The Winter's Hunt

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The Winter's Hunt Page 5

by R. K. Rickson

  “Get them!” the short portly inspector cried as a rush of inspectors met with Jeff’s crew, the sound of footsteps and battle cries erupting into the storehouse.

  Kaito saw an inspector approach his blindside and wheeled around with a jumping spin kick, as his right foot smacked his attacker in the face. Another approached from the front and threw a volley of punches which were all too easy to read for the sanken master, as he blasted a round kick to the man’s lead arm, off-balancing him, then following up with two solid punches to the face, which dropped the storehouse worker. Kaito ducked under a body flying through the air near him: he turned to see that Jeff had tossed him and sent him flying, and was already slugging it out with another.

  Two more attackers went to double team the elven captain, already occupied with one of the workers and Kaito broke into a quick dash, mantled onto a table in front of him, slid on his thigh across it, then leaped into the air and came down over the two men with a double kick, which knocked both of them apart.

  They didn’t stay down long as both rose to their feet, collecting their senses while Kaito stood at the ready to engage them. The pair sprung at Kaito from both sides, and Kaito answered by a swift pivot around, leaned forward, and threw a simultaneous right punch forward and a left back kick, knocking the flanking inspector off his feet and briefly stunning the one in front of him. Kaito quickly advanced forward and spun to his backside, and threw his leg in a spinning hook kick, his foot having found the man’s chin with practiced precision with a satisfying clap of his shoe, knocking the man away and out cold.

  “Heads up!” the elven captain cried out to Kaito as the rear attacker came back for the martial artist. Kaito instinctively leaped back and swatted away a sloppily thrown front kick.

  Kaito smiled and jested, “I’ll show you how to throw that one properly.” He switched his stance from a left lead leg to a right, making the man flinch, then switched again and threw a front snap kick which found the mark on the man’s chin, snapping his head backwards, and with it, his body.

  Turning to reassess the chaos, he saw Donnie being held by a double under-hook lock under his arms from an inspector from behind, while another swung for his midsection. Kaito immediately made haste for Donnie, and reflexively threw a spinning back fist toward a sudden attacker at his side, cracking him in the face. Kaito sprinted and approached Donnie’s attacker, jumped up, and exploded into a flying kick. Kaito’s foot planted into the man’s chest as the force and impact sent the inspector flying through the air, and ultimately, into one of the windows, shattering the glass.

  “Thanks!” Donnie said gleefully before he hurried off to help some of his crewmates two tables down.

  The brawl started to turn in favor of the crew of the The Raging Hammer: the inspectors may have had the numbers advantage at the start, but where Jeff’s crew was only half, they made up for in ferocious fighting power. Across the warehouse, the crewmembers were beginning to gain more ground and whittle the numbers to a more even fight.

  Kaito wasted little time in helping the crew again as two more Port Burmir uniformed men approached Kaito to stop the sanken master, while a third crept up from behind. Kaito watched their shoulders roll forward and timed his jump with their lunges, snapping both legs outwards, his feet having smashed both in their faces, laying them out cold. Kaito landed from the jump, heard footsteps from behind, spun around on his left foot, turned to his right shoulder, and slapped his kicking foot across the inspector’s face. The inspector lost his footing as he went airborne from the combination of his own momentum and being caught by Kaito’s kick and crashed through a table.

  Kaito couldn’t help but feel alive from the battle: the adrenaline coursed through him in a rush, honing his already-sharp senses to a razor’s edge as his body moved instinctively from years of training on Tomuruki Island. As yet another attacker fell upon Kaito, his body moved with practiced fluidity, and slipped around a wide right punch to counter with three powerful punches of his own. Kaito’s fists rained on his attacker’s face, liver, and face again: one of the sanken style combinations to swiftly punish an opponent. Not only was the style meant to strike quick and sharply, but Kaito’s own build and years of training naturally was suited for speed and quick strikes.

  Kaito paused to take a breath from the action, searched for a potential threat, and saw that the crew was putting down the last of the port personnel, with Jeff having caught the bald portly worker.

