Rainy Days (The Knight Brothers Book 1)

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Rainy Days (The Knight Brothers Book 1) Page 3

by C. M. Steele

I rolled over on the bed, and my hand pressed into the cold mattress. Immediately, my eyes darted open, and I searched the room. I jumped up and dressed fast as hell and ran to the hotel nearest the plaza. She had to be there, or so I thought, but they didn’t have a Charlotte registered. After everything we talked about, her name should have been one of them.

  I searched around town trying to find my runaway bride. We hadn’t actually gotten married, but I was sure once I’d found her we would. The idea of forever was something set in my mind from the first moment I’d laid eyes on her.

  Spending my last two days looking for her with no luck, I was forced to return home. My world had been flipped upside down, and my heart hurt in a way that was fucking indescribable. I couldn’t believe she ran out on me.

  With a book publishing company to run, I didn’t have time to be leading a fruitless search. Thinking I was being smart, I hired someone skilled to do it for me. As soon as I got home, I looked through my contacts and made the call. After giving him all the information I had on my future wife, I hung up and went to sleep. I needed it. The trip had worn me out.


  A month into the search, my man still doesn’t have anything for me. I slammed the receiver down on my office phone. Not a fucking clue who she was or where I could find her. “What the hell?” I asked myself, thrusting my hands into my overly long hair. Fuck, I need a haircut.

  “What’s wrong with you, Ian?” my brother Nick asked, walking into my office without knocking and plopping himself down in the chair in front of my desk like he owned the place. Technically our father owned it, but this was my office.

  “Nothing’s wrong. What makes you think something is?” I challenged. I thought my attitude had been the same, busy, hardworking, and somewhat lighthearted.

  With a scowl, he shook his head pursed his lips. After a minute he finally expressed his disappointment that I knew was coming. “Dude, you’ve been phoning that shit in for the past month. The second you returned from Italy, it’s like you’re a new man and that’s not a compliment.”

  “Thanks, dick, but I’m fine. Just busy. Taking time off put me behind.”

  “You were over there working except for the last three days, so don’t try and pull that shit with me. I checked our upcoming author releases and contracts. Besides, for someone so busy, how come you haven’t gotten on the thief we have?”

  “That’s because I haven’t heard from the lawyers,” I lied, considering I’d just ended the call with Mitchell. They handled our business as a favor to our friendship.

  Nick clasped his hands together, then leaned over with his elbows on my desk with a glare of disbelief. “Really? Interesting since I just heard you on the phone with Harper and Harper law offices. I call bullshit.”

  “It’s a different matter. Nothing work related,” I argued. The expression on his face twisted from annoyed to curious and that was when I knew that I’d fucked up. Nick was persistent if nothing else.

  He was pining after a woman who wouldn’t give him the time of day. She was one of our authors and a beautiful woman, but she didn’t deal well with people. She liked to be left alone all the time, especially when it came to Nick.

  “Could a woman have to do with your asshole mood?” I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to say that considering since he’d met her he’s been a total dickhead.

  “No, it doesn’t. Not that it’s any of your business.” It was the way he’d been with us, but we didn’t let up on him because she was a client of ours.

  He shook his head unwilling to drop it. Fuck, I knew it wouldn’t be this easy. “Since we’re family and this is our business, it is my damn business. I’m your older brother, and I’m worried about you. Shit, we’re all worried.”

  I stood up and began to pace. What could I say? Nothing but the truth would work on Nick. He knew me too well. I dropped back into my chair and sighed out, “Fine, I found a woman in Italy, and she ran after an amazing day. I can’t find her anywhere.”

  “Wait, you met someone? Holy fuck! That’s not even possible. You’re like the oldest fucking virgin in the world. Seriously, you’re like twenty-three. Did you end up trying to put it in dry, causing her to split on ya?” he joked. The asshole needed to chill because I was tempted to jump over my desk.

  “Fuck off. It’s none of your business that I waited that long. The sex was fucking amazing, and I wasn’t the only one inexperienced.” Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that, but the male pride in me didn’t want to feel used.

