Death By Fright

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by McCarthy, G. L.

  “What’s wrong? You look worried or troubled.” Alex did and didn’t want to know.

  “If I tell you, can you just listen and not jump on your white horse and charge to their rescue?” Sam was trying to make light of it by smiling, but hoped Alex would hear what she said.

  “No promises. But I’ll try.” Alex wondered what kind of trouble this couple could be in that Sam thought she could help and therefore sounded like she didn’t want her to.

  “They just bought a new house and it seems they have a spirit living with them. It sounds like it’s not a very nice spirit. Juana wants to leave, but Javier doesn’t since they’ve put all their money into this place. The seller didn’t tell them the place was haunted, but then Javier never thought to ask why the place was so cheap. Apparently they bought it from the owner, not a realtor, and now they can’t find him to try and get their money back.” Sam watched Alex’s expressions as she relayed what she knew about the place.

  The house is big and perfect for a couple with kids. It has a large yard and is out in the country - off the main road. It needs some work, but not a lot. It is old, but not ancient and when they first saw it they immediately fell in love with the place. They had some work done on the roof before moving in. Everything was good the first week and then things started to happen. Dishes were found broken, but Juana blamed it on the kids not being careful when they put them in the sink. Lights were turned on, furniture was being moved, and then the latest thing was a dark figure seen in several of the rooms. The kids didn’t seem to be afraid, but then they watched scary movies all the time and didn’t think it was real. Juana, on the other hand, was petrified. She had a priest come out and bless the house, but the spirit didn’t leave or wasn’t present when the house was exorcised. She wanted to take the kids and move back to her parents and Javier was ready to let her go.

  Alex didn’t say anything as she listened to Sam, and even when they left she was quiet. Sam wanted to let her think about it and didn’t ask her what she was thinking as they drove back to the ranch. But when they walked into their casita Sam felt something was wrong. Alex was too quiet, almost like she was sad. As she stood in front of the little table, looking at the picture of Anna and Ramon, Sam walked up behind her and put her arms around her waist.

  “What’s wrong? You’re being very quiet.” Sam had never seen this side of Alex before.

  “I’m not going to lie and pretend there’s nothing bothering me, but I need to process a few things right now and take a walk by myself. I’ll be back soon.” Alex felt Sam release her as she turned, gave her a wink, and walked out of the casita without saying another word.

  Sam was lost. She didn’t know what she’d done and wanted to run this all by Jessie. She would know why Alex was being so quiet; at least she hoped she’d know. So she walked straight to the office where she found Jessie and hoped she had time to talk.

  “Hey, cousin, where’s your girlfriend?” Jessie thought the two were joined at the hip.

  “I think she may be really upset and I don’t know what I did wrong. I want to run something by you and see if I screwed up.” Sam replayed their meal and subsequent con-versation. Jessie listened and then came around the counter and had Sam sit down with her in the waiting area.

  “First off, you need to understand something about Alex. She’s a rescuer at heart. She was abandoned in a way by her parents, one by choice and one by circumstance, and because of that she tends to want to be there for people. You need to know that she loves and respects you very much and what you think matters greatly to her. But you must understand that you are asking her to resist a behavior that goes to the core of her being. It’s going to be hard for her to comply with your wishes. Now if you were only making a suggestion and not a request then you need to let her know that. You need to talk to her and let her know that you’re still learning about each other and these are the things that will come up from time to time.” Jessie could tell that Sam understood a little better about where Alex was coming from now.

  “Thanks, Jess. I need to go find her and let her know what I was thinking.” Sam left her cousin and had a good idea where Alex would be - outside the main gate by the little stream.

  Alex was in the usual spot staring at the sky, leaning against a tree. She looked over when she realized she was being watched. Smiling at Sam, she walked over and gave her a hug.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a freak.” Alex knew Sam had to wonder what was going on with her.

  “You’re not a freak. You’re my best friend and lover, and I realize now that I asked you to not do something that you would have done in a heartbeat if I wasn’t around. We need to talk about this and hear each other out.” Sam looked into Alex’s eyes and hoped she would be honest with her.

  “You’re right. I would have. But I’m not single anymore. My actions affect you just as much as they do me. I wanted to change and be more like I was before I got involved with Dez, but our relationship is different. We’re more of a team and not just two people living together. It’s not just about picking out towels or bed linen. This decision affects the time we spend together while we’re here. I want to respect your wants and needs, so if you don’t want us to get involved then I’ll respect your wishes. It’s as simple as that.” Alex was truly okay with Sam’s decision whatever the final outcome was as she didn’t feel like she was being told what to do. She realized Sam was concerned about her well being and how this could effect her emotionally.

  “You’re amazing, you know that? I was sure I’d blown it big time and we were in for a chilly evening. I feel blessed to be with someone who can process and see both sides of the coin, just like I want to. We can still help, but can we do it as a side project? You know, research the problem and then decide if we can help?” Sam knew that if they didn’t at least try to help while they were there it would eat at Alex for a long time.

  “You mean it? I’m absolutely fine with doing it that way. Woo hoo!” Alex threw her arms around Sam’s neck and pulled her into a very long kiss.

