The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3) Page 2

by Michelle Dare

  “Whatever,” he says and tosses his half-eaten sandwich on the table.


  We sit and talk a while longer before Zayda shows us a room in the house where we can rest. Rion retrieved our bags when he parked the car in the garage. Members of the pack walk by, eyeing us with open curiosity. Of course, to Rion that means they want his mate. So he puts his arm protectively around my waist and keeps it there until we’re behind closed doors. Zayda assured him she would talk to the pack and tell them I’m her niece and also taken. They don’t see the mate mark on me, so they view me as available. Hopefully, Rion can keep himself and his wolf in check so a fight doesn’t break out at the dinner table when we all eat together.

  I literally throw myself onto the bed, grateful for a comfortable spot to lie down. My body is still stiff from sitting in the car for so long. Rion lies down beside me, our bodies facing one another as our eyes meet. My mind wanders as I look deep into his crystal blue eyes. What would it be like to finally mate with him? To have his mark on my wrist?

  He takes my hand in his, his thumb rubbing over the inside of my wrist. The spark of our connection flares to life, coursing through my body before calming to a hum. “Sevan told me when you mate, you finally feel complete,” he says, reading my mind. “As if the stars align and everything in the world is right as long as you have that one person by your side. You feel like you’re breathing the freshest air and everything seems brighter. But the best part, he said, was the fact that he knew Dalia would be his forever. We don’t get divorced like humans do, Ari. When we mate, it’s for life. There’s no backing out once the bond is sealed. When we do this, I need you to be a hundred-percent sure.”

  “I know,” I respond softly. “I’ve read enough of your thoughts to understand this is for life. But you already view it that way, don’t you?”

  Rion inches closer, his breath fanning over my lips as he grips my hip in his strong hand. “I’ve told you from the start, it’s only ever going to be you. My wolf calls for you, bays at the thought of not solidifying our bond.”

  “And what if I told you I was sure? That I’m ready?” I’ve given it a lot of thought. The deeper I go into this world, there’s only one person I see by my side through everything—Rion. Sure, I have Ford and other friends, too. But eventually, they’ll find the one they’re meant to be with.

  The elation pouring from Rion hits me right in the chest, causing a smile to form on my lips. I love feeling his emotions. Even if we don’t speak, I’m aware of what he’s feeling. I don’t think anything I could have said would make him happier. But with that elation comes a hint of worry. He’s concerned I’m not ready, and the last thing he wants to do is rush me into this, only for me to regret it.

  “You can feel me as much as I can you,” I tell him. “Search inside me. You’ll see I’m set on my decision. This wasn’t one I made lightly, Rion. I’ll never want another as I do you. Nor will anyone defend me as fiercely as you do. You’re everything I want and need.”

  He leans in, capturing my lips with his as he pours his love and undying devotion into me. He would lay down his life for me, and I’d do the same for him.

  His tongue sweeps into my mouth in search of my own. Once they touch, it’s as if a thousand fireworks go off in my body. Every part of me is calling for him to take me—to make us one and finally join our souls. Just as I press myself against him, wanting to take things to the next level, he pulls back, his breath coming fast.

  “Not here, Ari. I don’t want to do this in another’s pack house. I want to be able to have you like I’ve dreamed. I don’t want to rush through it when we finally become fully connected. I want to take my time and get to know every part of you. I want to revel in the mate bond and soak it all in. We only mate once, little mouse, and I want it to be perfect.”

  Letting out a wistful sigh, I say, “That sounds amazing.”

  He rolls to his back, wrapping an arm around me to bring me with him and tuck me against his side. We don’t speak out loud. Rion reminds me this is a pack house, and wolves have amazing hearing. It’s better if we keep the rest of our conversation in our minds.

  Our thoughts and emotions flow between us. He tells me he loves me and how he can’t wait for the day he’ll have my name on his chest. There’s something special about knowing he’ll be mine for eternity.

