The Outback Governess

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The Outback Governess Page 6

by Sarah Williams

  Relief swamped her and she slumped against the door.

  "The thing is, they want him to recuperate in Townsville, so he's close to a hospital and can check in every week."

  "That makes sense." She nodded. "They want to make sure he's one hundred percent before he comes home."

  Logan scratched his stubble rough cheek. "Yeah. I'm going to put in for more annual leave from work. I know the extra hours aren't in your job description."

  Paige held up her hand. "I'm happy to help out as much as I can. You don't need to worry about it at all."

  He wore a sad expression that instantly tugged at her heart. It was raw, open and honest. "It's my fault. I should have stayed here and helped out. I put too much stress on him. The station and the kids..."

  Paige stepped closer and laid her hand on his arm, expecting him to flinch away. This was a man who had built barriers up around himself.

  He didn't pull away though. Instead, he looked up at her. "Thank you, for all you're doing with the kids and my family. I can't believe how different they are with you here."

  "They’re great kids. I've grown very fond of them." She smiled before looking over her shoulder at them. "Do you want to grab a quick coffee? They'll be fine for a few minutes." She sensed he needed to talk.

  Logan looked out at the land, no doubt thinking about all the jobs he still had to do. "That sounds great."

  Paige left Layla in charge before setting off to the homestead with Logan. They walked slowly, their eyes on the path in front of them. Paige chose her words carefully. "This must be a very difficult time for you."

  He sighed. "It wasn't so long ago that Fiona was sick. I don't think the kids could cope with losing another loved one." He kicked at the dirt. "I don't think I could either."

  Paige rubbed his back gently. His tense, strong muscles flexed under her palms. "You must miss her so much."

  He nodded and glanced away. "She was such a great mum. She always knew what the kids needed and never got angry with them." He stopped walking as they came to the stairs. "I miss her so much."

  Paige stepped forward and put her arms around him. Her heart was breaking. He returned the embrace, nuzzling his face into her neck.

  She closed her eyes, consumed by the gut-wrenching feelings that washed over her. It felt so right when his lips suddenly found hers. When she didn't resist, he kissed her harder. She welcomed it. His mouth opened, so warm and soft, despite his hard exterior. She gripped his shirt, holding him closer as the kiss reached mind-blowing intensity. Her body was alive; every cell was on fire and reacting to his touch.

  He drew away suddenly, leaving her lips open, slightly bruised and raw, but still wanting more.

  "Shit I'm sorry." He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, turned and hurriedly walked off.

  She touched her lips, still tingling with desire. Two deep breaths later she turned and returned to the school room where his children awaited her.

  Paige took the children outside for some reading the next day. It was early December and the days were growing long and hot. Very hot. Leaning against an old gum tree, Paige sweat trickled down her spine.

  Scotty's hot body was draped over her legs, his head resting on his hands as he read aloud from a story book. His reading was excellent. Well advanced for his age, although his comprehension of the words needed some work, so, every now and then she would stop him and ask him what that meant or why the characters were doing something. He had a long way to go, but he was trying so hard.

  Layla sat next to her sister, reading to her. The two girls were such sweet kids and so polite now.

  Paige closed her eyes and let her mind drift to their father. Logan had avoided being alone with he since the kiss. Hiding away in the office after the kids' bedtime and always having something else to do.

  If she was honest, it wasn't his fault; she'd gotten carried away in the moment too and she'd take it all back if it would fix their friendship. But, oh, what a kiss it had been. She'd never been kissed like that by anyone.

  It was inappropriate though. Logan was her employer. The father of these three amazing kids. She wasn't sure if it was against any rules. They were both consenting, single, adults after all. She daydreamed about how perfect a situation it could be. She would have an instant family and could help with the workload, and raising the children. Like a mother.

  The kelpie work dog, Max, ran up to them, disturbing the peace with his deep barks. Overhead dozens of pink and grey galahs squawked and flew between the gum trees.

