Death By Fright

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Death By Fright Page 6

by McCarthy, G. L.

  Chapter 10

  Back at the historical society, Janet was happy to see Sam returning with a friend to appreciate the history that was stored there.

  “Hi, Janet. I want to introduce you to my life partner, Alex Whitney. We wanted to ask you a few more questions about Victoria.” Sam watched Janet’s expression change as Alex extended her hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Alex. So you’re a lesbian couple.” Janet smiled at Alex as she shook her hand.

  “Yes, we are. It’s nice to meet you too, Janet. May I ask you a very personal question?” Alex watched as a smile formed on Janet’s face.

  “Was I that obvious earlier about my feelings for Victoria?”

  “Not that obvious, but I did wonder.” Sam looked to Alex to tell about her dream.

  “You see, Janet, I just had a very vivid dream about the night Victoria called to tell you of her plan to run away with you.” Alex noticed the look of amazement on Janet’s face.

  “You had a dream about that night? Are you a psychic?” Janet led Alex to a small reading table as she needed to sit down.

  “Not really a psychic, but I have dreams about events that have or will happen. I witnessed an argument between Robert and Victoria which ended in her crying and then calling a young woman. I was able to see her and the resemblance to you is unmistakable.” Alex was glad Janet hadn’t denied being involved with Victoria.

  “That was the last time I talked to her. She wanted to run away but I told her Robert would never rest until he found us and brought her back. Then she decided to tell him the truth about us that night. I begged her not to, but she could be very strong willed at times and that was one of those times. I found out the next day that after the party he had killed her and then himself. No one else knows the truth about that night - until now.” Janet’s eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m so sorry. You must have been devastated when you heard.” Alex squeezed Janet’s hand as she wept.

  Moving closer to her, Alex felt the tears running down her face as she looked at Sam and knew how devastated she would be if she received the same horrible news. It reminded her of Anna’s story and how she lost her love at the hands of another.

  After several minutes Janet regained her composure and told them the story about her relationship with Victoria. The marriage to Robert Monroe had been arranged by Victoria’s parents, who weren’t at all happy about her closeness with Janet. They had never been caught doing anything, but Victoria’s mother had a good idea of what was going on, as there were other homosexuals in the family tree. Not wanting to see her daughter living that lifestyle, she pushed for the marriage as soon as Victoria was of age. The family didn’t have a lot of money and the marriage would have helped out a lot in the long run. But as their wedding day approached,Victoria began to balk at the whole idea and was arguing with everyone, except Janet, about it. It all came to a head the night Robert threw a pre-rehearsal dinner for those people who weren’t part of the wedding party. By this time Janet had been barred from all functions by Victoria’s parents so she and Victoria had to meet in secret or talk on the phone when no one was around. It would have been a huge scandal if the truth would have come out. That was probably the reason Robert Monroe had killed Victoria to avoid the stigma he would have carried if anyone would have found out that his fiancée left him for another woman. It was unacceptable in New Mexico during the fifties, or any part of the country for that matter.

  “Have you been back to the house since?” Alex wondered.

  “No. I never liked the feeling I had when I was in that house. It felt dark and heavy like the house itself wasn’t happy.” Janet hoped they would understand.

  “I understand. Robert may have been a very domi-neering force and the house picked up that dark energy.” Alex looked at Sam and wondered where that came from. Could Anna be telling her what was going on? First the dream and now this train of thought.

  “Exactly. He was a different man around friends and family. Victoria would tell me how much he would rant and rave about them all when they were alone. He seemed to hate everyone in his life, except for Victoria. I’m sure when she told him about me he felt completely betrayed and if he couldn’t have her no one would.” Janet remembered the possessiveness in his eyes when he looked at Victoria.

  Alex wanted to get into that house so she could feel that dark energy, and then hopefully Anna could tell her what was going on.

  “Thank you so much, Janet. You’ve been a big help. If I have a chance to get a message to Victoria I’ll let her know how much you’re still in love with her.” Alex stood up and gave Janet a big hug.

  “I would love that and if you would also tell her that I think about her every day and miss her terribly.” Janet’s eyes began to fill with tears as she let Alex go and returned to her desk.

  Sam said her goodbye as she waited for Alex to lead the way out. As they left the little building and walked to the truck, Alex took Sam’s arm and held on as if she was afraid the slightest breeze would blow her away.

  “Darlin’, are you okay? You’re squeezing my arm so tightly I think you’re cutting off the circulation.” Sam was in a little pain from her hold.

  “I’m so sorry. I guess my grip is stronger than my lifting strength. I just can’t imagine being that much in love, and then having to be alone all this time. It’s so sad. I don’t know how she did it. I’m not sure I could.” Alex had never contemplated suicide, but it would be one way to end the pain of such a loss.

  “Okay young lady, you need to promise me something right now. If anything happens to me you’ll go out and find another lover. I don’t want you living like that or committing suicide. That would haunt me for eternity. Although, then we would both be together, unless they really do send people who kill themselves to another place. But until we know for sure I need your promise.” Sam was looking Alex straight in the eye and was waiting for her answer.

