The Black Knight Box Set

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The Black Knight Box Set Page 50

by Christian J Gilliland

  Rubaan tried to speak but every word he screamed felt more like a thought. He knew they were there but he could not audibly hear them. He watched his former coworkers stand silently as the other Rubaan started to run. Finally, he heard his own voice speak again but not his own words.

  “Choose now. You or him,” Eon offered, “Remember I hear every thought.”

  “I don’t know!” Rubaan tried to say.

  “Yes you do,” Eon replied, “I have bonded with you. I can do this at any point Rubaan. I can make you kill your family.”

  At that, Rubaan fell forward and watched as Eon entered the other Rubaan again, “No!” Rubaan shouted, “I’m sorry!” The other Rubaan looked at him and while he still had time he responded.

  “Take care of Roc!” He desperately shouted, “Take care of my son!” Rubaan shook his head and reached forward.

  “Stop!” he pleaded, “Please!”

  “I shall tell your brother you wish him well,” Eon said before he and his entourage suddenly vanished. Rubaan was left alone, and after Eon was gone tears streamed down his face as he threw his head back and screamed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Alec V

  22nd of Ramlia – 346AG

  10:30 – Canrom City

  “Are you sure he is still even alive?” Elia asked as she followed on the heels of the nearly running Alec, “I mean how many years has it been since you have seen him?”

  “Too many…” Alec said, “But he has to be alive. If he was going to die, he would have died a long time ago.”

  "I do not understand how that makes any sense," Elia was confused by Alec's illogical statement.

  "I don't know what I mean," Alec replied. She was right; it didn't make any sense, "Just trust me. He's alive."

  Alec and Elia rounded the corner of Street 11 and found themselves on Ambrose Street. It had been many years since he had been to Canrom City but Alec was sure he was going the right way. He remembered his grandfather’s shop was near Dauid’s tower. All he had to do was find the old sign hanging above the door.

  “Look for a sign, it says ‘Dauid’s Automotive. White sign black letters, nothing fancy. I believe there may be an illustration of a wrench on it.” Alec could see the sign in his mind even though it had been years. As a child, before his father had forbidden him from visiting his grandfather, he had spent a lot of time in the shop. Elia nodded and the two kept walking.

  “So you think he will have anything for us?” Elia asked, skeptical about whether the time they were spending would be fruitful, “We need something that will get us all the way to Belhaas without having to refuel."

  “Grandpa has to have something,” Alec recalled, thinking fondly of the feelings of trust his young self once felt for the man, “Grandpa always had the answer when I was a kid. He is going to come through for us.”

  “Well, what if he does not this time?” Elia asked, maintaining her skepticism, “What will we do?”

  “He has something, Elia!” Alec sharply snapped out of frustration. He stopped and took a breath as he composed himself and turned toward her, “Crinnan is alive. I know it's dangerous thinking but that means something. It all makes sense, it is going to work out.”

  “What makes sense Alec?” Elia stared into his OEV and crossed her arms, "What are you so certain of?"

  “I do not know…” Alec sighed as he turned from her and shook his head. He knew he was way outside the realm of logical thinking but he didn't feel that it was wrong at times to trust your heart over your brain, “It just makes sense, trust me. It feels like fate.”

  “Do not be hasty with your words,” Elia cautioned, “I am as excited as you are about Crinnan but do not fall into the faith trap… you do not want to let your guard down like that.”

  “Do not worry about my guard Elia,” Alec snapped, “Now is not the time to lecture me. I am Humaan, you and I do not process things the same way. Let me be reckless.” Elia smirked and looked away. She thought Alec’s recklessness was kind of cute sometimes.

  Alec scanned the facades of the buildings around him. He was starting to recognize his surroundings; he knew he was getting close to the shop. He recognized the donut shop next to him and the television repair shop across the street. He looked to his right and saw the alley he remembered his mother taking him down when he was a child. That was where his grandpa was going to be, “This way,” He said, “We are almost there.”


  “I have said my peace and now I give my order,” Alec Senior boomed, looking coldly at his wife, “I forbid my son from interacting with that man again, is that understood?”

