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Death By Fright

Page 17

by McCarthy, G. L.

  “Well do you want to tell me everything now or wait for her to wake up?” Jessie knew she’d be telling this story more than once during their remaining time at the ranch.

  “How about we go get some coffee and maybe the aroma will wake her up. I need something. Its been a long night. You know Jess it seems everything happens to us at night. I wonder why that is?” Sam remembered back to her experience with Richard Greenway.

  “I guess it’s the best time to play with ghosts.” Jessie smiled at her cousin and opened the door so they could go get that cup of coffee.

  “Did you bring me coffee?” Alex sat straight up when she heard the door lock click and thought they were coming in instead of going out.

  “Not yet, Darlin’. We were on our way to get it. We’ll be right back.” Sam went to the side of the bed and kissed her. Alex was surprised by such a passionate good morning kiss.

  “Hmmm nice. I’ve got to tell you about the most amazing dream I had. It was so vivid.” Alex plopped back down on the bed and rolled on her side to watch her two loves retrieve her a cup of coffee.

  “I can hardly wait. We’ll be right back.” Sam mo-tioned to Jess to go out first. “Jess, I think we should let her tell us her dream before I tell her what really happened. Agreed?” Sam wanted to hear if Alex told it as it happened to her as Victoria.

  “Agreed.” Jessie was glad it was early as this telling of tales could take a while.

  When they returned with the coffee Alex was coming out of the bathroom in her bathrobe drying her hair with a towel.

  “I needed a quick shower to wake me up. Oh that coffee smells divine.” Alex wrapped the towel around her head and then gave Sam a quick kiss on the lips as she took her cup in both hands.

  “How do you feel? Rested I hope.” Sam could see the spark was back in her eyes.

  “Good, but a little strange. My left cheek is sore which is so weird because I dreamed last night that Robert Monroe slapped me really hard. I was Victoria and we had this huge fight, but it was me. Like she was using me to talk to him. Oh, and then after he hit me Ramon appeared and was going to punch his lights out. So Anna stopped him and convinced Robert to go with her. I hope it will be that easy today.” Alex took a sip of her coffee and saw the look on Sam’s face. “What?”

  “Well Darlin’ it wasn’t a dream. That’s how it hap-pened last night. Although it was me there at first and I too was slapped by Robert. But then Ramon came to me and allowed me to see him and I was ready to punch his lights out for hitting you.” Sam could tell by the look on Alex’s face that she knew it was all true.

  “So he did go with Anna and it’s all over.” Alex was so glad.

  “Yes, she came to help him leave.” Sam then saw the tears forming in Alex’s eyes.

  “So Janet’s gone too. She came to me and thanked me for all I had done to bring her and Victoria together again.” Alex felt the loss, but knew she was much happier now.

  “I believe so. Sheriff Rod is going to stop by and con-firm my suspicions.” Sam just wished she knew for sure that Robert and Peter were together and were gone from that house.

  “Then those two men standing behind her and Victoria must have been Robert and Peter. Robert looked a lot younger, but it had to be them. So they’re all happy now and at peace.” Alex started to cry tears of joy as this was all over and their vacation would get back on track.

  Sam took Alex in her arms and let her cry on her shoulder for a few minutes to let all the emotion this ordeal had caused go. Alex requested they spend the remaining time at the ranch just hanging out with each other with no mention of haunted houses for the duration. Sam agreed and Jessie seconded it. Alex sat and let Sam tell her in detail all that had happened after she had taken the tranquilizer and had no recall of their shower together. But she requested to have the whole event replayed after breakfast.

  Alex was starving which was always a good sign and the three of them headed off to have breakfast and plan the rest of their time together at Thunder Mountain Ranch.


  As slowly as their first week at the ranch went by, the second week would fly by. Alex and Sam spent the rest of their days together taking long walks, trail rides and drives in the country. As well as a special visit to see Connie and her family and tell them all that had happened at the Monroe house and again how Anna and Ramon had saved the day. New Years Eve was spent having dinner with Jessie and Dawson at the ranch’s annual party and toasting in the New Year with champagne and kisses all around. Andy and Dean slipped out early to have their own private celebration, a plan that Alex and Sam followed after they left the party.

  Their New Years Day was spent sleeping in and then taking a private trail ride with Jessie. The next day Sam would pack up the rest of her stuff and Smokey and head for Hastings and her new life with Alex as well as preparing for her new job as a deputy sheriff. Alex would have another day and a half to spend with Jessie before flying out Friday afternoon. Alex loved having the time to spend with Jessie but wanted to help drive Smokey back with Sam. This had been one discussion when Sam asserted herself and told Alex she would be fine. Alex needed to be well rested come Monday morning when she started back at Taylorwood. That first day would be hard enough without the fatigue of having just driven cross country. This was a plan that was non-negotiable and Alex knew it.

  Javier’s plan was that after he’d spent a week in the house by himself without incident, Juana and the kids would move back in. Which was exactly what they did and they were very happy to have their home back. Sam and Alex were given a lifetime pass for free meals whenever they were in town. The official autopsy report from the coroner stated that Pancho had suffered a broken neck from his fall. His blood alcohol level was blamed for his loss of motor skills resulting in his fall off the front porch causing his death. No other cause was mentioned on his death certificate.