  We lie together in the comfort of our embrace for a while. I love this, soaking up everything that is Rion. He’s so strong yet holds me gently. And his body… It’s like he was made for wicked things. Nope, can’t go there. Rion said not now.

  I force my mind to other things. Like the smell of beef floating into our room from the small gap beneath the door. Whatever is for dinner smells really good.

  “Are you sure we can’t live here?” I ask with my mind. “They have perfect weather, no drama, and someone can cook really well. Plus, my aunt is here, and I have a cousin.”

  “Our home isn’t here. We already have a pack. Besides, we can visit whenever we want. Now that you’ve been here, you should be able to teleport back with no problems.”

  That’s true. I can visit Zayda and her family any time. No long car ride or anything. And it will always be warm here, so I don’t have to worry about dressing for the weather. I could also teleport her and her family to our home. Wait. Am I going to live in the mansion with my mom until Rion and I are mated? I love having the pack around, but all those people under one roof makes me kind of crazy. I like having my space.

  “One thing at a time,” Rion reminds me.

  I can’t control the way my thoughts drift. I’m lying in bed, tired, but not to the point I want to sleep. The smell of food is making my stomach rumble again, and Rion won’t solidify our bond. All that’s left for me to do is run through a thousand things in my head. What I should be doing is trying to think of who else I can get to join our side for the pack war. If only I knew more paranormals.

  “Aries is working on bringing more to our side,” Rion says.

  “Will it be enough?”

  “I’m not sure we’ll know if we have enough until we’re in the middle of battle.”

  “Merrick said there are some fae he’s going to speak with who live near here. They could be a big help. He said they’re old, so I bet they have all kinds of magic and tricks up their sleeves.”

  “The fae can be unpredictable at times. If they don’t want to fight, they won’t. But if they have a reason to do so, they can be a vicious ally to have on your side.” I like the sound of that. We need more who are vicious. Travis won’t be taken down easily, that’s for sure.

  “Fingers crossed they want to join and fight. We need all the help we can get,” I say.

  “Have you thought about not fighting and going into the room under the house with the other humans?” Is he insane? It’s like he doesn’t even know me.

  Pulling away, I peer down at him, not caring who hears me. “Did you seriously just ask me if I’d wait in the basement while everyone else gets to kick Travis’ butt?” He nods. “You’ve lost your ever-loving mind if you think that’s going to happen. I want a piece of him as much as you do. No way am I sitting out the chance to rip his smug head off his shoulders. I have vampire strength, remember? I could snap him in two.”

  “And he’s a powerful wolf shifter, remember? He won’t hold back, Ari.”

  “Neither will I.”

  Closing his eyes, he says, “I want you to be safe, and that’s in the room away from the fighting.”

  Hold on. “Wouldn’t a vampire be able to teleport into the room and grab people or kill them?”

  “A mage has put up a ward on it. But unlike the one at Travis’ house, only a select few will be able to teleport in and out.”

  Now my mind is back to that night when Cace was killed and Rion almost died. I don’t want to think about it. I can’t. If I do, I could sink into a depression, and there’s no time for that when a pack war is on the horizon.

  “You could look
after everyone there,” Rion says, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “I thought I read something in Ford’s mind where Kiara had volunteered to stay with the humans.”

  “Do you think one vampire will hold up against however many wolves come for them? Travis isn’t stupid. He’ll plan on sending some of his pack after those in ours who aren’t fighting.” I’m not sure I like the idea of the humans being in one room. If anyone breaks in, they’ll be able to pick them off, one at a time.

  An idea pops into my head. “What if I teleport all the humans here?” There was a brief thought of bringing them to the Avynwood Forest, but once the battle gets going, I doubt Travis will care that it’s a sanctuary for paranormals or not. He’ll send his troops there as well. Maybe we should clear out the forest.

  “The bears will fight them off. I’m not worried about that, but I’m not sure it’s best for our humans. Teleporting them here isn’t a bad idea. It’s safe, and there is a ward in place, although it only prevents this place from being discovered, not from those teleporting here.”