  Looking at each other for a second, they both had the same idea and headed back to their room for possibly another shower.

  Chapter 6

  When Alex awoke she could smell coffee but Sam wasn’t there. It was still early so maybe she was off helping Andy with his chores. Stretching, then curling up in a ball, she stared at the clock and wondered if she should get up or just wait for her to come back. Deciding to at least have a sip of coffee, she spotted the little note lying next to it.

  Researching Javier’s house on Jessie’s computer. Come get me for breakfast.Sam

  Alex thought how sweet it was for her to do that so early, but then remembered Jessie would need her computer for work so it was now or a lot later today. As Alex got dressed she wondered about ghosts and spirits. Why did some choose to stay and live amicably amongst the living while others chose to cause problems? Were they so angry or unhappy that they wanted everyone who came after them to know it and suffer along with them? She hoped this wasn’t the case. Maybe this spirit just needed to know where the exit door was. Either way she hoped Anna and Ramon could help expedite the solution to this problem so the family could have their dream home back.

  As she walked over to the office, Bart, who was the only one up in his family, spotted her. Running to catch up with her, he nearly fell trying to stop.

  “Good morning, Bart. Are you okay?” Alex smiled as she halfway grabbed him, helping him keep his balance.

  “Good morning. I’m fine. Where are you going? Can I come too?” Bart was bored and there wasn’t anyone else around he could play with.

  “Sure. I’m looking for my girlfriend, Sam. Where are your parents?” Alex looked back and only a few earlier risers could be seen walking to and from the dining hall.

  “Still asleep. What are you going to do then?” Bart was walking fast to keep up with Alex.

  “Well, I need to find Sam first and then see what she’s up to.” Alex hoped it s
ounded to boring that he would go look for someone else to hang with.

  “Sam. I like her. She’s cool.” Beaming up at Alex, Bart tripped going up the steps to the office.

  “Careful, Bart. I don’t want you getting hurt. I think Sam’s pretty cool myself.” Walking in, Alex could see Sam deep in concentration as she was reading something on the computer.

  Bart could barely see over the counter top, so he had to stand on his tiptoes.

  “Good morning, Sam.” Alex was smiling wide as she waited for her to look up.

  Sam wondered why Alex hadn’t called her lover until she saw the pair of eyes looking at her over the counter.

  “Good morning, Alex and Bart. How’s it going this beautiful day?” Sam gave Alex a wink, as she knew why she wasn’t doing any talking.

  “Fine. Are you playing any games? Can I play too?” Bart loved to play on his computer at home.

  “Sorry, short man, no games. I’m doing research which requires a lot of reading. Do you like to read?” Sam hoped he didn’t, because if he did, she was in trouble.

  “Not really. I only like to read comic books. What are you reading about?” Bart was beginning to think that these adults weren’t any fun either.

  “Murder and betrayal. Ghosts and evil spirits.” Sam opened her eyes wide as she replied.

  “Ghosts! I love scary movies. What kind of evil spirits? Can I read too?” Bart wanted to see and tried to climb up the counter.

  “She’s just looking up some old local news. We’ll let you read it when we get it printed.” Alex gave Sam a ‘now look what you did’ look.

  “Alex is right, Bart. I’ll print up the stories and we can all read them together.” Sam shook her head and would remember not to talk to Bart about any of this again.

  Sam had a nice pile of papers for the trio to look over while they waited for breakfast to be served. She had looked up every murder that occurred in the county, which included the article about Ramon’s death. She wanted that one for her-self. Most of the murders were committed during an armed robbery or breaking and entering. Only one stood out from the rest a murder suicide on the outskirts of town. The picture of the house fit Javier’s description and Sam thought about running out to the historical society after breakfast to get more info. Alex only let Bart read a few of the lighter stories about mischief ghost reports, but she was finding them fascinating too. She never knew so many spirits were earth bound and having so much fun, but no stories about spirits coming to the rescue of any humans.

  When the doors were opened and the bell sounded it signaled the arrival of breakfast. Thank goodness Bart’s parents, who had been looking for him, waved him over. Alex waved to them that it was fine and they yelled a thank you back for keeping him busy.

  “Stay here and I’ll get our breakfast.” Alex left Sam who was reading everything she had on the murder/suicide.

  When she returned with two plates full of eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes, Sam knew Alex was hungry and in a good mood. She then went back for more coffee and enlisted Jessie to help bring back two glasses of cranberry juice to complete the meal.

  “So is this what you’ve been doing on my computer all morning?” Jessie sat down next to Alex and thumbed through the pile of papers as she smiled at her cousin.

  “Yes, it is. But I put more paper in your printer since you were almost out.” Sam smiled and hoped that would get her out of a little trouble for using up a fair amount of Jessie’s toner.

  “So what are you two up to this time? If I didn’t already have a good idea.” Jessie could tell by the headlines that it had to do with death and spirits.

  Alex looked to Sam to fill her in since they were her friends and she didn’t want Jessie thinking this was all her idea.