  Janet’s funeral was well attended and her passing had been a surprise to both her friends and co-workers, but not to those who knew the real story. Alex and Sam knew she was happier now and the sale of her house would benefit her precious historical society.

  Jessie started planning her trip to Hawaii. They would leave when the ranch shut down for the winter renovation and hopefully they would have time for two trips as she promised to come to Hastings for a visit after their return from a much needed second honeymoon. Andy and Dean also promised to come for a visit during that time.

  Alex did help Sam plan her trip and suggested she take her time especially while driving through Pennsylvania with its rich history from both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Spending a day to visit Gettysburg, Valley Forge or taking a side road to explore the countryside to seek out of the way battlefields was an experience that shouldn’t be missed. Gettysburg and Valley Forge were both in the southern part of Pennsylvania and I-80 was further north which was a more direct route to Hastings. Sam would see how she felt when she reached Akron, Ohio. It would be the last leg of her trip unless she decided to take a detour and see the sights. But both places would be more fun if she had Alex with her and not a twelve hundred pound horse that wasn’t used to the city.

  Wednesday night Alex helped Sam load the truck and enough hay to keep Smokey well fed for the trip. Sam was preoccupied with making sure she had everything she would need in case she decided to sleep under the stars. Wanting to save money was her own little plan that she hadn’t shared with Alex who wouldn’t think it was such a great idea. Packing her gun in its case and placing it under her front seat was the last item on her list. Alex was having a small anxiety attack as this would be the first time they’d been apart since Sam arrived in Hastings six weeks ago. But she knew she would be seeing her late Sunday night or after school on Monday. Either way they could have a nice dinner at the Tea House to celebrate her safe return.

  Sam had set her alarm for six and retrieved their coffee as she had every day during their stay at the ranch. She insisted Alex stay in bed and sleep in. She didn’t w
ant any tears as she pulled out. She would see her soon enough and then the fun would begin. Alex couldn’t drink her coffee as her stomach was in knots. Sam was a very capable woman and knew how to take care of herself. But Alex couldn’t help but pray and ask Ramon if he could stay with her the whole way home. She needed Anna to stay with her to help keep her calm and help her enjoy the rest of her time here at the ranch. Jessie came by with a large ice chest packed with sandwiches, finger food and bottled water for the drive as she knew her cousin would push herself to get home to Alex as soon as she could.

  Sam kissed Alex’s forehead and told her she would see her soon. Jessie walked her to her truck and gave her a big hug.

  “Take care and drive carefully. I don’t know if Alex could bear losing you after all you’ve been through together.” Jessie missed having Sam around and knew she wouldn’t be back for quite some time.

  “Always, Jess. I feel the same way about Alex. You take good care of her and yourself. I’ll see you after your trip and we always have the phone and email.” Sam hugged Jessie as tight as she could and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Tell Dawson I said bye.”

  Andy then appeared leading Smokey as he wanted to help her load him into the trailer. Smokey was wearing a brand new winter blanket. Everyone had pooled their money together to buy it as a going away present for Sam. Dawson, Carlos, Little Ramon and Winston came along behind the black mustang to say their goodbyes. Sam was trying to fight back the tears as she loved her ranch family very much. Smokey marched into the trailer like he was going for a short ride. Bruce Willis nickered goodbye from the corral as his trail buddy was leaving him for his new life on the east coast.

  Sam almost got away without any tears until she saw Alex at the front gate. She needed one last kiss from Sam before she headed for home. Alex had known about the blanket and told Sam how lucky she was to have so many people who cared for her so much.

  “Yes, Darlin’ I’m blessed to have them and especially you. See you later” The tears were running down her cheeks as she kissed Alex goodbye and pulled out of the main gate. The next several days were going to be spent focusing on the road, only stopping to let Smokey stretch his legs, clean out his side of the trailer and sleeping under the stars. The sooner Sam got back to Hastings and Alex, the better.

  Not A Good Reason

  The Fifth Alexandria Whitney Mystery

  G. L. McCarthy

  Sam’s drive back to Hastings seems uneventful until she stops for the night just east of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. While picking up grain for Smokey at a local feed store Sam meets a local farmer who offers her the use of a barn, at one of several vacant farms, he owns in the area. Looking forward to a good night’s sleep and giving Smokey a nice dry straw bed to sleep on sounds too good to pass up. What the farmer isn’t aware of is that this particular barn is haunted by the spirit of a suspected Civil War deserter who believes he has been cursed to spend eternity on earth for betraying his country. With a little help from Alex and Sam can he find vindication and happiness living in Hastings? Will he be able to repay them by protecting Alex from her past? Only Anna and Ramon know for sure how it will all turn out.

  Thank you for giving me a chance to entertain you for a little while. I hope you enjoyed Death By Fright and will be looking forward to reading the next installment.

  Other Alexandria Whitney Mysteries


  Thunder Mountain Ranch

  But, Mercury’s Not In Retrograde!




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