Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One Page 3

by Willow Hayes

  “Lead on, Romeo,” I say with a smirk. Rya and I exchange ‘holy shit’ glances as we walk the short distance to the table.

  At the table, introductions are made while everyone settles in. A mouthwatering man built like a bear with wide shoulders, caramel colored skin, shoulder length dark straight hair with a feather braided in, a face that looks as though it were carved from stone with high cheekbones and a strong, prominent nose, and is wearing a charcoal grey button up and dark jeans introduces himself, “I’m Nokoa, but most people call me Koa. This is Callum.” He points to the Fae man on his left wearing a light blue leather jerkin that older supernaturals can often be seen wearing. He has beautiful swirling marks covering one side of his face, down his neck, and clear down to his wrist. His long dark hair is tied back, his pointed ears standing out in contrast, fair skin smooth as stone, and dark lashes that frame midnight blue eyes that look on with intensity. “You have obviously met Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum.” He gestures to Teo and Luka.

  I snort at his oddly fitting description. Rya and I give a little wave. Rya still has a huge grin on her face, but is obviously trying hard to play it cool introduces us, “I’m Rya and this is Kenna. Thanks for the drinks and the invite. Have you guys been to the club before?” The guys answer with a chorus of no’s and shakes of the head.

  “So what do you guys do?” Rya asks the group as she twirls the straw in her drink.

  Nakoa takes a sip of the amber liquid in his glass before he answers, “We own a security company that provides personal security services.”

  Impressed, despite myself, I work to suppress a grin. “Damn, that’s fucking awesome.”

  The guys laugh at my response before Teo pipes up with a huge grin, “Gods there is something sexy about a woman who uses fuck as a proper descriptor.”

  I laugh out a very un-sexy snort. “Well, then I must be sexy as fuck because it’s probably the word I use the most!”

  Teo smirks and holds up his glass in a toast. “Oh don’t worry you were sexy as fuck before you even opened your mouth. Now you’re a goddess.” I blush and roll my eyes. I walked right into that one.

  “What about you ladies? What do you do?” Nakoa leans in as he asks.

  “I am a social worker. Rya owns her own nursery and freelance business,” pride fills my voice for all the work Rya puts in to run a business that she loves. I take a sip of my drink and glance at Rya. She’s still sporting a grin and sends a very not inconspicuous wink my way. I laugh softly and shake my head at her.

  “What made you decide to go into social work?” Nakoa asks as he takes another sip.

  I have an answer I give to nearly everyone about wanting to do something of worth, but I strangely find myself wanting to be more honest with these guys. “I had a rough childhood, so I try to make the lives of the kids on my caseload a little less rough than mine was.” I leave it at that, and I’m impressed they don’t push for more. Nakoa simply nods though I feel the intense gazes of the others at my words.

  “Why security? What does that look like?” My voice is full of curiosity because the idea of someone’s entire job being to keep others safe is incredibly appealing to me.

  “Koa and I served in the Royal Guard together, so when we decided to leave security seemed a natural fit,” Callum’s voice is smooth and sexy, and I feel it move through me, straight to my core. “We picked up Teo and Luka later,” his tone matter of fact but not cold.

  “As to what it looks like,” Luka adds on, “it changes depending on what the client needs, but it could range from acting as personal bodyguards for traveling emissaries or a larger assignment might be to provide security for an important event.” I want to know more, but feel awkward about asking, so I let the conversation move away from the topic.

  “Hobbies?” my question directed to the group.

  “Well I play piano,” Teo grins. Of course he does. “Nakoa works with wood.” He winks at his double entendre. “Callum is always cooking something, and Luka is a whiz with computers.” Luka looks a bit bashful at Teo’s statement and hides behind his glass as he takes a drink. Bashful looks crazy adorable on him, and I grin at him. “What about you ladies?”

  “I love to garden, although Kenna enjoys that too, but she’s a photographer. Her work is amazing!” My cheeks blaze with embarrassment, and I give Rya a look. She grins and shrugs because I know she threw me under the bus on purpose.

