The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings

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The Third Heaven : Apocalypse of Kings Page 36

by Donovan Neal

  To mete out the lash.

  Michael remembered El’s warning in the book of Proverbs. A prophecy that was now being fulfilled, ‘I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh.’

  Here in this realm fear was coming.

  Here in this realm: Charon was fear.

  Michael looked over the mass of the teeming damned and shook his head wondering.

  How did it come to this?


  Lucifer gritted his teeth in agony stared at Charon as he approached the prison of fire. “Has the vengeance of God come to embrace me in my incarceration of flames? Come, angel of death: do thy duty and fulfill the call of vengeance!”

  I shook my head in sorrow. As even now I discovered that pity welled up in my heart. For even now Lucifer failed to accept responsibility for his actions…still deflecting his behavior. The towering black cowled frame of Charon approached the edge of the lake of fire as fog descends upon the land. I remarked as the angel of Death slowly crept past me. His great onyx scythe glistened like a shiny oil, and his chains dredged the ground leaving trails in the earth. I squinted for the ash and smoke of his presence bit into my eyes. I could not let him go just yet.

  So I reached for the arm of the giant angel. Charon stopped his march and the angel of Death paused and his hooded and skeletal head turned to me.

  I released him and spoke. “I was there when the Lord formed you from the womb.” I looked towards the direction of Lucifer then turned my eyes back to the Vengeance of God and continued. “What will you do now Great One; now that all things have been placed under the Lord’s feet?”

  Charon dipped his head slightly, his bony visage only partially visible. He then pointed to the King of Lies and spoke to me in serpentine reply. “IIII willll beee what I have alwaysss beennn…death. Now go thy wayyy; for where I gooo. You cannot comeeee.”

  I watched as the Angel of Death then bowed in respect and I nodded in return. He turned his cowled head towards the Lake of Fire. His eyes set towards the denizens who burned and Charon continued his scorched earth stride to descend into the depths of the flaming waves. I watched as Lucifer slowly backed away from the lake's shores. Observed as the Deceiver’s eyes narrowed, and his face grew stern. Watched as the glint of stubborn refusal broke into a seed of fear as the Warden lowered himself amidst the sea of screams and the groping of emaciated hands that sought escape. Amidst the screaming pleas of mercy that lifted from the surface of the fire and brimstone loch. The inhabitants clamored to escape the judgment that the personification of both Death and Vengeance would now administer.

  I gazed as my brother squirmed his way through the crowded mass of humanity and Elohim: clamoring to escape the reach of Death. Lucifer too now fled into the morass of fire and sulfur; pushing aside those he had once called friend, climbing atop the bodies of those who also sought escape from Charon.

  It was a pitiful scene. A scene of those whose recompense had now come due. I sighed as I took in the panorama that was the infinite flaming horizon.

  I turned my back to the mass of the teeming damned. My back to Lucifer as I returned towards the gate that was the body of Eladrin. The living portal that separated this realm from the Lake of Fire.

  The Shekinah blazoned in white brilliance before me. Beams of blinding light awaited me once I stepped through the portal that was the King of the Ophanim. A step where I could leave behind all thoughts of rebellion, sin, death, and the grave. I knew the Lord awaited me. That as promised soon He would create a new Heaven and a new Earth.

  I quickened my pace determined to withdraw from this unholy place and set my eyes before me and smiled as I could hear the singing of the saints, the worship of the billions who had surrendered to the ways of El. The choral sound grew louder as I placed distance between myself and the point of entry where Eladrin had opened a gateway to the Lake of Fire.

  Perhaps I would someday forget the years of agony… perhaps. For God had wiped away every tear from all eyes. But as I walked towards the jubilance and celebration that was now underway. I wondered: what of me? Would I too one day forget the pain of ages past? Would I too be allowed to escape the haunting visions that my eyes had witnessed? In my final act to seal the Lake of Fire from the realm of all existence would God allow my mind to forget my brother’s demise?

  I hoped so.

  I hoped I would forget: yearned that I might be released from the knowledge of good and evil. But I knew better; knew that El would never let me surrender to such a childish escape. I perceived He would have me bear this burden: to know what was left behind.

  For in me would creation have a memorial of what El would discard. I would be the living, breathing reminder that sin was contained in a realm of darkness and fire. A walking visible monument for all to see. For Yeshua had made Eladrin the door and I the key to the Lake of Fire; and I had fulfilled my duty to seal all the inhabitants therein.

  As for me, I knew; knew that as Yeshua had carried the burden of sin for the world. I too, would now be burdened to carry this memory for all time. Knowing with each footstep I took away from the Lake of Fire, and despite the joyous music and praise I walked towards.

  I would never forget the screams.

  The untold… billions of screams.

