The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 30

by Donovan Neal

  Michael then unsheathed his sword and the rest of the Lumazi followed him out to battle.


  Lucifer dismounted from atop the Ophanim, and the creature still under the hypnotic trance of the Deceiver moved and gyrated as its actions kept the gate open to the Earth. More and more troops and the Horde stepped through.

  Lucifer eyed his people and as each stepped through the ladder; each member of the angelic Horde realized that they stood on the ground of Heaven. Exiles who had been thrown from the presence of God: were outcasts no longer. Adrift to be vagabonds on the planet earth. Gypsies without a home. And the Horde was ecstatic, for Lucifer had kept his word to them. Ashtaroth, Lathum, and many more had come at the command of Lucifer. And once more they lighted their eyes on the beauty of Heaven…they determined they would never again leave and would destroy him who had set them adrift.

  And Lucifer stood stop a high cliff and his voice bellowed that his followers could hear. “HAVE I NOT KEPT MY WORD?! DO YOU NOT STAND ON OUR HALLOWED GROUNDS? FOLLOW ME AND I WILL SEE YOU RESTORED! Lucifer elevated himself into the sky and Heaven’s energies rejuvenated him. Its skies and smells were yet the same, and he looked over the army of men and angels he had assembled and spoke. “My brethren being here is NOT enough. We have been here before: been here and repulsed. We will not let this happen again. Alight and destroy all that stands in your way. Let our vengeance and acrimony be visited upon all that would side with Yeshua, with all those whom El Pneuma has brought in to replace us. We shall visit El himself and we will NOT BE MOVED!”

  A roar went up among the horde and Lucifer then flew down and set himself to stand next to Leto and spoke to his son. “Come here my boy, let us embrace.”

  Leto spoke cautiously “What trick is this? You know what I can do if you touch me.” His body became inflamed as his power reached out to protect him. Lucifer smiled, “My boy you were ever an instrument in my hand. Did you seriously think I would not have the means to control my own creation?” Lucifer then walked towards Leto who stretched forth his hands to blast him in flames but Lucifer disappeared as he walked into Leto’s body.

  Men and human onlookers drew back afraid. For the leader of the free world stood for a moment paralyzed. Leto then lifted up his hands and turned them to the left and to the right to inspect them. He took in great breaths and exhaled. Ashtaroth came over to his person and spoke. “My king is this body to your liking?”

  Leto smiled and the voice of Lucifer came from the man’s mouth. “It is acceptable. He has an amazing power to siphon celestial life. All except mine.” The possessed body of Leto Alexander let out a maniacal laugh, and his eyes were ablaze like Lucifer's eyes. “The boy fights me, but it is of no use. His will is my own, his body now mine. Even if I were to leave, my suggestive essence would be such that I need but vocalize my desire and he would carry it out. It is a shame that Marduk did not have faith. I think he would have enjoyed seeing this moment. But alas, let us start our war. General Hagan!” Lucifer yelled.

  The general saluted.

  “Make ready the tactical nukes. Get ready to fire on my command.”

  “Yes sir. Targets sir?”

  The possessed body of Leto smiled, “Fire at will commander and make sure our enemies feel it.”

  Lucifer looked before him and he saw that Heaven’s forces had assembled themselves to meet them. And he knew that in that moment.

  The war to end all wars had now begun.


  Michael looked over his peers. Angels, Humans, Seraphim and Ophanim all stood together as one body. He was proud of them and knew they all would give their lives for El. God was the source of life and Michael would see Creation itself fall before he would ever allow Lucifer to touch Yeshua ever again. He looked over the terrain. The humans had brought machines with them, and he watched as they brought their tanks and artillery and stationed their launch pads.

  He was not concerned about men’s weapons of war. But he admitted he did not know how they would react to the environment of Heaven. He saw his brother from a distance. Knew that he had taken over the body of the man-king Leto Alexander. A puppet now in the hands of the puppeteer. He would be careful to watch him he thought.

  Lucifer’s forces were stationed at the Cliffs of Argoth.

  If we can keep them with their backs to the cliff.