  The dog was followed by a big brown horse. Logan was sitting tall in the saddle. Paige gulped at the sight of him dressed in jeans, checked shirt and an Akubra sitting low on his head. Cowboy fantasies flooded her imagination.

  Layla and Brooke jumped up and ran over, cuddling and kissing the animal.

  "Where did you get him, Dad?" Layla asked.

  "He's on loan from the Armstrong's. They can't afford to feed him with this drought still going, so I offered to keep him here."

  Paige took Scotty's hand and they approached the animal warily. Paige had read about the positive effect ponies could sometimes have on autistic children and didn't want to ruin the opportunity. She stroked the horse's smooth neck. The smell of horse and dust assailed her nose.

  Scotty watched intently then slowly lifted his hand to the horse's nose. It blew gently against his hand and Scotty giggled.

  "Can I have a ride, Dad?" Layla asked, bouncing from foot to foot.

  "Well, it turns out the Armstrongs had five horses that needed looking after, so I thought if we took one, we might as well take them all."

  The girls whooped with joy before sprinting away in the direction of the house where their surprise would surely be waiting. Scotty was still intently tickling the horse's nostrils.

  "What's his name?" Paige asked, admiring the thick white strip on its nose.

  "Aztec." Logan replied, watching his son with wonder.

  "I think Scotty is quite taken with him."

  "Aztec used to live at a riding school for disabled kids. He suggested we try Scotty with him."

  Paige nodded. "I've read about it. I'll do some more research but I think it's going to help."

  Scotty pressed his face against Aztec's cheek and closed his eyes contentedly.

  Logan smiled, "I think he's in love."

  Paige and Logan looked at each other over Scotty's head. All the tension between them fell away as they focused on the young boy and what was best for him.

  Paige rested against the fence watching the girls contentedly circle the yards on their mounts. Scotty was happy feeding Aztec grass he had picked.

  "Come on," Logan called to her.

  She looked up at him, eyebrows arched. "What?"

  He motioned at Milo who was already saddled up. "Mr Armstrong included all the gear and tack in the loan." He winked at her. "You'll fit nicely."

  "No, I don't think so." Paige shook her head.

  "Come on, Paige. It's loads of fun," Brooke called over.

  "It's okay, I'll lead you around." Logan encouraged. "These poor horses haven't been ridden in a while and need the exercise."

  She chewed on her lip for a moment before finally climbing over the fence and approaching the horse.

  Logan bent over and linked his hands together. "Put your foot in my hands and I'll give you a boost up."

  Paige clambered into the saddle as he instructed. His hands were warm against her jeans as he stretched out the stirrups and placed her feet in them.

  She took a loud, steadying breath when he had finished. "Okay. Now what?"

  Logan showed her where to how to hold the reins. "Now just hold on." He pulled gently on the lead rope and led Milo around the yard.

  Brooke and Layla let out cheers and words of encouragement. Even Scotty was watching her now, with a shy smile across his face.

  "Try to relax. He can feel you're nervous."

  Paige let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holdin
g, and tried to relax her muscles.

  "He can feel a fly on his rump so you can bet he can feel tension in your legs."

  She was getting used to the gentle rocking movement now. "How do you know so much about horses?"

  He shot her a smile. "I used to compete in the odd rodeo when I was growing up. All my mates did."

  She felt her mouth drop open. Then quickly closed it as a fly buzzed past. "What kind of events did you enter?"

  He turned the pony as they neared the fence line. "All sorts, but I enjoyed roping the most."

  Paige tried to imagine what roping was. "Like with a lasso?"

  "Yeah." He chuckled warmly. "While riding a horse and the cow is running away from you."

  "Were you any good?"

  "I had my moments. But it was really just for fun."

  A vision on Logan sitting atop a horse, one hand holding the reins and the other swinging a rope while the horse was galloping after a cow, stayed with her for the rest of the day. Even during dinner and the usual madness of bathing the kids and supervising as they brushed their teeth.

