Strike the First Blow

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Strike the First Blow Page 22

by Tai Baiyang

  This speculation was also firmly anchored in Zhang Mu’s mind. Because in his memory from the past life, he did not find any useful information about any treasures produced in Jin Zhong city.

  If that was the case, this matter had reached the point of no return. When this intellectual type walking dead had full control over its power, then not even this small Shan Xi city would be swept through, the distant Luoyang city would be submerged too. The moment it hoarded a tremendous amount of walking dead army, they would crash every town along the way while expanding its power continuously.

  Seeing that Zhang Mu’s expression had turned solemn, Yuan Rui pulled on his sleeve anxiously, “Uncle, what should I do? I don’t even know how to control Little Black!”

  In fact, not only Yuan Rui, even Zhang Mu himself was worried about this matter too. Even if he had the extra distance from his psychic ability, but as long as the distance between him and the Obsidian Beetle had reached a limit, he would not be able to communicate with the Obsidian Beetle anymore.

  The relationship between him and the Obsidian Beetle, was not acquired from his awakening ability. In fact, the most significant difference among Zhang Mu and those tamer evolvers was that he lacked the power to share and resonate with his mutated animals. Given that the Obsidian Beetle only had a blood connection with him.

  That was the reason Zhang Mu and the Obsidian Beetle would be estranged, after a certain distance. Furthermore, their ability trait was not closely linked at all. The initial element of the Obsidian Beetle was wind, whereas Zhang Mu did not have any property in his body. However, that was still considered good. If they had fire and water attribute, then there was no way for them to communicate besides facing each other.

  Zhang Mu lowered his voice and leaned near Yuan Rui, “You only need to sit here with me and pretend that you are communicating in your mind with your mutated animal like them. I would handle the rest, so you don’t need to bother about them.”

  After that, he immediately turned to the mutated wolfdog and spoke into his gigantic ear. If the others heard what he was saying, they would be bewildered.

  “The moment one of them was discovered, no matter how much trouble they caused, just barge into the deepest place and make as much movement as you can!”

  The mutated wolfdog nodded its head mindlessly. It only knew that once this matter was finish, Zhang Mu would give him a bottle of the second-ranked evolving potion that he gave to the Obsidian Beetle previously.

  ‘For the little female dog, I will fight until the end!’

  If Zhang Mu had heard its inner monologue, he would probably faint in anger. The mutated wolfdog had no backbone at all.

  Meanwhile, Zhang Mu was communicating with the Obsidian Beetle, “When the mutated wolfdog is attracting their attention, reduce your size and sneak into the core location. Memorize them and share it with me when you come back.

  If you meet any good stuff, don’t touch it first. Come back and discuss it with me.”

  Zhang Mu naturally had his reason for not letting the Obsidian Beetle try its best to seize the treasure. Firstly, he was afraid that it would cause a riot in the city. Secondly, there would be a lot of trouble in the future if Long Qi discovered any evidence.

  So if there was any treasure, and he wanted to get it, then the best way for him was to lock on the target and then secretly took it away when the official movement starts.

  At this moment, the Obsidian Beetle easily guess Zhang Mu’s little mind. It smiled wickedly and said, “You are concerned about the thing inside the city, right? However, if I told you about it, then what benefit would I have?”

  Regarding the Obsidian Beetle’s greediness, Zhang Mu only replied with a roll-eye and left the question hanging.

  If he had promised the Obsidian Beetle, it would become even more insatiable. He had spoilt it too much that it played tricks on him when he wanted to ask for its help now.

  Zhang Mu and Yuan Rui slowly sat down at a spot. Meanwhile, the Obsidian Beetle and the mutated wolfdog entered the place one after another like two rays of lightning.

  After the Obsidian Beetle reduced its size, the mutated wolfdog seemed way bigger. Naturally, it was even more conspicuous and attracted the gazes of the walking dead straight away.

