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Death By Fright

Page 13

by McCarthy, G. L.

“I wonder if you could ask Robert his reason, if you would get the truth out of him.” Janet wished she could talk to Victoria about this.

  “I may just do that. I’m hoping I can get him to leave the house, like Victoria did, with the incentive to go find Petey and finally be happy.” Alex could only hope.

  Sam could see in Alex’s face that she was getting tired as her uninvited guest took more out of her than she wanted to admit. Alex had that far away look in her eyes again and Sam went to her side. Alex leaned against Sam but was going to finish this conversation on a high note.

  “Janet, you’ve been a big help and I appreciate it very much. If you remember anything else about Robert and Petey like a fond memory that I could use I’d appreciate a call.” Alex took the piece of paper that had Janet’s info on it and wrote her cell phone number on the back. “I’ve put your number in my cell phone and Sam knows how to get here now. If you talk to Victoria tonight give her my regards and let her know not to use me like that again. Unless she gets permission from my Sam.”

  Alex smiled at Janet as she gave her a hug and then headed for the truck so she could discuss all this with Sam on their way back to the ranch to take a much needed nap.

  Chapter 25

  As they drove back to the ranch Alex was talking non-stop about how could Anna have let Victoria take over and could this happen again. Or did Anna see nothing wrong with it and that’s why she didn’t stop her. But why did she lose consciousness when she hadn’t before?Then Alex settled down and saw both sides of it she wasn’t in any danger from Victoria so why interfere? Plus,why would she think that Anna was watching every move she made maybe she only came when there was trouble and kissing another woman wasn’t life threatening, although it could be if Sam had been extremely jealous. It was something that Alex needed to sort out with Victoria the next time they met face to face. Alex apologized to Sam for kissing Janet, but was told not to fret; she knew it wasn’t something she would have done if she’d been in control of her actions. But Sam told Alex it did send a sick feeling to the pit of her stomach at seeing her kissing Janet. Alex laid her head on Sam’s shoulder and told her she knew exactly how she would feel if the roles were reversed and hoped it never happened again. Then she was overcome with fatigue and tried to stay awake, but lost the fight and fell fast asleep.

  “Darlin’, were back.” Sam had parked and was gently shaking Alex to wake up.

  “Okay.” Alex had an uneasy feeling in her stomach and an overwhelming sense of dread. “Sam, I need to lie down, I don’t feel so good.”

  Sam held Alex’s arm as they walked back to the casita and could feel her shaking. When they reached the door Alex was crying and as soon as they were inside the flood gates opened as she became hysterical.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” Sam was afraid that all this spirit stuff was beginning to take its toll on her mental state.

  “I’m so sorry. I never meant to cheat on you. I love you so much, please forgive me.” Alex was beside herself with remorse.

  “Darlin’ you didn’t cheat on me. It wasn’t you, please stop crying. I love you more than my life. It’s okay.” Sam was wiping the tears away and had never felt so loved in her life.

  Alex pulled Sam as close as her strength would allow and continued to cry on her shoulder. Sam continued to con-sole Alex and reassure her that everything was fine between them. When Alex finally did stop crying she told her of the dream she had on their way home and that Sam had never forgiven her for kissing Janet and left her to return to the ranch. Taking Alex’s face in her hands Sam reassured her that it was never going to happen and she needed to calm down. Leading her to the bed she lay down on top of the covers and pulled Alex towards her. Then, pulling her close requested that she go to sleep and dream about them spending the rest of their life together as happily as two people could possibly be. It was only a matter of minutes before Sam could hear Alex’s breathing and knew she was sound asleep once again.

