Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One Page 13

by Willow Hayes

  I step, barefoot, onto the mats and begin the class. “I’m sure you are all wondering who this is.” I wave my hand in Nakoa’s direction with a smile. “This is Nakoa, and he is a friend of mine. I have actually been taking lessons from him.” I smile as their eyes grow wide at the news, and am surprised by the response many give after the initial shock wears off. They want Nakoa and I to spar. I chew on the idea and look to Nakoa, who simply shrugs.

  “Okay, I suppose, but it’ll be short. You should also know that he is a caster and much bigger and stronger than I am.” Eyes dart back to Nakoa to evaluate his new status. Reg’s might be a mostly human gym, but my class is a mix of humans and different types of supes. “Move to the outer edge of the mats and stand.” The kids excitedly oblige. They know I’m a fighter here, but other than the occasional skill demonstration they have never seen me in action. This rare opportunity is an exciting novelty for them.

  Nakoa and I move to the center of the mats. I tell him we will be focusing on a cross-left hook combo in class and ask if we could try to incorporate it into our sparring. He easily agrees. We drop into our fighter stances, and I attack first with a punch, which Nakoa easily blocks, but my kick lands, which I highly suspect was intentional for the benefit of our audience. He returns a similar attack and lands both hits. I smile when I hear the kids cheering. We spar for a few minutes longer, in which I am now certain Nakoa is holding back. When I call time I am dripping with sweat, he is decidedly not. The kids applaud, and many now look at Nakoa with something akin to hero worship.

  “Move back to your spots.” They move quickly, their energy high from watching the sparring match. “What did you all see in our match?” I want to know if they caught the combos in action. A few did and were able to describe what they saw, and I add on, “Any effective combo should be seamless in order to catch your opponent off guard and land the hits.”

  I feel it the moment the idea clicks, the moment they connect the match they just witnessed to the skills we have been working so hard on. I smile at their realizations and how their excitement transforms into something more like determination. “We are going to work on the cross-left hook combo. Most of you struggled with this and all would benefit from the additional practice. One person from each pair please go get gloves and pads. Once you have found a place on the mats you may begin.”

  There is a flurry of movement as kids scatter then come back together. I watch as they drop into their stances and begin. I move between the pairs and adjust a grip here or a foot there. I give them ten minutes then tell them to switch, and they repeat the process. Nakoa silently watches, and I find myself once again wishing I knew what he was thinking.

  When time is up for the second round I send them to return the equipment then we debrief. We sit together as a group on the mats. As the debrief wraps up my heart starts to race at the prospect of telling them I have to leave. “I have some news I need to share with you.” I flinch inwardly at the walls I see drop behind their eyes. “I am…ah…moving, and I won’t be able to teach this class anymore. I don’t want you to worry though because Reg is going to teach, and nothing else is going to change.”

  I hear a familiar voice from the doorway, and all eyes move to look at Reg, “You don’t have to worry about the class going anywhere. Kenna is right, nothing will change. I know you don’t know me well, other than seeing me around, but when Kenna walked in my door as a fresh-faced eighteen year old girl she trusted me enough that I was able to train her to be the fighter she is today. I hope we’ll be able to get along just as well, and that you will trust me to make a fighter out of each of you too.” His voice filled with a calm assurance. His eyes move to mine, and he gives me an encouraging smile. “I’ll let you get back to your chat, but I wanted to make sure I stopped in to say hello.” He waves to the kids and walks away.

  All eyes turn back to me, and I see a range of emotions on their faces. Shock, anger, hurt, and some are just blank because what they feel is more than they can cope with now. “I’m sure some of you have questions, and I wanted you to have the opportunity to ask, so I ended our class a little early. Is there anything you want to know?” Some ask where I am moving to and having to give a vague answer was so hard. Others want to know why I’m leaving which bore another ambiguous answer. As the questions taper off and the group grows quiet I say, “I know this might not mean much right now, but I will come back and visit as often as I can. You guys know that I understand because I was just like you, so I know how much goodbyes suck. I need you to know that I care about each and every one of you.” I work to keep my tears at bay and have to swallow down the lump that my emotions have caused.