  That night she had a dream of Logan riding along on his horse, all sinewy muscle and manly scent. He expertly threw his lasso and the rope found its object. As the rope slipped over her bare shoulders it tightened, immobilising her arms to her sides. He dismounted and wound in the rope, forcing her to walk towards him. A pleased grin spread across his face and when she was finally close enough he pulled her to him and kissed her expertly, roughly yet with a passion she had never known.

  She awoke suddenly to the sound of a barking dog. Her body was warm and tingly despite the fan whirling furiously above her.

  Moaning, she rolled over in bed. How could she ever face him again?

  The best thing about being awake most of the night was that Paige was able to watch the sunrise. With a steaming cup of tea in her hand, she sat on her narrow little porch and gazed over the paddocks. She could hear the faint bellow of sleepy animals. The air felt fresh and cool against her skin. The school term was already halfway through. Christmas was only a few weeks away. She would go home for the holidays if Ruth and Hugh were back. Home to Victoria's dry summer heat and beaches. Cappuccinos and her mother's cannelloni.

  She smiled as she remembered Christmas in the past. Their huge extended family loudly discussing current events as the adults drank Chianti and devoured the array of smoked ham, ravioli and roast chicken.

  The children would happily play outside. Together cousins, siblings and friends would build forts in her mother's garden and play fights with sticks. Their parents would join them for football in a competitive, but friendly match.

  Paige gazed at the sky streaked with red and gold. How would this family celebrate Christmas? Another year without their beloved mother, and now with Hugh's health scare, the adults must all be wondering about their own mortality.

  The sky lightened and the few remaining stars were extinguished. Paige sipped at the last of her tea. Life was fleeting. Best to enjoy every moment in the time you have.

  The horses whinnied a soft equine hello as the children skipped towards them, their boot-clad feet kicking up dust.

  "Wait for me at the gate." Logan picked up his pace to catch up with them.

  An afternoon ride was their reward for a productive school day with Paige. She had been beaming with pride when she told him just how well behaved they had been and how much work they had gotten through.

  The children had tried to convince Paige into coming with them and having another riding lesson. She had quietly refused, explaining she had classes to plan and things to do.

  No doubt she wanted some time to herself, she certainly deserved it. The children were demanding and time consuming, he knew that now he was spending so much time with them. He always thought he was the one doing all the hard work out there in the mine, making the big bucks to put into Currawilla and keep it going. But now he had firsthand experience and he knew just how big a job raising a family was. He had a newfound respect for his mother and for Paige who dedicated so much of her time to children who weren't even hers.

  Layla and Brooke were stroking the necks of their ponies when he finally reached the fence.

  Logan looked around for his son but didn’t find him. "Where's Scotty?"

  The girls shrugged and panic rose in his throat. He started jogging to the tack room and skidded as his son appeared from around a shed, leading the pony with a rope.

  "Aztec wants an apple." Scotty's voice was soft, he had no idea the worry he’d caused.

  "Did you get the halter and lead on him by yourself?"

  "Yep. Can I give him an apple now?" Scotty put out his hand expectantly.

  Logan reached into his pocket and retrieved one of the three apples he had brought with him. Scotty offered it to his pony who munched and crunched his way through it, saliva and apple juice foaming all over Scotty's hand. The little boy laughed at the tickling sensation and Logan smiled at his son.

  With the girls' ponies saddled up and happily strolling around the paddock with their eager young riders aboard, Logan turned his attention to his son. "Do you want to try riding Aztec?"

  When Scotty turned away from his father and walked off towards the shed Logan sighed. Not today. It had been going so well. Scotty had been stroking his pony and braiding its mane. Now he seemed disinterested.

  "Sorry boy. I tried." Logan tickled Aztec's chin, then turned as he heard the jangling of metal.

