Death By Fright

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Death By Fright Page 12

by McCarthy, G. L.

  Alex exited the bathroom as quietly as possible, but it wasn’t necessary as Sam was leaning on her hand waiting for her to come back to bed.

  “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” Alex put the phonebook back in the drawer, laid her phone down on the night stand and slid back under the sheets.

  “Not really. I felt a chill and then realized you weren’t spooning me anymore. I never realized how much heat you give off.” Sam pulled her close to spoon her now.

  “Yep, I’m my own little electric blanket. I get hot enough as it is, so I’m not looking forward to hot flashes what-soever.” Alex wondered if by some miracle she could skip the whole change process all together.

  “So who were you calling at this hour? Another woman perhaps?” Sam knew there wasn’t anyone else, but wanted to tease her about it.

  “Actually, I was. But I don’t think you need to worry about Janet. She’s a little too old for me and madly in love with someone else just like I am with you.” Alex could feel Sam’s arms tighten around her as she finished her statement.

  “No worries here, Darlin’. What’s up with her?” Sam knew Alex had a ton of questions to ask her.

  “She wasn’t in yet. They won’t be open until after noon so I have all morning to bring you up to speed on what I found out about Robert and run a few ideas past you.” Alex wanted to see if they came to the same conclusion.

  She retold everything that Marge and Jack Renfro had shared with her during their visit and Alex could tell that Sam was formulating a few questions.

  “Do you think Petey and Robert were lovers?” Sam knew that if they were it was a secret they had managed to hide from everyone.

  “I was thinking the same thing. It could explain why Robert went into such a funk and why he hit it off with Victoria so well. They actually had more in common than they realized.” Alex wondered if Janet had ever thought the same thing and could hardly wait to ask her.

  As they continued to bat ideas around about other possible reasons for Robert’s surly disposition they slowly got up, showered and dressed just in time as the breakfast bell was ringing. Neither was that hungry and decided to grab the ever important cup of coffee and a muffin and just go for a walk and enjoy the beauty of the ranch.

  “Morning, Jess. How are you this morning?” Alex could see she was on a mission.

  “Busy, Darlin’. So many of the guests are leaving today, lots to do. See you two later.” Jess gave both a quick kiss and then headed back to the office with her third cup of coffee.

  As they walked into the dining room it was filled with only half the number of guests and mostly the kids and fathers. The other couples and mothers were back in the rooms packing so they could catch the shuttle back to the airport. On days like this several shuttles would be sitting out front of the office as there was a lot to take back or have shipped if the present was too big for the plane. Bart was busy eating his breakfast and didn’t see the two walk over to the buffet but Alex would be sure to say goodbye as she didn’t want him to think they’d forgotten him.

  “Good morning, Bart. We just wanted to say goodbye and tell you to have a safe trip home.” Alex rubbed his back as she smiled at his father and brothers.

  “Alex, Sam, I wish we didn’t have to leave today. I’m going to miss you and I wanted to hear more about ghosts and mischievous spirits.” Bart stood up and gave both a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “You take care short man and write us, okay? Just send an email here to the ranch and my cousin will forward it.” Sam figured the pen pal thing would last a couple of weeks. If she only knew what she was starting.

  “Okay. I’d like that and you can tell me more stories and what you’re doing at your house and I’ll tell you the same about me.” Bart wasn’t finished with his breakfast and Dad had orders from Mom to make sure he ate it all so he was directed to say goodbye and finish it.

  As Alex walked out ahead of Sam she turned around and gave her a look when they were out of earshot of everyone in the dining hall.

  “Pen pals, aye? And you and Jess give me a hard time about not wanting to disappoint kids.” Alex was smiling and shaking her head as a sly smile appeared on Sam’s face.

  “I guess your sweet ways are rubbing off on me, Darlin’. But I can’t think of a person I’d like to become more like than you.” Sam knew between being with Alex and getting tips from Ramon she’d be a much better person.

  “You do say the sweetest things which is why I’m so crazy about you.” As Alex said it she felt her eyes tear up and looked over towards the corrals so Sam wouldn’t think she was a complete romantic fool.

  Sam put her muffin on top of her cup and then put her arm around Alex and kissed her cheek as they walked towards their spot outside the gate.

  The air had a clean crispness to it which felt so wonderful, and looking over the beautiful landscape the peacefulness of it all made both women thankful for what they had – each other.

  The silence was suddenly broken by the ringing of Alex’s cell phone which she always carried.

  “Merry Christmas, Cyn. How was yours and TJ’s holiday?” Alex loved caller ID.

  “Merry Christmas to you both. We are having a great time and my parents love TJ. I think if they could they’d adopt her and turn me loose. She and my Dad have been working on his car every chance they get. I’m getting a little jealous of how well she’s bonding with him. But I understand since he had all girls and none of us really cared about cars so he’s in heaven right now. Which pretty much tells me I’m deep trouble if we ever break up. But it’s all good. What have you two been up to?” Cyn was sitting on the front porch of her parents house bundled up watching TJ and her father working in the garage.