  “Lets not talk about it anymore, but I promise.” Pulling Sam close, Alex held her tightly.

  As they drove back to the ranch, Sam decided to take a detour and go by to see Javier. Maybe they could get in the house tomorrow and take a look around. As they walked into the little taco stand both could see that Javier and Juana were looking very tired and seemed to be there in body only. Sam walked back to the kitchen to talk to Javier as she didn’t want to upset Juana. Alex waited by the little counter where the cash register was located. Sam talked to him for a few minutes before Juana went to see what was going on. She gave Sam a hug and then grabbed an order and returned to work. Javier wrote down something on a piece of paper and then gave Sam a hug before she returned to Alex, who was looking at the take out menu. Alex folded it up and stuck it in her back pocket as Sam gave her a wink while opening the door for them to leave.

  “So what’s the plan?” Alex could tell Sam was formulating one.

  “They’ve moved back in with her parents until they can figure out what to do. There’s a homeless guy named Poncho there now watching the place. Javier is just letting him stay there until they can sell it, although he’s not too optimistic about that. He said we could go by and take a look. We can call him when we get there and he’ll tell Poncho it’s okay to let us in.” Sam was really hoping to be able to help so Javier and Juana could have their lives and their house back.

  “Excellent. I think it will be better with just the two of us there. Mr. Monroe may make an appearance if we can have the house all to ourselves.” Alex was having mixed feelings about meeting this spirit. On the one hand, she would like to tell him off and on the other she wanted to tell him she understood how it felt to lose someone you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with.

  Chapter 11

  When they got back to the ranch it was obvious the dinner bell had already rung as the guests were filing into the dining hall. Alex wasn’t that hungry so she led Sam by the hand back to their casita for a few minutes of quality alone time.

  “What’s on
your mind? If it isn’t food, something is troubling you.” Sam had walked in behind Alex and put her arms around her.

  Leaning her head back against Sam, Alex let out a big sigh not knowing where to start.

  “I guess it’s the whole love/jealousy drama that baffles me. How can you love someone so much that you would rather see them dead than happy with someone else? It makes no sense to me and never will.” Alex turned and knew she could never do that to Sam or anyone for that matter.

  “Ah, well, no one said you’re rational when you’re jealous. I guess you need a huge ego that tells you no one else is good enough for them and that they would be better off dead then with some inferior being. I get the feeling that Robert Monroe had a gigantic ego, don’t you?” Sam could see that this situation had really affected Alex.

  “Yes, I agree. But then that must have been what helped him be such a success. It seems he didn’t think much of his family’s abilities.” Alex hugged Sam and could hear her heart beating as neither spoke until there was a knock at the door.

  Releasing Sam to answer it, Alex was happy when she saw Jessie’s smiling face.

  “Hey, Jess, we were just on our way over. How was your day?” Alex was in a very subdued mood, one which Jessie picked up on right away.

  “Fine, Darlin’. How did your day go? Did you find out what you wanted to know?” Jessie gave Alex a hug and then moved to Sam.

  “Yes. It was a very productive day.” Sam answered, as Alex seemed to be somewhere else at the moment.

  “Alex, what did you find out that’s upset you so much?” Jessie returned to her and could see the distant look in her eyes.

  “Several things. One, that Janet, the woman who runs the historical society is also the one who Victoria was in love with, and wanted to leave Robert Monroe for, has been alone the past fifty some years because of it. Two, that someone could be so cruel as to kill a person for being in love with someone else. The evil that must be in that house after all these years is beyond my comprehension.” Alex once again felt like it was Anna talking and not her.

  “Alex, you don’t have to do this if it scares you this much.” Sam had felt the change come over her ever since they left Janet.

  “I don’t think I’m scared. I think I just verbalized what Anna is feeling about it all. I hadn’t even given any thought to what I just said. It just came out.” Alex knew Anna had been able to see things and now was possibly trying to warn them about this house.

  “You should listen to her, if she is, or at least proceed with extreme caution.” Jessie knew these two and stopping now wasn’t in the cards.

  “Always, Jess. Besides, we’ll be there during the day and don’t ghosts only come out at night?” Alex felt better because she knew Anna was guiding her and they would be safe with her and Ramon along.

  “Be where during the day?” Looking at Sam, Jessie knew there was more that she needed to hear.

  “We’re going to go by the house tomorrow and take a look around. Wanna come?” Sam figured that would be one way to get Jessie’s blessing, but was hoping she’d be too busy.

  “What time?” Jessie wasn’t going to let these two out of her sight for this.

  “After breakfast. But Jess, we could be gone for half the day or longer. Do you think you can get away for that long?” Sam could see her cousin was serious about going.

  “Not to worry. I’ll pull Andy into the office if I have to. I’m going with you. Now let’s get to dinner so you two can turn in and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow could be a very busy day.” Jessie turned and opened the door for them all to leave.

