The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3) Page 12

by Michelle Dare

  Someone knocks on our door. “Come in,” Rion calls over my head, never letting go of me.

  Wake pops his head in. His dark brown hair damp, his eyes tired underneath his glasses. I’ve realized he hides behind those more than anything. Wolves have very sharp vision and none of them need glasses. But with Wake, it’s almost like a line of defense for him. So no one sees the real person inside.

  “Can I crash in here?” he asks. “Dad won’t let me go home since it’s not protected like the pack house. There aren’t many rooms left, and I’m too tired to search each one.” A lot of the paranormals are still here. They wanted to stay a few more days, just in case.

  I hold Wake in my gaze for a second as I quickly read his mind, finding the real reason he’s here. He doesn’t want to go home because he’ll be alone. Aries and Cassandra are staying in the mansion to be close to the pack, but the entire pack land is being patrolled. Wake could have gone home and had the house to himself. If someone would enter the property, he’d know and could run to the mansion in no time.

  Wake also doesn’t want to sleep in the same room with his parents. They offered him the couch, but he refused. I can’t blame him. Plus, Rion is his best friend, and he considers me one as well. Searching deeper, it seems Ford booted him out of his room they were sharing. That freaking vampire. Wake is his friend, and Ford needs to not be a jerk.

  “Of course,” I say and scoot over in the bed, closer to Rion, grateful we both decided to sleep clothed tonight. I don’t like the idea of Wake sleeping on the couch, and no way am I letting him sleep on the floor. Besides, he’s never looked at me in any other way than a friend. Now that I’m mated to his cousin, I’m completely off-limits. Besides, wolves like to be together. Pack animals and all that.

  Wake comes up behind me, his head resting on half of my pillow, his body not pressed to me but definitely close. He passes out in a matter of seconds. His soft snores fill the quiet room.

  Not wanting to wake him by talking aloud to Rion, I relay through my mind everything I saw in Wake’s.

  Rion kisses my forehead. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “He’s been through so much already. I don’t want to put him through more. He’s family and can stay with us as long as he likes.”

  Rion lifts an eyebrow. “I’m not sure I’d take it that far. I do want some alone time with you, eventually.” Not that alone time is a bad idea, but there’s a time and a place. Being so tired I can barely stand is not the time. Physically, I’m healed. Mentally, I’m not sure I’ll ever be.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter.” I yawn as Rion tucks me back to his chest. Soon, my breath evens out and I’m lost deep in a blissful sleep… Or, so I think.

  Waves crashing against the shoreline pull my attention toward the beach at my back. Tall palm trees tower overhead as the moon casts its bright glow on the dark ocean below. My bare feet sink into warm sand, causing me to let out a sigh of contentment. Suddenly, reality dawns on me, and my eyes widen. This isn’t an ordinary dream. This is a premonition, and I went to sleep without my shoes on. Son of a! When will I learn?

  Wake appears beside me, his eyes narrow, scanning the area until they land on me. He immediately closes the distance between us and grips my hand in his. He’s more on top of things than I am. If I need to teleport us out of here, we’ll already be touching.

  “Where are we?” I ask. “I’ve never seen this place before.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Rion doesn’t appear. I guess he didn’t get this power of mine.

  “You’re in Hawaii,” comes a voice at our backs. One I would recognize anywhere.

  Spinning, I level Travis with a hard glare. The light blue board shorts and white T-shirt give him a younger look. No one would think he’s close to eight hundred years old.

  “Is this a new trick of yours?” I ask. “Pulling us into any dream? Or does Benedict have a hand in this?”

  “It’s certainly not a premonition,” he states. “I also may have had a hand in getting you here.” Of course he did.

  Benedict, with his shockingly white hair, steps out from behind a palm tree. Slimy vampire. “No need for name calling, Ariane,” he says, reading my mind. I quickly throw up a strong block.

  “If I wanted to truly insult you, slimy wouldn’t be the word I’d use.” I smile sweetly, though there was nothing but venom in my words.

