Strike the First Blow

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Strike the First Blow Page 20

by Tai Baiyang

  Zhang Mu smiled as he waited for Long Qi. A good lie was a mix between the truth and false. The words he said earlier, half of them were genuine, so there was no need for him to fabricate a fictitious tale deliberately.

  Long Qi took a few careful glances at Zhang Mu, and because Zhang Mu restrained the second-ranked strength and aura on his body very well, so even the second-ranked Long Qi did not notice Zhang Mu’s real power.

  Even if the words that Zhang Mu spoke to him was fictional, he had the confidence that Zhang Mu wouldn’t be able to stir up trouble at his place. Moreover, Zhang Mu’s awakening ability was a tamer, and it was not like his base did not have some of them here. Indeed, as long as they had the same ranked mutated animal helping them, their strength would exceed those evolvers of the same rank.

  However, at the same time, the tamer ability had a fatal weakness.

  Once the tamer evolver lost the connection with their mutated animal, they would be nothing without them.

  As for the Kung Fu level, Long Qi did not believe that Zhang Mu would be powerful. That was because he had a battle with Zhang Mu’s master before. The skills of the Thieves Sect relies on their precious hand, so the training of the entire body was not that important. Although he did not understand why was there a tight tension in his heart, Long Qi quickly recovered back to normal. He patted on Zhang Mu’s shoulder and said, “I understand. A little girlfriend from the past? If you genuinely liked her, then it wouldn’t be surprising for you to rush over.”

  As long as Long Qi did not find any trouble for him, he could think anyway he wanted. Therefore, Zhang Mu did not refute.

  But in that instant, a cunning smile showed up on Long Qi’s face as he asked a question that almost made Zhang Mu vomit blood, “That time at Luoyang city, you stole that three thousand dollars from me, is it time for you to pay me back with interest now?”

  At this instant, there was like ten thousand Alpaca running in Zhang Mu’s mind.

  If not for me, you wouldn’t exist in the future. If you did not return back on time to Shan Xi city, I bet you would be killed at those entertainment places filled with lots of people who were mutated into a ‘mega’ type of walking dead. So what if you’re a special forces instructor? So what if you’re a person from the special division? You would be killed amongst those ‘mega’ type of walking dead that had three times the strength of a normal human being.

  That was the only reason why Zhang Mu thought that Long Qi did not appear in his past life and was coming out strong and mighty now.

  Of course, he couldn’t say these words for Long Qi to listen. The smile on his face did not waver the slightest as he raised both his eyebrows in a questioning manner, “How would you like me to return the debt? I don’t think you would want money, right? Even if I pay you back with another zero behind, it would be useless now.”

  That mysterious smiles continued to linger on Long Qi’s face, “Money? Even before the opening of the Paradise Era, money to me was just a number only. Not to mention that it was a piece of waste paper now and couldn’t even compare to a bag of ration.”

  “Help me do one thing, and the matter from two months ago would be written off.”

  Long Qi finally said his actual intention as he glanced at Zhang Mu with a twinkle in his eye.

  “And what was that?” Zhang Mu did not dare to agree right away and ask in advance.

  Long Qi slowly spat out a few words that caused Zhang Mu to take a cold breath of air.

  “Recover Jin Zhong city.”

  This Long Qi, was starting to recover the prefecture-level city near to the coal city.

  Hey, this plot was a little too big!

  Zhang Mu felt that he had boarded the pirate’s boat. The debt of three thousand dollars, was going to be paid off like this!

  Chapter 167: A Key Figure

  This time, Zhang Mu felt that he was making a fool of himself for trying to be smart. At first, he arranged for him and Yuan Rui the identity of a first-ranked evolver so that there would not be much attention drawn to them. This way, he could easily approach the era merchant shop at Shan Xi city and then quietly leave the place once he had completed the era merchant task successfully.

  But the problem fell on the awakening ability that he had chosen. For some reason, the evolvers with the tamer ability were crucial in Long Qi’s plan for recovering Jin Zhong city. As a result, they were qualified to have a conversation with the base leader.