  As Sam lay there her mind was racing with fears that she was going to lose Alex from all this drama she was dealing with. Maybe they should cut their trip short and go home tomorrow to get away from Robert Monroe and his haunted house. It hadn’t been that long ago that Alex was terrorized by not only Richard Greenway but by Sally Jennings’ attempt on her life too. Both wanting her dead, but for different reasons!And then dealing with Ramon’s murderer, not to mention the end of a five year relationship wow! How much could one person put up with before they cracked and became an emotional basket case? Sam didn’t want to find out and wanted to talk to Jessie about what she thought of them making an early departure. It took a good five minutes to slowly pull away from Alex as not to wake her. Putting the thermal blanket over her so she wouldn’t get cold, Sam left a note on the night stand and slipped out to find Jessie.

  Sam headed for the office and found her cousin still dealing with guests who where leaving. She had helped out before behind the counter and could tell Jessie was in need of some assistance. She grabbed ringing phones and made calls for people who had missed the earlier shuttles to arrange for cabs to come out and take them back to the airport. It only took thirty minutes to deal with the last few departing guests and the office was once again nice and quiet.

  “Thanks, Sam. That was a big help. Dawson had to deal with some plumbing issue in the kitchen and they all came at once, which always seems to be the case. So what’s up?” Jessie wondered why Alex wasn’t with her.

  “Jess, I think we should go home tomorrow. This whole Robert Monroe drama is taking a toll on Alex.” Sam proceeded to inform Jessie of everything that had happened to them earlier and Alex’s dream.

  “Do you think Alex will go for it? She’s determined to fix this problem and I know her, you’d have an easier time of getting her to give up teaching.” Jessie had been down this road before.

  “I was afraid of that. What do you suggest I do then? I mean, let it go like nothing happened or address my con-cerns?” Sam was hoping for a little help.

  “You know as well as I do that you need to tell her how you feel. She won’t dismiss your feelings so talk to her.” Jessie needed to get back to work as another guest enter-ed the office and approached the counter.

  “Thanks Jess, I’ll let you know how it goes.” Sam slowly walked back to the casita thinking of how to start this conversation.

  As she quietly opened the door, she saw that Alex was still asleep and it didn’t appear that she’d moved the entire time Sam was gone. Noting the time if Alex didn’t wake up soon she may have trouble sleeping tonight or was she so exhausted that she may sleep through until morning? Having missed lunch Sam’s stomach started to rumble and she headed for the frig and her leftovers. She hoped the microwave wouldn’t wake Alex, and she would be sure to take it out before the timer sounded. But first she needed to hit the bathroom and then heat up her chili relleno. As the microwave hummed she looked at Alex for any sign that she was being disturbed and it didn’t appear to be the case until she took her food out of the microwave. The aroma filled the air and that was like setting off an alarm. Alex started to stir and then opened her eyes in time to see Sam take her first bite.

  “Smells divine. Can you heat up mine, too?” Alex was feeling a little better but still uneasy about what had happened.

  “Your wish is my command. How’d you sleep?” Sam pulled her stroganoff out and placed it in the microwave and hit start. Then she went to the side of the bed and kneeled down so she could be face to face with Alex.

  “Fine.” Alex stroked Sam’s face and then smiled as she leaned in for a kiss.

  “Do you know how much I love you, Ms. Whitney?” Sam whispered in Alex’s ear and then gently kissed it.

  “I hope as much as I love you.” Alex eyes were tearing up and she couldn’t help it.

  “More my love and I want you to stop what you’re thinking. What happened at Janet’s is now ancient history and you need to let it go.” Sam hated to see Alex this upset and it was b
eginning to upset her too.

  The sound of the timer going off helped to distract Alex a little with the thought of something to eat. But it con-cerned Sam as Alex just picked at the dish she had been de-vouring last night.

  “Talk to me, Darlin’. What’s the matter?” Sam knew there had to be more to it.

  “What else could happen when a spirit decides to take over?How will I stop the next Victoria or Robert when they seem to be able to come and go as they please? Sam, I could hurt someone I’m flesh and blood.” Alex was freaking out inside as to the possible consequences of this latest event.

  “I don’t think Anna and Ramon would let that happen. You have to trust them and now that you’ve let it be known you’re not to be used again by a stranger I think they will be on guard.” Sam sincerely hoped that her words were being heard and this would be the last time something like this could happen.