  Then Ford appears on my other side. He grins at Travis and Benedict. “You’re always having parties without me. I’m starting to take it personally. But you’re in luck because I’m here now. I’d say crashing is above me, but we all know that’s not true.” His voice might sound casual, but I can tell from his rigid body stance that he’s anything but.

  “It’s good you’re here, Verascue,” Travis states. “I wouldn’t want Ari to feel outnumbered.”

  “Believe me when I say, I’m not afraid of you,” I reply. “You can try to intimidate me all you want, but I want you dead. Make no mistake. There is plenty of hatred flowing through my veins for the both of you.” I nod toward Benedict.

  Travis laughs heartily. “You have so much of your grandmother in you. If only she were still alive to show you what it means to be an alpha female. You’d learn from the best.” I stand still, not uttering a single word to play into his hand while the term alpha female rolls around in my mind.

  “You do realize that, don’t you?” he continues. “You’re not meant to be a submissive in a pack. You’re an alpha through and through. Your grandmother was only part of my pack because back then, females weren’t respected as leaders like they are now. You’ve no doubt seen how you’re held higher in others regards. They recognize the alpha in you. Not many will challenge you, Ariane. They’d be fools.” This is a lot to take in. My grandmother was an alpha, and I am, too? At least that explains my attitude problem.

  “Yet, you come at me at every turn,” I remind him.

  “Your very existence grates on my nerves.”

  “Then, why didn’t you kill me years ago? Why wait until I’m mated to a wolf?”

  “There’s fun to be had first. It’s much more exciting to watch an entire pack fall rather than one girl and her small family.” He glances out at the ocean. “I didn’t know my brother had married your aunt. I stopped keeping tabs on him many years ago. But then you pop into the picture and find yourself mixed up in our world. You discover your aunt is my brother’s mate. Puzzle pieces fall into place better than I’d ever hoped. Now, I have the opportunity to rid the planet of your entire gene pool. You, your mother, your aunt, and your cousin. There’s not many of you. Certainly a doable task.”

  I lunge forward at the same time as Wake does, our hands still linked. “If you so much as touch my family, I will rain pain down on you like you’ve never known,” I growl. My wolf is pawing at my insides, begging to be let free to rip Travis apart. But I gently push her down, reminding her that he’s only toying with us. She snaps her teeth, firing back that I’m the one who just lunged for him. Smart wolf.

  Travis doesn’t falter where he stands. His eyes are full of amusement. “You better get that wolf of yours in check before she takes over and doesn’t let you out again.”

  With my teeth clenched, I ask, “Why are we here?” I’m tired of playing games. I’m exhausted, angry, and want to get back to my mate.

  “Because you haven’t won, and I’m far from done with you. Keep your eyes open, little wolf. I’m coming for you, and it’s in a way you’ll never expect.”


  We’re back at the mansion a second after Benedict grips Travis and they teleport out of there before we can. Benedict is getting on my last nerve. Not only can he manipulate minds like a master, but he can pull us into dreams whenever he wants. I should have figured that out last time we were forced into a dream with Travis.

  Rion rushes me the second we appear in the bedroom. His strong arms embrace me as his worry floods me. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I wish I could get int
o those dream states with you.” He pulls back, holding on to my upper arms, looking me over to make sure I’m okay. “I hate that I’m blocked from helping you. I had to wake Ford up and get him to dream walk to find you. I used to hate the connection you two have, but I’m starting to appreciate it. At least one of us can reach you. And Wake was there as well.”

  “I love that you care so much, but I was okay. I can take care of myself.”

  “Except when you try to lunge at Travis,” Ford mutters from where he’s leaning against the wall.

  I shoot him daggers with my eyes. “Must you?” He smirks in response. Sometimes I want to punch him. “I swear you just like to stir things up.”

  “Gotta keep things interesting, princess.”

  “What are you doing trying to fight Travis?” Rion interrupts.

  “He was pushing me and he knew it. Besides, I wasn’t the only one going for him. Wake was, too.”

  “You’re throwing me under the bus?” he asks incredulously.