  “We’re having a great time too and loving every minute of our stay. I have a little ghost story to tell you when I get home, it’s way too much to tell you over the phone. Sam gave me the most beautiful necklace and I gave her those rings I showed you. What did you get from TJ and did she like her present?” Alex had helped Cyn pick out a beautiful cashmere turtleneck sweater in a teal color.

  “She gave me a beautiful antique picture frame with a document telling the history of where it was made and who the owner was. It’s really old and very nice. She totally spent more on me then I did on her. Which is such a change from all the other women I’ve dated.” Cyn had been assured by TJ that she loved her gift and in no way were presents about monetary value but on the thought that went into its purchase.

  “Wow she’s getting to know you and your love for history. You’re a whole lot easier to shop for than a girl who loves to work on cars and already has every tool needed. Sam and I wracked our brain trying to buy her something she needed but didn’t have. Thank goodness Sam came up with the magazine subscription that she had heard TJ mention she had been meaning to get.” Alex had given Cyn a gift certificate for dinner for two at the Tea Room and one for the hardware store so she could add a few more treasures to her tool box.

  “Did you say you had a ghost story to tell me?” Cyn had been so excited to tell Alex what she got from TJ that she only now realized what she said.

  “Yes, but it’s not finished yet. It’s a work in progress so to speak. We’ll have you two over for dinner when we get back and tell you the whole thing from beginning to end.” Alex just hoped they had a happy ending to go with the story.

  “I’ll be looking forward to it. Well my mom says lunch is ready so we’ll talk later and tell Sam hello from TJ and me. Bye, Alex.” Cyn headed towards the garage to retrieve her girlfriend and father for lunch.

  “Bye, Cyn and the same to TJ.” Alex was so happy for her dear friend and glad she had TJ to look out for her.

  “So what’s new with the love birds?” Sam had only heard Alex’s side of the conversation.

  “Her parents love TJ, just like we knew they would. Her dad loves having someone to work on his car with and TJ gave her anantique picture frame it sounds lovely.” Alex hoped Cyn felt the same whe
n it came to praying every night about her relationship.

  “What’s on your mind? I can tell when you go into one of your deep thinking moments.” Sam could hear the change in Alex’s voice and knew something was up.

  “Oh, you know how you can tell when someone makes a statement and you know the history of that person so it means a whole lot more to them. I can tell how much Cyn is in love with TJ and how she really doesn’t want to lose her. But I also have a nagging feeling that Cyn isn’t telling me every-thing. ” Alex looked at Sam and felt so lucky to have her in her life.

  “Well, TJ is crazy about Cyn and I think they both need to relax. She nearly drove herself nuts trying to get the perfect gift. Thank goodness for ebay. I think you need to talk to TJ and I’ll talk to Cyn and reassure them both that they’re fine and to just treat each other like they would like to be treated. Then everything will be good and we can have fun hanging with each other.” Sam missed her buddy TJ and as much as she loved the ranch wanted to get back and settle into her life with Alex.

  Alex checked her watch and figured by the time they moseyed back to the casita and drove out to the historical society the doors should be open and their investigation into Robert Monroe’s early years could begin and hopefully pro-duce some fruitful results.

  Chapter 24

  On the drive out Sam could tell that Alex’s mind was someplace else. Even though she was sitting right next to her holding her hand she knew she was miles away thinking of an assortment of different things as her mind bounced from subject to subject. Almost like she was in a trance that Sam needed to bring her out of when she parked the truck.

  “Where have you been?” Sam could see that Alex was surprised as she looked around.

  “I’m not sure. I was thinking about Janet and Victoria and the next thing I know we’re here. That’s a little weird.” Alex had spaced out before while driving herself but not for such a long time.

  “Do you feel all right?” Sam thought she looked distracted and preoccupied.

  “I’m fine – but a little foggy. It’s like I’m looking through a dirty window. I’ll be fine as soon as I focus on what I need to ask Janet.” Alex was trying to shake the feeling.

  As they walked into the building a man was sitting at the desk and Alex was hoping he was just there to help.

  “Good afternoon, ladies. Can I help you?”

  “I was hoping Janet was working today?” Alex looked beyond the young man to the room she had appeared from last time.

  “Oh, Janet took a leave of absence. We’re not sure when she’ll be back. Are you a friend of hers?” Janet had asked him to give her number out if anyone came asking about her.

  “Yes. I mean not a long time friend, but a friend and I wanted to find out how her Christmas went and you know, catch up.” Alex could only hope she was listed in the phone book if he wouldn’t give it to her.

  “Is your name Alex?” The young man reached for a card taped to the computer screen.

  “Yes, I am.” Her heart jumped as it meant that Janet had left her some way of getting a hold of her.

  “She told me to give you her address and phone number. She was hoping you could stop by for a visit before you went home.” Handing the card to Alex, the young man took his seat and started to shuffle the paperwork on his desk.

  “Thank you so much. Have a great day.” Alex smiled at Sam as this was even better.