  “He is my father!” Alec’s mother shouted in response. Young Alec clung to her leg whimpering as tears streamed down his face, “And your son’s grandfather, you cannot keep them apart.”

  Alec senior silently stepped toward his wife and stared at her with anger in his eyes, “You watch me Deinna. You are not the one who makes the decisions for this family. What I say is law, and laws need to be obeyed. Do you understand.”

  “You can’t do this!” Deinna shouted, “It was just a mistake it ain’t my dad’s fault!” Alec Senior slapped Deinna across her cheek and pointed his finger in her face. Alec cried louder and buried his head into his mother's ribs, holding tightly.

  “We do not speak like that in this family. I understand you were raised by trash but that will not spill over into my life. Do you understand?” Deinna lowered her head and nodded. She felt defeated by her husband.

  “I understand,” Deinna croaked, "I... I am sorry Alec."

  “You are only Humaan,” Alec Senior sighed as he ran his hand through his wife’s hair, “I understand you are incapable of keeping your emotions under control, I'm Humaan too, but I have learned to stay in control. You have to understand that my decision is for the best. I have to protect my family. Your father’s actions nearly cost us our son, and that alcoholic is nothing but a bad example. You do not want our son growing up and becoming trash like your siblings, do you?”

  “No…” Deinna wept, not raising her head. Alec Senior looked down at his son with cold eyes and huffed as he looked back at his wife.

  “Very good,” he said, “Then it is settled. Come, let us get you into the kitchen. ‘Tis nearly time to eat!” He smiled and grabbed his wife’s hand. “All will be well.”


  Alec reached his hand out to push the door open but reeled back. He began to tremble with anxiety and looked over at Elia, shaking his head, “What if he will not have me?” his voice was fearful, he did not want to be rejected by someone he had admired so greatly for so long.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Elia asked, to her Alec was being dramatic. She knew he was afraid, and that she had to talk some sense into him, “Of course he will have you, why would he not? He loves you."

  “I do not know…” Alec stepped away from the door and paced back and forth for a minute, nervously stroking his beard as he did so "He may feel resentful… you know, for not seeing him for so many years.”

  “Resentful?” Elia placed a hand on Alec’s shoulder, “No. I remember the stories you told me about him. He sounds like he was a good man who loved you deeply. Good men do not resent their children. If he resents anyone, it is your father."

  Alec nodded and took in a deep breath. His hand still shook as he reached for the door again, you are right. Come on then.” He pushed the door open. A bell above them jingled announcing their arrival and the door swung shut as they stepped inside.

  “Wow,” Alec felt a wave of nostalgia hit him as he looked around the dimly lit shop. “It is the same as I remember it. Same layout, same smell… that bikini calendar is from 323, the year I was born," He smiled at the memories and looked to Elia, "Nothing has changed.”

  Dauid walked around the corner from his garage wiping his good hand with a greasy red rag. "Just so you know I'm backed up for a week," He grumbled, "And I ain't just talking about my shitter." He stopped when h
e looked up and saw Alec.

  “Oh,” his voice quivered and his face bunched up like he had just been punched in the gut, “Now whose little girl are you?” He could barely get the words out before he broke down into sniffling.

  Alec felt tears well up in his own blind eyes when he saw the old man, “Hey Papa. It’s me, Alec.”

  “Well I know who you are dammit,” Dauid shouted as he hurried around the front desk and approached his grandson, “Where the Hells have you been, boy?”

  “Papa I’m sorry," He was fighting an unseen battle with his emotions, “I never meant…”

  “Son,” Dauid stepped closer to his grandson, “There is no reason in the fucking Hells that I would ever need an apology from you. You’re perfect; always have been. Now quit your whimpering and give your ol’ grandpa a hug. Let’s bury your asshole daddy’s hatchet.”

  Alec jerked forward and wrapped his muscular arms around his grandfather for the first time in fourteen years. His grandfather was old but Alec could feel that he was still very strong. Dauid still smelled like cheap cigarettes, whiskey, and car parts. It was a combination that he had not smelled for years and it took him back to the comfort of being a child.