  It was great for me, but I didn’t know if she had been disappointed. It was crazy, but I always thought I would know if a woman faked it, but if she did I’d had no clue. Maybe he had a point. Shit, I should just tell Mitchell to forget it, but I knew I couldn’t.

  “Well, good luck finding her. If not, there’s other fish in the sea.” I flipped him off only to see my assistant walk into the office. Doesn’t anyone freaking knock?

  She’s worked for me for three years and has never once walked into my office without knocking. I had a bad feeling about this.

  “What’s going on, Daisy?”

  She rubbed her hands on her arms. “Your mom’s on the phone, and something’s not right.”

  I nodded, and she did an about-face, leaving us alone in a mad rush.

  Immediately, I hit the line and the speaker button. “Mom, Nick’s here with me.”

  “Boys, Dad had a heart attack. We’re at General,” she spouted rapidly through a sob.

  Both of us were on our feet. “We’re on our way.” Nothing else had to be said. In two minutes, I informed Daisy about the call, and we were in the elevator and on the way down to my car. God, I hope he’d make it.

  Nick clapped my back and muttered, “Bro, he’s going to be fine.” At this point, I wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince—him or me.

  Chapter 7


  “Hello, you must be Charlotte Cross. Welcome to Harper and Harper. I’m Evelyn Harper, and she’s Sydney Harper.” Two beautiful women who looked different in every way stood before me.

  “Oh heavens, you’re Harper and Harper,” I stated foolishly. This was stupid because I was clearly out of my league. What possessed me to take a job offer that I wasn’t qualified for? Oh yeah, I thought, rubbing my small belly. I couldn’t believe my manager fired me the instant he found out I was pregnant. I should sue his ass for discrimination, but it wasn’t worth the stress.

  “Actually, we’re the Mrs. Harpers. I am not a lawyer, but this beauty is. Right, I know brains, beauty, and the height too. I just want to kick her in her shins,” Sydney remarks playfully.

  “Don’t mind her, she gets a little talkative…well, all the time. Come with us, and we’ll conduct the interview in my office.” I followed behind two of the most beautiful women who couldn’t be more opposite. I felt like I was in the middle of them both in an appearance at least. Evelyn Harper was a tall, leggy, and slender woman. Sydney Harper had more curves but was a lot shorter. They were both impeccably dressed, hair perfectly in place. Even in the only dress suit I owned, I felt lost.

  “Relax, Ms. Cross. We don’t bite anyone,” Mrs. Harper said, catching a side-eye from Mrs. Harper. “Okay, well just our husbands. Anyways, have a seat so we can get started.”

  “First, I know this is a very personal question, but are you?” She gave a circular motion around her belly. I wanted to laugh at her antics.

  “Mrs. Harper,” I started to say but was quickly stopped.

  “Call me Sydney,” she told me.

  I smiled, feeling a little awkward because my situation had gotten me fired from the last place. Most people weren’t interested in hiring anyone when they were going to need time off in less than a year. “Sydney, I’m not fat, just pregnant. That’s kind of why I really need this job.”

  Both ladies nodded with kind smiles. “I see. Well, we don’t discriminate, I’m just curious.”

  “That’s nice to know.”

�So tell us, when can you start?” Sydney asked with a smirk on her face. “After all, we can’t wait that long.” She winked, pointedly staring at my belly.

  “Um, what? I thought this was an interview.”

  Evelyn then added, “We do background checks on all potential employees, Ms. Cross. We looked into yours. With your personable demeanor, you’ll be perfect for working as the receptionist. You can call me Evelyn.”

  I practically jumped out of my seat with joy. It took two interviews just to get my tip-based waitress job. I took home great money there because I had a genuine smile and gave flawless service. The money I made allowed me to save a little for community college. I managed to finish one semester before my parents lost their job and I had to drop out so I could pay the bills. I had that job for years until he learned I was knocked up.