  As the end of class approaches we stand, and I tell them to gather their things. Many of the kids stop to give me a teary-eyed hug before heading to their lockers. Katherine clings tight as her tears flow unchecked. I hug her to me, desperately wishing it didn’t have to be this way. Adults who were present in the room approach after the kids have dispersed to say their goodbyes. As the last kid walks out the door I let the tears fall.



  While the sun rose this morning I greeted the day with meditation to bring what calm I can find before facing the beautiful woman who stirs my blood with nothing more than a glance. Centuries ago, during the shifter-caster war, my family was ruthlessly slaughtered for their involvement with the local shifters. On the day that I allowed my grief to become a savage vengeance I forfeited my place as a Light Fae. Since then, I exert rigid control in all areas of my life because to lose control is to surrender to the savage inside once more. Kenna’s wild passion and unrestrained affection for those she loves sing like a siren’s song to my own turbulent emotions. She calls to me, but I must not answer, lest the savage be released again.

  Before Kenna arrives for our second lesson I take a moment to review the basic skills we will be focusing on. As I am bent over my notes I hear the door slide open. Glancing up, I see Kenna walking towards the platform with the easy grace of someone who has trained her body well. As she nears, she gives me a nervous smile. “I’ve been practicing calling my magic like we talked about.”

  “And what has that been like?”

  “It’s been easier to distinguish between Fire and Earth. I’ve noticed that the way the magic moves through me is different.” I raise my brows in question, and she explains further, “Earth flows like the hills, steady and smooth. Fire dances and sparks.”

  She has a strong sense of her magic which will help her as we move forward. “We are going to start by working with your Fire magic.” Kenna’s eyes are wide with nerves and excitement. I motion to the center of the platform and stop a few feet away from where she stands. “Before I have you call Fire I want you to close your eyes.” She readily closes them, showing none of the hesitance from our first lesson. “Picture a fire. The colors, the way the flames move, and the sounds fire makes. Think of as many details as you can before we move forward.” She nods, and I wait while she crafts the picture of fire.

  I find myself studying her while she works on the task. Her hair is piled on top of her head, small curls that have escaped the band frame her heart shaped face. Her skin is smooth with a smattering of freckles that grace her cheeks and nose. She is incredibly beautiful. I shake myself free of the thoughts and admonish myself for losing focus and turn my attention back to the lesson. “When you have as many details as you can manage open your eyes.” She opens them, eager to move to the next step.

  “The goal today is to create fire in the palm of your hand.” Her eyes widen in alarm. “The fire will not harm you. As a Fire caster you are nearly impervious to the effects of fire. The fire you create will be born of your magic and will not harm you in any way.” She relaxes slightly at my words. “When we use our magic to cast we must combine three things before releasing it. This is called weaving the spell. You must understand the intention of the spell, or in other words what it is you are attempting to accomplish, and
you must know where you wish the spell to go. When you have those two pieces clearly identified you will weave your spell using the third piece, your magic.” Kenna nods her understanding. “When you close your eyes in a moment you will call Fire to you and explain the what of your spell, a small ball of flames, and the where, the palm of your hand. Close your eyes, call Fire, and weave the spell.”


  Because I’m sure it’s going to be that easy. I close my eyes and before I call Fire I think of the beautiful flickering flame I pictured and imagine the flame dancing in my palm. I call out to Fire and watch as the beautiful red thread makes its way through the crack in the lid. Hey there hot stuff, get it, cause you’re fire. I feel my magic do what could only be described as an eye roll, if my magic had eyes that is. Not so much on the fire jokes, huh? I’ll win you over. I grin at the second ‘eye roll’ from her. Alright Fire, we are going to do some casting, and I ain’t gonna lie, I’m crazy nervous that I’m going to suck at this. Fire huffs at the indirect insult. Ah, dang, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry.

