The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 14

by Donovan Neal

  “Mr. Secretary are you all right sir?” yelled one. “Where did you come from? We were not expecting you, sir.” Several of the guards scrutinized the beings that were to his left and one shouted “You there; step away from the Secretary… now!”

  Leto was not amused and opened his mouth to speak. “He will do no such thing. These here are a part of my personal guard. They will not harm you unless you attempt to harm me. I advise you men to lower your weapons. For if I chose I can call a legion of similar beings to come to my aid, and you would not wish to anger my father.”

  Several other guards, then soldiers entered the room and surrounded the platform, each with weapons raised pointed at the angels.

  Leto clenched his jaw and crossed his arms. “You all would be wise to lower your weapons. For he that receives me, receives him that sent me. I have given an order once. I will not do so again.”

  The soldiers didn’t move but slowly lowered their weapons.

  Leto sighed and spoke aloud, “Father?”

  A dark shadow then moved over the giant seal of the United Nations: a darkness that swallowed blackness itself. Luminance then pulsated from the center of the gloomy void. A figure with wings, slowly descend from the ceiling to the floor. Gasps and open mouths filled the room, and many backed away for it a great light and heat emanated from the being and he floated to the dais, and he stood 10 feet high towering with wings that spread from his person which waved in in bio-luminescent colors matching the rainbow.

  The Devil, Satan and Prince of Darkness was now fully revealed to the people of the world and spoke to the assembled heads of the represented states of the nations.

  “Hail men of Earth. I am Lucifer Draco of the House Draco. Be not afraid neither be dismayed. My son Leto has summoned me to help and I have now come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly. To free you from the lies that have riddled your kind since its birth and perpetuated by the false prophets of your world. What lie you ask? That the God you know as Yeshua, Allah or Yahweh is false. That you merely give a name to a being who is but a member of my race and has chosen to remain hidden unseen these great many centuries to human eyes. Visible only if we chose to reveal ourselves. For many generations we have cultivated your technology that ye might one day move beyond the constraints imposed by the so-called Creator. The time has now come for the adolescence of mankind to end; and for you to take your place amongst your fellow beings of the galaxy: to walk in the fullness of adulthood with the knowledge that you are indeed, not alone. I come offering you all that your heart desires: freedom from disease, and poverty; endless energy that will take you deep into the stars. All these things will I give you if you will but help me undo the being who claims to love you. Help me undo the shackle that is from the Elohim and follow me. Pledge your allegiance to my cause. A cause that will protect and prosper your people, do this and you shall know peace in your time.

  Leto Alexander serves me. To him I will give him what you cannot yet fathom: eternal life. Imagine: the ending of death as you know it. Sickness will become a thing of the past. All this I offer freely. For the God you have served hath kept thee from grasping the knowledge of good and evil. Knowing full well; nay preventing you from unlocking the vast potential within your DNA: the gene to eternal life. Why? Because he knows that on that day you shall be like Him. And he is a jealous God, he will not be rivaled, nor will he share power.

  Follow me and we shall remove this dictator. Follow me, and I will lead you to freedom. Do not do so and know you will surely die. For the invisible war between my people can be hid no longer. A conflict that mankind must now forcibly join: where choice by the heads of your people must once again be made. Leto represents me and is my ambassador to your people: my mouth in the earth.

  Choose delegates of the United Nations: chose life that both thou and thy seed might live.” Lucifer smiled his arms opened wide as if to embrace those in the room.

  A delegate from Uganda: Ambassador Dembe spoke into the microphone that was before him and replied, “How do we know that what you say is true. How do we know that we are not being manipulated by you and your kind now?”

  Lucifer looked upon the man and unbeknownst to him the Prince of Darkness had assigned a familiar spirit of cancer to his family. The spirit was coiled within the man’s breast and Lucifer spoke. “You ambassador have struggled with cancer in your family for three generations. Even now you stand riddled with the disease.” Lucifer lifted his hand towards the man and spoke. “I command that you release this man’s lungs. Restore them to their natural state and leave his house. Be healed Ambassador Dembe.”

  The spirit obeyed its master and departed. Upon it leaving his body the man immediately went into spasms, collapsing to the ground and he screamed in agony as he erupted in convulsions.

  “You’re killing him!” shouted a guard. Who immediately raised his gun and opened fire on the Prince of Darkness.

  Lucifer moved at the speed of light towards the man, blinded him, took his weapon tapped him ever so slightly then returned to his previous spot on the platform. When he did so the bullets from the discharged pistol finally reached him and he simply plucked them from the air.

  The soldier had been knocked back but was unharmed, and Lucifer spoke to all in the room. “If I wanted you dead, you would all be dead. Be not afraid. I have come that ye might have life.” Lucifer then opened his hands to reveal the slugs he had plucked from midair and let them fall to the ground from his palms.

  The ambassador coughed up phlegm and he wiped his mouth with his suit sleeve and spoke. “My God, I am not wheezing! I can breathe! I can breathe! I can feel the difference. It’s gone. I don’t know how…but I know it’s gone! Praise God!” he yelled aloud.

  “No…,” Lucifer interjected. “Praise me.”