  Now I was surrounded by well-educated women who were married to their baby’s fathers.

  “I can’t thank you enough,” I exclaimed. “I got canned for being pregnant.”

  “Oh no, that’s not good. We could file a suit against him,”

  “No, thank you. Just having a new one is all that matters to me. I have to be prepared for this baby when he or she comes along.”

  “When are you due?” Mrs. Harper asked.

  “In about five months.” Damn the four months flew by when fear of how to survive played in your head. My soul missed Ian even more than when I first left. Every single day it grew harder and harder not to breakdown in tears.

  “Great, that’ll give you a lot of time to save.”

  “Yes, it will. Thank you so much for this opportunity.” This job meant the world for me and this little one. I wanted to throw my arms around the women, but they did it for me.

  I filled out paperwork, then was given a rundown of my daily duties.


  It was my second day on the job when I was called into the big boss’s office. “Mr. Harper, you needed to see me?”

  “Yes, please take a seat.” I did, feeling nervous due to the way he was looking at me. Mitchell Harper had been nice the one time I met him, but right now I was getting a very unsettling feeling.

  “Yes, sir.” Did he think I sucked as a receptionist? Maybe I put the mail in the wrong trays by accident.

  “I received a request from a friend of mine. He has been sending ‘Cease and Desist’ letters to someone trying to steal from him, but it seems the home where the person lived has been sold. Is there anything you need to tell me?”

  “Um, what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My first thought is my parents, but what could this have to do with my family.

  “Look at this.” He slid over a file folder.

  I’d been right to be unsettled. “Oh my God.” I clasped my hand to my face. “I don’t know what this is about. Or even why this person thinks I’m plagiarizing his client’s works.”

  It hit me that I saw the name before. “I remember this letter right before the trip I took with my parents. I tossed it out because I thought it was just gibberish junk mail. You know how companies send you stuff, so you’ll contact them, and they get your personal information. Or like when the people call claiming they’re the IRS, but you know the IRS doesn’t call. I don’t write, and I sure as heck didn’t have time to read before I started working here.”

  He reached over and patted my hand. “Don’t worry, Charlotte. I know you aren’t the one. Remember my team ran your background before hiring you. Right now the client is going to come in to discuss the matter. I’d like you to meet with us and get it all cleared up and answer any questions about your parents if you can. Can you do that?”

  “Oh yes,” I said shakily. The tears in my eyes threatened to fall.

  “Don’t cry, Charlotte. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just want you to be aware of what’s going on.”

  “Sorry, it’s my hormones.”

  “Here,” he said, handing me a tissue. “I understand. Steady yourself and come into Conference Room A. I want you seated when he comes, so you have the upper hand.”

  “Okay,” I muttered, getting up and heading out of his office. Sydney was outside the door waiting for me. She gave me a hug. “You’ve got this. Come on, let’s wash your face and get you ready to deal with this nonsense.”

  “You’ve been an amazing boss.”

  “I’d like to think of us as friends.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and walked me into the bathroom to freshen up. After feeling somewhat normal again, I stepped into the conference room and took a seat to hear my fate.

  Chapter 8


  It had been four long, grueling months since I lost Charlotte. Mitchell told me he was doing everything he could to find her, but there was no luck, and Mitchell had a huge caseload that he needed to get down.

  That was the problem in hiring a lawyer to deal with finding a runaway. They had other shit going on at all times. They had a lovely private detective on their team who they utilized when she wasn’t knocked up by the other Harper, Tom. The two brothers owned the law firm, and their wives worked alongside them. I’d love to have Charlotte here by my side to assist me. But he was more than my lawyer, he was a friend, and that was the only reason I trusted him to find my woman.

  I gave my parents a call before heading out to meet Mitchell. “Hey Mom, Dad, I’m on my way to talk to the Harpers. They have a lead on the whole Cross situation.”

  “That’s great, son,” my father cheered.

  “Thanks. I’ll let you know what they say.”

  “We’ll be waiting.”