  “Ah, please don’t hurt me! I’ll talk, I’ll talk!” the sweaty little man whined. While he held his hands up in defeat, Jeff had the short inspector lead by the collar in one hand, his other one a tightly balled fist ready to swing.

  “Get talking!” Jeff bellowed as he wiped a bead of sweat off his brow with his fist arm. “And fellas, restrain and tie the rest of the dimwits up!”

  The crew had no objections to the order as they all rounded up the port inspectors and tied them to the pillar supports for the overhead.

  Chapter VI: Tervaskr Peak

  By midday, Leila led Ryland up a path that was naturally worn through from the passage of footsteps from the villagers. Both were huffing from the effort; the elevation and climb having thinned the air for the two. Gunnir was having much less trouble, accustomed to such heights, and continued his search for matching the scent to the IHB cloth Leila had him sniff. Meanwhile, Ryland felt his calves pound from the slope.

  The path had snaked around the side of the mountain they ascended for most of the way, and finally cut into the middle as the last stretch of trail lay just ahead. The puffy white clouds in the sky seemed much closer to Ryland as he pushed himself on to the peak. The mountain seemed to round out at the top, and soon the trio was standing before the snowy expanse of not only Hemmigatr, but the northern most stretch of Hjaalren’s wintery scape before them with the edges of the sea in sight beyond it.

  Ryland took the sight in with fervor: the peak reminded him of the Talwar mountain range, but larger. The peak was wide, and held signs that people traversed it rather often. A ring of rocks and ash was centered in a larger ring of logs and boulders, smoothed out for sitting. Rocks near the north edge were piled neatly up into a mound, one decorated with round shields, trinkets, weapons, and offerings.

  Ryland walked over to the side where the expanse into the north was and peered out into it. He felt the thick, crisp air of the cold much differently than he had back home in Stonetowne. It was heavy and refreshing all at once, a diametric contrast of unity.

  “Welcome to Tervaskr Peak, Ryland,” Leila stated, stretching her arms over her head.

  “This…is simply incredible,” Ryland replied while in a daze, the snow-fallen sights before him enthralling him. “Say Leila, what’s all to the north there, beyond the smaller mountains and woods below?” Ryland couldn’t help but feel a strange slight pull out from that direction, a gut feeling that the location was exceptionally full of winter’s energy.

  “Oh that? The edges of Hemmigatr. Tervaskr Peak is the boundary edge for the jarldom. Beyond in the woods is a no-man’s land called Icestorm Reach,” Leila explained as she moved next to Ryland. “When Hjaalren formed the three jarldoms, they set aside the reach for a neutral ground. While Hemmigatr may border it, there are wardens from Galnir and Falmod that also occupy the land. Many do not go there as it’s wilder territory where some of the country’s most ferocious creatures live. Not only that, but the winter relents the least in the reach.”

  “Is it that dangerous?”

  “To people like you and I, not so much. And even with our combat prowess, it’s still not an area that one would find welcoming or hospitable. To the average villager, it is certainly not a place suitable to their health and well-being. The tearwolves are numerous there, and the bear and wolverine population is no joke, either. There is good hunting for large deer and elk, however. Wilteim Forest is also a place many that go to the reach avoid. It’s believed to be cursed.”

  “Cursed?” Ryland asked, a
curious look on his face. “How so?”

  Leila unflinchingly gazed towards the reach and elaborated, “Seven years ago, a woman appeared in the forest, completely encased in ice, and turned the area into an even harsher, colder place than Icestorm Reach already is. No one knows how she exactly became like that or who she is, but the wardens speak of strange things like animals gathering there, the tearwolves staying away, eerie lights, and more.”

  “Well then, I’d say we best steer clear of the reach, huh? Wouldn’t want to end up like the lady there.”

  “Erik, are you sure that we’re on the right path?” Lyle grumbled as he pulled his cloak tightly around his body. “It’s bitterly cold up here and quite unenjoyable.”

  “Don’t let the cold deter you from the journey: there’s a special kind of gem that can be found from the mountain we’re heading up,” Erik chimed back, his gray eyes focused on the road ahead.

  “Gem? What are you on about?”

  “I mean that there’s a special gem that lies atop this mountain. An especially rare one that is worth quite a hefty sum, called a star jewel.”

