Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One

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Flicker and Flame: Magic Bound Book One Page 23

by Willow Hayes

  I feel so much impotent rage at my inability to produce something that could help. I can always find what I need. I’m the best damn hacker in the country. I’ve also been trying to glean at least a single clue from the two letters she was sent, but I have absolutely nothing. Whoever this is knows how to cover their tracks. She’s surrounded by threats, and we are powerless to stop them. Our only job is to keep her safe, but how can we do that when we don’t know where the threat is coming from?

  Frustrated by my lack of progress I let my mind wander to the day her magic was unbound. What her magic did upon being released was incredible. The sheer raw wild power that Akira mentioned was a thing of beauty, but to see Kenna after her magic was unbound was utterly staggering. She was stunning before and took my breath away every time she walked into a room, but now it’s difficult to even think when I’m around her. She’s still Kenna, only a softer version of herself, as if her magic has somehow smoothed some of the hard edges she’s developed over time.

  I’m hiding in my office attempting to get work done, but I’m also hiding from Kenna because she scrambles my brain when she’s around. This beautiful, stunning woman is mine. The one I wanted more than any other. Knowing that Kenna is mine as much as I am hers still boggles my mind. How did I go from being a lowly dhampir with a string of one night stands in my wake to being a mate of the future queen?

  I spin away from my desk and distracting thoughts to pick up one of the books I grabbed thinking they may help her. The most recent book I found, and the one I’m working through, describes the Queen’s Chosen. After leaving Akira’s I tried to track down anything about the Queen’s Chosen, but there isn’t much outside the Royal Archive, which we obviously won’t have access to. I haven’t gotten far into the book since picking it up a couple weeks ago. Between all the training and research to find the bastard the book has sat untouched. As I am flipping through the pages a passage snags my eye. I stop and start to read:

  The Queen’s magic will call out and mark any guard whose soul resonates with her own. The Chosen will be her match in every way, and will not only act as her guards but are primarily her mates. The Queen’s magic will mark her mates, but in order for the bond to be sealed the Queen and her Chosen must face the Trial of Three where fighting skills, problem solving skills, and ways of the heart will be judged. The Queen and her Chosen’s battle skills will enhance and complement one another, but those skills must be honed and tested. When the trial is passed and bond sealed all members of the Chosen and the Queen will be strengthened and grounded. Once the initial bond with her selected Chosen is complete the trial need not be repeated if any additional Chosen are marked. Only when the bond is sealed can the heir ascend to the throne.

  I go back and read the section a few times to make sure I read it correctly. By the gods. This changes everything.


  When Luka called an emergency family meeting I wasn’t sure what to expect. The still lingering panic that they might decide to kick me out threatens to rise, but I squash it firmly. Though, with the way my life has been going he could be telling us that he’s grown wings and can fly, and I honestly would not be surprised.

  We all gather in the living room and take our seats on the couches. I sit down next to Teo and squeak when he pulls me into his lap. I look questioningly at him, but he only shrugs and kisses the side of my head. It’s not like I’m going to complain because sitting in my sexy mate’s lap is pure torture and all.

  When Luka strides in the door, sans wings, his gaze immediately lands on me. He looks crazy intense, and I don’t know what to make of the look, so I watch him warily.

  He walks straight over to where I’m sitting on Teo’s lap, scoops me up and slams his lips down on mine. I am so shocked at first I don’t respond, but by the gods, it’s impossible not to respond. The man can kiss. He dominates the kiss from the moment his lips touch mine. His tongue teases about what he wants to do to me, and I moan softly into his mouth. I pull away to catch my breath, and there is so much passion in his eyes that he takes my breath away. I don’t want to ruin the moment, but after we stand there and stare, I awkwardly approach my confusion, “Not that I’m complaining, because believe me I’m not, but what the heck was that?”

  My question breaks the tension, and he smirks. Luka walks a few feet away to face all of us. I’m still standing right where he left me, like an idiot, when Teo grabs me to pull me back into his lap. He leans over and nuzzles my neck which sends shivers down my spine, leaving me all distracted again. Luka clears his throat, and his smirk transforms into a panty melting grin. My answering smile causes his gaze to flick down to my lips before he says, “I picked up a book about the Queen’s Chosen a couple of weeks ago, but haven’t been able to get very far until today. I came across a passage you all need to hear.”

  “What does it say?” I ask, intrigued.

  “I’ll read it to you.”

  As he reads all I can think is holy shit and gape at him. When he’s done he looks right at me again and is back to grinning like a fool, though I’m not entirely sure why he is grinning. “Okay, so let me get this straight,” I start to tick the points off on my fingers, “We have to pass a trial in order to fully bond. My magic could decide that it’s a greedy wench and mark more people? And only then, after all that, I can take the throne. Does that about sum it up?” My snark is off the charts because…what the fuck? If my world could stop going topsy turvy all the time, so I could actually figure out which way is up that would be fantastic.

  “That pretty much sums it up, yeah.” Luka nods, and his smile is so distracting I have to look away.