  Luka’s bashfulness melts away as he turns his attention to me, “What kind of photography?”

  I take a breath, no getting out of sharing now, “Landscape mostly.” Rya throws a napkin at me. “Occasionally I do portraits.” I glare at Rya, but she looks quite pleased with herself.

  “Do you sell your pictures?” Nakoa asks me, genuinely interested.

  “No, I’m not that good. It’s just a hobby.” I give a self-deprecating shrug, my cheeks still flushed with embarrassment at discussing my work.

  “Don’t let her fool you. She’s unbelievably amazing.” I attempt to kick Rya under the table but end up kicking poor Luka instead, who winces.

  “So Nakoa, what do you like to build?” Steering the conversation firmly away from me.

  “A little bit of everything. I’ve built a few furniture pieces, but it’s just a hobby.” His words echoing my own as he gives a bashful smile.

  “Don’t listen, his stuff is legit,” Teo waves Nakoa’s humble statement away. “He could sell his stuff if he’d only put it out there.” Nakoa shoots Teo a glare that I would quail under, but Teo only grins at his friend’s discomfort. We spend some time getting to know each other moving from one topic to the next with ease, and I find myself smiling more than I have in a long time. They are sexy as fuck, smart, and funny. What’s not to love?

  “So which of you ladies is the better dancer?” Luka asks conversationally.

  I immediately point to Rya at the same time she points to me. We both laugh.

  “Would you ladies care to dance then?” Teo holds out a hand for me to take, and I don’t even hesitate. I place my hand in his and follow him to the dance floor.

  The music is loud and sensual with a beat I feel deep in my core. Once we arrive at his chosen spot Teo sets his hands on my hips, pulls me close, and moves against me setting the rhythm. As my hands skate across his chest I can feel the peaks and valleys of his deliciously hard muscles. Soon I am as lost in the music as I am in him as I move my body against his. His broad hands explore the skin of my exposed back, and wherever he touches he leaves a trail of sparks that has my center clenching. His hazel eyes flash with gold and seem to say that he is as lost in the moment as I am. Our hips rock towards each other, a promise of what could be.

  I am spun out into Luka’s arms and grin when he stretches his hand out and quirks a brow with a devilish smirk. Placing my hand into his he spins me until my body is flush against his hard body. My breath leaves me in a whoosh as I get caught in his stormy gray eyes. He trails his hands up my back and down my sides leaving tingles in his wake. He grabs my hips and pulls me close placing a denim clad knee between my legs. He dips me back, his thigh rubbing against my center already wet with need. I bite my lip to hold back a moan. He lifts me and pulls me close until I am inches from his face. His eyes blaze with the same heat that fills me. His gaze flicks to my mouth, and I realize that my lip is still captured by my teeth. I release it, wetting my lips. His eyes track the movement of my tongue before returning to my eyes. I am caught in a trap and can’t look away because his eyes seem to make promises that I yearn for.

  When the song ends the hold Luka has over me is broken. I shake my head and try to breathe through this never ending tidal wave of lust that has slammed into me since they walked in the door. I excuse myself to the ladies room to take a break from the spell they’ve been casting. I splash some water on my face and lift my hair from my neck to cool myself. Looking in the mirror I find my skin flushed and eyes burning bright with need. I give myself a stern pep talk about not letting my
lady parts do all the thinking, dry my face, and make my way out to the bar, determined to keep my cool.

  Arriving on the dancefloor I see that Nakoa and Callum are now dancing. It seems odd for the formal Callum to be on the dancefloor, but gods his body is sex in motion. I take a moment to admire just how sexy they all are, and the lust I worked to get under control flares to life once again. Damn, back to square one. I chastise my wayward libido.

  I shake my head while I make my way down to Rya and the guys. She shimmies her way to me and puts out a hand, crooking a finger in a come-hither way. I laugh and dance my way over. I grab her hand, twirl her around a few times, and we shimmy and shake our butts together enjoying the ease of our friendship. Rya spins me away, and I find myself facing Nakoa in all his mouthwatering deliciousness with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk that promises dirty things on his lips. “Care to dance?”