  “We should do it. It’s better than keeping them in a cemented room under the mansion, where they may or may not have to flee to get away from those who wish to harm them.” I love that I had a good idea. It feels like I’m helping more. I can’t exactly talk strategy with the pack, so this is my way of contributing, with ideas that aren’t all completely insane.

  “We’ll speak with Merrick at dinner, and, depending on what he says, fill Aries in. That’s a good idea you thought of, Ari.”

  “I do have them occasionally.” His thoughts float to me, and I immediately react. “I’m not staying here!” I shout. Every wolf in the house easily heard me. I even hear someone chuckle as they walk past our door. Oh, well. At least I’m entertaining them.

  Settling on Rion’s chest, I somehow manage to close my eyes and let my body relax. Another problem is solved, and in turn, I can rest a little easier. The wolves will be able to fight better knowing their human mates and children are safe, nowhere near the battle. It’s a win-win for everyone involved. Now, if only I can find a way to seal the deal and win this pack war.

  There’s no way I can think much further than the war, which is steadily approaching. I could die. So could Rion. Any of the pack members or others fighting with us could. None of it is certain. I wish I had a way to keep them all safe. At least the shifters can shift to heal if they get hurt. However, it won’t be easy to do so in the middle of a war. Some of them will die. I don’t think we’ll be lucky enough to leave this war unscathed, even if we do win. That weight still sits heavily on my chest.


  We spend half of the next day with my aunt and uncle. I guess I can call him that. I wonder if I called him Uncle Merrick to his face if he’d freak out. Might be worth trying to see what he’d do.

  Rion chuckles beside me as we stand in front of them to say goodbye.

  “You two are so cute,” Zayda says, smiling. “I loved seeing you again, Ari.”

  She leans in and hugs me as Merrick shakes Rion’s hand. Then we switch and Zayda hugs Rion, while Merrick stares at me, unsure of what to do. So I take the initiative and go in for the hug. He gently embraces me for a moment before stepping back. I love how the big, tough wolves aren’t that tough to everyone. They all have this gentle side, regardless of how intimidating they may be.

  “I’m going to call you Uncle Merrick. Is that okay?” He stammers and stutters, not sure what to say to me. Zayda and Rion bust out laughing, and I can barely hold it in.

  All this does is fire Merrick up, but he doesn’t take it out on me. Instead, he surprises me by hugging me again and saying, “I’d be honored if you called me that.”

  “I was only joking, but okay. Uncle Merrick it is.” I hug him tightly one last time. “I’ll text you both to let you know when we have more information. I had a premonition last night, but it was different than the others. I was in the field alone, and it was eerily calm. No one was chasing me. No one was trying to kill me.” I shiver as the memory of it washes over me. It was the first one I’ve had in a while. I thought maybe something was broken and I was done with them. Apparently not.

  Merrick’s features harden as he clenches his jaw. Zayda must have read his thoughts. She rushes, “Go home. Now, Ari. You only have a couple of days at best before things start happening. That calm is a sign. The war is coming.”

  My eyes widen as I turn to Rion. He’s got the same expression Merrick does.

  “I’ll be in touch,” I tell her as we jump in the Jag.

  Rion has us out of the garage and cruising down Route 33 in no time. His first call is to Aries, whose voice comes through the speakers in the car.

  “How did it go?” he asks. No pleasantries.

  “Ari had a premonition. The war is coming.”

  Aries sighs. “Wake did, too.”

  “I’m surprised I didn’t see him,” I say. “He’s usually in the same dream as me.”

  “Where were you?” Aries asks.

  “In the clearing where Rion first shifted in front of me.” I’ll never forget that day. It will forever be etched in my memory as the day everything changed.

  “Wake was there, too.”

  “How can that be if I didn’t see him?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Was it calm for him, too?”

  “Yes. You two need to get home.”

