Billionaire's Revenge: A Billionaire Romance (Tempting Billionaires Book 1)

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Billionaire's Revenge: A Billionaire Romance (Tempting Billionaires Book 1) Page 1

by Claire Angel


  Billionaire's Revenge

  Billionaire’s Revenge: A Billionaire Romance

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


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  How to connect with me!

  Books By This Author

  Billionaire's Revenge

  A Billionaire Romance



  Copyright © 2020 by Claire Angel

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.


  Billionaire’s Revenge: A Billionaire Romance


  What will you do if your boss, who is the richest man of the country, asks you for a date in the first meeting?

  Can you refuse it, even if you are not really interested?

  And what if it is an order not just a proposal.

  Do you think you have any choice?

  All my focus on my work and I was about to get my promotion.

  But before that could happen, he took over the company.

  I can’t deny the fact that I was attracted to him.

  Because he is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen.

  He played with my feelings,

  And made me feel like I was not less than a princess.

  He made sure that I was addicted to him and his body.

  His effect stayed on me until I saw him with his assistant.

  Everything shattered… and I was left broken.

  I realized he was not only egotistic jerk but a womanizer too.

  He made me fall in love with him.

  And once he achieved what he wanted, he left me broken.

  A part of me wanted to believe that he can never do that to me.

  But I can’t fool myself anymore.

  He is dominant, dangerous, and most powerful billionaire. He broke my heart. Is he going to destroy my career as well?


  Chapter 1


  “Get off me.” Even the sight of her bothered me.

  As I pushed Katherine off me, after another regretful night, all I could think about was why I kept indulging in this behavior. When I ogled Katherine, I saw why. Every crevice of her body was as perfect as could be. Her raven hair gently caressed her face, covering her rosy cheekbones, the length of her body sprawled across the ivory sheets, her taut ass only partially covered by the ends of my shirt.

  Katherine wasn’t the reason I felt so irritated, but her presence spiked my temperament. I was already tired after having worked late into the night, tending to numerous security scandals, and then having flown in late. I didn’t mind the flight. The new company jet was more comfortable than the last. The last jet didn’t have Katherine as a flight attendant, though. As I got off the bed and made my way across the room I could barely remember ever having checked into, I was met by my reflection as soon as I entered the bathroom.

  “Where did you go, Mr. Roland?” I turned and looked at Katherine unenthusiastically, to find her waiting for instruction.

  “Conner, please.” As I told Katherine that she could find her own way out, I noticed my phone vibrating against the marble countertop. I was surprised that my brother was even awake at quarter past nine. Brian usually never woke up early in the morning, so I hurriedly answered, thinking it might be an emergency.

  “Hey, Brian! What can I do for you?”

  “Hey, Conner, how have you been? Anyway, I need a favor. It’s really important.”

  I had gotten used to helping Brian out with little inconveniences, he was my brother after all. If I couldn’t make time for him, then what’s the point of operating a highly lucrative hedge fund? “Yes, tell me. What do you need?”

  I was hoping he wouldn’t ask for more money; our parents had left him everything when they decided to move to a hermitage in India, and he had lost most of it gambling and on trying to impress women. It’s kind of ironic how Mom and Dad decided to go all the way to India just to help others, and their son lost his millions on women and blackjack.

  “Could you wire me some cash? I’m taking Erika out on a holiday in a couple hours and I’m running a bit low.” At first, I was just wondering who Erika was. Wasn’t it Holly just a couple of weeks ago?

  “Of course, but you really need to start looking after yourself.” I knew that wasn’t the last time, but he’s my younger brother, so I couldn’t really help it.

  “What’s the point in having a billionaire as a brother if he doesn’t look after his younger brother, right, Conner?”

  I didn’t even know what to say to the guy, so I just laughed and hung up and scrolled through my contacts. “Hey, Lisa, how are you this morning?”

  “I’m doing well, Mr. Roland. How can I help you?” Lisa had been my secretary for the past four years, and she was responsible for keeping me organized and sane. I couldn’t help but think of her as I told her to sort Brian out. Her straight blonde hair, her hazel eyes, her plump lips, her immaculate hourglass form, she really did make it hard to keep that relationship purely professional.

  I stared at my own reflection, all 6’3 inches of my muscular build. I had been going to the gym since I was thirteen years old, and it did pay off. I couldn’t help but think of how Lisa would look on the marble counter, her long legs tied around my tight waist, her hands resting on my shoulders, her nails on my back. I hadn’t been one for working out to look good. I always did it to feel good, but the byproduct wasn’t something I complained about.