  “All right, can we all focus?” Aries asks from where he sits on the edge of the bed. I hadn’t even realized he was there. When did he come in? “Will you three please tell us what he said?”

  I quickly scan the room, making sure no one else wandered in here when I wasn’t paying attention. So much for those keen wolf instincts. My wolf snorts hearing my thoughts. Great, just what I need. A wolf with an attitude.

  In a couple of minutes, I tell them everything Travis said and how Benedict was right there with him. I guess the two are besties. But the one question rattling around my head is why Travis wouldn’t ask Benedict to bite him and transfer over his powers? He could do all the same things and wouldn’t need to keep him around.

  “Because Travis doesn’t like vampires,” Ford replies, reading my mind. “His father was killed by one. He would never let one bite him, even if it meant gaining their powers. He’s greedy, but he despises them.”

  “Then why is he hanging out with one?”

  “Benedict can do a lot for him. They must have worked out a deal where they both get something. What, I don’t know.”

  I step away from Rion and start pacing the room, which is suddenly much smaller with three—four, if you include me—wolf shifters and a vampire in it. Are any of these men thin and not muscular? I’m always walking around with model men near me, while I probably have knotted hair that’s completing my overall look of I haven’t slept a full night in days.

  “So not only does Travis have something he’s planning, but Benedict is mixed into all this craziness, too. What could he want?” I ask. “He’s old and powerful. He can teleport anywhere in the world. Why does he need Travis?”

  “It’s a good question,” Aries replies and stands. “I think we should try and get some sleep. Ford, is there any way to prevent Travis from pulling Ari and Wake into dreams again? I know you can dream walk but not sure something like that is possible.”

  “I’m not sure. Let me ask my mom, and I’ll keep you posted. But I think you’re safe for tonight. He got what he wanted for the moment. We’re all confused, while he has the upper hand since we have no clue where he really is.”

  Aries nods and leaves, as does Ford. Wake waits until they’re gone and closes the door before climbing into bed. We stare at him.

  “What?” he asks. “I’m not going anywhere. Ari needs me.”

  What he’s not saying is that the dream rattled him, and knowing what he does of Travis, he’s unsettled by the fact that Travis can pull us both into a dream unwillingly.

  I brush the sand off the bottom of my feet that I brought back with me and climb into bed beside Wake. “Ford will help. He always comes through.”

  “Yes, if you’re up for having a vampire bite you,” Rion adds as he slips in on my other side. He spoons me from behind and I shimmy back into him.

  Wake and I face each other, his eyes on mine. “I won’t let him hurt you, Ari. You took care of me when I needed you most, and I’ll do the same for you.”

  Reaching for his hand, I hold it in mine. “You have a good heart. One day you’re going to find a mate who will see what an amazing person you are.”

  He tries to pull back, not liking me bringing up the subject after everything that happened with Dalia, but I hold his hand tight. “You and me, we’re friends, Wake. You can’t hide from me any more than I can from you. You’re not retreating or running. I won’t let you. We’re in this together. All of us.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Ariane.”

  Rion chuckles over my shoulder. “I told her that earlier.”

  “You’re all giving my ego a lovely boost.” I smile.

  We talk for a few more minutes before closing our eyes and enjoying this moment of calm between us. It’s a good thing I’m in a house full of paranormals. If any of my friends heard about me sleeping in bed with two hot men, they’d think I was doing wild and crazy stuff in here.

  There’s a chuckle outside the door, and I know exactly who it belongs to. I send him a message with my mind. “Stay out of my head, vampire!”

  “In your dreams, princess. I’m here for good. You’re lucky I’m not in bed with the three of you. Sounds like I’m missing out.”

  “You’re lucky you’re not in here. I’d throw everything I could at you and your smart mouth.”

  “It takes one to know one.” I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

  “What are you? Twelve?”

  He laughs in my head but stays quiet. I guess he didn’t find anything out from his mom.

  It’s true that my life might not be as fun if Ford wasn’t around. He has ways of lightening up conversations but also being serious when he needs to. I hope I never lose his friendship.