  The two stood and held each other for a few moments. Tears fell and Alec could not help but sob as he hugged the grandfather that he had missed so much. Dauid could not hold back his emotions either.

  “Ok that’s enough blubbering now,” Dauid gasped letting his grandson go. He took a deep breath and let out a loud, joyful laugh. He walked back to his chair behind the desk and sat down, his bones popping as he did so, “So what finally brings you back to me after all these years. You need some money?” Alec chuckled and shook his head.

  “No, nothing like that,” Alec sobered up and remembered his mission, “I hate to say it but I am in a really big hurry and you are the only person who can help me.”

  “Am I?” Dauid asked, leaning back in his chair, “Well what do you need son? You aren't... possessed, are you?"

  "Possessed?" Alec repeated, confused by Dauid's question, "What do you..."

  "Never mind," Dauid sighed with relief, "Don't worry about it. What do you need son?"

  “I need a vehicle, something fast that seats six and will get me to Izla'Axi in a hurry. Preferably something that flies. I need to get out of Canrom City as quickly as possible.”

  “That's pretty damn specific,” Dauid said, “This some kind of rebel mission or something?”

  “Something like that,” Alec replied, knowing his grandfather was a citizen of the Govian Empire, “My friend Crinnan is lost in the Belhaasi Weald… we thought he was dead up until a few hours ago but now we know he is alive.”

  “Crinnan…” Dauid scrunched up his face. “Crinnan Jamiso? Rubaan’s brother? That Demon boy from the news?"

  “Yeah…” Alec replied, surprised that his grandfather knew so much about him, “Did you ever meet him?”

  “Your mama told me about him...” Dauid said slowly as if he had gotten lost in thought, “She said you were good buddies. Rubaan’s brother, right?”

  “Yes, Rubaan’s brother,” Alec re-affirmed. “Do you know Rubaan?”

  “Yeah, I do…” Dauid seemed to get lost in thought for a moment, “Let’s just say he and I have a history now. That’s not important though. Come with me; let’s see what I have around back.” Dauid grinned as he stood and walked to the door that led to the back of his shop. He looked over at Alec and then at Elia.

  “She’s a cutie,” Dauid apparently did not feel the need to lower his voice, “She gonna make me a great-er grandpa?”

  “What?” Alec asked and looked over at Elia. Elia chuckled and shook her head, “No way! She is just a friend.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Dauid waved his finger, “They’re all just friends. So you coming or not?”

  Alec and Elia followed Dauid through the door and into the garage in the back of his shop. It was for the most part as organized as one would expect. The light gray concrete was stained with every manner of vehicular fluid that one could imagine and car parts littered every surface that was available. An Inquisitor interceptor was in pieces in the middle of the shop; it was apparently in the middle of being repaired. Dauid walked past it and to another door.

  “Heading into the boneyard,” Dauid sang as the trio approached, “Its where I keep everything that ‘couldn’t be fixed’ you get my drift?”

  “Not really,” Alec said, stroking his beard.

  “The shit I thought was too neat to give back,” Dauid nudged Alec in the ribs, “Once in a great while I’ll tell the Inquisitors that their vehicle would be too expensive to salvage and they just donate it for scrap. Well, I take a part here and a part there and eventually I have a full vehicle. I think it’s gonna be what you’re looking for.” Dauid opened the door and led the two into the boneyard behind, “It’s over here. Follow me.”

  Alec and Elia walked past at least a dozen destroyed vehicles before Dauid stopped them. He held his arms out in front of what was obviously a very large vehicle covered by a tarp, “Alright now, it’s not much to look at but I think it’ll do you good.” He removed the tarp, “Whaddaya think?”

  Elia laughed at what they were looking at, “No fucking way,” She braced herself with Alec’s body, “Somebody just donated a Govian HAPT?”

  “Oh yeah, it was declared unfit to return to the field about five years ago after your boys shot her down. Train drove her all the way to Canrom City from North Barus just for me to tell the Govians that it was worthless. It sat back here for three years, I called them up and told them they needed to remove it and they told me they didn’t know what I was talking about. So I fixed it up. You know anything about flying?”