  “Let me know when it’s done. I’ll speak to you later.” I hung up and looked back to see if Katherine was still there. Thinking about Lisa made me want Katherine again. She wasn’t there; she had left already. I suppose she took it the wrong way when I told her to find her way out.

  Chapter 2


  “I’m coming,” I yelled, hoping that Brian would hear, as he was knocking on the door. We were leaving for holiday to the Maldives, which was all Brian’s plan.

  I was running late, as I had been working all night to make sure I could ask for a few days leave to go on holiday with Brian. He and I had been friends for around four months at the time, so when he asked me to go to the Maldives with him, I was kind of surprised. But, Brian was a nice guy and it was goi
ng to be a good experience to explore a new place.

  “It’s alright, take your time,” Brian stated. His tone was hurried but considerate, at least that’s what it sounded like to me.

  I grabbed the bag I had packed early in the morning and placed the strap on my shoulder. I also picked up my work bag, just in case I had any important work, and opened the door to see Brian. He was a good-looking guy. He looked like something out of a box, a chiseled jaw present sharply over his thick neck. It was obvious he loved his time at the gym. His sleeves barely fit around his arms. It was clear it was intentional, though.

  “Hey, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.” Brian reached for my shoulder to take my bag from me.

  He reassured me that it was not a problem at all. I was surprised that friends like him even existed. I mean, before him I would never have thought about taking a spontaneous trip to the Maldives. We walked toward the car when Brian put his arm around me. At first, I thought it was playful until he said that he was excited for our private time. Hearing that sent a shudder down my spine.

  I had gotten it all wrong. He didn’t just think of me as a friend.

  I didn’t want to lead him on, especially to make him feel like I was only hanging out with him because we were going to the Maldives. So, I immediately told him that I just thought of him as a friend.

  “What do you mean friend?” he asked crassly.

  “I mean, I don’t want to sleep with you or anything. I just like spending time with you, and you are a good friend to me,” I replied, in utter disbelief of the situation I had been oblivious to.

  “Why do you think I’m taking you to the Maldives then?” I was under the illusion that we were going to celebrate my 25th birthday. “I’m in love with you, Erika.” Though the words were nice to hear, they weren’t from Brian.

  I had always thought he was a bit immature. He lived off his parents and his brother; he spent most of his time drinking or at the gym. It didn’t appear that he had any purpose in life, so I wasn’t interested in him. He was not the type of guy I could fall in love with.

  I could see Brian beginning to get temperamental. He dropped my bag in the middle of the street and said, “You’re mine and only mine. Get in, we are leaving now.” It was at that point I realized that Brian was completely psychotic, and now I was a little scared.

  “No, Brian. I can’t come with you now. I am sorry if I made you feel that I was your girlfriend or something. But trust me, it was never more than a friendship to me.” I tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but he was not ready to hear anything.

  “I will destroy your career. My family has lots of connections, and they can make your life hell,” he started, threatening me. Whoever this guy was, son of a billionaire or brother of a billionaire or a billionaire himself, he couldn’t threaten me like that. So, I picked up my bag from the street and walked back toward home.

  “Right, just wait and watch then!” I heard Brian giving me one final warning before he got into his Lexus and drove away.

  I was completely shaken over what had just happened. I didn’t know what to do. I ran inside my apartment and immediately called Tia. “T! You won’t believe what just happened,” I couldn’t help but exclaim as I kept panting.

  “Wait, wait, aren’t you supposed to be on your way out of New York?” I was surprised she remembered.

  “I was but…” I paused to steady my breath.

  “But? What? Erika, are you all right?”

  “He told me he’s in love me and when I told him I just think him as a friend, he started threatening me.”

  “He what!? I can’t believe him. I thought you two were just friends.” Tia was almost as surprised as I was. I couldn’t find the words to explain to T how I felt that exact way, how appalled I was by what just happened.

  “Just relax and come to the office. We’ll talk then. Okay?”

  “Yes. Thanks, Tia. See you in a little bit.”

  Chapter 3


  I had lots of work today so I was getting ready for the office as fast as I could. As I was putting in my cufflinks, I saw Brian’s name flashing on my screen. “Hey, Brian!”

  As soon as I answered the phone, I heard Brian’s voice pierce through my ear. “Where are you, Con? I need to speak to you now!”

  “But, I am…” I tried to tell him that I was in New Jersey, but Brian went on and on.

  “Erika broke my heart. She is a gold digger,” he said, and I could tell he was so furious and hurt. I told him to sit tight and that I’d be back home in two hours.

  As soon as I hung up, I put on my coat and headed into the lobby. After checking out, both from the hotel and the receptionist, I got into my company car and headed back to New York.