  Whereas the most absurd part was that the leader of Shan Xi city that Zhang Mu met this time, was not the Ice Queen that could freeze people with a look from his memory, but it was the fat bald-man that he met when the Cataclysm was about to begin.

  Because of his action, it had changed Long Qi’s entire fate. It turns out that Long Qi, who was supposed to become one of the members of the walking dead herd, had escaped from this fate. Coupled with the adventure that he did not reveal, he managed to advance to the second rank and reached such status and strength he had now.

  Despite that, Zhang Mu quickly adjusted his mindset. Although he was in a hurry to complete the era merchant’s task and leave after that, he knew that Long Qi would not let him off that easily. Furthermore, the most important thing was that he, himself, was interested in the matter of recovering the city. In the past, he existed like a cannon fodder, but now it seems that he could participate in some of the most advanced decision makings and complete the essential segment.

  Thinking about this, Zhang Mu slowly became excited. There was a blaze of fiery in his eye.

  Do you want to recover the prefecture-level city with less than two months into the Cataclysm? You got guts! I like it!

  Furthermore, Zhang Mu was not attracted to the rewards of the era merchant's task this time, as he knew that the amount of profit he could earn was limited. And the most important fact was that even if he completed the deal, he would not be able to promote his status to an entry-level sub-merchant too. Therefore, it was just a typical era merchant task.

  The reward of a trainee sub-merchant was not attractive for Zhang Mu, who was a first-ranked evolver previously. Now that he was a second-ranked evolver, he completely disregards those era goods that those evolvers valued as a jewel.

  Right now, he was more interested in Long Qi’s idea. He believed that if the plan had plotted adequately, then he could obtain a vast profit from there. He stared at Long Qi and said, “You have to tell me how can I help you first.”

  Earlier, Long Qi was waiting for Zhang Mu’s decision. In fact, he knew that the three thousand dollars that Zhang Mu stole was only a small favor, and he still needs to see whether Zhang Mu would acknowledge that debt.

  However, he wanted to implement his plan successfully this time, with no mistake. So he needed those mutated animals that were tamed, to become his scout. With Zhang Mu’s identity as the descendant of the Thieves Sect, his bodily movement would be better than a normal human being. That was why Long Qi paid more attention to Zhang Mu.

  Sure enough, from Zhang Mu and his master, he could see that their training was more focus on their hands, as the strength and stability of the lower body were not crucial. Additionally, their reaction speed was beyond ordinary people.

  Earlier, he had heard reports from his civil servant that Zhang Mu’s mutated animal was a mutated wolfdog comparable to Thunder. And this time, his plan required those with keen smell, vision, and hearing.

  However, there were too little evolvers with this ability in his base.

  Including Li Hu’s Thunder, there were only three people at the most as the others were too weak.

  Long Qi looked at Zhang Mu with a burning gaze. When he saw that Zhang Mu had agreed, a smile appeared on his face. “I will tell you the details when the time comes. Not that it was classified, but I haven’t come out with a safe plan according to the strength of the base yet.”

  Afraid that Zhang Mu would misunderstand him as an impulsive person, Long Qi continued his sentence immediately, “It is not tha
t I’m not ready, but I want to present a perfect plan that would minimize the loss. After all, there is not much human left.

  My group of civilian is getting the strength statistic of the base now. However, we could only get a small fraction of the most external data about Jin Zhong city strength. Hence, we had no way to make an accurate calculation. Therefore, this is what I need you to do, and the plan would change according to the data that you gave us.”

  He appears to feel a little emotional as he said, “In the past, people always complained about the large population. And now, there were only a few people left. I always felt a sense of danger, which was the reason why I was so eager to recover the cities. Right now, we are evolving. But who knows whether if those walking dead and those creatures that mutated from animals, would continue to evolve further too.”

  Zhang Mu nodded his head in agreement. In fact, Long Qi already had a very strategic vision. That was where he felt the most impressive about Long Qi. After the debugging time, now was the period where the human would have the upper hand.