  “We’re trying,” I reply, glancing over at Rion where his hands grip the steering wheel as if he’s about to rip it off. “Rion might break several speed limits along the way.” I could teleport us. Rion could send someone for the Jag. But this is the last bit of time I’ll have alone with him for who knows how long. The war is coming.

  “He knows what he’s doing. Did you get Merrick on our side?”

  “Yes,” I say. “Turns out he married my aunt.”

  “Zayda?” Aries asks, surprised.

  “Yup. She’s a wolf.” Aries never met her, only my grandmother and parents. I still can’t believe my aunt is a shifter. Why didn’t I inherit some of the shifter genes? It would have been cool to be able to shift into something so big and strong.

  He lets out a long whistle. “Well, if that isn’t news. Does your mom know?”

  “No. I’ll tell her when we get back. Merrick and his pack will be down as soon as they’re called. Also, they said we could teleport any humans to their house before the war.” With them being in the middle of nowhere, the humans should be safe.

  “That’s not a bad idea. It would keep them out of the basement and far away from what’s going to happen. Travis will spend his energy on us here. He won’t expect his brother to be involved. He wouldn’t think to look for the rest of our pack up there. Good job, you two.”

  “He’s also going to talk to a group of ancient fae who live near him. See if he can get them on board as well,” I say.

  “We’re going to need all the help we can get. Thanks for keeping me posted. I’ll see you when you get home. Drive safe.”

  “Thanks. And Aries? Tell Ford to be ready. We’re going to have a lot of people to teleport. All the humans in the Avynwood Pack going north, and all the Quivakond Pack wolves coming south.”

  “You got it. Talk to you soon.”

  Rion ends the call, his hands returning to their death grip on the wheel.

  “Is the goal to snap it right off the steering column?” I ask. “Because I think you may do just that.”

  He ignores my question. “No matter what I say, you’re still going to show up and fight.”

  “You bet I am. I might not be a pro at hand-to-hand combat, but I can snap a wolf in half like a twig.” I smile and bat my eyelashes for extra effect.

  “This isn’t a joke, Ari! You could die!” So much for my humor in difficult situations. Time to yell back.

  “You don’t think I know that? You don’t think I understand what can happen? People are going to die, Rion. That’s clear, but what has also been clear to me
from the start is that I’m one of their top targets. Me! So, no matter where I go or where I hide, this won’t stop until I face them.”

  “I’ll end it when I kill Travis.” I ignore his comment. Arguing with him over who’s going to end that murderer’s life won’t get us anywhere.

  “I’m going to have Carter and Cash teach me how to throw a good punch when we get back. I figure if I hit someone hard enough, I can knock them back a few hundred yards with this strength I have.”

  I thought I had more time. When Merrick said what my premonition meant, it didn’t hit me right away. But now that we’re traveling down the highway at a very high rate of speed, I have more time to think.

  This could start in a couple of days. What if I can’t defend myself? I don’t want to rely on others to help me. Sure, I have this strength, and I’m super hard to kill, but what good will that do me if every time I turn around someone else has to save me, putting their own life at risk? That’s not what I want. I want to be able to handle my own battles so everyone else can focus on theirs.

  “I can teach you, Ari.”

  “You can, but I’d rather, instead of teaching me, you spar with me.” I’ve thought about having him teach me. But that will probably end up with Rion all sweaty, wiping his face on his shirt while exposing those muscles of his. No way would I be able to concentrate when he’s doing that.

  “They’re going to come at you in wolf form.”

  “I know. That’s why I need to learn how to fight them. I can swing a punch, but that’s at something my height or taller. I have to hit lower, learn to center my body. Let Carter and Cash teach me, and then afterward, you can practice with me. You shift and I’ll swing or kick or whatever.”

  He nods, then calls someone.

  “Orion. What’s going on?” It sounds like Cash, but I’m not certain. His brother and he sound alike.

  “We’re on our way home. I’m going to need you and Carter to teach Ari how to fight against a wolf. One of you can shift, while the other tells her what to do. She needs to understand how a wolf thinks and what parts of her body are the most vulnerable.”


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