The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3)

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The Crucial Shift (The Ariane Trilogy Book 3) Page 15

by Michelle Dare

  More of whatever Benedict did to me fades away. I start to get sensation in my arms and legs, but they’re heavy, as if a weight is on top of them. If I could just move them…

  “Ari,” Rion chokes out. “Please, fight.”

  “We can’t lose her. I refuse to believe she’s dying,” Wake says, anger lacing his tone.

  “Refuse it all you want!” Rion shouts. “But here she is and I can’t get her to wake up!”

  “Hey, idiots! Shut up!” Ford roars over top of them. “Orion, if you would stop talking for two seconds, you’d be able to hear her heartbeat getting stronger. Get it together and listen to her—really listen.”

  Rion presses his ear to my chest and I feel him there. The warmth of his skin through my shirt. Trying to move my fingers, I’m able to twitch a finger.

  “She moved!” Wake shouts.

  “Hmmph,” I try to speak, but that’s all I get out. Seriously, this needs to stop. I want whatever Benedict did to be gone already.

  “Ari, I’m here. We’re all here,” Rion says softly.

  Everything comes back slowly. The use of my fingers and toes. The stirrings of my wolf. Where I feel Rion in my chest.

  “What...” I breathe deep and exhale, “happened?”

  “Benedict tried to blast you into next year,” Ford replies harshly.

  “Would you take it down a notch?” Rion asks. “Ari didn’t do anything but try to save your female. Yes, Benedict got away with her, but he’s not going to kill her. They still want something from us, and she’s the only leverage they have.”

  “She’s not my female,” he mumbles, all the anger gone from him.

  “We’re all aware she is. I’ve never seen you react that way before. Everything about you changed. If you had gotten ahold of Travis, he would have been ripped in two.”

  “Rightfully so,” Wake adds.

  “Where’s... Travis?” I ask.

  “He got away,” Rion states. “When I felt your pain, I shifted and teleported to the backyard. Wake was running toward the house when he heard you, and I teleported inside.”

  “Both of us did,” Ford interjects, obviously not liking being left out of that narrative.

  “Ford went for Sienna, and I tried to wrestle you free, but we couldn’t save you both. In the end, Benedict got away with her then came back for Travis. Aries chased him for as long as he could, but he disappeared the second Benedict found him. Aries is outside with everyone. Your mom, Paige, and Bray tried to get in; however, Aries stopped them.”

  Blinking, I open my eyes and find Rion hovering over me. He smiles as a single tear slips down his cheek. “I thought I lost you.”

  I take another deep breath, feeling more and more like myself. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy. I still have a wolf and a vampire to kill.”

  Whatever Benedict did to me was nothing I want to experience again. I’ll have to be careful when I come up against him. With the kind of power he has, there’s no telling what else he can do.


  Once I gather my bearings and can stand again, Ford and Rion start teleporting people back to the mansion. Rion said once he heard I was in trouble, the learning curve with teleporting went out the window as it had during battle. I guess I wasn’t giving him enough credit. I’m chalking it up to super amazing paranormal genes and the ability to learn quickly.

  Ford and Rion thought it would be best if I rested while they did the teleporting. So Wake and I went from one person to the next, making sure they were okay and not harmed any further than the emotional trauma they endured at the hands of Benedict and Travis.

  Paige and Bray were glued to my side when I went outside. They both texted their parents that they were having a great time with Mom and me. I hope Travis and Benedict will be caught soon so their reign of terror will come to an end.

  My mom hugged me tighter than I think she’s ever squeezed me in all my life. I hate that after losing my dad she’s still being put through things. She didn’t need to be tied to a tree to make life worse on her. Once she knew I was fine, she helped check on everyone. Being a nurse comes in handy, especially given all that’s been going on lately.

  Rion and Ford return. The wave of relief coming off Rion has me smiling. So many of both packs were happy to be reunited with their mates and friends. But the vibe coming off Ford is completely different.

  “I’m going to need some time to talk to him,” I tell Rion. There’s no one left here but the three of us and Wake. “He’s not going to open up with the two of you around.” I’m not sure if he’ll even do so to me.

  “There’s no way I’m leaving you here alone. Not after what happened today.”

  Ford turns until his eyes find mine. His tone is solemn. “I’ll protect her with my life, Orion.” He had to have figured out I want to stay by the way Rion is glowering at me.

  “And if Travis and Benedict show up?” Rion asks.

  “They won’t. They’re regrouping. I heard it in Benedict’s mind. He wasn’t sure what Travis would want to do next. I’m sure Travis was grateful when Benedict teleported him out of here. Their plan fell apart. They wanted Ari and didn’t get her.”

  ‘Please,’ I mouth to my mate.

  A muscle ticks in his jaw, but he nods and places his hand on Wake’s shoulder. They’re gone in an instant, back to the mansion, or at least I hope so. Rion is still new to the whole teleporting thing.

  Ford paces a small area at the back of the house. Tall trees tower overhead as the sun begins to set. He’s blocked me out of his mind yet is fine staying here with me. Do I urge him to talk or wait him out? I’m not sure what the right choice is, but I’ll stay here for as long as he needs me.

