The Outback Governess

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The Outback Governess Page 8

by Sarah Williams

  To Logan the start of the rain was a time for celebration and fresh starts. The thirsty earth would start to recover and grass would grow. Just like his relationship with his family had healed, so too would the land.

  Cracks in the ground transformed into miniature river systems that merged. The tangy scent of the rain on the earth swirled around them and for the first time in weeks they felt cool.

  The kids skipped ahead as he and Paige walked slowly up to the house, their hands touching every now and then when they got too close.

  Ruth met them with towels at the door. "There's someone here to see you," she said under her breath.

  Logan took the towel and patted himself down before stepping into the living room.

  "Jess." She looked younger than he remembered. Her blonde hair fell across her bare shoulders. She wore a tight white singlet and sparkly denim shorts. To complete the cowgirl outfit, he noted she wore her favourite hot pink boots.

  She flung her arms around him. "Surprise," she purred into his ear.

  His gaze turned to Paige. Wide-eyed she watched the scene unfurl.

  He pushed Jess away from him. "Jess, this is my Mum and Dad, Ruth and Hugh."

  Jess nodded at them, "Yes, we've met."

  "These," he pointed to his children, "are my children Layla, Brooke and Scotty."

  Jess gazed down at the children with a tight smile. "Hi, kids."

  They didn't reply, just continued to stare. Scotty was holding onto Paige's arm.

  "And this is Paige-"

  "The governess." Jess finished the introduction for him. "I've been hearing all about you from Ruth and Hugh."

  "Oh," Paige said, glancing at her employers, not sure what to say. "It's nice to meet you. I should get these kids dried off."

  "Yes." Ruth waved them out the door. "Have your showers and get ready for dinner."

  Logan took Jess's hand. "Can I have a word?"

  "You can have more than that." She raised a perfectly arched brow at him as he gently led her out to the porch.

  Away from prying eyes, he swept a hand through his wet hair. "What are you doing here?"

  "I've come to spend Christmas with you. You'd know that if you answered your phone." She ran her fingers up his chest. "I've missed you." She started running hot kisses over his neck in that seductive way she once had.

  He pushed her away gently and held her at arm’s length. "Not here. My kids and parents are right there."

  The look she gave him told him she did not like being refused.

  "Christmas is only a couple of days away and I'll be back in Mt Isa before you know it."

  "Well, I'm here now and I want to learn all about the station. You must be thrilled it's raining."

  He gazed out at the paddocks, darkened now from rain. "I am. It's the best thing that could have happened right now."

  The frogs that had long been hiding in the few remaining damp places suddenly returned and the throb of their combined voices pierced through the roar of the rain.

  Paige made sure she packed every single piece of her belongings. She would not return after the holidays. It was too hard battling with her feelings for Logan and having to watch him with Jess. Dinner last night had been terribly uncomfortable. The children went out of their way to be rude and disrespectful. Qualities she had thought she had trained them out of. Meanwhile Jess flaunted her slim, young body at Logan and sweet talked his parents. Paige couldn't stand it.

  Ruth was making small talk as the two women packed up Paige's room. Ruth was carefully folding cloths while Paige chucked things on the bed.

  "It's a shame you can't stay for the Henderson's party. All the neighbours come. It's so much fun."

  "What's that?" Paige asked distractedly as she packed her toiletries.

  "Our neighbours, the Hendersons. Every year they have a wonderful Christmas Eve party with music and dancing."

  Paige stilled as she tried to remember where she had put her toothbrush.

  The door opened and with it came a gust of wind and rain. The storm had continued all night and was showing no sign of stopping. Hugh stepped in from under an umbrella.

  "Sorry, Paige, you're not going anywhere today. They've closed the roads."

  "What? Why?" Paige dropped onto the bed.

  Hugh pointed out the window. "The rain. Roads are flooded in and out of town."

  "What about the airport? I could take a plane."