  The End

  Grigoric Glossary of Terms: Scroll Three

  To: Enoch

  From: Argoth

  To wit, the Lord hath given me word to make thee understand by scrolls the ways of Heaven. I have determined it incumbent to tutor thee of the races that populate her midst. Know that though thy people hath acquired some information through observation and encounters with our kind, there is yet much that thou must still learn. This scroll hath been prepared for thy reading and translated from our tongue that ye might grasp our number. I will expand upon your instruction in future lessons. As you have advanced in learning, I have now amended thy scroll to provide thee access into the tomes of the great houses, and Celestial history concerning the Schism, and the Articles of War which governs our kind.

  Commit the knowledge given to study and see my attendant if thou dost require additional resources.

  Note: It hath been brought to my attention that thou hast made inquiry regarding the Books of Seals which El hast commissioned me to prepare. Note that this book is for El alone, and He will reveal it at His choosing.

  Furthermore, your request to access tomes concerning the Mists, the Ophanim, the Seraphim, Limbus have been denied by El Pneuma.

  His word He would have me relay to you, and I quote, "The anointing which ye have received of Me abideth in thee, and ye need not that any man teach thee: but as the same anointing teacheth thee of all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it hath been taught thee, thou shalt abide."

  I trust that these words will give you contentment. Please, do not let them fall to the ground.

  Your servant appointed by His grace in the understanding of our ways,

  Argoth Grigori

  The Chief of Eyes, and Sephiroth of House Grigori.


  God has declared that interspecies breeding is forbidden. The Nephilim are the result. Mutants who are neither man nor angel. Mongrel creations El did not create. A species El wiped out in the great deluge of your kind For the law is that everything is to be fruitful and reproduce after his kind. When celestial blood is intermixed with material blood, Abomination is the result. Grigori scholars have speculated that it might be possible to create a being that could ascend to something more than either man or angel. And we know of no other being greater than a celestial than God. But due to the great flood and El’s wrath. The Horde has been reticent to repeat this action. Nephilim have not been seen in thousands of your earth years.

  El or Jehovah

  The name angels have given to God and by which He has revealed Himself to them. Triune in nature, El is often seen in a singular bodily form. On rare occasions, His triune nature is revealed as three separ
ate distinct personalities (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost); collectively they are called the Godhead.


  The collective name of all angelic kind in Biblical lore; also called the Sons of God. Elohim are distinct from Yeshua, who is the only Begotten Son. Let it be known that Grigoric trances have shown that righteous men will also be adopted into the family of God. This knowledge is not yet commonly known among the people.

  The Schism

  An event in Heavenly history that caused the separation of the three celestial races, attributed to Lucifer's trafficking to elevate the Elohim above the Ophanim and Seraphim.

  The Descension

  The day noted by all angelic kind that Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven.


  The Trinity composed of the Father (El), the Son (Yeshua), and the Holy Ghost (El Pneuma).

  Chief Prince

  An honorific title given to one of seven angelic princes who stands before the presence of God and receives instructions for his race. The Chief Prince is entrusted by El to walk within the Stones of Fire and to protect the secret of the chamber, the Primestone…a repository of God’s power where one may become as God. Michael stands as Chief Prince of Angels. Lucifer formerly held this rank. This rank is not to be confused with the Angel of the Lord, who is Yeshua.

  Lumazi (Re 4:5)

  The group of seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. They are the chief angelic council that executes the will of God in the universe. The head of each major house is represented on the council. The seven houses are Malakim, Kortai, Draco, Issi, Arelim, Grigori, and Harrada.

  Ladder (aka Orphanic Portal) (Ge 28:12)

  A mode of transport utilized by angels to travel between realms. Ladders are created by the Ophanim. Angels simply travel in the wake that the celestial beings create as they move from place to place.


  Also known as the Realm of Choices. An in-between place. The land between life and death. The land of infinite possibilities. Limbo is placed in the basement of Heaven, yet above the Maelstrom of the Abyss. It is the only passage to the other side of the Mountain of God that leads to the land of the Seraphim, as well as other regions of Heaven. El has restricted full access to this area’s tome.

  Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4)

  A prison designed by Lucifer to dispose of those who opposed him. Presently it is in use by the Lord as a holding cell until He has determined their end.


  The legendary city of fire and home of the Seraphim. A metropolis made of living fire. The city is located in the land of Aesir.


  A living mountain that serves as a prison. Designed originally with angels in mind, it lives off the eternal spirit of Elomic flesh. It possesses the ability to reproduce similar to an amoeba and can grow. Grigoric spies indicate that Hell has grown to hold captive humans. (Isa 5:14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.)

  Scouts indicate that humans now abide in two compartments within the creature. Hades: the realm of the unrighteous dead. Paradise: The realm of the righteous dead. Prior to Yeshua's resurrection, Paradise was the place where the righteous dead were held in the spirit realm until they were freed. These two domains were separated by a gulf that prevented residents from crossing to one another. (Luke 16:26)


  The title angels have given the man who can defeat Lucifer. We have realized this title is honorific to Yeshua.


  "Death" to a celestial being is called dissolution.

