepped backward.

  "Goodbye baby brother."

  Rubaan remained on the bench, finishing his cigarette. He watched as his sister disappeared in the crowd and as he tossed his cigarette aside, he shook his head.

  "Eon…" he said aloud as he closed his eyes, "Things are about to get so fucking crazy."

  Chapter Nine

  Crinnan V

  22nd of Ramlia – 346AG

  15:00 – Belhaasi Weald

  "Now, dear steward of Dura'Ana," Sage approached the Govian with his hands extended and a gentle smile, "I harbor no desire to offend, but I should say that I do believe you are mistaken in your assumptions about our friend here."

  "I am not," the Govian spat, not moving his rifle as he took a step forward, "He is the Demon. I have seen his face."

  "No my fellow Elf," Sage laughed, "He is not. He is Raby Loffers, the son of a friend of mine. He collapsed whilst we were out scavenging for the riches that the Belhaasi Weald has to offer. I should say the air is indeed thin here."

  "Silence," the Govian brashly commanded, "You are both under arrest. Do not move."

  "Prithee, dear brother," Sage raised an eyebrow, "Listen to me. It would be an utter shame for this to end in our favor, for you are not
even considered sport to us."

  "I said shut up!" the Govian shouted, taking another nervous step forward, "Do not make me put a bullet in you!"

  "Tell me, mighty soldier," Sage stepped closer, "What if you fired your weapon and you missed your target? How would that make you feel?"

  "What?" the Govian was confused by Sage's words, "Be quiet!"

  Sage's right hand suddenly burst into flame, and the Govian took a fearful step backward. He held the display of his NaNe abilities in front of him and wiggled his fingers for the Govian to see.

  "Do you believe your bullets are faster than his?" Sage inquired as he winked back at Crinnan, "You see, his bullets could not hit me. Not once. Do you think yours could?"

  "How…" the Govian stuttered, obviously frightened, "S…stay back!"

  "Run," Sage encouraged, "Forget you saw us." The Govian shakily looked around and took another nervous step backward.

  "I…" The Govian replied, "I cannot!" At that, he opened fire on Sage. Sage phased out of the way of the Govian's automatic weapon, going in and out of sight. Crinnan watched with his back on the ground, and quickly pulled one of his revolvers from its holster.

  "For fuck's sake!" Crinnan shouted, as he quickly aimed and pulled the trigger. The bullet soared through the air and into the Govian's throat. The soldier dropped his weapon and fell backward, making a hissing noise as he desperately gasped for air.

  "Shall I make room for another guest?" Crinnan heard Eshan's voice ask in his head.

  "Oh be quiet!" Crinnan muttered as he pushed himself up off the ground and got to his feet.

  "Perhaps I will not be so lonely up here after all."

  "I said shut up!" Crinnan walked toward the Govian. Sage had stopped phasing and stood before the soldier, who was convulsing on the ground and trying to keep himself from bleeding. Sage looked to Crinnan, but Crinnan did not return the gaze. Instead, he quickly aimed and fired a bullet into the Govian's skull.


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