We Are Not Vampires

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We Are Not Vampires Page 2

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  Chapter Two

  When our journey had brought us here to check up on this species, we had found that the Sermiths had played around with their DNA a long time ago, and ergo mankind made a quantum spring in its evolution. The Sermiths are a species which likes to tamper with another civilizations DNA, making small changes here and there just for the fun of it, for it is normally not necessary. So when we parked in orbit and seen that mankind had evolved from sticks and stones to the point that they were traversing the planets great water masses in primitively built ships, and the square pointed landing platforms in the desert region you would call Egypt, and other places around the planet, we decided to land and collect specimens to see if a reversal was possible.

  So slowly we glided into the atmosphere, but the Sermiths had placed the pyramids so as to make a collective shield, and although slow by your standards, we flew straight into a trap as the pyramids energized and collectively fired on our ship. Our shields could withstand meteor strikes in space but the Sermiths firepower had totally decimated our drive systems. We managed to land in the liquid waters where you call Bermuda, and as our ship sank ever so slowly, we managed to get some of the equipment onto land with the rescue shuttle, and then it went underwater. The cold fusion reactor would run for another ten thousand years and the only thing it would be powering from now on is the microwave distress signal it sent out into space. The reactor goes through cycles and during the high cycles sometimes your boats or aircraft got caught up in the continuum waves, but we could do nothing to either shut it down or to stop the cyclic power, for then the signal would stop, and we would be counted as departed during duty on our ship.

  We had made a sort of camp on an island and the counsel was discussing the next step when a collective communication had come that our workers were leaving us to ourselves. We tried to reason with our workers but they were no longer dependant on us for sustenance. There was more than enough for them to hunt down for food and they were tired of being suppressed. It was very hard for us at first to adjust to the fact that we now had to do the hard labor. But we had decided to travel in the shuttle to an area near one of the Sermiths landing platforms. When the last person, which was me as the leader, arrived with the rest of what we had been able to save from the sinking ship, the shuttles reactor was nearly spent. We started to dig our tunnels and did the job our workers should have been doing, dragging the shuttle underground for its final resting spot. A short distance distress signal was sent out every week to accompany the mother ships signal. We knew that it would take a long time before any form of rescue would come, but we had placed ourselves so that if another Sermith ship came then we would try to plead rescue from them.

  One time over two thousand years ago, one of us became wounded and could not return on its own. His collective communication told of him discovering a Sermith who was reviving a dead human. The human had been tortured and then hung up on a cross to die, but Sermiths love to play with life as I already said, and when he got caught by our crew man, the Sermith seriously injured him and left him to suffer his fate in the sunshine. And then the Sermith left in his scout ship.

  Then one day in June of 1908, our long time of waiting had paid off in the end, for a rescue ship contacted us through the collective communication and had said that it was already entering the atmosphere and heading toward the position of where the shuttle was buried. We had tried to warn them of the Sermiths weapons, but it was already too late. We caught glimpses of thoughts as one drive system after the other was destroyed, and with it the farewells of those who were still able to before departing. The rescue ship crashed in what is now known as Tunguska, and the cold fusion reactor had literally obliterated the ship into nano particles. So there was no rescue and no equipment worth looking for when we had visited the site.

  So we lived on throughout the years and always had hope that by chance a ship or trader would receive our signal. We had avoided contact with the human race for they are cruel and still kill one another over matters that could have been avoided with discussion. To have made contact would eventually mean our imprisonment as we have seen throughout the millennium. The counsel had decided that our technology should not fall into their hands to be used against its own species, and us. Their technological advancement in the last seventy years is due to a crashed Sermith craft. Reading minds of humans at a distance is hard, but can be done, and we also heard the Sermith begging for his life in exchange for the technology he could show them. The Sermith realized that one of us must be nearby and reading his and the others minds, and had the thought that he should show the humans where we had our camp in Europe, when one of the humans shot him with electricity, which caused his departure. As it would have been against the inter-planetary ethics, and the Sermiths are anyways operating here on unethical terms, like destroying our ships, killing one of our crew, and tampering with this civilizations DNA, the counsel agreed in private that the Sermith had deserved to depart.

  Although the Sermith had departed, the humans still had the ship which was almost totally intact. The latest breakthrough in modern technology for humans comes from that ship, and now the majority of humans have hand held assistants, or cell phones as humans say. Our kind watched as the humans attempted to get the reactor of the ship going, and the scientist were impressive in that they could have had it running, if only they had the correct fuel, which fortunately is not existent on this planet. This species is not ready to take a place in space, for they love to kill, anything or anyone, anytime.

  So now, after the major earthquake, lots of our tunnels and all of the other entrances were lost. Many of us had departed and we started to brood again. But our losses were so many that all agreed to work to get tunnels dug and new entrances finished. And that their eggs would be brooded by the second in command and I.

  Chapter Three

  The humans had filmed where our man had entered the tunnel, whereby he had notified the authorities. They must have taken it to heart that someone was going into the canalization and had inspected. Then they had killed one of us and we had no idea it had happened, for it must have went so fast that he couldn’t warn us. By the time we realized he was missing, they had already brought many soldiers with bright lights into the tunnel and although our kind is very agile and lots faster than humans, we only kill to eat and not for defense. The second and I heard so many departures and well wishes that the brood shall survive, but our place is here to protect the eggs with our lives, and not to help those who are departing.

  The second flashed me an image that we should put an imaginary wall at the entrance to the nest, and before it would have worked, but not anymore. They didn’t trust their eyes alone, for the flashing moving lights played tricks on the eyes, but they had a camera for warmth, and an imaginary wall is anything but the same temperature as the rest of the tunnel system.

  When they walked into the nest, all stopped and stared, them and us. And a funny thing happened, for apparently my second had started to adapt to this species and its quirky cultures, and the leader would have said that he was laughing in their face as the second literally blasted them with telepathy; “And throughout the eons, you all thought that we were your blood sucking, coffin sleeping non-dead Vampires. You will never reach our level of intelligence, and hopefully you never make it off of your planet!”

  Me, I simply hissed and sent them a mental warning not to harm the eggs, which was my mistake. The first one in line with all of the shiny brass on his shirt ordered fire on the eggs. They started to fire their weapons of destruction, and the unborn eggs exploded under and around the two. I stated that we kill for sustenance only and not for defense, but when the soldiers started to kill the brood, the second and I attacked with the fury only a brooding one can muster. In the cavern it became a literal abattoir as the eggs exploded and soldiers fell like trees in a hurricane, and suddenly my second bade me farewell and strength. And then I fell, and expecting to depart, I bade farewell to any who
could maybe hear it, but all I heard was silence in my mind.

  It has been some time now since that time in the nest and I cannot escape this room where I am kept. They come and try to film me and I throw up a shield every time so as to make it blurry, but I am ancient and weak, for I have not taken sustenance since before the brooding. I communicate with only one of this species which come around, for he is not like the rest of them; he has only good in his heart. And because of his goodness, I am trying to teach him the way of telepathy, so we can communicate even when he is in his tunnel where he resides. He has no mate like the others of his species, for he prefers the same as he is, which also makes him like us.

  I hope to be able to show him the way for I know it will not be long and I will depart, for I am the last of our species here on this planet, imprisoned. My last wish is to also be able to wish farewell to someone.

  At least they will not become our technology, as with the Sermiths!



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