  However, a base leader would usually think of how to protect their own life. When they faced dangers that they couldn’t avoid, it was normal for them to abandon their base first.

  Zhang Mu said with a gloomy face, “Even Thunder couldn’t enter the main core of Jin Zhong city?”

  The expression of Long Qi became solemn this time. He looked at Zhang Mu while thinking, “Yes. I had let Li Hu tried it once. After Thunder broke through the first two lines of defenses, consisted of the walking dead, it couldn’t move any further.

  According to Thunder from Li Hu, the walking dead and the mutated animals were coexisting, and both parties minded their own business. When Thunder entered, it was forced out by the mutated animal from that direction. We tried to approach from the outside once, and they seem to reach an agreement as they would tackle us together. The walking dead would defend, and the mutated animal would attack. We paid quite a high price before we decided to retreat.”

  “So you want me to find a way to attack into Jin Zhong city?” The grim expression on Zhang Mu’s face did not deplete as he continued to ask, “Even if I found a weak spot in the walking dead herd or those small mutated animals, but what if we went to the center and got surrounded? What should we do?”

  Long Qi curled up the corner of his lips, “I have my backup plan for that. Furthermore, those group of mutated animals stopped chasing us after we ran three kilometers out of Jin Zhong city.”

  At this moment, his eye shone brighter as he said confidently, “Therefore, I feel that the city is not that simple. At the center of that city, there must be something that they were afraid or desire, that they were unable to leave it behind.

  Then the main focus for recovering Jin Zhong city, will be at the center of that city!

  With that, I need you and your little girlfriend to cooperate with three of my evolvers, and use your mutated animal to infiltrate from five directions. Only with mutated animal, then those walking dead from the outside wouldn’t react much because of the agreement they had between the mutated animals. Thus, they would not notify the mutated animal nearby. Only when your mutated animal met the ones at the center of the city, they would be exposed.”

  From the news that Long Qi revealed to him, Zhang Mu confirmed a fact.

  In this Jin Zhong city, there must be an intellectual type of walking dead there, for it to reach an agreement with the mutated animal. Hence, there must be something wrong!

  Zhang Mu felt that this time, he would be able to reap some profit for himself.

  Scouting? I hadn’t done that for a long time!

  There was still a little excitement when he recalled back the feeling. He stared at Long Qi with fire in his eye as he replied.

  “Sure. This debt I, Zhang Mu, will pay you back.”

  Chapter 168: Scouting Mission

  Long Qi grinned at Zhang Mu. He never expected that Zhang Mu would agree so quickly. Not sure if Zhang Mu was like a newborn calf that does not fear the tiger, or he had the same idea as him. However, on second thought, Long Qi did not believe that Zhang Mu was the kind of person that never seen the cruelty in this Cataclysm since he had rushed over here from Luoyang city.

  He glanced at Zhang Mu with some curiosity and said, “Why did you agree so fast? Even my evolvers with the tamer ability had hesitated for a long time before they agreed. These mutated animals should be your precious pet. Also, there won’t be any compensation if there’s any loss made.”

  Zhang Mu greeted his gaze and answered, “I have agreed to help, yet you still insist on getting the bottom of the matter. I can give you an explanation too. It was not that complicated. Just treat me as a young cynic that wants to rescue more people. Furthermore, you also found some problem that’s why you wanted to recover Jin Zhong city, right?

  With the number of refugees getting more and more, the places to stay is still enough at the moment, but the reserves of supplies should be in a crisis, right? If you don’t get out of the city soon, are you going to eat coal biscuits?”

  Long Qi did not look surprised when Zhang Mu poked his heart matter. He replied, “In the future, space would pose a problem unquestionably. However, you were wrong about the last point. We are at the provincial capital, so I have enough ration that could last for a year for 100,000 people. Now there are only a few people in the base, counting the refugees, it hardly reached a five figure. What I am worried about is the evolution speed for these creatures other than human.”