  I take a deep breath and blow it out through pursed lips. We are going to create flames in the palm of my hand. I attempt to send her the picture I created in my head, and I hope it’s enough. Ready? Okay. I feel the dance of her magic as she moves from my chest and down my arm. Feeling excited by the sensations I open my eyes to look. Disappointment fills me at only seeing the same sparks I see when I lose control. Fire draws back, and I feel frustration from her.

  “Explain what you did.” I describe what I did and watch his face carefully for any clues as to what he is thinking. “What went wrong?” Well shit. I don’t know. I open my mouth to tell him as such, but he stops me. “Make a guess if you do not know.”

  I purse my lips at his words and mentally walk through the steps once more trying to identify where it might have gone wrong. “Maybe when I opened my eyes to see the magic move down my arm.”

  “You lost focus.”

  I simply love how warm and fuzzy Callum is. “Sure, I guess you could call it that.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “That is exactly what I would call it.” Ouch. He pulls no punches. I hated when the guys at the gym would pull punches for me, and I guess this isn’t any different. “Do it again but stay focused.” I try again but am only able to produce sparks once again. I look at him with an eyebrow raised in question. However, instead of offering anything additional he simply says, “Again.” I soon learn that ‘again’ is Callum’s favorite word. He gives his commands like he’s the chief and expects compliance from everyone. I work through the steps again and am careful not to let my focus stray from the spell. I feel the magic in my hand, but I don’t dare open my eyes until I hear Callum say, “Open your eyes.”

  At his words I open them to find a few flickering flames dancing in my palm. I watch my magic in awe. I grin and lift my eyes to Callum. “I made fire. I actually made fire.” I give a whoop and feel the flames snuff out.

  His eyes leave my hand and move to my face. I can’t read the emotion I see in his midnight blue eyes fast enough because in a blink whatever it was is gone. “Focus on creating larger flames. Do it again.” Sure thing, Chief. I mentally roll my eyes at him and do it again.



  “OK Spitfire, I watched you yesterday with Koa, and you’re pretty good,” Teo’s voice is nauseatingly optimistic.

  “I was total crap! I didn’t land a single hit on him. How is that good?” I ask incredulously.

  “Your form was perfect, and had your opponent been anyone other than a supe you would have had him on his back.” He winks and smirks at the picture his words paint. “But you have entered the world of supernaturals, and my job is to teach you how to find weaknesses and ways to use your size to your advantage. You’ll learn offensive magic with Callum, and you will likely use that in a fight, but we are taking no chances. We need to know that you can hold your own against a supe.”

  I’m still not convinced. “I’ve already learned how to use my opponent’s size against him, mostly because I have always been smaller and faster than them. I can’t move fast enough to do that with you guys.”

  Teo nods and rakes his hands through his dark hair, in what is quickly becoming a familiar habit, leaving it sticking up everywhere, and my fingers itch to smooth it out. “Those skills will be to your advantage. We are simply going to add to them.” He gestures to the mats and follows me on. “When fighting Koa you keep your distance, and when you move in for the attack you give him too much time to respond. Your body also gives away clues as to what you are going to do. You beat your opponent by closing the gap. Because you’re smaller you can land more of your hits while staying close, making it much harder for them to return attacks, given their size.

  “Today though, we are going to work on learning how to mask your intentions. Step closer,” I move closer to him warily, “get your hands up.” I move my glove clad hands up to block my face. “Think of a single punch or kick, and I will look for your tells.” I quickly decide on a simple right hook and take my swing. He blocks it with ease. “Between your decision to throw the punch and when you actually moved, your muscles in your arm, shoulder, and back tensed, giving away your intention. Your job is to train your body to remain fluid until the instant you throw the punch.”

  “Yes, because that is so easy to do,” I snark at him.

