The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 26

by Donovan Neal

  But the gem was phased, it was alive like all things from Heaven, and it could never be fully concealed in Hell, as the gem yearned to be rejoined to the other two shards, and it wailed, and screeched out, always calling to its disparate members for reunification, phased between two worlds, the spiritual and the material. Charon knew that it was only a matter of time before it would be found.

  And Lucifer in his drive for all things that belonged to El—found it.

  Bent on the jewels capture the prince of darkness sent Principality after Principality to retrieve it. Yea, even Horde armies had marched through the intestines of Hell. All to retrieve for their master the fabled gem of power.

  And Charon had made sure that all had failed.

  There angelic remains now part of the creature Sheol. Their kilnstone now awash within the flotsam that was Hell’s bloodstream. Satiating her desire for all things celestial. Feeding her.

  Thus Lucifer and Charon played out the game to secure its power. Century after century bringing Horde devices and weapons to smite the Angel of Death. And Charon had repelled them all. And each time sinking the object deeper within he folds of hell's flesh so that nothing could remove it save going through Death itself.

  So the Angel of Death waited. Waited for a sign he would soon enter the last phase of his necessary exile from Heaven as Warden of Hell. Waited for Lucifer’s new attempt to retrieve his once held gem of power.

  He had commanded Sheol to assess this new creature. So Charon had watched this human through Sheol’s eyes. He was no angel.

  And he was no man.

  Lucifer has sent something different this time, and for the first time in Charon’s existence the Angel of Death… sensed fear.

  For Sheol would not digest this one. Nor would she respond to Charon’s commands as before. His link to her mind somehow was now clouded… as if she was conflicted.

  And he called to her.

  “Sheeollll…showww meee yourr miiind. Whyyy doo youuu nottt sppeakk?”

  Silence was all that returned to his mind. Silence caressed within the screams that was the norm in hell. Silence that was broken by a voice of a human male.

  “She no longer desires to speak to you monster. She has grown tired of your checking her desires to feed. She wishes to be set free. To feed.”

  Charon turned from the walls that showed the images of hells internals, and his chains rattled as he did. Before him was a human male. Nondescript in every way save one.

  He was clearly not afraid of the angel.

  “Yes mighty Charon, your mental link with Sheol is a link I too now share. Your thoughts are now my thoughts, and her thoughts are mine. But you already know this. Already know that she no longer obeys your voice… but mine.”

  Charon roared with anger he stood on his hind legs and his great wings unfurled to reveal the ash and black that was his person. The skeletal mare whose chains dangled like tentacles extended his chains to wrap themselves around Leto.

  Leto’s body immediately became inflamed, and the tentacles wrapped themselves around his body. And Charon began to squeeze the life from him but when he did, the angel paused.

  Paused because for the first time in his existence he felt something he had never experienced before: virtue was leaving him.

  Charon staggered and attempted to withdraw, but Leto held fast to remain in contact with the angel's touch, and as he did Charon’s skull began to fissure.

  Leto smiled at the Angel. “You taste good, and your power… your power is mine now.”

  Leto then pulled on the iron tentacle that coiled around him and it snapped from the body of Charon.

  The great angel roared in pain, and his howls made Hell to heave in displeasure.

  Charon drew back and looked enraged at the being that stood in front of him and Leto spoke aloud.

  “Sheol. Restrain him.”

  Immediately fluid and tentacles lowered from both the ceiling and rose from the floor and Hell attempted to do as bidden.

  Charon unsheathed his scythe, and he swung the dread blade in circles that cut Hell’s tendrils as fast as they came at him.

  “Sheol, please bring me the stone.”

  Charon then sought to charge Leto but a great wall rose up before the angel separating him from Leto. The floor then moved, and a gulf opened in the floor. Wails, screams and the moans of angels and men erupted from the depths and as Leto looked below he could see the moving and writhing bodies of both humans and Elohim contorting in agony. Souls that begged for release.