  Reaching for her cell phone Alex punched in the number and listened to it ring several times before Janet answered. She had a lot to tell Alex and told her how to get to her place. Alex was still feeling a little foggy but hoped she’d get out of it soon enough.

  Janet didn’t live that far away and they arrived in ten minutes. Alex felt excited to see Janet almost giddy in a way and wasn’t sure why. She only had some questions about Robert and Petey, but nothing that would explain how she was feeling. When they reached the steps to the porch the front door opened and Janet stepped out looking like a new woman. Alex walked towards her and took her hand and placed it behind Janet’s neck.

  “I said I’d come back to you.” Alex was not in control as she kissed Janet in a way she would only kiss Sam.

  Sam was in shock, but then realized Alex would never do it and that she was being controlled by Victoria. It would totally explain why Alex wasn’t feeling like herself the past hour. Janet pulled back and looked at Alex and then Sam as if to say “what are you doing?”

  “It’s not Alex. It’s Victoria. She’s using her to be with you.” Sam was now holding Alex as she wanted to follow Janet into her house. “Did Victoria say she would come to you?”

  “Yes. Last night in my dream she said she would find a way for us to be together again. But not like this. Vicky let her go, let her go.” Janet was backing into the house as Alex tried to follow, but then she went limp in Sam’s arms. Alex went to her knees before Sam realized she’d been released.

  “Oh my God. Is she okay? I can’t believe Vicky would do that without Alex’s permission. I can’t believe she could do it at all.” Janet was shaking as she went to help Sam lay Alex down on the porch.

  “Alex is very susceptible to this kind of thing. She’s so open to it that spirits just seem to take over.” Sam was stroking Alex face and then patted her hand to get her to come to.

  Alex’s eyes started to twitch and then she opened them looking quite puzzled as to what just happened.

  “Did I black out again?All I remember is getting out of the truck but that’s all.” Alex looked around and slowly sat up. “Did I faint?”

  “No. Victoria took over and you kissed Janet. Much to our surprise.” Sam knew that would upset Alex. It was one thing to use her body to argue with someone but a whole other matter when it came to showing affection to another person.

  “I kissed Janet! What the heck? Is Victoria out of her mind? What was she thinking or not thinking about how I would react to it?” Alex was mad. Not that she didn’t under-stand but a little notice or at least ask her permission.

  “I’m so sorry Alex. I had no idea Vicky could or would do something like this.” Janet was crying and looked shaken up.

  “It’s really not a big deal, Janet. It was just unexpected and I guess it scared me a little.” Alex didn’t want Janet to feel bad as it wasn’t her fault in any way. “It’s just odd that’s all.”

  Alex flashed Sam a look that meant I need to talk to you about this later. Alex got to her feet with Sam’s help and went inside so she could get the answers to the questions she’d come here to ask. Janet offered them some iced tea and everyone settled down not wanting to discuss further about what just happened.

  “Well, Janet, the reason for my visit, besides kissing you for Victoria, was to ask you some questions about Robert and his friend Petey.” Alex was trying to keep this meeting light and not let what happened put a dampener on the visit.

  “Petey. How do you know about him?” Janet had never mentioned him.

  “I met Marge and Jack Renfro, the old owners of Thunder Mountain Ranch. They brought me up to date on what they knew about Robert.” Alex wasn’t sure if Janet would have known them.

  “Marge Renfro, how is she? She did seem to know a lot about what was going on around here. How she found out stuck on that ranch is beyond me.” Janet thought her to be a busybody but a nice enough lady.

  “She’s fine and filled me in on some of Robert’s early years. My question to you is what do you know about Petey. I didn’t ask any questions about him because I didn’t really want to have to explain to Marge why I was asking.” Alex knew that would open a whole can of worms she didn’t want to open.

  “He was a very nice man. Loving father and very good husband. He and Robert were best friends and when he died I think it was harder on Robert than his wife, Rachel.” Janet could tell Alex was surprised at what she was hearing.

  “Petey was married?” Alex couldn’t believe what she heard.

  “Yes. He and Rachel married right after he got
out of college – the same one as Robert. Why are you so surprised?” Janet wondered what this had to do with Robert haunting his old house.

  “Crud.” Alex stood up and walked to the window and thought of another scenario. “Let me ask you a hypothetical question. I’m not saying this is how it happened but did you ever think that Robert and Petey were lovers? Maybe before they went off to college. But then when they came back Petey was pressured into getting married?”

  Alex watched Janet as she looked straight ahead and thought about what she had just been asked. Then she looked up at Alex and a smile came over her face that told her she was now on the same page.

  “I never would have thought of that. They were so close and went everywhere together. It was like they knew what the other was thinking and I always thought it was so great how connected they were as friends. But looking back it’s so obvious. But why kill Victoria when he found out she was gay? Why not understand and wish her well?” Janet would love to hear his answer to that question.

  “I think that by then he was so angry and hurt that the thought of Victoria going off to be with the woman she loved and not care about what anyone thought pushed him over the edge.” Alex had felt such resentment, but never would kill anyone over it. “Then when he realized what he had done he killed himself.”


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