  Michael thought of how he could use the topography against his enemy. But that would only affect those enemies who were earthbound. It was the sky that was the problem.

  All of heaven could fly. But it was important to keep the battle two dimensional. Their numbers were increasing by the minute. With both reinforcements coming from Earth from the ladder that would not close. It was the captured Ophanim that was the problem. And Michael ruminated on how he might close the portal. He came down from his defensive position near the mountain of God and Michael walked over to Metatron and spoke. “Metatron echo my words please.”

  Metatron opened the pores of his flesh and Michael touched him.

  “You all know who I am. Those of you who are human have not seen the bloodshed that existed before your kind. I am sorry that you must witness it today. We have not asked for war. But war seeks us despite our cares. It comes to us provoked by an enemy to creation itself. Lucifer. He is the adversary and comes to steal, kill and to destroy. And let me be clear: he will kill us if he can. Will destroy us if he is able. But fear not…for he will not. FOR THE LORD OUR GOD IS WITH US!”

  Roars and cheers came from the host of Heaven and many in the crowd nodded.

  Michael continued, “We will end this war that began so long ago on these very shores. We will rid ourselves of this hate, rid ourselves of future battles and let it be known that on this day; we will beat back the Horde to within an inch of their immortal lives! We will deny them stars and sky, and bring them low to crawl on the face of the Earth! Know that we…Seraphim, Ophanim, Elohim, and Human: that we will advance the Kingdom of Heaven: until all her enemies ARE UNDER GOD”S FEET!”

  The galaxy of celestial beings erupted in cheers and the wave of onlookers and those who heard through portals who despite their desire to defend heaven stayed at their posts guarding the will of El in creation. All angels everywhere roared in exuberance. The assembled army raised their weapons high into the air and lifted the name of El in shouts of triumph.

  And when the saints and the host of Heaven had raised their fists in defiance. The sounds of explosions was heard in the sky and lights flashed above them. An explosion was heard and super heated wind raced in all directions, and Michael and all those assembled saw a wall of concussive force racing towards them.

  “Brace yourselves!” yelled Metatron.

  Immediately the Seraphim ignited and lifted themselves up as a multitude of towering firenados. The Ophanim also rose into the air to serve as shield. Both species twirled and blocked the incoming wave. And all of redeemed man looked up and over them; to see living flames of fire that burned off the energy that poured down upon them. Thousands of wheels within wheels created an electrical curtain that was draped over them in a plasmatic cloak of protection.

  “Eladrin!” said Michael. “Take out those batteries!”

  Immediately the giant king of the Ophanim disappeared and he and several of his subjects flew towards the enemy camp and as giant discs; sliced into the equipment that the humans had brought with them: cleaving their launch platforms in half. Explosions ripped through their camps and fires erupted as men ran for their lives. Eladrin and his wheeled soldiers then returned to the camp of Michael and he spoke to his friend. “Great King we need to close the ladder. Did you learn anything when you flew by the portal? Why does your brother continue to keep it open?”

  Eladrin replied, “There is something controlling him. Some magic prevents him from singing the song of our people. I cannot retrieve him.”

  Michael scowled, as he thought of the strategy of his brother and he screamed out, “Everyone find cover
and get down now!”


  Lucifer smiled as he saw Eladrin destroy his human artillery, and knew that men’s machines would never be able to injure the people of Heaven. But it would weaken the barriers between realms. Now merged with Leto, Lucifer possessed all three shards of the Godstone, and he reached forth to sing with the Ophanim; the song that kept its portal open. And when he did the ceiling of Heaven cracked. Lucifer revealed that he now possessed the power of the Ophanim. Power contained in the flesh of his Nephilim son. Power that he now controlled.

  “You are good Michael, but let us see who is truly the better general of war.”

  The former head of house Draco then opened the pours of his flesh and projected sound across the ceiling of heaven such that all could hear. And his voice echoed over canyon walls and across the suburbs of heaven, and even as far away as the Seraphim city of Ashe.