  Zhang Mu listened to Long Qi’s words while silently nodding his head. To dispel Long Qi’s suspicion completely, he continued saying, “There is another point I have to make too. I had seen those mutated animals gathered together when I was around Luoyang city previously. Likewise, they would not leave the place after it reached a specific range. If there was an abnormality, there would be a demon. Sure enough, there was a strange fruit growing there. As a result, my mutated animal and I had made enormous progress in our strength.

  What you mentioned earlier, make me connect this matter to the situation I have encountered before. That also counts as another reason, right? As for safety, you don’t need to worry about it. I know the strengths of my mutated animal precisely.”

  A treasure? No wonder he was different from a normal first-ranked evolver and could withstand the pressure he gave him until now.

  The doubts in Long Qi’s heart, was slightly reduced now. Anyway, he did not want to probe Zhang Mu any further. Everyone had their secret, and Zhang Mu already said enough. Since he had agreed, then all is well.

  Long Qi, who felt that he had said enough, mumbled “good” before he notified Zhang Mu to wait for the news within a few days. After that, he lifted the curtain and strode out of the tent.

  When Zhang Mu walked out of the reception tent, he was covered in cold sweat. As he did not raise his strength to a second-ranked evolver, he found it difficult to cope with the vigor from a second-ranked Long Qi. It solely relied on his sturdy psychological quality and his strengthened first-ranked body to endure that difficult struggle.

  Li Hu had requested someone to arrange a place for Zhang Mu to stay in the camp. Zhang Mu accept it with a bitter smile when he saw that it was a large military camp.

  It appeared that Long Qi was still wary of him and kept him at his side. Of course, from another perspective, it could be said that he valued Zhang Mu and was ensuring his safety. After all, the core of the camp had the most impeccable defenses.

  Until now, Zhang Mu was unsure of Long Qi’s awakening ability. Since there were many evolvers everywhere, so there would be all kinds of strange and eccentric abilities emerged in an endless stream. Therefore, Zhang Mu did not dare to act rashly. The moment he was caught, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself and might expose the era merchant shop ahead of time. Now, it was not the time to go yet. Since he did not reach the status of an entry-level sub-merchant, he did not get the invisible cloak. Thus, he needed to be on the safe side f
or now.

  Just like that, Zhang Mu and Yuan Rui stayed quietly inside the camp for two hours. He mentioned to Yuan Rui that Long Qi could be trusted. Therefore, he wanted to leave Hao Hao here in case there was something untoward happened when they return. Furthermore, it looked like Shan Xi city was much safer under Long Qi’s control compared to Wang Liang’s base.

  However, Yuan Rui still shook her head firmly after much consideration. Firstly, she did not trust Long Qi. Compared to Long Qi, she found that Wang Liang was more reliable after spending some time with him. Secondly, she was reluctant to be separated from Hao Hao so soon. These days, she treated Hao Hao like her little brother.

  Suddenly, a low bark could be heard outside the tent, breaking the silence of the three people inside.

  It was the mutated wolfdog that came back. The height of the tent was just enough for it to straighten its body. It squeezed in slowly and then lay down on one corner without saying a word, licking its paw with a look of a heartbroken dog.

  Yuan Rui wanted to appease it but was stopped by Zhang Mu instead, “Let him rest for a while. His intelligence should be growing, so he needs some time by himself.”

  How could Zhang Mu not know what happened to the wolfdog? It was rejected by Thunder surely. At this moment, Zhang Mu felt a fit of anger in his heart. How could it be his mutated wolfdog couldn’t win against that German Shepherd? If he could not win, then he could violate her instead. It was just a mating, so why did it need to copy from the human and form a relationship?

  Such a big wolfdog yet, it could not be compared to a Poodle. It f**ks the sky, f**ks the ground, and it f**ks the air, was there anything that the Poodle did not dare to f**k? How big was the Poodle and how big was his mutated wolfdog?

  Zhang Mu slowly walked to the side of the mutated wolfdog’s head. He squatted down and said coldly, “Just like that, and you became a coward? Stop acting like a Love Saint in front of me.”


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