  “Star jewel? One here? This got much more interesting,” Lyle said, his attention now focused on the scramble of rocks before them. “How did a star jewel end up here? There’s only four in the world, and three were last known to be around the Halthian Rim.”

  “One of the old high jarls of Hjaalren was buried up here with his crown, one that was specially made for him during his voyage in helping chart the outer rim islands. During his travels, his expedition crew was there the night the meteorite shard fell from the sky. The high jarl gathered the precious rock and brought it to an appraiser, who refined it and got the high jarl a map the crew had previously lost to get back home. Grateful for the notion, he had the jewel split into four, and had one embedded into his crown before leaving. Honestly, I have no idea where the other three are now myself, as this all took place two hundred years ago. However, thanks to a connection I’ve known for years, there’s been one buried in Hjaalren all of this time. And we are going to find it as the money we need to replace the supplies that got stolen.”

  “Heard the village is really up in arms about it. That was a brilliant move.”

  Erik chuckled, “You flatter me so. We still have most of the supplies after all, save the cut we’re passing on to you for Hackshot.”

  Lyle ran his hands over the handles of his knives, a habit he had whenever he grew excited for a haul or raid.

  “How much do you think the star jewel will go for?” Lyle asked.

  “I have no doubt we could walk away with tens of thousands of turics, maybe even more. A star jewel is a small fortune. And I plan to sell to either Falmod or Galnir, whoever will pay the highest. There should be another good haul from the inspection team at Port Burmir today as well.”

  “How have you managed to run so much and not get caught?” Lyle asked, genuinely curious at how easy it seemed that Erik was pulling so many strings.

  “I’ve quite a few key players in my pocket. Money speaks, and so does a position of power. Being on the council affords me extra protection under the guise of always being close to the jarl. How could I do any wrong when all I’ve seemed to have done is present solutions, help the jarldom, and offer to become jarl myself? All the right pieces in place, and taking the wrong ones out of the picture in the process. Now, we’re almost there, so be ready to get the crown and go.”

  Gunnir sniffed around the peak, while Leila hoped he’d find a scent to track. Suddenly, he paused and began sniffing the air, then let a quick woof out, alerting Ryland and Leila.

  “What is it?” Ryland asked.

  Leila watched Gunnir turn his head to the west side of the peak and his ears stand, the wolf’s focus turned to the direction.

  “I think he’s picked something up. Let’s take cover and watch,” Leila whispered as the two crouched behind one of the large boulders on the peak. The jarl’s daughter snapped at Gunnir, and the wolf immediately followed suit behind the two.

  They waited in silence as the faint kicking of rocks and movement could be heard nearby. The two peered around the corner to see two men reach the summit: the first was a man with a shaven head, one that Leila recognized as Erik the Scorned. The other, Ryland knew to be Lyle Petrov.

  “Erik. What is he doing here?” Leila faintly said. “And he has a stranger with him.”

  “Lyle Petrov, one of our bounties,” Ryland quietly answered. “It’s true then: they’re working together.”

  “You weren’t lying then.”

  Ryland sternly said, “I know. I was telling you that the whole time. Now the question is, why are they here?”

  Lyle and Erik moved over to the rock pile, where the offerings were, and poked around at the pile where the shields and offerings were.

  “Is it really in here?” Lyle asked, moving some of the rocks to the side.

  “Yes. Down below this offering pile,” Erik replied as he carefully rearranged the rocks to not disturb as many of the items around as he could.

  Ryland and Leila watched with intrigue as the two men continued to dig deeper into the mound of stones that stood nearly the height of a man. Suddenly, they saw Erik halt as his attention went to something else.

  “Here it is, the crown of the old high jarl: and with it, the star jewel!” Erik exclaimed as he held up a crown made of gold, with five rounded points on it, and in the middle, a brilliant prismatic jewel that shone with a pearlescent color in the sunlight.”

  “The crown of High Jarl Manus?! It’s been here the whole time?!” Leila said under her breath as her eyes widened. She glanced at Ryland and firmly told him, ”We cannot let them have that. That item is a national treasure of Hjaalren.”