  “Is this something we have to do? I hate tests, so if we have to do it can we rip the band aid off, please?” I grimace, and the guys laugh at me. I roll my eyes and shrug, “Well I do.”

  “Luka, does the book give any additional information on the trial?” Nakoa to the rescue.

  “Yeah, there is a whole section on the specifics and its location. There is also a section on what a completed bond is capable of. Things like being able to sense each other, and some bonds even result in the ability to connect through a link in the mind and speak to each other in that capacity.” Holy shit! Talk in our minds? Do I want them to be in my mind? Do I want to be in their minds? “It also says the average Queen has between four and eight Chosen. The number of her Chosen is in proportion to her power.”

  I choke when he says the number eight. Um, that is an ungodly amount of testosterone. Lots of sex for sure, but how does one person satisfy eight mates? I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around having the four in this room, let alone any more. Listen up magic, I know my libido is a greedy minx, but we truly do not need any more mates, so if we could not mark any more that would be great. My magic rolls her eyes at me. Whatever, this talk isn’t over.

  “So as to my question from before, is the trial something we have to do?”

  Luka turns to me and asks, “That depends on you, Princess. Do you want to take the throne?” My instant denial must have been on my lips because he adds, “Before you answer just think about it for a moment.”

  I look in his passionate eyes and reluctantly nod. I close my own, so I don’t have to look at their intense faces as I think through if I truly want to take the throne. My first instinct is to say um fuck no because that shit’s crazy. I am not cut out to be a ruler! But then I think back to my conversation with Rya about making a difference and my mother’s legacy, and I wonder if maybe I can do this.

  Then I think of the letters I’ve been sent, and how everything I have done has put the people I care about in danger. “If I say yes, and we do this what’s to stop the letter writer from going public like they have threatened? I don’t know if I could handle that, handle others knowing.” The thought of the world knowing my secret terrifies me.

  “Spitfire,” Teo waits until I meet his eyes, “I know you have spent years blaming yourself for what happened to Callie, but it was not your faul
t, it was his. To go public they would either have to lie, or expose the truth about him. They may risk it, but I think they are only trying to scare you into hiding.”

  “Well it’s working because I’m scared. Am I really fit to be a ruler? What do I do?” I feel too much inside to work this through on my own. I need their help, and that is a weird thing for me to admit.

  “We can’t make the decision for you, but I think you’d make a breathtaking Queen, and not just because you steal my breath every time you walk into a room.” Teo winks and smirks when I blush at his words. He starts to coil one of my curls around his finger, sending shivers down my spine. He sobers slightly and says, “But honestly Spitfire, you truly would make a breathtaking queen, and you would live up to your mother’s legacy.”

  His words make my heart skip a beat, but I don’t have time to dwell on them because Luka turns to me with an intense gaze and says, “I agree with Teo, Princess. I think it’s a scare tactic, and I know you would make an amazing Queen. I’ll follow you wherever you decide to go,” his voice passionate as he makes his declaration.

  “Firefly, you are a protector. I have watched you with your kids, with Rya, and with Reg, and that fierce protectiveness will make you a stunning Queen. I would be proud to be by your side as you lead our people.” Nakoa’s words send goosebumps skittering across my skin, and I blink away the tears.

  Their passionate speeches make my heart squeeze and stir things inside me I don’t know how to process. When Callum doesn’t say anything I turn to him questioningly, “What about you Callum? What do you think I should do?” His opinion matters greatly to me. We have spent too many hours together training for me to not desire his input.

  “I go where you go, my Queen.” He is quiet, but his voice burns with passion.

  I take their words, the warmth settling inside my jagged heart, and try to form a decision. “I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for you four. Your willingness to support me no matter which decision I make, and your confidence in me makes me feel like maybe I can do this. Maybe I can take the throne.”

  With a big breath I speak the next words knowing that my life will once again be altered forevermore, “Let’s do this. I don’t know what comes after that, but I do know that whatever it is, I’ll be with you guys.”



  With the information in the book we were able to formulate a plan. Knowing the first trial will judge our ability to fight together the training shifts to focus on helping me bring together everything I have learned. My skills are nowhere near where I think they should be, but I’m trying to give myself a bit of grace because I’ve only been at this for a couple of months, and it took me a year to earn the right to get in the ring. “Kenna, on your right!” someone yells, and I barely dodge the oncoming attack from Nakoa.

  “Get your head out of the clouds, Spitfire!” Teo, one of my teammates, yells from across the room. We work in teams of two or three, and we change our groups frequently, so I can get used to their fighting style when they work as a group, and they can figure out how to incorporate me into their mix. I spin after dodging Nakoa and manage to land a hit on Luka because he’s distracted fighting Callum.

  Nakoa spins back around and raises his sword to strike, but I cross my short swords above my head as he brings it down, and they absorb most of the impact. I push his sword to the side and move to thrust my blade up into his abdomen, but he’s too fast. I dodge and weave until my back is to Callum’s, where I should have been to begin with before Nakoa drew me away with his attacks.