  And Lucifer lifted his hands into the air and moved them as if he was tearing something apart. The air then ripped in two all over the land of Heaven, and every eye could see that prismatic funnels opened across the lid of the skies. And the true army of the Horde came through as a great swarm to invade Heaven as explosions rang out wherever the funnels landed: celestial tornado's that wreaked havoc destroying buildings and angel alike.

  From behind the curtain of super clusters the Horde breached the skies of the Aerie. They teleported into the fiery plains of Aseir and angels fell from the skies and trampled once more across the honey smelling Mirabel leafs of Elysium.

  And where ever a portal opened: Heaven was invaded, and she erupted in battle. As the enemies assault with the help of unredeemed man; saw Lucifer and his armies penetrate what all Elohim once thought inviolate.

  The Kingdom of Heaven.

  For with a God-stone, Lucifer with his anti-Christ had scaled the realm immortal and the shores of Heaven were now breached.


  Elizabeth scrambled with her family to find cover. “Stick together! We fight as a unit!”

  The young woman watched as her dad and mom fought with swords that seemingly were a part of their arms. Each redeemed had one. A long glowing sword each held in their hand. Like the fictional Jedi of Star Wars lore, she watched as the redeemed slashed and hacked at oncoming angelic attacked that fell from the sky atop them. She looked to her left and Carol was by her side fending off an attacker. She was fully armored from head to toe. Her loins was girt about with truth, and her torso was covered with a breastplate of righteousness; Her feet were shod with shoes with wings ready to move at moment’s notice in preparation of the gospel of peace and she held a shield with which she was able to quench all the fiery darts that the enemy launched at her. Her face was covered with a helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God extended from her mouth, and her hands.

  Courage flooded the young woman and she too saw her robe transform and instantly armor her body.

  An evil angel fell from the sky screaming and she swatted the creature away. It rose to its feet and with its wings unfurled flew to skewer her. She opened her mouth and a golden sword appeared and she voiced one word and the sword shot from her mouth and sliced the creature in two. It fell before her feet and she took her shield and bashed its head.

  With the angel’s blood on her shield she looked to see her mom and father fighting side by side. Her brother had their back and she looked left and right for her best friend.

  “Carol!!” she cried. “Where are you? Carol!”

  “I’m here.” Elizabeth looked up and Carol was floating above her head. Her shield and sword drawn, and her eyes fixed off in the distance. Her robes were covered in wings like a dragonfly and she pointed off in the distance.

  “I think I see the angel who was standing by your bed when God came for me! El Pneuma says that we should go to him!”

  “Wait you can actually hear God talk to you?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “Michael plans our way, but the Lord directs our steps.”

  Elizabeth looked at her parents who were clearly engaged but could hear the two girls yelling. Elizabeth’s father yelled out. “Go with Carol. Vantress has been assigned to our house!” Carol stay by her side!” Elizabeth's mom yelled in turn.

  “Yes mam,” she replied. “Lizzy, let’s go!”

  Elizabeth jumped and immediately her robes unfurled to allow her to take flight. And she and her best friend, headed to the side of the angel who had worked to lead her to Christ…Vantress.

  Chapter Thirteen

  To Spew the Undead

  Lucifer watched the course of battle from atop a protrusion off the Cliffs of Argoth. Eying the ebb and flow of his forces as they attacked the whole of Heaven.

  “Ashtaroth, are the totality of our forces Heavenside?” Lucifer asked.

  The adjutant bowed, “All are accounted for my liege.”

  Good, Lucifer then flew towards the Ophanim and it sung the song as its rings oscillated and twirled. Lucifer then reached to grab one of the rotating arcs and he pulled against it. The creature wailed, screaming in agony.

  Ashtaroth looked at his lord concerned, “Master?”

  General Hagan was also near the staging area with men who had dug in positions to create a command tent. He too looked at his commander. But where Ashtaroth and angelic kind saw Lucifer who possessed a human body. General Hagan saw only Leto grasp the creature by the throat and snap its neck.

  Immediately the giant funnel that had brought the armies through space and time collapsed and disappeared.

  “Chancellor, what are you doing! We now cannot go back!” said Hagan.

  Lucifer smiled with the mouth of Leto and replied, “There is no going back general. I am the door, the way, and path. All those that leave must go through me!”