  “Let’s go stop them,” Ryland agreed.

  Lyle and Erik inspected the crown, then headed for the trail from which they came.

  Ryland took to sneaking from behind and motioned to Leila that she should do the same. Leila walked outright from the boulder for the two men as Ryland shook his head, “Leila, sneak, dammit!”

  “Stop, Erik!” Leila cried out indignantly as the two men startled and wheeled around.

  Erik grinned and said with a plastic smile, “Why if it isn’t the jarl’s daughter! What brings you and your friend out here, Leila? A nice day stroll?”

  Lyle turned his head as he looked at Ryland, then asked, “You look familiar. Were you at the exams last month?”

  Ryland replied with vitriol, “Oh yes. That stunt you and Boswick pulled? We owe you for that: may as well pay you back here.”

  Erik held his hands up as Leila approached and said, “Now this is all just a big misunderstanding. We can all get along, I’m sure. Why don’t we talk more?”

  Gunnir growled at the men as Leila pulled the IHB banner out and asked, “This was your doing, no?”

  Erik’s dismissively replied, “Why that? My cohort must’ve left that at the storehouse. You see, he came here with supplies from the IHB for us, as well as the village.”

  “All I needed to hear,” Ryland said as he moved in for Lyle. Lyle wasted no time as he drew his knives, while Ryland pulled out his axe.

  Erik sighed and said with false concern, “Now, can’t we all just talk this out?”

  Lyle swung both knives as Ryland measured the distance and blocked with his buckler. With a better idea of his reach as well, Lyle moved forth and danced in a series of quick slashes, stabs, and steps, each attack a well-practiced movement that gave Ryland some trouble. As the attacks came on, Ryland parried and blocked, watched the movements, and committed more of Lyle’s ability to memory. One of Lyle’s knives cut Ryland on his right forearm and drew a thin streak of blood. Ryland felt no major pain from the attack and answered with a buckler smash to an overhand swipe, and axe swing that cut Lyle’s left arm.

  “Pesky one, you are,” Lyle grumbled as he briefly glanced at his wound. The axe left a rather deep cut, one Lyle knew he’d have to get stitched up

  Erik yelled to Lyle, “Enough! Let’s just get back with the crown and regroup!” Erik backed away from Leila and broke into a dash for the trail.

  “Not while I’m here!” Leila cried out as her and Gunnir took off for Erik.

  Lyle attempted to break away from Ryland and failed as the IHB hunter gave tight chase. Lyle ran after Erik, who was pursued further ahead as Ryland started closing the gap.

  A mad dash was had across the westward trail, as the trail flattened out and turned to snowy terrain as they went. Erik kept his eyes sharp for the larger rocks that could trip him up and dodged a few he remembered from the multiple trips he took on the trail before. As he leapt over a small boulder, Erik’s boots came down on a patch of icy snow and he skidded shakily on his feet.

  Leila was close behind: where she lacked familiarity with the western trail that went along the range, her quick reflexes made up for the shortfall as she closed the gap on Erik. When she saw Erik stumble over a rock, Leila whistled and Gunnir took the lead as he rushed for Erik. The large wolf jumped and slammed into Erik’s back, knocked the advisor off his feet and sent him face first onto the trail.

  “You stop here!” Leila cried out as she moved in for Erik. Erik coughed and gasped, the wind driven from his lungs as he turned around to see the jarl’s daughter approach. Erik held one hand out, showing he didn’t want to fight anymore.

  “Please, I don’t want any more trouble,” Erik conceded while he caught his breath. “I’ll give up here.”

  “You’re going to answer to the jarl for helping steal the food supply. Why would you even do such a thing? Your own people!” Leila asked, a mix of anger and bewilderment in her voice. As she moved closer to Erik, he swung his other arm that had snuck its way into a pouch on his belt and let something fly for the young woman.

  Leila wasn’t quick enough to dodge or react in time as she felt a small sting in her neck. She immediately shot her hand to where the item hit and touched something small and smooth. As she pulled it out, Leila saw it was a tiny needle, with a dark blue band around it. The young woman looked to Erik, who had a knowing grin on his face.


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