  “Well, Jess, you know that little taco stand down by the crossroads heading for town? The owners just bought this house and it seems to be haunted. I was just trying to figure out by who and I think this is the one.” Sam handed the article to Jessie to read. It laid out a scenario that she felt would be a prime candidate for a haunting.

  Tragedy struck at the home of Mr. Robert Monroe on Sunday, June 15th when the bodies of Mr. Monroe and his fiancée, Victoria Chalmers were found dead. The coroner’s report stated that it appeared Mr. Monroe shot and killed Ms. Chalmers and then turned the gun on himself. The couple was to have been married in June, but trouble in the relationship is thought to have been the cause behind Robert Monroe’s actions.

  Victoria Chalmers was a local girl who had known Robert Monroe most of her life, but recent rumors of her being involved with someone else and wanting to call off the wedding may have been the reason for Robert’s recent change in personality. Many close to him noted an increase in depression and mood swings.

  The families of both have made separate arrangements for burial and you can contact them through the funeral home listed below.

  The article was from 1956. The family had kept the house closed up for nearly fifty years. Then in 2005 a grandson of Robert’s brother moved into the house and was the last known resident. Apparently he was the one who sold the house to Javier, although no one can find where he lives now.

  “And you plan on doing what exactly?” Jessie had a good idea, but wanted to hear it.

  “Well, maybe we could see if Anna and Ramon could talk to this spirit and ask him or her to leave the people alone.” Alex thought that sounded quick and easy.

  “Anna and Ramon. Don’t you think you’ve put those two through enough lately?” Jessie didn’t want it getting out that her best friend and cousin ‘Have Spirits, Will Travel’.

  “Well, I was going to ask them first before we committed to anything with the family that owned the house.” Alex hadn’t thought of that until just that second.

  “Okay, but you know they’d do anything for you so make it sound like it’s okay to say no this time, Alex.” Jessie got up to leave and gave Alex a kiss on the head and a look to her cousin that pretty much said, I hope you know what you’re doing.

  Sam hoped she did too as she dove into her breakfast. Alex had never thought of the possibility of Anna saying no, but it could happen. Maybe they only had so many hours to spend on earth helping. Maybe the time spent saving her and Sam from Richard Greenway used up all their minutes. She would definitely make it a point to word the request in such a way that they could say no and she would totally understand.

  “So, do you want to take a drive with me to the historical society?” Sam would be fine with either answer to this question.

  “I think I’ll stay here and hang with Jessie. My vibe from her is that she thinks we’re going to be gone the whole time we’re here and I don’t want that to be the case.” Alex knew Sam never minded her spending time with Jessie and definitely knew she was right this time.

  After finishing his breakfast, Bart stopped by to ask if he could have the articles about the mischief spirits which Alex gladly gave him and hoped it occupied some of his day reading them.

  Chapter 7

  Sam wanted to find out more about this Robert Monroe, as he was sure to be the one causing the trouble in this old house. She wondered how anyone could kill someone they supposedly loved, but jealousy was a strong emotion.

  The historical society was a wealth of information. Since Robert Monroe was a local there was plenty of information about him and his family. Apparently Robert was quite a bit older than Victoria and a very successful business-man for his time. His company provided supplies for the ranchers in the area as well as livestock. After his death the business declined from poor management by his brother and other family members. The business finally closed in 1978 and the only asset left from Robert Monroe’s estate was the house.

  The librarian, Janet Fitzsimmons, was very familiar with the story as she had been a close friend of Victoria’s andknew her very well. She was now seventy-two years old, but still sharp as a tack. Sam asked if she knew more details about the rumor that Victoria wanted to end the relationshi
p. She relayed the fact that she was very much in love with someone else. When Robert found out about it, and that she wanted to cancel the wedding, he went into a rage and threatened Victoria several times to break it off if she knew what was good for her.

  It seems he carried out his threat to keep her from leaving him. Retelling the story brought tears to Janet’s eyes as she truly missed her friend. What a tragic loss it was. Sam asked if there were any articles regarding the possible haunting of the Monroe house. Janet hadn’t heard of any herself, but she felt that would certainly explain why no one had lived in the house for fifty years that is until the grandson tried and then sold the house and left the area.

  Back at the ranch, Alex knew Jessie would be busy after breakfast since that was the time the guests chose to stop by with questions or requests. So she decided to cruise over to the crafts room. It was too early for a class, but Alex wanted to revisit the room where she had first met Anna. Checking to make sure Bart was nowhere to be seen, she slipped in the door and had the whole room to herself. She wondered if Anna was around or if she just came when she was needed. Alex thought she would take a chance and ask her now about helping Javier, then maybe tonight she would get an answer. Walking to the window where the picture of Anna and Ramon used to sit she placed her hand on the spot and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to make it sound like they had to help so Alex just asked a very general question about their possible help with Javier’s problem. If they couldn’t she would understand, as no commitment had been made. She hoped they would understand and give her a sign one way or another if they were willing to help. When the door opened Alex turned, halfway expecting Anna to walk in, but no such luck. It was her little buddy, Bart, who had seen her standing in the window from his casita and wondered what she was up to.


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