  General Hagan stepped back in fear. “You are not Leto.”

  Lucifer looked at the human and remarked, “We are legion but Leto is here.”

  The general replied, “This was never about humanity was it? This has been a ruse.”

  “Take your men general and head to the front of the lines. Do it now. I will send support soon. Go upon my command or I will have you thrown over the cliffs here. Do you understand me?”

  The general nodded.

  “Good, you might have some chance of survival with my angelic brethren and mayhap even cause distraction to them. You will certainly not survive a fall into the Maelstrom. Now go. Show me the fighting prowess of humanity. I seek…entertainment.”

  The general scowled and passed along his orders to his men. Many looked at the battles of the Seraphim that burned men alive, and the Ophanim which picked soldiers up and threw them over the cliffs.

  Redeemed men with floating swords that fought with an intelligence of their own, swords that cut through their ranks. He gawked as he saw all types of angels, with all manner of weapons and locomotion fight each other. And where ever an unredeemed human fought he was cut down. Only the Horde stood a chance and even they we being fought back by the might of Heaven’s forces.

  The general had always thought if heaven existed it would be beautiful beyond words. And it was. But it was also the sight of the most bloody battle has eyes had ever seen. And he knew that Lucifer was sending him out to die.

  He huffed in resignation that death would greet him soon, then turned to his men and yelled. “Saddle up boys! You don’t have to die and worry about the trip to Heaven. You’re already here!”

  General Hagan made his rifle ready and he and twenty soldiers exited the tent that was set up and towards the angelic Horde perimeter. They walked past giant principalities that protected the area and squatted. General Hagan used his hands to communicate to his fire teams the direction they wanted and each launched themselves into a three second burst run. Rifles in hand they sprinted into the explosions and morass of angelic and human bodies that was before them. Soon they were out of sight and melded into the chaos that was the millions now in melee combat.

/>   Lucifer watched the men as they made their way towards the fiercest part of the battle. Watched as they disappeared from view. Most of the unredeemed forces had been positioned just outside the city’s prime gate. Converging to prevent access towards the mountain of God.

  Lucifer whispered under his breath. “So very typical brother. But I know you will not predict this.”

  Lucifer then spoke in the ancient tongue of his people. But also the tongue of the Ophanim. And his words left his mouth and floated above him. They lifted as children's balloons into the air, going higher and higher until each coalesced into one another. Forming black and thunderous clouds that the skies of heaven grew dark. The living clouds that sung in Heaven’s skies parted and scattered as a flock of birds disturbed; for winds that rivaled the Maelstrom suddenly jetted in a circular motion. And angels and redeemed men fought as a vacuum like force suddenly pulled all into the sky. And all battle stopped. All hostilities for a moment came to a standstill. As darkness overtook the land of Heaven and a shadow covered the burbs of Heaven and beyond.

  Lucifer continued his chant and his dark words continued their assent as the gaping void that filled the sky grew ever larger. His arms moving in gyrating motions as if he pulled something towards him.

  Michael from a distance watched the phenomena from his defensive position.

  “In El’s name.” He whispered aloud. But Michael merely spoke aloud the words of them all, as the mouths of millions gawked and dropped as one.

  Lucifer had opened a dimensional rift and the great mountain of Hell was now falling from the sky.


  The devastation to the planet Earth was unfathomable. Men that survived it likened the phenomena as if the Alps had torn from the earth itself and lifted into the sky. The mountain Hell had been embedded in the earth for thousands of men’s years. Buried and covered and recovered by volcanic ash and the industry of men for millennia. For some, Hell was a myth but on a day where the armies of men fought in what most of the planet thought was a war in space: earthquakes around the world took place at once; as a great mountain of earth emerged from underneath what men called the Middle East. From Iraq to Israel, and from Egypt to the Alps; the rocky roots of the object tore asunder cities. Life on the planet would be forever changed as men cried out in despair for the carnage was as something mortal men had ever seen. The mountain lifted into the sky as it floated into orbit. Boulders and giant stones fell from it to strike the populace below. As the thing lifted into a black hurricane-like void that hovered above the planet.


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