  I respond with a grin and wrap my arms around his neck as I move to the beat. Being this close to him lets me see how big he really is. I am tall for a woman, and wearing stilettos, but I find he is still at least five inches taller than me as he cradles me in his large frame. I don’t know what to expect from the mellow Nakoa on the dancefloor, but damn, he sure does know how to move. He spins and dips me then brings me back up with his front to my back. His hands lightly trace their way up from my hips, over my ribs, and to my arms where he gently lifts them up to his neck where my fingers rake through his dark silky hair, all the while moving his hips against mine. I feel his breath on my ear, and it sends shivers down my spine. A hand trails down my side, cradles my stomach, and presses me closer to him. I feel his arousal press against my back and relish the power that comes from knowing this delectable man wants me. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of his hands on my body. I don’t know what it is about these guys, but when they touch me my body feels alive, and my skin tingles.

  I feel myself being spun out away from Nakoa and straight into Callum. I step into his arms with a smile, and the corner of his lips twitch as if to contain his own. I find myself hoping I get to see what this gorgeous man looks like when he truly smiles. I move within the hold of his arms, almost daring him to touch me more intimately. I feel his arms tighten as he pulls me closer until my hips are flush against his, and he lets his strong, callused hands wander up and down my back leaving the feeling of fire in my veins. I love the feel of his touch, and his body pressed against mine.

  As we are dancing, what felt like sparks from their touches grows into a raging inferno in my blood. The fire burns until I feel as though I can’t breathe. I feel a searing pain on my chest. I gasp, and my knees go weak. Callum catches me when my legs start to buckle. Rya rushes to my side, along with the rest of the guys, and they all surround me. The pain steals my breath, and it feels as though it is burning through my skin. “By the gods, make it fucking stop!” I manage to gasp out. Nakoa is in front of me asking questions I can’t answer because it hurts too much. Abruptly the pain vanishes. Without the pain I am able to think clearly and breathe again. “I’m alright. It’s fine,” I manage to stutter out while trying to catch my breath.

  “That was not ok, and you did not look fine!” Rya squeaks out, her face lined with worry.

  “I’m okay, Rya. I promise, but can we please just go home? I’m not feeling well all of a sudden.” She nods, her face filled with concern obviously not buying my explanation. The guys start to argue that I need to be seen by a doctor and do not look pleased with me for leaving without getting help, but I can’t find it in myself to care. Rya ushers us out the door, giving our excuses.

  Once in the car the fear of the whole experience hits me. My body starts to shake, and I can’t catch my breath. Rya leans over the center console, grabs my face, and makes eye contact, “Breathe, Kenna. Deep breaths. Breathe with me.” As my breathing slowly begins to match hers my body calms down to the point of emotional numbness. Rya releases my face and starts the car.

  When we get home I make my excuses and head straight for the bathroom to draw a hot bath. I know I will have to talk to Rya at some point, but I need a minute before I am ready to face her because I don’t have any answers. As I am stripping off my dress I catch a glimpse of something odd in the mirror. When I turn to face it head on I can’t believe what I see. In the place where I felt the searing pain is the outline of a gold crown with peaks of varying heights. My brain cannot make sense of what I am seeing. I stare blankly hoping for answers but finding none.

  Numb, I turn away from the mirror and slide into the tub, hoping the water will wash away whatever it is. As I sit in the water staring at the wall I try, in vain, to wrap my head around what has happened, and I simply can’t. There are no answers. My body is numb and frantic all at the same time. I look at the damn crown a dozen times, hoping each time it will have washed away, but it remains clear and bright.

  I climb out of the tub, the cool air making goosebumps skate across my skin. I towel off and stand in front of the mirror to look at the mark again. I haven’t been able to bring myself to touch it. Somehow touching the mark makes it real. I take a deep breath and reach out. The minute my fingers make contact with the mark I feel another stab of pain, and I watch in horror as the crown is filled with the same golden color that seems to move on its own. At the base of the crown are four rubies set at equal intervals. The rubies look so lifelike it seems that when I reach out I will feel stone instead skin. A sob of frustration and fear escapes me, sending tears streaming down my face.