  Michael flew to the city of Jerusalem and his royal guard flew beside him as they escorted the shackled Marduk into custody. Michael landed atop the little western wall and upon touching down a Grigori by name of Arakiel awaited him. “My prince,” the watcher said.

  “Report,” said the Chief Prince.

  Arakiel floated as if upon a cloud and did as commanded. “Lucifer has revealed himself to the human race in violation of the Articles of War. However, he has convinced the nations of the Earth that he means to do them good. Israel and the Abomination has signed a non-aggression pact. The forces of Marduk have been decimated and the even as we speak the Prime

  Minister has authorized the destruction of the temple mount for purposes of excavation. My agents have informed me that the Beast has promised the nation the ability to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. All humans have been removed, those unwilling: forcibly so. It is reported that Lucifer and the Beast are on their way here to oversee the excavation personally. The work is considered an act of planetary security. Although we have a legion surrounding the nation, we cannot prevent the Horde from entering the land if the humans have extended authority for their harbor.”

  Michael nodded impatiently, “I know… I know. How long do we have until Lucifer and the Abomination arrive?”

  A voice carried across the warm winds of Jerusalem, and it was familiar in both melody and tenor. “You need not concern yourself enemy of mankind; for we are already here.”

  Michael turned around as Lucifer and Leto walked through a portal. Each was flanked by rogue Arelim and Malakim angels and men with machine guns also stepped through and quickly dispersed themselves into the court and approached the entry of the Dome on the Rock. Soldiers near Lucifer and Leto took defensive positions to protect them. The buzzing of helicopters could be heard in the distance and squadrons of police and military swarmed to their position and as they exited their various vehicles, they trained their weapons on all the angels present. The cocking of rifles and pistols could be heard and Michael surveyed the scene realizing that to his surprise the humans could see them all.

  Michael turned to his brother and scowled. “Lucifer
what have you done?” he said.

  The Adversary smiled and stated, “I have done what I have always done: moved our race into a favorable position to contend with the false God El. Now stand aside. These lands have been ceded by the human authorities to my charge. You will surrender this position and these people to my ministration immediately.”

  Michael looked at Lucifer and his neck jerked back in response to hearing such absurdity.

  “You are mad. These lands are under the jurisdiction of El. I will do no such thing. Michael’s sword immediately withdrew from its scabbard and found his waiting hand. All angels, both friend and foe also drew their weapons in response to Michael’s action.

  Lucifer lifted his hands for calm and smiled, “See humans? See how the creature will not allow a peaceful transition? He has been trained by the false god El to do nothing but fight. He is nothing more than a living weapon. But he is also bound by the laws of our people. He knows the articles of war which govern our kind will not permit him to trespass on land that has been ceded by human delegated authority.”

  Lathum who had opened the portal allowing Lucifer and his entourage to travel: waved his hand and another portal opened. Michael and his guards braced themselves for a possible battle but through the portal the Prime Minister of Israel and the warring heads of the Arab league walked through. Ashtaroth also walked behind them and the Prime minister of Israel spoke.

  “We do not know who you are. But your presence is neither requested nor required. Leave our land. We will not tolerate foreign intervention or infiltration into our affairs. Leave now… or my people will open fire.”

  Michael looked at Lucifer who smirked in satisfaction that humanity backed his presence, and Michael, who was willing to enforce the Lord’s decree by force suddenly heard the voice of the Holy Spirit in his mind.

  Leave them be. I am not without voice here and Satan’s time though coming is not yet nigh.

  Michael spoke within his own mind to the Lord’s telepathic thought. As you command my king.

  Lucifer observing his brother’s body language; spoke, “I see that El has communicated with thee. What say you then? Will you contend with me and they who have refused thee? Or will you leave these people in peace?”

  Michael frowned that he was constrained to yield ground on this occasion. He sighed and turned to speak to the human delegation that stood before him. “Very well human, but know I go because I am commanded by God...” He then turned to look upon his angelic brother and spoke. “You should know if the Lord willed it, I would unleash destruction upon every vassal here: including this one.” Michael looked towards Leto and stared into his eyes and his grim face communicated both a silent and stern warning.

  Leto smiled and opened his arms gesturing him to come and provokingly replied, “I stand right here Michael… I stand right here.”

  Michael breathed in deeply; his chest raised and lowered as he chose not to yield to the temptation thrown his way.

  “Soon Leto, of this you can be sure, and believe me when I say you are naïve to look forward to such an encounter.”

  Michael sheathed his sword and his guards followed suite. “I give you my leave Lucifer. But rest assured this is far from over.”

  Lucifer replied in retort. “Oh I agree. Verily I say unto you that I have only just begun the dismantling of El’s kingdom. Oh and Michael before you go. You will release the renegade Marduk as he was mustered under my banner in the Descension. He is therefore under the authority of the Horde.”

  Michael began to object and to contend for the life of Marduk when the old angel bowed his head in resignation and spoke.

  “Fear not Michael. I once long ago fought the Usurper to his ruin. He has forgotten this lesson. But I will see him taught this lesson again.”

  Satan sneered rolling his eyes in disdain for his imprisoned nemesis. “You will be dead soon, and your life’s lesson merely an example to those who would defy me.”