  “I know something about flying,” Alec grinned, “I am a reserve pilot for my squad. I won’t be the one flying it though; our pilot is with us so he will be the one operating the vehicle.”

  “Well that’s great,” Dauid shrugged his shoulders, “Take a look here, I’ve modified it a bit to be just a little more agile than your average HAPT. The original ailerons were pretty stiff; I don’t know why, hadn’t been oiled or got damaged in battle I guess. Either way, I replaced them with what you see here and also the rudder with one I pulled off of a combat craft and modified to fit this one. In theory that should give a good pilot the ability to bank harder and faster and you pair that with these hovercraft engines I picked up off of quite a few Inquisitor interceptors then I’d say you have a very maneuverable HAPT.”

  “So you converted this personnel transport into a combat-capable craft?” Alec asked.

  “As I said,” Dauid replied, “In theory. I've never flown the thing but she runs.”

  “Any weapons?” Alec asked.

  “Hells no!” Dauid nearly shouted, “Govia stripped her of her weapons before they sent her to me. You’ll have to hang out the hatch and shoot if you wanna use it for that kind of combat.”

  “I hope it does not come to that,” Elia ran her hand along the side of the vehicle, “So how are we going to get it out of here?”

  “Well, first thing’s first,” Dauid said, “I’ll have to get some fuel in her. Then we’ll have to load her up in a truck and sneak her and your team out of the city. You’re not gonna be able to take off here without attracting a lot of attention.”

  “How possible is that?” Alec asked.

  “Well shit, I hadn’t thought about it ‘til now but I don’t think that can be done…” Dauid scratched the back of his head and groaned at the idea, “No chance in Hells this won’t be noticed.”

  “Sounds like we will have to improvise,” Elia said with a grin, “I think the underground base will be able to help with that.”

  Alec nodded, “Yes, Crinnan’s parents will probably be supportive of our actions… there should be no problem getting their assistance. Elia, can you organize an emergency meeting with them immediately?”

  “Of course,” Elia nodded. She looked at Dauid and smiled, �
�It was great finally getting to meet you. Until next time.” She waved and turned around to leave and meet with Crinnan's parents. Once she was out of sight, Dauid looked at Alec and gave him a nudge.

  “You got it for her don’t ya,” He asked with a goofy little half smile.

  “Come on,” Alec snickered and looked away, “Like I said she is just a friend.”

  “A friend with a nice rack,” Dauid replied. “Come on, even I got it for her!”

  “Let’s just get back to work,” Alec chuckled. “So what do you think about getting this HAPT out of here?”

  “That’s the question of the century isn’t it?” Dauid moved his breathing mask out of the way to light a cigarette. After a long drag, he blew out the smoke and scratched the stubble on his chin.

  “Most important step is gonna be to get it the Hells out of my backyard,” Dauid points beyond the fence that enclosed his junkyard, “I mean far. Transporting a HAPT ain't exactly gonna be easy. You’re gonna need to get it over the wall, fueled, and transported across town. I’d say on a flatbed truck. Which means you’re gonna need one of those too. Then you’ll need to hope you don’t get your ass shot down after taking off.”

  “No problem,” Alec felt sure of his words. While he didn't necessarily like every member of his team, he knew they were solid operatives and could get the job done, “We've been through worse. It would be nice if we had Kavin though.”

  “Who?” Dauid asked, looking a bit confused.

  “Kavin Preast…” Alec replied, “He’s one of Century Squad’s sergeants. He commands a team of Centurions specifically trained to stay hidden and kill silently. I brought a demolitions expert, a pilot, a medic, myself, a sniper and a CQC Specialist.”

  “Why are you saying this? Do you already have a plan in mind?”

  “Well I might,” Alec said thoughtfully, “Depending on the confidence of my team and what the underground base will be willing to spare.”

  “Well, what’s the plan then?” Dauid asked.

  “It is rough around the edges but here is the general idea. First thing, we need to send someone to get enough fuel to fill the HAPT’s tank. Then, we need to somehow take control of a Govian transport large enough to carry this thing to the other side of town where we can take off.”


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