  A bright light then made its way up from the depths and the hands of those ensnared lifted a glowing gem further up the blood canyon wall that was Hell. Further the pulsating object ascended, all while Charon beat and roared against the flesh membrane that was Hell’s shield to protect Leto. And as Charon made headway as he projected each iron tentacle after tentacle: Hell matched her tamer. And Hades buckled and heaved for the battle that raged between the two celestial creations.

  Leto stood on the edge of Hells newly created gulf and as the glowing stone rose it reached a level where a bony skeletal hand finally dropped the object into his hands.

  Leto noted the gem. The third of three shards that once connected would sing the song of creation. A song that would enable whoever wields it to have unlimited power. The power to create heavens and earths. Leto smiled.

  Charon roared and raged pummeling fist and slicing against the walls Hell continued to erect.

  “I did not come to fight you Charon. I go to a destiny beyond mere life and death. I go to bring recompense to the God of Creation. To bring creation itself to its knees. I go to destroy men, and angel. Yea even your master Yeshua. I know who and what I am. Even my father has feared me. I now understand why.”

  Charon continued to beat against the wall of flesh, even attempted to fly but Hell held him fast and he was in a constant battle to just maintain his place in the creature as he fought her from all sides.

  Leto shook his head in pity. “It is a shame really… know this and despair. For the age of the celestial is over, and the age of the Nephilim has come.”

  Leto then took the God-stone and tucked it into his tightly gripped hand and absorbed the crystal into his hands.

  He gritted his teeth as he absorbed the stone's power and cried out in exultation as waves of energy contained from the living God flowed through him. Power now combined in a vessel that absorbed Heaven’s life.

  Leto smiled and observed Charon’s battle prowess and spoke.

  “Sheol give our friend here more to occupy his time; release my father’s principalities to enjoy their would be warden.”

  Hell did as commanded and the floor of her mouth opened and Ares and thousands of angels of old poured out from Hell’s mouth and ran to accost the Angel of Death and swarmed over him. Charon fought tossing the undead angels hither and thither whilst he combated both Hell and the newly released portion of Hell’s prisoners.

  “Hold here my dear. I will call for you, and when I do. I promise you. You will feast as never before upon the flesh of angels.”

  Charon roared and cried out. “Nooooo!!!!!!”

  Leto then turned his eyes to the realm above, grinned and looked into Charon’s anxious eyes and spoke one word. “Resurrection.”

  His body then flashed in prismatic light, and Leto lifted his hands and laughed. And his laugh was a tonal deep bass that was akin to the sound of many waters crashing upon the shore. The Anti-Christ suddenly vanished from the floor of Hell as speckles of light danced like fireflies where he stood. Hell’s cavernous catacombs echoed with the sounds of her denizens, each screaming in clamorous and agonizing wails to go with him.

  The power of the shard coursed through his frame and with the will of its master it lifted the Nephilim, Leto Alexander from the pit of Hades and his spirit broke through the barrier that separated life from death. The living from the dead and he returned from the realm of the dead to his mortal body.

  Charon watched he
lplessly as he fought both Hell and angel spawn. Fighting to keep from being overwhelmed and to keep the creature under some semblance of control. Watched as a new creation was birthed from the fiery womb of Hell.


  The Anti-Christ’s heart pumped blood through his oxygen depleted corpse and functioning lungs now once more breathed in air as his chest rose and fell. His body resuscitated, and he opened his eyes. His body lay flat, and he felt with his hands the contours of a box.

  Darkness covered his face but he could see from pinpricks of light that the flag of the Commonwealth covered what was some type of see through box.

  A casket

  He punched through the glass where his body was kept in state. Large pieces shattered as they hit the ground. The Beast slowly lifted his body and exited his coffin and those who had come to pay respects were now kneeling and wide eyed staring in amazement.

  “He was dead. I saw him die!” said one.

  “It’s not possible! He is who he says he is… he is... God!”