  Michael swallowed hard and nodded towards his guards and they released Marduk who wrung and massaged his now unbound wrists. He was then immediately taken into custody by two Harrada and an Arelim and was shoved to the side of Lucifer and Leto with both angelic and human weapons trained on him.

  Michael then lifted himself into the air and all angels stationed to defend Israel lifted themselves with him, and as Michael flew away, he turned to Lucifer and spoke to him in warning. “Know of a surety that you will be undone and will not escape judgment, for I have seen thy end…” Michael shook his head in pity. “And it does not end well.”

  A prismatic funnel cloud opened in the sky and thousands of angels departed in mass as men and women looked on in disbelief and awe. Television crews video'd the event and broadcast the exchange on television which quickly circled the globe.

  Lucifer stood behind Leto and placed his hands on his shoulders. “I leave you for a time. But will come when bidden. Do not be afraid.”

  Lucifer then disappeared in a great flash of light and Leto turned to the defeated heads of the Arab league, and spoke. “You are here to publicly surrender, and admit to your crimes against humanity. Surrender and I will allow you to live out your lives in peace. Do not sign the peace treaty before you, and we will label the nations which you represent and its people as enemy combatants against humanity and wiped out.”

  The remaining heads of the Arab League nodded in resignation.

  Come, said Leto. He then walked towards the Dome on the Rock and when he did many of the Israeli soldiers stationed to prevent non-Muslims entry moved aside.

  The head of Saudi Arabia spoke as Leto moved closer, “It is forbidden to enter the sacred area of the temple.”

  Leto turned to face the ambassador. “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” He smiled at the irony of his words and continued. “Do not concern yourself with your hallowed ground. For soon I will raise the foundations of this building and upon it will raise a temple worthy where all may come and worship. Now come, Prime Minister. Let the world see that a new world order awaits them.

  Millions watched via the Internet and television as an acknowledged atheist marched triumphantly into the building and the defeated heads of state for each Arab league country followed. Leto walked into the centuries old structure and they pulled a table and all the men assembled in their seats. Binders were brought in and each signed the declared surrenders and cessation of hostilities. As photographers, generals and ambassadors and bureaucrats stood to their rear.

  Leto Alexander finally signed the last document and after doing so placed the cap on his pen and stood. “Congratulations gentlemen. We have secured a seven-year peace and cessation of hostilities to the Middle East conflict. The Middle East has her peace. The Dome for the sake of planetary security will be dismantled, but to those of Muslim faith it is my decree that it will be done so to the extent necessary to extract the mineral we require to fight off this menace from beyond. I declare that when it is done we shall restore your beloved monument more beautiful than before; of this you have my word.”

  The audience that had assembled themselves clapped, and worldwide people cheered that hostilities between Israel and her surrounding nations had finally ended.

  Leto then removed his microphone and turned to speak to the Prime Minister of Israel. “Commence with the dismantling of the Dome immediately.”

  “And what of your promise to allow us to rebuild the temple?” said the Prime Minister.

  Leto looked at the prime minister and replied, “Have I not spoken? Carry out my word and then you will see me carry out mine. I have given you the space of seven years to build your temple. After which I will give you a portion of the mineral to protect you should Israel’s enemies ever seek her destruction again. Trust me Prime Minister. You believe in God believe also in me.” Leto chuckled at his wit and his eyes were a-light with a twinkle of mischief.


  Eridu watched as his female charge danced with his planted lus
t filled pawn that was Mike Gains. The old angel smiled at his handiwork for his strategy had been orchestrated perfectly. For months the angel had sown suggestive seeds to augment the young woman’s insecurity: coordinating events to play on her feelings, to be accepted and amplifying the thoughts she spoke to herself about her loneliness. The young woman never realized she vocalized to her demonic voyeur’s ever listening ears how he might destroy the last living descendant of a human chronicler of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Isolated from family and ostracized by her peer group: Eridu would capitalize on her flesh’s natural urge to be sexually desired: budding into her womanhood she was a fruit now ripe for exploitation.

  Easy prey. He thought.

  Eridu smiled as he watched the two young adolescents dance their dance in the home of Mike Gaines.

  Soon your rebellion towards El and spiritual death will see you engine the realm of the dead for our cause. Soon you will join so many of your family whom I have already imprisoned.

  With her death he relished his release from his failed assignment to secure the city of Qumran for Marduk. A punishment meted out for his failure in his lord’s service: demoted to serve as a familiar spirit. Eridu winced as he thought of the judgment handed down by his master.

  “You have failed me, and my house. Therefore, I bind you to this failure,” said Marduk. “Because thou hast allowed someone to release the word of God. Thou art now the prisoner to the mud which has humbled thee. Get thee away from my sight and do not return until the stench of this human’s seed and evidence of your failure no longer survives the Earth.”

  For almost two millennia now, Eridu was a harassing spirit to the house of Micah Ben Judah. The accursed unknown scribe, whose works brought the light of the word of God to men, a failure Eridu would see himself avenged with the death of Elizabeth Foley: the last descendant of Micah Ben Judah.


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