  He takes a few steps then stops. Stares at me for a moment and continues pacing.

  Softly, I say, “Whatever it is you want to tell me, I won’t judge you. I won’t do anything but be here for you. I’m your best friend. There are no strings attached to this conversation.”

  A breeze blows through the trees, rustling the leaves, causing me to shiver.

  “Let’s go inside. You’re getting cold.”

  “I’ll live.”

  “I had enough of a scare with you earlier. I’d like to keep you standing, breathing, and in good health for a while.”

  He walks to the house and opens the door, holding it for me. Inside, Ford flips on the overhead recessed lighting and tosses his leather trench coat onto the couch. He doesn’t stop to sit in the living room. Instead, he continues through the house until we come to a locked door. He holds his hand out palm up, waiting for me to put my hand in his. There’s no hesitation when I do so. He teleports us behind the closed door.

  “Didn’t have a key?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “This was quicker.”

  It’s a bedroom he brought me into. There’s a large sliding door on one side with vertical blinds closed over it. A king-size bed is on one wall with a large, black wood headboard that houses shelves of books. Some appear to be very old, while others are newer. There are two matching nightstands and an armoire as well. The bedding is a white, fluffy duvet. Nothing appears well used. It’s neat with everything in its place. Although, I don’t notice dust on anything.

  “I come here once a week. Only into this room, and I keep it clean. No one else is allowed in here.”

  “You’re showing it to me.”

  “You’re not no one.” He gently squeezes my hand, which he’s still holding.

  “I’m not sure how to process everything,” he says honestly. “There’s a war going on between my head and my heart.” He releases my hand and rubs his chest over his heart. “There’s a myth that vampires don’t have hearts,” he continues. “For a while, I thought maybe it was true. But it wasn’t. Mine was broken into a thousand pieces, and I never thought it could be mended. But then you came along. You called out to me in your sleep and nothing has been the same since.”

  “You’re telling me,” I mutter.

You’ve been the sunlight I needed to remind me life is worth living.” He walks to the sliding door and opens the blinds. The view is of the side of the house where the woods are dense and dark. Staring out the door, he says, “I meant it when I said I loved you. I’ve been in love with you from the start. More than that, though, you really are my best friend. The only person who has stuck with me. The only person who puts up with my attitude and dishes it back. You match me in every way, Ariane. If I had to create the perfect woman for me, you’d be it, minus the having a wolf for a mate part.”

  I kick off my shoes, not wanting to get the hardwood floor dirty, and softly step up behind him. His shoulders are tense; his hands are shoved in his front pockets. I wrap my arms around him from behind and rest my cheek on his back. His muscles begin to relax as he lets out a long breath.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him honestly.

  “But not in the same way.”

  “No. There was a point where I was confused about my feelings for you. I love Rion, but you hold a piece of my heart as well.”

  He peers down at me over his shoulder. A lock of his hair falls to his forehead and my fingers itch to brush it back, but I keep my hands where they are—around him.

  “No matter where we go in this life, you’ll always hold a piece of my heart, Ari.” He dips his head and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Bringing my hand up, I press it over his heart. “What’s going on in here that isn’t matching up in here?” I ask as I move my hand up to his temple, careful not to tap it and do that whole transference thing I’m capable of. He leans in to my touch. It’s far too intimate, but he’s hurting and I’m hoping he opens up to me. I have a feeling he won’t talk to anyone else.

  He pulls away and drops down on the bed on his back. “Sienna is the one who broke me.” I had a feeling he was going to say that, based on his reaction when he saw Travis holding her. “She was the first person I ever loved. I gave her everything I had. My heart, my soul, my devotion. She was my first in so many ways. Then one day she told me she was going to mate with someone else. It came out of nowhere. A month prior she told me she loved me. I thought we’d build a life together. I had big dreams for our future.”

  I take hesitant steps to the bed and sit down on the edge, not wanting to disturb him or stop him from telling his story. “What reason did she give you for letting you go and moving on with a different person?”

  “She said she didn’t love me and she was meant to be with another shifter. It was her parents speaking. I saw the conversation in her memories. They arranged a mating for her with another fox shifter. They convinced her that was the path she was supposed to go down. She was young and believed them. That what we had was a stupid crush and she’d get over it.” He throws his arm over his eyes. “She did it. She became his mate. Eli was his name. I met him once, and the first thing I did was read his mind. He was the same age as her. And from what I could tell, he did care for her and his intentions were pure. What broke me, though, was the way she looked at him—the same way she used to look at me. Like I hung the moon and the stars. Like no matter what I did or where I went, she would always be by my side. But I wasn’t a fox or even a shifter. Her parents considered me dirty for being a vampire and drinking blood.” Poor Ford. My heart splinters open for him.

  “You don’t have control over who you are.” How could they say something like that about Ford? About the entire vampire race? And then to convince her she was to mate with another? I can’t understand it. Can’t wrap my head around it.

  “They were old school. They thought species shouldn’t mix. And obviously they believed in arranged mating.”