  Hugh shook his head. "Even if a plane could take off it's not safe to fly."

  The door opened again. Scotty walked in and straight to Paige, a big grin on his face.

  "What are you smiling about?" She sighed and gathered him to her for a comforting hug.

  "My Christmas wish came true." He squeezed her tightly.

  "Did you wish for rain?" She breathed in the scent of his fruity shampoo.

  "No." He pulled back to look at her, eyes bright. "I wished that you would stay for Christmas."

  She pulled him close and tears slipped down her cheeks.

  Chapter Twelve

  The Land cruiser sludged through the wet dirt, spraying up mud and skidding the tyres. Paige gritted her teeth and silently prayed that they wouldn't get bogged and have to walk home in the rain.

  Logan needed to check on the stock, bores and fences. Jess and the children had insisted on coming along and, even though she would have preferred to stay in her room, Scotty had dragged Paige along with them. They sat together in the back seat, animatedly bouncing around, without a care in the world.

  "You guys okay back there?" Jess turned in her seat. Her blond hair was done up in a tight pony tail which swayed with the rhythm of the car.

  The children ignored her and Paige gave her a tight smile. "Just fine, thanks."

  Logan mumbled something under his breath and shifted into a lower gear.

  "What's wrong?" Jess asked him in her sweet voice.

  "There's something wrong with that cow." He pointed out the front window and Paige saw a cream-coloured creature laying on its side in the mud.

  Logan pulled up to a stop near it. "Stay here," he ordered his children before climbing out into the warm rain.

  Scotty climbed over his sisters and opened the door, scrambling out.

  "Scotty." Paige sighed and followed after him.

  When she reached Logan and his son she stopped abruptly, her hand flying to her mouth. Blood oozed from the torn, infected flesh.

  Nausea overwhelmed her and she turned away just in time to vomit up her breakfast.

  "What's wrong with it, Daddy?" Scotty asked. Paige wiped her mouth and looked over to see the boy prod at the beast with a stick.

  "Please don't do that." Logan's voice was calm and controlled, everything Paige couldn't be right now.

  "What happened to it?" She asked.

  "Looks like a feral dog attacked it." Logan crouched down and stroked the cow’s head. It snorted sadly it reply.

  "It's still alive?" Paige pulled Scotty to her.

  "Not for long. I'll have to go back and get the gun. I can't leave her like this."

  "Gun? No gun!" Scotty struggled free from Paige's grasp. "I need my ear muffs."

  Brooke, Layla and Jess had ventured over now and Logan moved to hide their view of the mauled animal.

  "Ugh. What happened?" Layla looked around her father to see the creature.

  Paige picked Brooke up in her arms. "Back to the car kids."

  As she walked past Jess, she saw the deathly pale expression on the woman's face. At least she wasn't the only one deeply affected by the situation.

  Scotty was covering his ears with his hands, shouting incessantly that he needed his ear muffs. Once the girls were safely in the car Paige stooped to his eye level and touched him. "Sweetheart, we're going home to get your earmuffs."

  He moved his hands and looked back at her. His eyes were filled with panic and confusion. "Home?"

  "Yes, we're going home. Hop in the car now." Scotty did as he was told and Paige looked b
ack at Logan. He was leading Jess back to the car an arm around her shoulder.

  They were silent on the trip back.

  Once safely home the girls ran off to tell their grandparents and Jess disappeared to the safety of the guest room.

  Paige watched as Scotty approached his father. "Why do you need the gun?"

  Logan looked pleadingly at Paige. She moved to stand beside him for support.

  "That animal has been hurt." Logan explained. "It's in a lot of pain."

  "What hurt it?"

  "A dog tried to eat it."

  Scotty's eyes widened. "Why? Was it hungry?"

  "Maybe. But it didn't kill it and now I have to."

  "Why? Can't you call the vet?"

  "It's too late for a vet."

  Paige opened her arms to her young charge as tears streamed down his cheeks. She made sure to hug him with just enough reassuring pressure. His body soon eased into hers and relaxed.