  The walking dead growled softly, as if they were warning it not to go closer. However, the appearance of the mutated wolfdog did not cause much commotion because there would be a few mutated animals that walked pass there frequently. From time to time, there would be some scattered mutated animals harassing their formation. Therefore, they were not included in the list where they would be on full alert immediately.

  Usually, the mutated animals were handled by the mutated animals inside the city. Looks like this intellectual type of walking dead was quite petty and scheming. In the meantime, the Obsidian Beetle had attached itself to the mane of the mutated wolfdog, inconspicuous to the others.

  Those walking dead had resisted for a moment. With a few leaps, the mutated wolfdog passed through the defensive circle.

  At this moment, the mind connection that was reinforced with Zhang Mu’s psychic ability had cut off completely.

  Little Black, our chance to make a fortune, counted on you already!

  Chapter 172: Creating Troubles

  Just like that, the Obsidian Beetle sneaked into Jin Zhong city with Zhang Mu’s entrust. Unlike the Obsidian Beetle, the wolfdog had to stay here and wait for the other tamer's mutated animal to be discovered by the mutated animal in the city. Once there was a commotion, that was the moment it had to move.

  Meanwhile, the Obsidian Beetle had no hesitations. The instance they entered Jin Zhong city, it left the back of the mutated wolfdog and flew on a low altitude towards the place that Zhang Mu had said would most likely possess the treasure.

  While moving forward, the Obsidian Beetle also require to imprint the pathway in its memory along the way. When it returned, it would transmit these pieces of information through Zhang Mu’s psychic power. Therefore, its small brain kept moving. It would glance at those simple landscape quickly while paying attention to those with landmarks. It stuck close to the ground and moved forward quickly.

  Suddenly, the Obsidian Beetle sensed an unusual scent in the air. It quickly hid at the side of a street lamp base and retracted all the vigor in its body. It pretended to be a stone and leaned near the street lamp with similar color, almost blending into one. It waited quietly for the owner of the scent to come.


  The ground started to shake. After a while, several huge figures appeared on the street.

  That six figures had a slim body, long and thick furs, lush and soft tail. They had large, pointed and triangular ears too. The fur coat on their body was in reddish brown or pure white color. The tail was fluffy with a tint of white color. Meanwhile, their ears and limbs were black.

  What else could it be other than a fox?

  They slowly swept the big tail behind them, while the two meters tall body was scanning around the place. There was a trace of doubt on the face of the commander fox. Just now it certainly smelt an unfamiliar presence, and it was in this direction. But why it couldn’t find it now? Its face was filled with more and more confusion, as it was at a loss.

  The other two red foxes beside it whine softly a few times. As if they were reporting that they could not smell the scent that their commander could.

  Looking at the empty streets, the commander white fox was a little puzzled. The presence that it smelt earlier should not be a mistake. It trusted its instinct. Hence, it raised its head and howled sharply, heading firmly to a direction, and continue their pursuit. It insists that the strange presence must be here.

  A gust of wind blew past. The six foxes nimbly leaped out from this street and disappeared from the Obsidian Beetle’s vision.

  The Obsidian Beetle sighed with relief in a human-like way. In its mind, it was reflecting that earlier it merely did not retract its presence fully, and yet, i
t was still discovered by that white fox that was about to advance to the second-ranked. The defense here was too strict. If it were not good at making use of the wind to hide its smell and vigor, then it would not be able to muddle through this checkpoint.

  It had no problem with battle. However, the Obsidian Beetle felt fortunate that it was not discovered by those mutated animals who were good at detecting the hidden enemy. If not, it had no confidence that this battle would be settled in silent.

  Right now, it was interested in the item that was heavily guarded too. Its intelligence now was about the same as an average human being. It was considering whether if it should squeeze a sum from Zhang Mu once again.

  With this in mind, the Obsidian Beetle did not dare to release its power to travel quickly anymore.

  It only dared to borrow some wind-element energy and slowly send itself to move forward. However, it was moving forward while sticking close to the ground most of the time.