  “I hope you’re right. But you need to keep a tighter leash on me so to speak. Don’t let me get free rein around anyone else. I want you by my side the whole time we’re in the house.” Alex would be sure to hold on to Sam and not let go.

  “So you still want to do this? I mean go confront Robert and try to get him to leave. You’re sure you’re up to it?” Sam was feeling out the situation and hoped Alex would hear the concern in her voice.

  “Yes, unless you don’t want me to. I know how much this scares you and how helpless you feel I would feel the same way. But I’m sure I can do this if you are with me.” Alex looked into Sam’s brown eyes and knew she would be.

  “Always.” Sam kissed Alex on the cheek and was pleased to see her appetite return.

  Alex’s mood was subdued to say the least, but she did finish her leftovers. Sam wasn’t quite sure how to act. On one hand she wanted to let Alex know not to dwell on the kiss and how much she loved her, but not go overboard so that it looked contrived. She decided to say nothing and just keep holding her hand, giving it an occasional squeeze. It seemed to work as Alex slowly came around and started kidding with Sam, much to her delight.

  “You are really getting good at letting me figure out what I’m doing. Just letting me think without a lot of talking seems to be the best way for me. I would say you and Ramon make a great team where I’m concerned, young lady.” Alex preferred it this way than being told what to do and how to feel. It worked for her.

  “We try, but sometimes we may not get it right so please be patient.” Sam could see the old Alex emerging from the ashes of her latest crash.

  “I hope you can be patient with me too. I didn’t mean to lose it like that, but this feeling came over me like none I’d ever felt before. Like when you are gluing something and then realize it’s wrong and you can’t get it apart. Then the panic sets in with that feeling of what am I going to do now? I felt totally devastated and how could I ever fix it?” Alex never wanted to feel that way again.

  “I know the old saying ‘no sense crying over spiltmilk’ doesn’t really apply here because it sounds so trivial but in a way what you did by kissing Janet was trivial in that it wasn’t you and I couldn’t hold it against you and neither should you.” Sam could tell by the look Alex was giving her that it was exactly what she wanted to hear.

  “Thank you. I’m so grateful that you see it that way.” Alex let out a big sigh and with it the burden she was carrying about the kiss.

  Sam stood and pulled Alex up into a hug and then a gentle kiss to reassure her that everything was fine and to let it all go.

  “So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Sam looked out the window and could tell there wasn’t much of the day left.

  “Just stay here with you, if you don’t mind. I really don’t feel like socializing.” Alex had a headache coming on and just wanted to curl up next to Sam and sleep it off.

  “I don’t mind at all.” Sam could tell by the look in Alex’s eyes that she was hurting. It had been a look she saw during the recovery after surgery. “Can I get you some aspirin for your headache?”

  “I love you so much, thank you.” Alex pulled Sam as close as she could and never wanted to let go. This woman was a treasure and Alex knew it.

  “Darlin’, you’ll need to let go so I can go get it.” Try-ing to lighten the mood Sam kissed her on the neck as she felt her grip relax. “Don’t move; I’ll be right back.”

  Sam went into the bathroom to retrieve the aspirin and a glass of water. Alex hadn’t moved and took the aspirin and drank all the water then resumed her position by wrapping her arms around Sam again. As Sam smiled to herself she knew Alex was going to be asleep as soon as the pills took effect so she led her to the bed and the two got comfortable for the rest of what little day there was left.

  As Sam listened to Alex‘s breathing and knew she was asleep she wondered if she should just put her foot down and be the bad guy and stop her from going back to that house. Javier and Juana would understand if they knew what this was doing to Alex. And both Sheriff Rod and Jessie would be all for it as she felt neither thought it was a good idea from the beginning. But could Alex let it go or resent her for stopping her from doing something she really thought she could handle? Jessie had said that Alex didn’t like being told what to do, but this was for her own good. But how do you convince someone of that if they think you’re just trying to control them and Alex had just ended a relationship where she felt controlled? She needed to have a heart to heart with Alex before they went back to that house. Maybe if she took a day and they had a nice trail ride or took a drive so Alex could just think about it she might change her mind.