  Once we were on the George Washington Bridge, I headed straight for my offices in Manhattan. I called Lisa again. “Hey, do me a favor and find out what you can about this Erika girl Brian was seeing.”

  Her complacent tone, as she said, “Of course, Mr. Roland. Anything else I can do for you?” was pleasing to hear.

  I was again thinking how I could have her in the car, but how it would come at the risk of losing the best secretary I had ever had. “Yeah, do you happen to know what a gold digger is?”

  I heard Lisa laughing, so much so I think she was on the floor. “Yes, sir. Gold diggers are people who are only interested in people because of their money. I’m surprised you don’t know, Con. I forget you’re only 29 when you’re like this.” Her tone had changed. I noticed she got more playful after I asked about gold diggers. She hadn’t called me Con in years.

  “Hm, find out and let me know, Lisa.” After I hung up, I couldn’t stop myself from resting my head on the headrest and thinking about how I could’ve had a much more intimate relationship with Lisa, how I could’ve had her on top of me on this exhausting drive to Manhattan.

  I was brought back to reality, awoken from a pleasurable dream, by my phone ringing once again. It was a message from Lisa. Erika Jackson, 25, born on the 22nd of July.

  “It is her birthday two from today,” I thought to myself, and I decided to meet her and take her on her birthday only.

  Her resume read like she worked hard and was everything but a gold digger. Top of her class at NYU, on her way to being promoted to a senior software engineer, that too at a very young age. She was beautiful. Her picture on her resume was just a tiny headshot, but the beauty on her face made me curious.

  I immediately called Kennedy, my chief of acquisitions. “Buy SunLit, the tech company down the street, and get it done now.” He didn’t even bother inquiring as to the reason I wanted a software company; rather, he just said he’d get on it, and went to take care of it.

  I could see the street leading to my offices now, so I began to get my papers together. I grabbed my phone and waited for the driver to open the door. I got out in front of the massive building that read “CR Capital”.

  I remembered when I first started managing stocks. I couldn’t have imagined I’d ever make it to the point where my own firm ‘Conner Roland Capital’ would be responsible for several billions of dollars per annum. I wasn’t conceited when it came to work, I was confident. I worked hard for everything I had attained.

  “Good morning, Mr. Roland. How do you do this fine Friday?” Peter asked with a decent and most positive smile on his face. It was always nice to see Peter. He had been the doorman since I bought the building.

  “I’m doing well, Peter. How are the kids getting along?” I was genuinely interested.

  “They are doing well, sir. Thank you.” Peter was also kind and respectful. He held the door open and I walked through, nodding my head at him and shaking his hand firmly. He was quite the firm man. It might have been all those years he served as a Marine when he was younger.

  I walked straight through the lobby to the elevator, cordially nodding to all the staff. There were too many to remember their names. As I got to the top floor, I saw Lisa waiting for me. She look
ed particularly beautiful this morning. The sleek black skirt she had on did wonders for her ass. Her blouse was just the right size, tight enough to show her full figure off, but not too tight that wouldn’t be professional.

  “Hey, Lisa. Morning.” I surprised her as she wasn’t expecting me to be up this soon.

  “Good morning, Mr. Roland,” she said with a very concerned look on her face.

  “Everything okay, Lisa?” I asked while walking toward my office. I could hear some rustling in my office.

  “Your brother is here, sir.” I could tell she was slightly distressed, which meant he had been drinking. It was only around 11:30 in the morning, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he were absolutely battered by now.

  “Thank you, Lisa. Please leave us, I’ll let you know if I need anything, and thank you for the information.” She just nodded graciously and began to walk away. I couldn’t help but stare at her form as her hips swayed side to side as the elevator doors closed. I knew I had to go deal with Brian.

  “Brian, put the bottle down, and I’ve told you not to smoke in here.”

  “Con, you don’t get it. I’m in love with her and she just wanted me for the money. When I told her that we might not get to go to the Maldives, she lost her mind.” I couldn’t tell whether he was talking about the same girl, Erika, I had gotten to know on the ride to Manhattan. It didn’t sound like she could behave this way.

  “Really? Didn’t Lisa send you the money, though? Why didn’t you just go?”

  “Con, right before I called you, I told her I might run a bit short, and she just began to shame me. She told me I don’t work hard enough, and that I just leach off you, mom, and dad. She told me that if I can’t take her on holiday on her birthday, then I am good for nothing.”

  I was quite irritated by the tone Erika had taken with Brian. I didn’t like that anyone spoke to my brother like that. Regardless of the truth in her statements, he was still my brother, and I couldn’t believe someone would dare be that cruel to him. “I’ll sort it out, Brian. Go home.”


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