  If Zhang Mu saw this, he would praise the Obsidian Beetle that it was like a scouting combat plane.

  Because every step that the Obsidian Beetle takes, it would find the most suitable pathway and integrated with the surrounding.

  All of a sudden, it stopped crawling and hid under a shadow motionlessly.

  It was another five mutated animals of the same species. That was the fifth time that the Obsidian Beetle had encountered them. Suddenly, it felt a little pity for itself. It was a second-ranked mutated animal, yet it had lived so miserably.

  Right now, it did not dare to move from this shadow anymore. Because in front of its eye, the surrounding of the plaza was filled with all types of mutated animal. It had a feeling that once it left the place, it would be discovered.

  Therefore, currently, it could not take a step to look at the center of the plaza.

  Now, it could only rely on that stupid dog to create lots of turmoil.

  As for that mutated wolfdog, after it broke through the walking dead herd, it was basking in the Sun on the roof of a small bungalow on the outermost side. It was waiting for the situation that Zhang Mu mentioned, to happen.

  Zhang Mu instructed it that unless it was absolutely necessary, it must not be the first to start the commotion as that might cause an immense impact on his subsequent plans. Therefore, it kept waiting on one side quietly.

  It waited and waited. Suddenly, the ground shook, and the nose of the mutated wolfdog twitched abruptly.

  It was that disgusting smell from the stinking snake that scared Yuan Rui. The mutated wolfdog was startled and stood upright immediately.

  Sure enough, it was Lin Hua’s golden python. However now, it did not have the earlier condescending and despising attitude, when it was with that nasty women.

  The golden python rushed in a hurry toward the mutated wolfdog’s direction with dozens of huge apes followed behind closely. They seemed to be mutated from the chimpanzees. One by one, they stamped on the ground and beat their chest. They wanted to catch this golden python that was crazily wriggling its body to move forward quickly, forming an ‘S’ shape on the ground.

  Even if the golden python had a strange power in its body, it could not stand against these apes that had many limbs to tear apart its body. It must escape from them immediately.

  Despite that, the mutated wolfdog jumped off the roof after watching the scene. It hurried in the direction of the golden python.

  The golden python recognized that it was the wolfdog that it was with earlier as it hissed anxiously, telling the wolfdog to get away quickly and stop blocking its way.

  But at this moment, something shocking happened that caused it to forget about escaping momentarily.

  The mutated wolfdog, actually flew past its body and barked loudly. Instantly, dozens sharp and barbed earth-spike rose from the ground.

  The golden python was utterly stunned in place and even forgot about escaping.

  It could not believe that the mutated wolfdog was actually challenging the entire group of chimpanzees! It still had the time to look back and revealed a cheeky grin to the golden python, as if showing that it didn’t need to be too grateful.

  If the golden python could speak human words, a sentence would be blurted out from its mouth at this time.

  You’re crazy!

  Because the earth-type energy was scattered, the earth-spikes did not damage the chimpanzee’s vital parts. However, the earth-type beast core that it ate last night did not go down the drain as all those tall and muscular chimpanzees were bleeding.

  The development of the event was just that smooth as the roars of dozens of large chimpanzees resounded through the entire sky of Jin Zhong city.

  Several people outside the city also heard the endless roars of the mutated animals at the same time. The other four people, including the expressionless man, lose color on their face instantly.

  On the other hand, Lin Hua was in anger as her face flushed red like the color of a pig liver, and she did not talk for a long time.

  Meanwhile, the real initiator had curled up the corners of his mouth as a smile hung on Zhang Mu's face as if the matter had been settled.

  Stupid dog and Little Black, faster do your tasks!

  Chapter 173: Getting Into A Big Trouble

  The wings of the Obsidian Beetle slightly trembled. However, it immediately returned to normal and continued to hide in the shadow.

  Meanwhile, the mutated animals around the plaza started to have a commotion. It was evident that all of them heard the roars from those chimpanzees just now. They believed that they had encountered an enemy attack. Thus, their gaze turned to look at the center.