  “Hold on,” I interrupt. “Since I have knowledge of this, having gone through it, how could they force it? If Rion and I weren’t meant to be, I wouldn’t have felt all I did for him. Every time we touch it’s like electricity courses through my veins. Our hearts beat as one. He’s the other half of my soul. You can’t fake that.”

  “I’m well aware of what happens when you’re with him.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “It’s fine.” He pauses for a moment then continues. “It’s different for vampires. We don’t have the same kind of bond. We obviously fall in love, but there’re no sparks or the instant knowledge of who our mate is. We don’t bond as shifters do.” His thoughts float to me and I instantly know he’s lying.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t lie to me.” I playfully shove his shoulder. “I can hear your thoughts, remember?”

  He chuckles and rolls his eyes. “I can’t get anything past you. Fine, if you must know, I did feel something the first time we were together. It was in my roadster in the garage.” I knew this from hearing his thoughts before, but I stay quiet. “I can’t describe it exactly. Our souls were joining but not all the way. It was like when you reach for something and just can’t grab it. We never fully connected. Then when she left me, I thought it meant we weren’t fated. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone again.” He leaves off the two words floating around his mind. “Until you.”

  Over the next few minutes, I try to put together all the pieces in my head with what Ford is telling me.

  “Where was her mate?” I ask. “Surely if she were kidnapped, he would have come for her. Shifters have this innate ability that resides inside of them to locate their mate. Plus, they know when their mate is scared or hurt.” A thought slams into me. “Wait! How did none of the pack realize their mates were in danger earlier today? Surely they would have felt their hurt and fear when they were tied to trees.”

  “A mage put a spell over the house. I still feel it. Like a blanket laying over it. It’s slowly dissipating, but it’s there. It blocked any communication with the outside. No one could speak to or feel their mates. It was put up shortly before we arrived. It was strongest when we got here, but I didn’t think anything of it at first. I was too busy trying to figure out why it was so quiet in here.”

  “Does that mean Rion can’t connect with me right now?” I check my connection and feel him there, but it’s faint. He’s worried but can tell I’m still alive and well. Not scared or injured. Stupid mages and their magic.

  Ford’s voice cuts through my thoughts. “Sienna’s mate is dead.”


  “What?” I ask.

  “When we first saw her in the backyard on Travis’ lap, I read her mind. Benedict killed him for Travis to get to Sienna. Foxes are quick and agile, but they don’t stand a chance against those two. I never stopped worrying about her. She was always smart but didn’t have the sheer strength other shifters did. I tried to gift her some of my powers, but she wouldn’t let me. She never let my lips touch her, for fear I’d drink her blood. That was how ingrained her parents’ beliefs were in her head. I’d never drink the blood of someone I loved unless I had their permission. Yes, I need it to live, but there are other ways for me to get it. Not once did I bite her.” I can’t imagine being with someone I love and not being able to kiss them.

  Poor Ford. He’s had nothing but heartache between Sienna and me. I couldn’t return his affections with the same intensity, and Sienna left him to mate with someone else. He still loves her. It’s plain as day, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen now. What will she be like if we get her back? Does she still have feelings for him?

  “She does, though she didn’t realize how strongly until she saw me today,” Ford says, reading my mind. “She also hates that she loves me, even after the death of her mate. She loved him. I could tell. They were truly mated. Her soul joined with his and his death ripped her apart. She didn’t put up a fight going with Travis. She wanted to die. And those feelings she thought she long buried in regard to me rose to the surface again—a painful reminder of the past.”

  “We have to get her back.” I’m not sure how, since I have no clue where Travis and Benedict took her and highly doubt it’s to any place I’ve seen. “Do you have any connection with her where you can trac
k her whereabouts?”

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  “Then, there’s only one thing left to do. I’m going to have to drop the block on my mind and let Travis in when I sleep. He’s never been one not to show part of his hand. He loves the game we play and he has leverage now. At some point, he’s going to come to me and try to lure me out. But what he doesn’t know is that I’ll be waiting for him.”

  Ford stands up, eyes wide. “You can’t do that. Inviting him into your sleep puts you at risk. He could kill you.”

  “And I could walk out of this house and find a paranormal waiting for me that will rip my head off. I could die today or a thousand years from now. There’s no way to tell. But what I refuse to do is sit here while one of my friends is in Travis’ grip. Plus, I still need to kill him and Benedict. I want both of them wiped from this planet.”

  “If you’re going to open yourself up to that, Wake is going to want to be there, and so am I.”

  “I figured. That’s okay, though. We’ll find Travis and we’ll kill him together. He might think he’s slick, but eventually he’s going to slip up, and that’s when we’ll get him.”

  Ford offers his hand to pull me from the bed. I accept. He lifts me straight from the mattress and into his arms.

  Holding me tightly, he says, “Thank you, Ariane. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Leaning back, I smile. “You’d be bored.”

  He chuckles. “You’ve got that right.” I’m glad I got him to laugh, even if it was a small one. Ford has a radiant smile, and he deserves to be happy. I have to get Sienna back. She doesn’t deserve to be mixed up in this.

  I take his hand in mine. “Are you ready to go back to the mansion?”

  “Can we wait a few minutes?”

  “Of course.”

  “I want you to come with me.”


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