  Scotty was struggling under the weight of a saddle and blanket. Logan rushed forward and helped his son by taking part of the weight, but still letting Scotty carry the bulk of it.

  Silently, father and son saddled up the animal and readied him for a ride. Scotty disappeared again and came back wearing a riding helmet. As well as Mr Armstrong's horse gear, there was still plenty left over from earlier days on the station when Logan had owned horses and ridden regularly. Horses weren't used for mustering on the flat plains now. It was more economical to use utes and motorbikes.

  With a leg up, Scotty gracefully swung into the saddle and gripped the reins expertly.

  "Ready?" Logan asked after adjusting the stirrups.

  After a nod and a grin from his son, Logan took the lead rope and led Aztec in slow circles around the paddock. Scotty never stopped smiling and was soon asking his father to go faster. Aztec trotted for brief periods and Scotty chuckled happily as he was bounced around in the saddle.

  Brooke and Layla joined them and together the family walked and chatted for several laps. Logan, trusting the horse with his son, unclipped the rope and let the kids walk freely.

  He leaned on the fence letting the memory settle into his soul, knowing he would never forget today. The sound of his happy children's banter, the smell of the freshly trod dirt and the warmth of the sun on his face.

  Fiona would be smiling down on this scene, happy he had finally come home.

  Chapter Nine

  The store room was running low. Paige took the last packet of Weetbix and long-life milk from the shelf and noted the empty spaces where tins and packets had sat. They would have to go shopping.

  Paige hadn't spent much time looking around the small community of Hughenden. She remembered hearing of a museum there and when she mentioned it to the kids they wriggled excitedly.

  "There is a huge dinosaur skeleton there." Scotty explained about the fossils and treasures he had seen on his last visit.

  "We haven't been in years," Layla complained. "It would help for my history project too. There's information about when Hughenden was farmed with sheep. Can you imagine farming sheep instead of cattle?" She shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

  "Hey, I'm from Victoria. Sheep farming is big business there." Paige pretended to be offended.

  "Can we go? Can we go? Can we go?" Scotty repeated anxiously, tugging on Paige's arm.

  "Please?" Brooke looked up at her with wide eyes.

  "Let's ask your father. I'm not sure I can handle you lot all
on my own."

  The next morning, they piled into the family four-wheel-drive and set off for Hughenden. Logan had happily agreed to the day out. The station work was never-ending and he was yearning for a change of scenery.

  He looked at his children in the rear vision mirror, they were planning what to see first and making up stories about when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Paige sat next to him in the passenger's seat. He had barely seen her the last few days, and never alone. They had continued to share meals with the children but when the kids were in bed she quickly retreated to her own donga. He couldn't blame her though. She deserved some time off. He only wished he could give her more.

  Driving down the main street, Scotty pointed out every dinosaur picture and statue. The most impressive being the fibreglass replica of a Muttaburrasaurus. Similar to a T-rex it stood on hind legs and had stumpy front arms. "He's called Mutt." Scotty explained. "He was found in Muttaburra. That's real close to here."

  "By real close he means three hours away," Logan said.

  Scotty took Paige's hand as soon as they climbed out of the car. He pulled her towards the entrance. The girls followed eagerly behind.

  Inside, Scotty played tour guide and Logan listened to his son while also reading from the information boards. He soon realised his young son was telling them all the correct information, even getting the smallest details right.

  Awe and amazement overwhelmed him. He might have some strange habits and people often thought he was strange, but Logan realised how truly special his son was and how lucky they were to have him in their family.

  After Layla had collected information and photographs from the historical displays of shearing sheds, clippers and wool bales, and they had all looked at the fossil and bone displays, they walked down the road to a cafe.

  They sat in a shaded courtyard and Paige set out colouring books for Brooke and Scotty.

  "You came prepared." Logan gestured to his children.

  "They'll get restless waiting for their meals. Best to give them something to do." Paige said as she set the backpack on the ground.


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