  As they walked to dinner,Alex was letting her mind wander in hopes that Anna would show her a glimpse of what was to come but nothing did. When Jessie walked in she headed for Dawson who had her plate already prepared. Sam led the way to the buffet line as Alex wasn’t really that hungry, which wasn’t the norm for her. Feeling like something light, Alex grabbed a bowl of tortilla soup and followed Sam to the two saved seats across from Jessie and Dawson.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Darlin’?” Jessie motioned to the soup and knew Alex would understand since she was usually starving at this hour.

  “Just a little preoccupied, Jess. But really, I’m fine.” Smiling at Jessie and putting her hand on Sam’s leg she focused on her dinner.

  “We found out a lot today that was rather disturbing in the Robert Monroe murder/suicide.” Sam felt Alex pat her leg and knew she wanted her to carry the conversation. It was a signal they had made up during the time when she was home recovering from her run in with Richard Greenway and didn’t have the strength to retell the tale again and again.

  Sam relayed everything they had discovered about the tragedy that occurred at the home of Robert Monroe and the details that led them to check it out. Trying to help Javier and Juana get their new home back would be fantastic if they could pull it off. Jessie told Dawson she really wanted to go along and hoped he agreed. Dawson knew Jessie wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t feel she needed to go. He knew that after the night she almost lost both of her loves that she had changed her priorities when it came to these two.

  “I can handle it. You girls go find your spirit and hopefully he’ll listen to reason.” Dawson put his arm around Jessie and pulled her close for a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hon, you’re the best.” Jessie kissed him back but this time full on the lips.

  “Okay, Jess, we’ll leave after breakfast and who knows when we’ll be back. But it shouldn’t be an all day thing I hope.” Sam said it just in case.

  “Sounds like a plan. Now if you don’t mind a little motherly advice, I’d get your girlfriend to bed as soon as she finishes her soup. She looks very tired and tomorrow could be an emotional day if Mr. Monroe does decide to make an appearance.” Jessie could see that something was on Alex’s mind even if she didn’t know it right now.

  “I will. This is the most activity she’s had continuously for a long time.” Sam could tell Alex was fading fast as she was leaning against her.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a party pooper. I feel like someone just sucked the life out of me all at once.” Alex felt very drained and hoped she would have her energy, not to mention her appetite back by the morning.

  “It’s fine, Alex. We can’t expect you to be 100% just yet.” Sam knew physically Alex could handle it, but emotionally it was hard to say.

  “Thanks. I think I’ve had enough soup for tonight and I’m looking forward to climbing in between those nice cool sheets.” As she put her spoon in her bowl she figured she had enough left in reserve to get back to the room and get her teeth brushed.

  Nodding at Jessie, who motioned to them to leave their dishes, Sam stood up and helped Alex to her feet. There would be no dessert tonight of any kind just a good night’s sleep for both of them.

  Chapter 12

  When Alex awoke she was alone. The light shining in through the window was a sign that it was very close to breakfast. In fact, it may have been the ringing of the bell that brought her out of her deep sleep. She looked around for a note from Sam. When she didn’t see one lying on the table or a cup of coffee waiting for her either, she assumed she’d be back soon. She knew Sam would want to leave as soon as they finished breakfast so she jumped in the shower for a quick wake up splash. As she stepped out she heard the door to the casita close. It was only seconds before the aroma filled the bathroom as Sam stepped in with a hot cup of coffee and a good morning kiss.

  “Good mornin’, Darlin’.” Did you sleep well? Any dreams of what’s to come?” Sam wanted to let Alex sleep as long as possible.

  “No not a one. Which must mean that even Anna has no idea what’s going to happen. But I’m sure as soon as we get in that house she’ll be able to find out.” At least Alex hoped that’s the way it worked. “What have you been up to this morning?”

  “ I did a little internet search for the missing ex-owner of Javier’s house. He seems to have vanished. I’m
assuming he knows that not disclosing the tiny little fact that the house was haunted is a big no-no and he’s gone for good. What a slime. I can understand why Robert didn’t have much use for his family. They seemed to be lazy no accounts from all I’ve read about them.” Sam dried Alex off so she could enjoy her coffee.

  “I could get used to all this pampering, young lady, so be careful you don’t start something you’ll regret later.” As she waited for Sam’s lips to kiss the back of her neck she closed her eyes.

  “I’ll never regret this task or any task that includes you.” She kissed Alex on the neck and then took her coffee and set it down out of harm’s way. Sam wanted to caress her nice warm body without fear of spilling any of that first cup.

  “You say the nicest things in the morning.” Alex kissed her back, knowing Sam would always say sweet things to her.

  “That’s only where you’re concerned. I can have my moments, you just haven’t seen that side of me yet. I could be a real bitch back before I moved down here with Jessie.” Sam would have to tell Alex someday about her being pulled off her best friend when she found out she was sleeping with her then girlfriend, Teresa. Not even Jessie knew about that incident as she wasn’t proud of herself for losing her temper like that.

  “Really, well some rainy day we’ll have to sit down and spill our guts about our pasts.” Alex let go of Sam so she could get dressed and was surprised to see two covered plates waiting on the little table. She could have been fed breakfast in bed if she’d waited just a little longer. “You are so thoughtful. Have I told you how much I love you lately?”


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