  Amongst them, it included the chimpanzees. Even though it was their comrade crying for help, they only appeared to be anxious. Their feet seemed to be rooted to the ground as they did not want to leave the place. Or more accurately, they did not dare to leave the area. It was enough to see how much influence did that mutated animal at the center had, as all of them were obeying its orders.

  Those chimpanzees’ eyes were filled with anxiety. One of them was unable to restrain itself as it growled softly and pled to leave the place. It appeared that one of the roars belonged to its family member.

  But there was no response from the center of the plaza. Even if that chimpanzee was anxious, it still kept its mouth shut and waited quietly. It did not dare to act without permission even though it did not know what kind of enemy did that family member had encountered.

  Unexpectedly, that stupid dog had caused such a massive commotion. However, it would be even better if it was bigger. The Obsidian Beetle still could not leave the place as the scene needed to be more chaotic.

  The Obsidian Beetle managed to keep its composure, even when its power was slightly disordered, its returned to normal again.

  That mutated wolfdog lived up to the Obsidian Beetle’s expectation as it truly created more troubles in the end.

  On an empty street, there was a gigantic dog with four limbs on the ground. Its body was slightly tilted forward and had a ferocious look on its face. All of its furs stood up, and it looked exceptionally fierce.

  But the weirdest part was that there was a massive python with gold stripes curled up beside it. Meanwhile, there were dozens of chimpanzees, nearly three meters tall on the opposite side, which did not dare to move an inch.

  The mutated wolfdog had the accumulated energy from last night, so its power was on the boundary between the first-rank and second-rank. Therefore, its aura was unpredictable. Coupled with the earth-spikes that injured the group, it caused the chimpanzees to have a tinge of fear.

  As a result, the chimpanzees were unsure of the actual strength of the mutated wolfdog. If it was not as good as them, why would it be so arrogant and confront them here? It must be confident of its ability.

  These chimpanzees originally had a higher intelligence amongst the animal world, with the brain of a five years old child. Under the stimulation of the evolving waves, their mentality was increased tremendous
ly to the level near the intelligence of a 15-16 years old teenager.

  Therefore, the chimpanzees were waiting for reinforcement right now. They were not willing to take the risk to test out the strength of this gigantic mutated wolfdog.

  Not sure how would they think the moment they knew that this gigantic dog that they were afraid of right now, could only beat two of them using its full strength.

  The mutated wolfdog was rather calm in its heart. It only knew that once it completed this task, Zhang Mu would grant its wish and rewarded it with the second-ranked evolving potion. Therefore, it did not think much regarding those chimpanzees, who were simple-minded with well-developed limbs. Even though it did not know the reason why they were still standing there, but if they come over, it would run away immediately.

  According to the speed that they were chasing that stinky snake, it would be able to shake off them if it used its full speed. Especially now that it was more familiar in using the earth-element, it could borrow some of the power from the earth. Therefore, as long as it touched the ground, there would be rich earth-element energy transmitting to its body.

  Both of the mutated wolfdog and the chimpanzees did not act recklessly. But what both parties did not expect, was that the golden python who was hiding at one side, would break this silence between them. It immediately wriggled its body as it received Lin Hua’s calling outside the city. Also, it felt that the mutated wolfdog was too unreasonable.

  If you want to fight with them, then fight. But leave me out of this.

  This time, the mutated wolfdog was unhappy as it growled at the golden python, blaming the golden python for being a coward. It stepped on its tail so that it would not run away. With the gravity from the earth-element, it was pinned to the ground by the mutated wolfdog. The golden python did not expect that the mutated wolfdog would use this move, so it did not resist much at first.

  The golden python flickered its tongue and slightly straightened its body. A pair of pupils glared at the mutated wolfdog. It hissed threatening at the mutated wolfdog, telling it to let go of its tail. However, the mutated wolfdog ignored it. Instead, it glared even fiercer back at the golden python.


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