  “It’s not, that's why it’s called training, Spitfire,” he grins while taunting me. I roll my eyes at him. “Again,” he says and then keeps saying for hours. I growl in frustration at my complete lack of progress and tell him so. “You are making progress though. The time between your attack and when you tense up is decreasing. Let’s call it for today. I want you to practice this skill with random movements throughout the day. The guys and I will let you know how you’re doing.”

  While he is talking I decide to try to land a kick. Careful to leave my body relaxed while he’s talking, I quickly move my leg. I think I’m going to actually land it until the bastard grabs my leg, and I go tumbling to the mats, managing to take him down with me. I land on my back with Teo straddling me, much like my first fight with Nakoa. Obviously this position is becoming my signature move.

  “I almost had you.” I try for confident, but it comes out all breathy from being trapped under his body. I fight my arousal, I really do, but I know the moment I fail because his nostrils flare, and the gold flashes in his eyes. I glance back and forth between his hazel eyes noticing the flecks of green for the first time.

  “You keep telling yourself that, Spitfire.” He grins down at me. Teo’s eyes glance down at my lips before moving back up to my eyes. I silently will him to kiss me, forget keeping my distance, and he dips his head slightly. For a moment I think he will before freaking Luka walks in the door, interrupting the moment.

  “Did you lose again, Princess?” he taunts from his place at the door as he looks over the pair of us. I want to scream at him out of sexual frustration even as Teo jumps up from his position and puts his hand out to pull me up.

  I look straight into Teo’s eyes and say, “I had him right where I wanted him.” He eyes flash with gold once again before I leave them both standing there.



  Lying in bed staring at the ceiling, my thoughts circle around Kenna. She didn’t quite understand what it means for her to have two affinities. Having grown up around magical beings but not a part of them there was really no way for her to know. When we start our research tomorrow she’ll gain knowledge pretty quickly, and I am looking forward to seeing how her sharp mind processes all the new information. I have been pulling books I think will be helpful for her and trying to put together a plan of attack to compensate for her non-magical upbringing.

  Since meeting her at the club this woman has stubbornly been at the center of my thoughts, some decidedly naughty and others somewhat tamer. I heard her tossing and turning once she headed to bed, plagu
ed by her own thoughts. I wished there was something I could do for her, but I stay put, not trusting my ability to be alone with her in her room and not finish what we almost started. A noise in the kitchen pulls me from my thoughts, and I smile when I realize that it’s the fiery girl herself. I throw a shirt on and creep into the kitchen.

  When I turn the corner I see Kenna standing in the kitchen barefoot, in a tiny tank top and short sleep shorts, and her curls tumbling down her back. She reaches up to grab a glass, and I zero in on the small patch of skin revealed between her shirt and shorts. I have never been so turned by that specific spot as I am right now. I hear a throat clear, and I realize I’ve been caught ogling her. My eyes slowly make their way up her body, and I smirk at the slight blush across her cheeks. “Couldn’t sleep either?” I ask. She doesn’t need to know that I couldn’t sleep because I was busy thinking about her and listening to her restlessness. Gods, now I’m thinking about her tossing and turning wearing that. I suppress a groan and try to focus on her face.

  “Yeah, it’s been hard to turn my brain off, and everything goes round and round like a hamster in a wheel.” She gestures with her finger to emphasize her point then shrugs. “I was grabbing some water and was going to go sit on the porch. Being near nature helps, which I suppose makes a lot of sense now with the Earth affinity and all.” She smiles and continues, “You can join me if you’d like.”

  I won’t tell her that she will pretty much have a shadow from here on out, nor do I say that I was going to invite myself along if she didn’t simply so I could be near her and know she was safe. Instead I say, “I’d love to, thanks.” I follow her out the door, and we settle on the porch swing Nakoa built. I set the swing in motion and in the hopes of getting her mind off things, I ask, “What is your favorite color?”


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