  “What he says is true. If he can come back… we... oh my God it’s true!”

  Leto Alexander stood before onlookers and those who were in the audience to observe ceremony as his body traveled the world and those journalists who covered his tour saw him break free from his coffin and his resurrection was streamed live by social media and television for the world to see.

  Leto stepped from his casket then stood over the flag of the Commonwealth and surveyed his subjects. Those who even in his death offered homage to his memory. He then spoke for the entire world to hear. “I am returned from death. But I will not be the last. There are many that I had to leave behind; many that await us to free them from this terrible realm of the dead. Follow me and we shall destroy the barriers that have kept our dimensions apart. Follow me and I promise that we shall know immortality!”

  Leto then extended his hand and continued, “Bow before me. Bow if you wish to restore your departed ones. Bow if you wish to receive eternal life. Bow if you with your own eyes have seen what only one other in history has declared himself to be… God.”

  And across the planet the pledge of allegiance sounded and the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, roared over loudspeakers. Traffic came to a stop and people exited their vehicles and everywhere across the planet men and women, bowed, fell down and worshiped the image of the Beast.

  Leto then spoke to Ashtaroth who had materialized by his side. “Welcome back young master. As always, I am here to serve.”

  Leto turned to his side as he waved to onlookers, “Is the Ophanim still contained as before?”

  “Yes, young master.”

  “Good… take me to it. I need to touch it.” Leto smiled and waved as all in his presence bowed.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Fall of Domino's

  Leto resumed his duties upon his resurrection and after having appeared to the United Nations to show himself alive after many proofs he was reinstated as Chancellor. But many moved to call him God, and he did not stop them in this pronouncement. Ashtaroth gave word to the son of man he was to meet Lucifer for consult at the place of the temple. Leto obeyed and traveled to Israel. Where the Beast and Lucifer Draco meet one another in Jerusalem. Lucifer arrived first and set himself in the temple above the mercy seat. Seated in the place where God symbolically sat.

  Leto also entered and closed the temple doors behind him to speak with his father alone. Lucifer looked at the gait of his son and knew—knew Leto now understood his power

  Leto observed the surroundings and smirked. “You have picked an auspicious place for us to meet father. Am I then your high priest that I would come and offer sacrifices to atone for the people? Leto looked up at his father and mockingly continued.

  “While you play God?”

  Lucifer rebuffed his son’s words of arrogance and replied, “Give the report of thy stewardship.”

  “I have the returned father and as you have said. I am more than man or angel.”

  Lucifer smiled as he looked down upon his son from the Mercy Seat in the temple. “You are my son. I would expect nothing less. But… has my son been about his father’s business? Has my child now come to present the third shard of the Godstone? Are you ready to fight the Host of heaven and yea Christ himself? Or would you still prefer to prattle amongst the people and exult in their adulation?”

  Leto smiled and replied, “Patience is a virtue father. You of all should know this. For you have on many occasions demonstrated that patience coupled with persistence will yield the pleasant fruit one desires. And as far as being your son…” Leto laughed as he shook his head. “Sheol has schooled me that I am not the first son. That others have borne the moniker of Son of Lucifer, other humans have you experimented on. All in an attempt to circumvent the will of El. Each of my discarded siblings’ cries called to me in Hell. Sheol showed me their memories. Do you even know their names? Their atrocities? Do you?”

  Lucifer looked down from the mercy seat and spoke, “My ways with man are none of your concern. Only my way with you.”

  Leto looked at Lucifer in disgust and anger. “All have shared my blood, and all launched assaults against the People of El and you threw them away like trash. Refuse to be bleed dry for eternity for sins you provoked.” Leto raised his voice at Lucifer. “They all had names father, names that languish in Hell because of your manipulations!”

  “You would do well to watch your tone Leto.” Replied Lucifer.

  “Names like Goliath.” Leto inched closer to the Mercy Seat.

