Loving Attention

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by Becca Van


  Slick Rock 22

  Loving Attention

  Nikita Russo manages to escape from her under her mob boss father’s thumb and heads to Slick Rock to join her sister, Katerina. Kat managed to escape twelve months earlier and with careful planning and help from the housekeeper, Rosita, Niki leaves Chicago and years of abuse behind.

  Brentley, Rigby and Heston Lyndon know that Niki, their new housekeeper, is the woman they’ve been waiting for. But how are they supposed to court her and convince her they’re meant to be together when she’s skittish.

  When Niki’s story comes to light after Brent accidentally scares her into a cationic state, the three men vow to protect her with their lives.

  Just when Niki and Kat think they’re safe from danger after hearing their father is dead from poisoning, danger follows them to Slick Rock.

  However, this time Niki isn’t going to let anyone abuse or use her without a fight.

  Will Niki be able to save Kat and herself from evil’s clutches? Will the Lyndon men be able to save the love of their lives and her sister?

  Genres: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense, Western/Cowboys Length: 68,493


  Slick Rock 22

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Loving Attention

  Copyright © 2019 by Becca Van

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-721-8

  First Publication: March 2019

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2019 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  My name is Becca Van. I live in Australia with my wonderful hubby of many years, as well as my two children.

  I read my first romance, which I found in the school library, at the age of thirteen and haven’t stopped reading them since. It is so wonderful to know that love is still alive and strong when there seems to be so much conflict in the world.

  I dreamed of writing my own book one day but, unfortunately, didn’t follow my dream for many years. But once I started I knew writing was what I wanted to continue doing.

  I love to escape from the world and curl up with a good romance, to see how the characters unfold and conflict is dealt with. I have read many books and love all facets of the romance genre, from historical to erotic romance. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

  For all titles by Becca Van, please visit www.bookstrand.com/becca-van




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen



  Slick Rock 22


  Copyright © 2019


  Six weeks earlier…

  Nikita Russo walked the floor of her bedroom, trying to ignore the aches and pains in her body. It felt as if tears constantly burned the back of her eyes, but she ruthlessly kept them at bay. She’d already cried an ocean of tears and wasn’t about to give her father or the bastard her dad had practically sold her to any more of her emotions.

  She had to leave or she was going to end up married to a man she loathed or dead.

  Matteo Russo was even more evil in her eyes than the man he’d sold her to. Her father was a mob boss and didn’t care about anyone or anything other than remaining at the top of the food chain in the criminal underworld of Chicago. He had countless cops and lawyers on his payroll, along with other people in prominent positions.

  She glanced at the small digital clock on the bedside table and shivered with fear. It was almost time to make her move. Her father and his second in charge, Vinnie Ramos, were out of the house. No doubt wheeling and dealing with other criminals. There were a few men left behind to guard her, but she’d stayed up to the wee hours of the morning for the last week getting an idea of their routine. If her dear old dad knew that his minions drank while he was away and eventually ended up falling asleep, they’d be dead, but Nikita was going to take advantage of the mice playing while the cat was away.

  She hurried to the closet and pulled her backpack out from the boxes she’d hidden it under. She’d managed to steal bits of cash here and there and had enough for a one-way ticket to Colorado, where she was going to meet up with her sister. Katerina, or Kat Gilmore as she now called herself. If it hadn’t been for the elderly housekeeper who cooked, cleaned, and collected the mail, Nikita would never have known where her older sister was residing. Thankfully, Rosita had a kind heart and had hidden the letter from Katerina when her older sibling had found a place to settle. Rosita had also given Nikita a wad of money and had even given her a burner cell phone. She was like a second mother to her and Kat. Not that anyone could ever replace her real mom, but Rosita had been a godsend to her and her sister. However, every time her father or Vinnie had ordered Niki and/or Kat to help the Latino woman with the household chores and the cooking, she’d tried to protest in the beginning, but had quickly learned to keep her own counsel after being on the receiving end of her father’s fury.

  Niki had been too scared to call her sister even though she now had Kat’s cell phone number. The last thing she’d wanted to do was get caught talking to Katerina and give her sister’s location away.

  Niki shoved her arms through the shoulder straps of her backpack and cinched the belt tightly around her waist. Instead of going to the bedroom door, which was no doubt locked yet again, she hurried to the window and slid it up. After carefully prying the flyscreen off and holding it aloft in one hand, she straddled the windowsill. When she was standing on the second-story roof, she turned and closed the window almost all the way, then replaced the screen. A shudder ripped up her spine as the cold winter air breezed over her, but she had a feeling that wasn’t the only reason for the shivers wracking her body.