  Coming off of our third security assignment in as many weeks we are all a bit burnt out. This last job was messed up because the client ended up being a prejudiced asshole against shifters which made things intense given that one of their security force was, in fact, a shifter. The logistics of an assignment are planned far in advance, but when the client refused to have Teo perform the assigned near guard duty we had to scramble and shift roles to accommodate the demand. Needless to say, we will not be accepting any further contracts from the client. Teo is usually pretty good about letting things slide off him, but the client was especially vulgar in his attack on shifters, and I could see it was getting under Teo’s skin.

  After wrapping up paperwork Teo announced that we all needed a break, and where Teo goes, so goes Luka, especially if a good time is to be had, which meant we all went. We head out to a brand new club in town Teo had heard about. It is supposed to be inclusive of all races, but we’ll see. Walking toward the bar to get our drinks I catch sight of a table with two women, both stunning. One is obviously a beautiful dryad, but the other is harder to tell from this distance. Though the woman with the riot of long coppery curls is the one who holds my attention.

  They are sneaking peeks at us, so I try not to get caught watching them. With drinks in hand I spy a booth near the two and head in that direction. The guys have spotted the ladies too, which is no surprise as they truly are the most beautiful women in the club. We spend some time bullshitting about work, but then Teo abruptly pops up out of the booth with trouble on his mind and says, “Fuck this, I’m going to get them drinks.” Luka hastily follows. I laugh and shake my head at the two.

  I watch as Teo and Luka deliver the drinks and listen to their exchange. I laugh as this woman dishes Teo’s shit right back. It looks as though he has met his match. She actually had him stuttering. Callum laughs, “It is about time he found someone to knock him down a few pegs.” Teo is a self-professed playboy, and Luka isn’t much better. Teo can charm the birds out of the trees and uses his charm frequently. So to hear her not only resist his charm but give him a run for his money is really fucking entertaining.

  The four of them make their way to the booth, and as she walks over I trace the lines of her body with my eyes. She is all lush curves and confidence in her tight, short black dress that shows off her long, lean legs. When everyone is seated I find myself on one side of the stunning red head, and Teo on her other. Callum and Luka sharing the other
side with her friend. Sitting this close to her I can smell that she’s human, and her light scent of neroli on a summer wind is intoxicating.

  I make our introductions. We chat and get to know each other. The blush that graces Kenna’s pale cheeks when Teo calls her a goddess is unbelievably sexy and highlights a dusting of freckles. Kenna seems impressed by our job, and I find hers equally impressive. To do a job like social work takes a special type of person. When she mentions a rough childhood my thoughts turn to the guys and all the things they have suffered through. When she speaks with passion for her work her sapphire eyes burn bright, and I find that I want to get lost in her eyes.

  Teo and Luka ask the ladies to dance and lead them away. As I watch Kenna dance with each of them I feel a twinge of jealousy. I remind myself that I don’t have time for entanglements, but she is seductive. The way she moves her body makes it all too easy to imagine the many things I would love to do with her, and I lose sight of the reasons to stay away. There is something about her that draws me in. Even Callum can’t stop staring, though he tries to hide it. She is a spitfire, and I love that she tells it like it is. She finishes dancing with Luka and heads to the restroom. I decide I am not going to lose the opportunity to touch her smooth, pale skin and feel her body move against mine.

  “I am going to go dance. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you can’t keep your eyes off her. Waste this opportunity, and you will regret it.” Callum stares at me for a beat then grumbles in the old tongue while shifting out of the booth.

  I can sense the moment she returns from the restroom as if I can feel the fire she brings with her. The fire that threatens to set me alight. I watch as she dances with her friend and see the first genuinely carefree smile grace her face as she throws her head back with laughter. Her smile knocks the breath right out of me, and I wonder what would it take to put that smile there again?


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