  “That is enough. Where is my Godstone?” said Lucifer.

  “Antiochus Epiphanes,” replied Leto.

  “I said that is enough,” replied Lucifer.

  “Hitler!” Leto cried.

  Lucifer spread his wings and jumped down from the mercy seat and he grasped his sword and unsheathed it in light and fury. Leto then cried out loud.

  “I am the third shard!”

  Lucifer stopped his advance and peered into his sons' eyes and his face contorted but he said nothing but gave off a rumbling growl.

  Leto continued, “I have tasted the gems power and have endowed myself with it. The shard and I are now one.”

  “Arghh!!!” Lucifer growled. He slapped Leto across the check and the man flew across the room into the door. Lucifer frowned and sheathed his sword and replied, “You have defied my command. You were to bring the shard to me that they may be joined. NOT to imbue yourself with its power.”

  Leto nodded, and he wiped the blood that now flowed from his nose, “I did defy you. As I will soon defy God. But I will not be deceived nor a tool to be used in the petty games between you and the Almighty. You will not discard me like you have the others you have created. Nor will you will take the shard from me. We will do this together. Or we will not do it at all.”

  Lucifer fumed and stepped towards Leto towering over his son. His voice grew deep and the interior of the room vibrated. “You do not know the spirit with which you speak to even defy me? ME? Know ye not that your life is but a vapor that appears and then vanishes away? MY blood runs through the veins that give you life. Blood I may rescind.”

  Leto stood to his feet and stepped towards his father and extended his wrists for Lucifer to handle.

  “You are correct. Take my life then. But know I will not be a slave. You feign the import of self-rule. Until it is extended to those who would defy you. I know that your war against El is a sham. A waste of resources that has cost the universe and my people in particular the opportunity to truly advance and grow. But this will no longer be the case. I will fight with you. I will war with the Creator to supplant him. But only to assure that none of humanity will ever be the slave to either sin, God… or even thee. We will be free from this consumption that rages in our flesh. This restriction of mortality that El has placed on us. I will take Eternal Life from El’s son and will help you supplant your Father’s throne. And when I am done…”

  Leto looked squarely into his father’s eyes and did not waver in his glance or tenor. “You, you will step aside from being mine.”

  Lucifer was taken aback. Unsure how momentarily to proceed. For in front of him stood his own creation. Gifted with the best genes of both men and angels. Privileged to live in the finest of locales and even augmented with artificial intelligence. And now Lucifer stood before his only child who sought to be released from him. And for a moment he understood a glimpse of what the Almighty experienced. To feel the heartbreak over his creation’s running away. To desire no future part from him. And Lucifer having felt little for anything other than his bond to Michael—for the first time in millennia felt angst, and sadness and rejection that pained him at the center of his core.

  But the Prince of Darkness would not display weakness, would not show that he was touched and possessed love of any sort. Such would create vulnerability. He could never show such foolish sentiment. For love was for others. He had abandoned that source of love ages ago. He no longer had use for the emotion now. He smiled and replied.

  “Very well then, my son. If you wish to leave me and my brethren so be it. We will defeat the Godking, and I will take back Heaven where I will rule as God. You, will return to the realm of men and will rule over them. Together, we shall destroy the Triune God and when we are done….” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he spoke to his son. “I pledge that our paths will never ever cross again.”

  Leto nodded. “Agreed.”

  Lucifer then spoke to his son, “To seal our pact you will do me the courtesy of killing the two witnesses Enoch and Elijah who stand outside the Temple Gates. Do this and I will know that you are true to your word.”

  Leto replied, “It will be my pleasure.” Leto then turned to walk away and to exit his private audience with Satan.

  Lucifer smiled as he watched with pride how powerful his son had become, smiled because he knew it was only a matter of time until he would take demonic possession of his carefully crafted human host. A house especially designed for him. And with Leto’s body and power Lucifer knew he could bring all of Creation to its knees.


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