  “Get your rest, Dad,” I pointedly demanded. It was only three months since his heart attack, and he had a long road to recovery even if he didn’t quite feel that way.

  He’d been the head of the company since he’d opened it almost thirty years ago. Nick and I took the lead now, but my mother wanted us to slow down even more and let others take over parts, so our schedules weren’t overloaded, and we didn’t end up in the same position.

  Unfortunately, neither of us could stop working hard. My big reason for putting in ninety hours a week was so I’d be too damn fatigued to stay up and think about Charlotte. Add on that my father was the chief editor and we had to take his manuscripts and redistribute them between us, so we met our deadlines. Nick and I were very busy, but we loved it.

  I entered Harper and Harper Law Offices, but there was no receptionist on duty. “Hello, Ian,” Evelyn greeted me with a stack of files in her hand.

  “What happened? You haven’t found a new receptionist?” They’d been looking for a new one the last time we hung out. Shit, that was before my trip to Italy.

  “We have, but Mitchell pulled her for the meeting with you.” I wondered if she was going to take notes or something. It was only to talk about the stupid thief who refused to acknowledge our cease and desist letters. The bastard had been plagiarizing one of our author’s books and reproducing them as their own with just the names of the characters changed. No one was that foolish. Usually, once we spotted an attempt to rob us, that did the trick, but this guy didn’t stop.

  I could hear his expensive Italian shoes hit the floors before I saw the stylish Mitchell Harper approach. Spinning on my heel, I turned in his direction. “Ian, it’s good to see you. How’s your father?” Mitchell Harper asked, pulling me into a one-armed hug and clapping my back. He stood tall at six-five and at least two-forty. The guy was massively built for a lawyer who worked sixty hours a week.

  “He’s almost back to normal. My mom is refusing to let him lift a finger.”

  “I bet he’s losing his mind.” We both chuckled because both of them were hard-headed like my brother and me. He opened the doors to the bank of elevators, and with a ding, his private elevator chimed within seconds of him tapping his keycard.

  “He sure is. He wants to get back to work,” I answered, stepping inside the luxurious elevator.

  “Did you upgrade them?”

  For the first ti
me in my life, I saw Mitchell blush. “Only mine. It’s a long story, but I wanted it nice for Evelyn.” I nod getting the picture and mentally reminding myself not to lean on the walls because they were made like a cushion leather sofa material.

  Fuck, I could picture pinning Charlotte to the wall with my cock buried balls deep in her and making her come in comfort.

  “Maybe your dad could work only part-time though,” he suggested. Mitchell worked harder than most and took great pride in it, so he understood where my dad was coming from. The ability to stop completely was challenging.

  “We talked about it, and it’s a possibility.” My mom was the ultimate decision maker on that one. I wasn’t going to get between them. She’d ruled the roost since they met. He tried to get Nick and me to back him, but we knew better.

  The doors opened, and he led the way down the hall to a large conference room. Immediately his demeanor changed. “Come on, let’s get this over with,” he muttered with a smile he tried to mask.

  My eyes popped wide open. This fucker lied to me. I leaned over and whispered, “Wait, I thought you said this meeting was about the book thief.”

  “It is. This is the alleged Charlie Cross.”

  “Okay, well this solves both my problems at once. If you could leave us alone, there’s a lot I’d like to discuss with Ms. Cross.”

  “Behave.” He walked out of the room followed by Sydney who I barely noticed had been standing next to Charlotte. I rounded the table, standing near her almost daring to stand up and make a run for it. She wasn’t getting away from me this time.

  “Bye,” I reiterated to Mitchell and Sydney while keeping my eyes trained on Charlotte as if she’d disappear again. My heart thumped in my chest as I stared. She looked scared and yet happy. Her face had a glow about it that made me wonder if she even bothered to miss me at all.

  Was I the fucking pathetic fool? Had I’d been played? A means to an end?

  “Did you plan to be stranded to intentionally get my attention?” She gasped like I’d insulted her, but what the fuck was I supposed to think.


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