  She was scared, breathing faster than normal, and her heart was a loud, rapid staccato in her chest and ears. She was going to get caught trying to sneak away, but there was no way in hell she was staying. Trying to ignore the sweat trickling down between her breasts and sheening her body, as well as the trembles shaking her frame, was difficult, but she had to leave even if she was worried about Rosita and what would happen to her.

  After saying a quick prayer to whoe
ver was listening, she tiptoed down the slope of the roof toward the downpipe at the corner of the house. She didn’t need to worry about setting off any motion detectors or being caught on the security cameras strewn about the property, because she’d found each and every one and knew the path she was about to take wouldn’t be on the security feed.

  Niki took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the roof, turned over onto her stomach, and slowly slid her body over the edge while gripping the gutter. It took her a few moments to find purchase with her feet, but finally she was able to get the toe of her sneaker onto one of the brackets of the downpipe. Once she was sure she wasn’t going to slip, she moved one hand to the pipe and then the other.

  By the time she touched the ground she was sweating, panting, and shaking from exertion and adrenaline, but she didn’t care. She’d made it down without falling and breaking her ankle or her neck.

  She was terrified out of her mind, but she wasn’t about to let fear stop her from escaping her life in hell.

  After catching her breath, she gazed about into the shadows to make sure one of her father’s lackeys wasn’t outside, and then she sprinted from the corner of the house across the yard toward the sandstone fence surrounding the property. All the time she was running she expected to hear someone shouting and the pounding of footsteps behind her, but all she could hear was the thundering of her own heart. She gasped for breath as she reached the large cypress tree near the fence, but she didn’t stop moving. She climbed up the trunk and limbs as fast as she could, discounting the scrape of the rough bark against the palms of her hands. When she reached the thick limb, which was as high as the fence, she shored up her determination, lifted her arms out to her sides for balance, and stepped along the thick bough. She wobbled precariously a couple of times but managed to stop herself from falling, and finally, after what seemed like hours, she stepped onto the top of the wall, then sat down.

  There was no way she was going to chance jumping from ten feet to the ground, so, once more, she shimmied onto her stomach, and using the little strength she had left in her trembling limbs, lowered herself down the other side of the wall, until she was dangling by her hands. She gazed down at the ground, hoping she didn’t end up injuring herself more than she already was, and after sucking in another ragged breath, she let go.

  Her ankle rolled, and she bit her lip so she wouldn’t cry out in pain. When the pain in her ankle dulled down to a low throb, she started limping away from her father’s domain as fast as she could while tugging the hood of her fur-lined coat up over her head.

  She kept her head lowered and made it to the end of the road just as the bus pulled into the stop. Nikita jogged the last ten yards, trying not to cry as the aches and pains all over her body were exacerbated. She dug into the pocket of her jeans for her bus fare as she ascended the stairs, then made her way toward the back of the bus. As the bus traveled the streets of Chicago toward the central terminal, Niki prayed that her father and the man he’d sold her to—or any of his goons—wouldn’t realize she was missing until it was way too late. She’d escaped just as Vinnie was losing his patience with her.

  How she’d held him off and kept him out of her bed for so long, she had no idea, but was damn glad the asshole hadn’t pushed until the last couple of weeks. She knew if she didn’t leave, he was going to end up raping her, and that was something she couldn’t face. Having him kiss and touch her had made her skin crawl with revulsion. It had taken all of her self-control not to gag every time he shoved his slimy tongue into her mouth.

  If they caught her, she’d be beaten to within an inch of her life and would never be left alone again.

  There was no way she was letting those evil, controlling bastards touch her ever again.

  Chapter One

  “We can’t keep going on like this.” Brentley Lyndon sank onto one of the stools at the kitchen counter as he sipped on his beer. He and his twin brothers had inherited their folks’ ranch when they’d passed away. If his mom could see what a state the house was in, she’d be horrified. He, Heston, and Rigby had spent another long day out on the ranch fixing fences and herding the beef cattle from the lower pastures to the higher ones. Now that winter was done and spring was here, they were going to be working even longer hours. There were dishes piled up in the sink, and he couldn’t remember the last time any of the bathrooms had been cleaned, let alone the vacuum run over the floors and a dust rag swiped over any of the dusty surfaces.

  “You’re right,” Hes agreed.

  “What we need is to hire a housekeeper,” Rig said.

  “I’ve thought of that, but the last thing we need is some young woman following us around with stars in her eyes or dreams of marriage,” Brent said.