  The Kiln

  A furnace from which El created all celestial life and the former storehouse of the Stones of Fire; the living elements of creation. At the heart of the Kiln was the Primestone, and the ultimate test for angelic kind.

  Elomic Command

  A vowel, consonant, or phrase allowing the power of God to be invoked.

  The Abyss

  A gulf of nether sometimes referred to by thy kind as Limbo or by daemon kind as "the wilderness." It is a realm that separates the Third and Second Heavens. Failure to bridge the realms without a Ladder or direct intervention from El can cause one to be entrapped within the winds of the nether.

  The winds are referred to as the Maelstrom. Kortai builders frequently build near the edge of the Maelstrom to expand the landscape of Heaven. The Abyss is also referred to as the "bottomless pit."

  Mortals cannot pass through the Abyss without shedding their corporeal shell. Only Death or direct translation by God allows passage past the Abyss into the spiritual world of Heaven. El hath mentioned that He may release this tome to thee at a later time.


  A designated area where travel between two points was allowed by God. Failure to utilize a waypoint could displace the Third Heaven with the second or vice versa causing untold destruction.

  Grigoric Trance

  A vision given by God to some Grigori who are able on occasion to see one generation ahead into the future.


  The food that angels consume. Grown in the fields of Elysium, it is shipped to the four corners of creation to supply angels with sustenance. When harvested, it instantly grows back. During the exodus of the children of Israel, the nation temporarily fed on this food. (Exodus 16:15)


  A black crystal-like mineral created by God. It is a living thing that grows similar to human bones. It is the hardest, most durable substance known to angelic kind. The substance is used to under gird the basement of heaven and her foundations. It can stretch and grow as directed. It is extremely pliable and able to be made into a variety of substances from building materials to weapons of war.

  The Burning

  The Burning is a process that the Seraphim may engage where all Seraphim may unite as one single entity. All who participate while in this state are able to know and share one another’s thoughts.

  Their collective flame is equivalent to the flames of Hell or the former Kiln. There are few things that can survive if the collective body of Seraphim fires.



  A type of angel having great power; but not necessarily governmental oversight.


  A heavenly creature designed to serve as a voice to the holiness of God; also called a "Burning One." A creature of great power.

  There are four which stand at the temple of God. The rest of the Seraphim have not been seen since the great Schism and are kept behind the mountain of God in the land of Aesir.

  The Seraphim appear as floating fire with flaming eyes and wings in their natural state and assume a humanoid form when in the presence of others. When they do so, their voices can create sounds that defy the hearing. El hath restricted full access to their tome.


  A living sentient aroma that lives before the throne of God and perfumes the throne. El hath restricted full access to their tome.

  Ophanim (Ezekiel 1:15-21)

  A heavenly creature designed to serve as guard to the presence of God. They are also movers of both planetary and star systems. El hath restricted full access to their tome.

  Zoa (Rev. 4:1-9 5:1- 6:1)

  A heavenly creature designed to serve as guard to the secret things of God.

  Stones of Fire (Eze 28:14)

  A living sentient element which can be molded in the Kiln to create celestial life. They are also called Kilnstones or Godstones.

  Shekinah Glory

  The residue of God's breath, equivalent to the exhaling of a humans carbon dioxide; a living cloak of breathing light that envelops and irradiates the person of God. Primarily, a localized phenomenon. Those that come near the Lord are irradiated by the Shekinah, leaving an afterglow on their own person for a temporary period. The Shekinah can manifest wherever the holiness and righteousness of God exist.


  The famed flaming horses of Aesir. These great animals pull the fiery chariots of Seraphim riders and were the steeds used to bring Elijah into Heaven. Those that are tamed are stalled in the great flaming city of Ashe.

  Angelic Rankings

  Chief Prince

  El's designated angelic leader over all Elohim

  The First of Angels/The Sum of all Things (Ez 28:12,13)

  An honorific title given to Lucifer

  High Prince

  Seven angels in existence who speak collectively for all their kind. (Collectively, they are called the Lumazi and are sometimes referred to individually with that honorific title.)


  A sole high-ranking governing angel who directs a specific assignment or regions of territory(s). Sometimes referred to by humans as archangels. The highest-ranking angel over an assignment.


  A sole mid-ranking governing angel who administers more than one territory.


  The lowest ranking governing angel overseeing one territory.


  A non-governing angel representative of a particular virtue. (I.e., love, justice, etc.) After the fall, some angels were designated as prime evils.


  A non-governing angel who serves the cause of El


  A fallen non-governing angel who serves the cause of Lucifer. Daemons are the regurgitated angelic souls of Hell, released by he who holds the keys to Death and Hell.

  Daemons are but shadows of their former angelic selves and thrive off men, as their Kilnstones have been digested by Hell. Now they seek to inhabit the souls of men, that they might find expression through them. They are the undead of our realm and feed off the living.


  Fallen Grigori sometimes referred to by humans as Ghosts.


  A group of angelic warrior dispatched to dispense the judgment of the Lord


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