  Paige looked at Logan's broken face. "Go, do it."

  He nodded and left them alone together. She closed her eyes as she imagined him unlocking the gun cabinet and lifting out a rifle. The animal would be out of its pain soon.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan really didn't want to go out. If the rain hadn't eased he would have declared it unsafe driving weather. But they had two good four-wheel drive vehicles so there was really no excuse not to drive the sixteen kilometres to their neighbour's house. Beside Hugh and Ruth were really looking forward to it. The kids were too. There would be other children there for them to play with and they didn't often get the chance to socialise with others.

  "Zip me up?" Jess asked turning her naked back to him. He pulled up the zip of her black dress and she twirled around for him. It showed off her body, which, he knew was exactly why she wore it. She kept trying to tempt him with kisses and caresses but he kept turning her down. It just didn't feel right.

  "So how much longer will Paige be with us? I mean, the kids must be able to start boarding school soon?" she asked as she brushed her hair.

  Logan buttoned up his shirt. "They can't board for a few more years yet and I haven't really thought about it."

  "Surely boarding school would be easier than having a govie around?"

  "Not really. Boarding school is expensive and we can't afford that sort of cost. The rain may have started but we've just had a long drought and there's debt to pay back."

  Jess swung around to him. "But you own so much land."

  "Just because we have land doesn't mean we're rich." Frustration rose in him and his voice it was short. "Why are you asking these questions?"

  "I want to understand our situation, my love." She slipped her arms around his waist.

  "Our situation? This doesn't really involve you." He stiffened at her touch.

  "Come on. We're practically engaged, we've been going out for ages."

  He stepped away from her, his temper heightened. "I don't remember proposing or giving you a ring."

  "Now, now don't get angry. I was just raising the subject." She turned to study herself in the mirror.

  Ruth called out that it was time to leave.

  "We'll talk about this when we get back." He opened the door for her. She sent him an innocently sweet smile as she walked past him.

  Paige was trying to be positive. Helen, and a few other govies and mums she knew from the school of the air, would be at the party tonight and she would be happy to talk to them again.

  She'd dressed in a long blue shirt and white floaty skirt. The rain although a welcome relief brought with it muggy humidity she wasn't used too.

  She had been avoiding Logan and Jess but had glimpsed them getting into the Land cruiser behind them. Logan looked handsome in his jeans and plaid shirt. Jess was wearing a too-short tight dress. Not the best example for Layla and Brooke who were such impressionable young girls.

  Once they arrived at the Henderson's place, Paige took the children off to find their friends.

  It didn't take long to find Helen and they immediately sat down to catch up...

  "How's this heat?" Helen wiped her forehead with her sleeve.

  "I know. But the rain is great." They were sitting on the wide porch as the kids played on bikes and scooters on the concreted area.

  "Are you going home when the roads clear?" Helen asked.

  "I was supposed to be home for Christmas. What about you?"

  "I'm staying. I've started dating Mick, one of the ringers here. Besides, I couldn't do an English winter after this."

  Paige was pleased for her friend, but still heartbroken over Logan. "I don't think I will come back next year."

  "What? Why not?"

  "Logan's girlfriend Jess has come to stay. I heard they're getting married." Paige looked through the window beside them and could see Jess chatting flirtatiously with another young man.

  "Is that her? She's so young."

  Paige described what had happened at the playground and how Jess had shown up at the house.

  "You like him," Helen said softly.

  Paige paused before nodding slightly.

  A familiar country song started playing and people gathered on the makeshift dance floor inside.

  "Come on. We may as well enjoy ourselves instead of moping around out here."

  Paige let Helen lead her inside where immediately swept up in the dancing crowd.

  She enjoyed the music, even if it was country and western, and danced with her friend until her feet were sore.

  As a slow song started, someone tugged gently on her arm. In the low light Logan's face was mostly in shadow, but she knew it was him by his familiar, outback man smell.