  “We can worry about that if we get someone to answer the advert.” Rig quirked a brow.

  “Don’t tell me you two have already placed an ad?” Brent asked.

  “We have,” Hes replied. “Our first interviewee will be here at eight in the morning.”

  “We don’t have time to fucking waste talking to women who won’t cut it.” Brent sighed after draining his beer and tossing it into the recycle bin.

  “You won’t have to,” Rig said. “Hes and I have it all worked out.”

  “We do.” Hes nodded. “We’ve compiled a list of questions that will weed out any of the women with marriage on their minds.”

  “We’ve also placed an ad for a ranch hand,” Rig said. “We need help to get all our chores done. An extra pair of hands will hopefully give us shorter workdays.”

  Brent sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. While he didn’t like the idea of having strangers on his ranch, he knew they needed help or he and his brothers were going to work themselves into an early grave. “Okay, but keep me out of it. And be warned that if whoever you pick doesn’t work out, I’ll be firing their asses.”

  “We wouldn’t expect anything else,” Hes agreed.

  “Good.” Brent grabbed the fixings for sandwiches and set them out on the counter. He and his brothers worked together to make their dinner and as soon as they’d eaten, they all headed to their bedrooms and bed. It was already ten at night, and they had to be up and out by dawn. He was so tired his eyes were sore and gritty, but he wasn’t about to let weariness stop him from doing what needed to be done.

  He and his brothers were retired Marines and were used to going for days with little to no shuteye. Sometimes Brent wished he and his brothers had never signed up to serve their country. Not because of the horrors they’d seen or the killing they’d had to do to protect the innocents of the world, but because if they hadn’t been away, maybe their fathers and mother would still be alive.

  He pushed that thought away, because deep down in his heart he knew that even if they had been here on the ranch helping out, there still would have been nothing he and his brothers could have done to prevent their folks’ deaths. There was no way in hell they could have foreseen a night out turning into a tragedy. Their parents had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A semi-trailer had slammed into their truck when semi’s vehicle’s brakes had failed.

  He and his brothers had immediately headed home on furlough. After they’d come out of their grief-filled fog and realized that their time was up, they’d decided to stay home. That had been five years ago. While the ranch was doing better than ever, he and his brothers hadn’t had the time, energy, or inclination to clean house.

  In a way he was glad that his twin siblings had made a decision and done what needed to be done to get them the help they needed.

  Brent just hoped that the person they picked wasn’t a gold digger or intent on trying to wheedle their way into his and his brothers’ lives permanently. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to settle down and have kids, because he did. He just didn’t think there was a woman out there who would be a perfect fit for him and his brothers.

  He pushed his thoughts aside as he entered his bedroom and stripped his clothes off. Moments later
he climbed into bed and shut his tired eyes.

  “What time did you say your interview was?” Kat asked as she entered the tiny kitchen.

  Niki met her sister’s gaze. “8:00 a.m. I’m hoping to be back before you have to head to the library.”

  Kat waved her hand in the air while pouring hot coffee into the mug Niki had set out for her sister earlier. “You don’t need to worry if you’re not back in time, Nikita. I’m more than capable of walking to work. It’s not that far.”

  “Stop calling me that. You have to try and remember that I’m going by Niki now.”

  Kat turned toward her and laced her fingers with Niki’s. “I know. I’m sorry. It just slipped out.”

  “You know as well as I do that if people start hearing our full names, they’re going to be suspicious. I’ve only been here for five weeks, and I’m sure all the sheriffs and deputies aren’t buying what we’re trying to sell. I’m so scared that father and, or, Vinnie Ramos are going to come after you and me and drag us back to the hell we grew up in.”

  “I don’t think the lawmen suspect us of any wrongdoing.” Kat sipped on her coffee. “I think they’re worried about us. And I don’t see how those evil fuckers could find us since we aren’t using our real names.”

  Niki nodded and sighed. She hoped her sister was right. “Why do you think the cops are worried about us? They don’t even know us.”

  “Shyann’s men are good friends with some of the deputy sheriffs. I think Raiden, Brigg, and Tane Tremaine told Brax and his brothers about seeing you covered in bruises,” Kat explained.

  Niki sighed. She’d been kind of shocked when she realized that Slick Rock was full of polyamorous relationships, but when she’d seen how attentive and in love the men were with the women, she’d pushed her wariness aside. The only person who mattered to her was Kat. Now, it seemed she was going to have to be highly vigilant about what she said in front of everyone.


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