  I stretch while keeping my eyes closed. Two warm bodies are on either side of me. The room is bright, but I refuse to fully wake from this slumber. I slept solidly. Better than I have in a long time. I’m not sure for how long either. And no crazy vampires or wolves were pulling me into their dreams. For that I’m extra grateful.

  “Wakey, wakey, princess.”

  I bolt upright, my eyes wide, my heart beating wildly. Ford and his mother are standing at the foot of the bed. He’s smiling, while she looks indifferent. Way to startle someone.

  “Good morning, Ariane,” she says in a formal tone. I don’t try to read her mind. I’d be afraid of what I’d find in regards to her feelings about me. She’s not too happy at the moment.

  “Eloise,” I nod, trying to get my heart back to a normal rhythm. “It’s nice to see you again and not with blood covering either of us.” She was ruthless during battle—she and her husband.

  “Yes, well, Ford asked me if I could come by this morning. He visited me last night, but I was busy.”

  Rion and Wake both sit up beside me. Their hair is sticking up in odd angles, but their eyes are alert, taking in the vampires in front of us. At least I’m not the only one who looks like a wreck. I try to smooth down my hair, but it’s no use. I’m going to need to break out the flat iron today.

  She quirks an eyebrow. “You turn down my son to take two wolves to your bed?”

  “What?” I squeak. “No! It’s not like that.”

  “You two could have been good for each other. Much better than—”

  “Mother,” Ford cuts her off. “Can we not?”

  She lets out a long sigh. “You know how I felt about—”

  “Please,” he grates out through clenched teeth. So, Ford has a past flame I don’t know about. I’m going to have to tuck that little tidbit of knowledge away for another time. There’s no searching his mind for it. It’s something he’s never brought up before, but it’s also not something I’m going to easily forget.

  “Not the time, Ari,” he chastises in my head. I give him a look that says I’ll leave it for now, but I’m not forgetting this, then focus back on his mom.

  “Fine,” Eloise continues. “Let’s take care of this so I can get back to my villa in Amalfi.” My eyebrows scru
nch, having no clue where that is.

  “Italy,” Ford says. I’ve never left the United States. I really should get out more. I can teleport anywhere and yet, I barely leave North Carolina. Not that I’ve had a chance to travel, but still.

  “You two want to be able to block that tyrant from your dreams, yes?” Eloise asks.

  “Yes, please,” I reply. “He loves toying with us, and I’ve had enough of him having all the control.” I didn’t want to be bitten anymore; however, now that we can be pulled into dreams, I have to adapt as well. I have to be able to defend myself from Travis’ every whim.

  “Easy enough. It’s a quick bite and you’ll be able to block him.”

  Ford casts his eyes to the ground and toes the floor with his boot. Something occurs to me. “Does that mean Ford won’t be able to enter my dreams either?”

  She sweeps her long brown hair over her shoulder, as she shifts her weight from one high heel to the other. “I haven’t been able to figure out your connection to my son. But I’m guessing he’ll still be able to visit if need be. There’s a bond between you two that can’t be broken with what I’m about to bestow upon you. This will simply give you the power to guard your dreams when asleep. Travis or Benedict,” she hisses his name, “won’t be able to get to you. That vampire needs to be stopped as much as that shifter does.”

  “Believe me, I wish he wasn’t on this planet anymore.”

  “Hold on,” Rion interrupts as he stands. His white shirt and grey shorts are wrinkled from sleep, but he still manages to look positively handsome. “If you bite her, then I’ll gain this gift, too, right? Since we’re mates.”

  “You have some of her powers, but do you have them all? You don’t have premonitions. I’m guessing that’s a trait inherent to Ariane. You gained what she’s been gifted. She’s very unique and now you are as well.”

  This whole thing makes my head spin. She has a point, though. Rion doesn’t have premonitions and has never been able to enter my dream where he’s aware he’s doing so. I’ve only seen him as part of my visions. But my visions changed. Where the premonitions had me running through the woods, being chased, I didn’t run in reality. I stood my ground and fought. In my dreams I was a helpless human. I changed the course of my fate and therefore, the premonitions didn’t come true as expected.


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