  "Dance with me?" he murmured into her ear. Her skin tingled as his warm breath brushed her skin.

  Paige moved into the curve of his body as he placed her hands on his chest. She felt his heart pounding beneath her fingertips. His left hand curved around her back and held her in place as they swayed sideways. His right hand gently stroked her bare forearm.

  Overwhelmed by the emotions rolling through her, Paige lay her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Everything else disappeared as she melted into the music and the rhythm of their slow dance.

  All too quickly the music changed. Paige reluctantly lifted her head and their eyes met. His were a mixture of emotion and anguish. She opened her mouth to say something but he placed a finger to her lips then gently kissed her forehead.

  Cool air rushed into the space he left as he walked away through the crowd and she watched Jess pounce on him, planting an exaggerated kiss on his lips.

  Paige turned away from the crowd and slipped outside. It was time to leave the outback.

  "We're taking the kids home." Ruth shouted over the thumping country music.

  Logan nodded and looked around the room for Paige. He hadn't seen her since their dance. Their emotion-charged, amazing dance.

  "She's in the Land cruiser with Scotty." Ruth answered his unspoken question. "You finish up here and head home when you're ready." His mother winked at him and touched his cheek briefly before turning and leaving the party.

  He heard Jess before he saw her. She was the life of the party. With a bourbon and coke in her hand, certainly not her first for the night, she was loudly singing along to the crooning, country song while moving her body in a sexy swagger. Men, young and old danced around her but he noticed young Brendon Macmillan paying her particular interest. Brendon was Jess's age and had the same outgoing nature as she did. They would make an ideal couple. Plus, Logan thought, Brendon came from money.

  Taking a deep breath, Logan tapped Jess on the shoulder and motioned for her to come with him. She pouted but let him lead her away.

  Outside the breeze was pleasantly cool on his skin.

  "We should head home."

  "You go. I'm having a good time." She gulped from her drink. "I don't think this is going to work out anyway."

  Taken aback, Logan frowned. "What?"

and me. You just can't give me what I need." Her words were slurred but full of truth.

  "You're right, Jess. I can't. I'm sorry." He feigned remorse, but inside he was ecstatic. He hadn't wanted to hurt her by breaking up with her, but now she was breaking up with him.

  "Brendon is a great guy. You should give him a go."

  Jess looked inside. Brendon was watching them nervously.

  "That govie of yours." She looked up at him, her eyes clear and sober. "I think she wants to be more than just your governess." Jess lifted her can at him. "Merry Christmas."

  Logan watched her walk back inside and take Brendon's hand.

  With new purpose, Logan said his goodbyes and headed home for Christmas.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Christmas Day started the same as any other day. The sun rose behind the rain clouds and brought with it a searing summer heat.

  Paige dressed, then Skyped her family in Melbourne. They were disappointed she wouldn't be there but she promised to fly home as soon as the rain stopped and the roads cleared.

  With boots on, Paige waded through the puddles to the homestead. The rain had eased to a light drizzle. She would check on the road conditions, hopefully she would be able to leave soon.

  The children were already inspecting the parcels under the tree as Ruth and Hugh worked in the kitchen making breakfast.

  "Merry Christmas." She smiled as the kids ran to her with hugs and kisses.

  "Santa came." Brooke pointed to the tree they had decorated the week before. It was artificial, unlike the heavy scented trees you could get in cooler climates.

  "Wow, what a lot of presents." Paige let the children lead her to the tree and watched as they sorted the wrapped gifts into piles.

  She turned at Logan's heavy footsteps. His hair was messed and she wondered if he had slept any better. Their eyes met briefly before she turned away.

  Ruth pushed a cup into his hand. "Good morning, dear. Did everything get sorted out last night?"

  Ruth gave another cup to Paige and she sipped at the hot tea.

  "It did." He nodded and turned to Paige. "Can I borrow you for a minute?"


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