  Sam awoke to a gentle knocking at the door. As she slowly pulled away from Alex she opened the door to find Jessie and realized it was after dinner.

  “Hey, Jess.” Sam stepped out of the casita and closed the door behind her.

  “I was worried about you two when you didn’t show for dinner. Is everything all right?” Not receiving a call to tell her what was up was not the usual behavior of these two.

  “Alex is totally wiped out and I think she’ll sleep until tomorrow. I’m sorry for not calling. I didn’t think I’d fall asleep too.” Sam wondered if she’d be able to get back to sleep.

  “Are you hungry? Do you want me to go get you something?” Jessie figured Sam would want to stay with Alex.

  “You know, I am a little. Just let me cover up Alex and leave a note. I don’t think she’ll wake up, but I don’t want to risk it.” Sam slipped back into the casita and emerged several minutes later.

  Sam and Jessie had a nice long talk while Sam ate her dinner and reassured her that she needed to have that talk and one more day wouldn’t hurt anyone. In fact it would give Alex an extra day to rest up and Jessie enough time to clear her day so she could come along too.

  Chapter 26

  As Sam walked back to the casita this new plan sounded better than just the two of them going to confront Robert Monroe’s ghost. Andy had wanted to come along and now he would have time to switch days off with one of the other guys. Sam felt the more people around the better just in case things started to fly in a very bad way. As she entered the casita she found Alex awake. She had gotten undressed and was sitting at the little table in her bathrobe, drinking a glass of water.

  “Hey, you’re up. Did I wake you when I left? Are you hungry?” Sam wondered if she had been up all this time.

  “No. I’ve only been up for a few minutes and I’m not hungry.” Alex had wondered where Sam had gone and then found the note letting her know.

  “That’s good. Jess came by when we didn’t show up for dinner. So I went back with her and grabbed a quick bite and we had a nice talk. I think we need to talk ourselves about what we’re doing as far as dealing with Robert Monroe.” Sam hoped that didn’t sound too bossy or controlling.

  Sam discussed her concerns and they both decided to spend the next day finding out more about Robby Monroe and his friend, Petey Finnegan. This new information may give Alex the extra edge she needed to appeal to Rob
ert’s softer side, if he had one, so he would leave the house and let the new owners live in peace. If they could contact Rachel Finnegan it seemed she’d be the best source for personal information and hopefully she was still alive and living in the area. Alex pulled out the phonebook and felt her heart jump when she found a listing. Since she was the only Rachel Finnegan in the book, Alex really hoped it was her and not a grandchild or someone not related at all. The next step, after verifying she was the wife, would be how do you start a conversation with someone and ask about her husband pos-sibly being in a sexual relationship with another man? Sam suggested Alex tell Rachel that she was gathering information for a book on the local area and its prominent residents. It sounded like a good way to get the conversation rolling. They discussed what to ask without sounding as if she was prying into her personal life with Peter. Alex felt secure in this plan and dialed the number, but as luck would have it she got the answering machine and so she left a brief message and gave Sam’s cell number since she still had her old local number.

  Now what would they do if she didn’t call back or that wasn’t her? There was always Janet, but Alex didn’t want to go near her place as the fear of Victoria making another appearance made her feel panicked all over again. No, this had to work and Alex sent up a request to Anna and Ramon to please track this woman down and have her call back. Noting the time they decided to call it a night and go to bed, and hope-fully they would get a call in the morning.

  Alex tossed and turned all night as the events of the previous day played on her mind and she kept reliving her meltdown with Sam. The last time she looked at the clock, before finally falling asleep, it showed three-thirty and the next thing she knew Sam’s cell phone was ringing. Sam handed the phone to Alex as caller ID showed a local number and the name Rachel Finnegan. As she cleared her throat to make it sound like she hadn’t been asleep she tried to answer in an upbeat and professional manner.


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