  With Callum at my back we are better able to get hits on our opponents, or rather with his help I land more hits. The timer sounds, and this round ends. I’m breathing heavy and sweating like crazy, but somewhere along the way this became fun, and I’m grinning like a fool.

  Hair tied back and serious face on, Nakoa evaluates our session, “Teo, you didn’t stay with your team which left them vulnerable, Kenna you as well. I worked to draw you out, but you let me. You got fewer hits in and received more hits when you left Callum’s side. You did however, get more hits in during this session than any other, so you’re improving greatly. If we could incorporate your magic during practice I’m certain you would get even more. Buuuuut,” he drags out the word with a smirk, “your team had fewer hits, so you are on dinner duty.”

  He grins at their victory and shoots me a wink. It does not matter how many times I see this man smile, the effect is still stunning. His smile softens the sharp angles of his face, and I always find myself being drawn in by the spell it casts.

  Callum turns his midnight blue eyes on me, and I groan because already know what’s coming. “After dinner we are going to practice. I know you feel magic is still your weakest point, and you need to go into the trial feeling strong, so we will practice more.” When he puts it like that I can’t argue. I nod and turn to put my equipment away.

  I have somehow managed to convince Callum to teach me while he makes dinner tonight. We are making a chicken dish with roasted vegetables. I have been assigned the task of cutting the vegetables, simple enough. Except, apparently I’m doing it wrong. I smile and roll my eyes. “Well, Chief, how should I cut them?”

  I go to hand him the knife, but he surprises me when he steps behind me and wraps his arms around me until he is grasping each of my hands. “You have to hold your knife like this.” He adjusts my grip. His silky voice near my ear making me shiver. “When you move your knife it should be an extension of your hand, so that you may move your wrist only, and the knife moves as it should.”

  He starts to show me how I should move the knife, but I am completely distracted by his delicious scent of cloves and apples and the feel of his body pressed against mine. I breathe deep, memorizing his scent, and find myself, almost without my knowing, pushing back into his body. His hands pause but resume, and his head drops closer to my ear, nuzzling slightly. “Careful, Ómorfos. When I have you I will take my time learning your body, memorizing the small sounds you make, and the way you respond to my touch.”

  His hips move forward until I’m pinned against the counter, and I can feel how much he wants me pressed against my lower back, making me pant and clench with need. “We do not have that time just now, but we will when we return.” He nips my neck, and a gasp escapes me. Then he’s released me and already moved across the kitchen.

  I turn to look at him and am shocked at the sheer strength of the hunger I see in his midnight blue eyes. He turns away and continues preparing the chicken. I am a wonton mess and distracted by the hunger Callum has stirred in me. A hip bumps into mine, and my eyes fly over to Teo who grins wickedly at me, and the spell I was caught in with Callum breaks.


  My lips twitch when I see the way Kenna is cutting the vegetables. She said that she had not cooked much, but when I saw her clumsy attempt at cutting I had to work to keep my grin under control. I told her to chiffonade the carrots, and she is dicing them! Badly! My Ómorfos girl would not appreciate my grin at her knife skills though.

  Nothing has been the same for me since the attack. There was no going back when my rage surged watching her walk out the door. From that moment on she was no longer just a protection assignment, she was mine to protect. With the knowledge that we are Kenna’s mates I have allowed myself to feel the attraction I had been suppressing, so when I see an opportunity to help her and be close to her I take it.

  Kenna moves to hand me the knife after I correct her form, but I step up behind her instead. I wrap my arms around her and demonstrate how to hold the knife. When her breathing becomes erratic the hunger I work to keep at bay flares. I feel her press her body back against mine, and I drop my head and run my nose up the column of her neck and drink in her neroli scent.

  As a lover, I fuck with abandon but never passion. I have not allowed myself to grow close to any lover since my Dark Fae emotions took hold, but when I take Kenna to bed it will be passionate and wild. She owns
this dark heart of mine, and I will show her with every touch and caress that she is mine.

  “Careful, Ómorfos. When I have you I will take my time learning your body, memorizing the small sounds you make, and the way you respond to my touch.” I pin her against the counter with my hips, showing her how much I want her, and the feel of her softness against my hardness is intoxicating. I nip her neck, wanting so much more, but I walk away before I find that I am unable to.


  After dinner we head outside, and I am oh so excited to find I have an audience. I’m used to Callum and has his cranky ways, but it works. Having the others around only happens occasionally, and it’s not my favorite because working with an audience only makes me stress.

  Callum gestures to the field and says, “I set up new targets today. I wanted to change the angle or direction since you have been shooting at the same targets and no longer have to work as hard to hit them. After you finish the targets we will work on extending your fire wall. Which is why they are here,” he points to the guys. “Whenever you are ready.”

  I look at the first target, trying to measure distance and angle as close as I can. I draw on Fire and feel the now familiar warmth in my hand. My magic responds faster now that it’s free, and the ball of fire is bigger than before. The first practice session after my magic was unbound was interesting to say the least. Some of the targets ended up as ashes on the ground. Figuring out how to dial back has been much of the focus since then.


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