Mad Dog Maddox

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Mad Dog Maddox Page 6

by Louise Collins

  Maddox hoisted him up and carried him into the house. Once the door closed, he rearranged Jake, picking him up bridal style and marching him straight to the bedroom.

  Jake’s lips parted in his slumber. No frown or crease sliced his youthful features and Maddox found himself transfixed, half wanting his lids to flutter open, half happy to hold him in his unconscious state.

  A grumble had Maddox scrunching his face, it wasn’t his stomach that gurgled so pathetically but Jake’s. He placed the unconscious man on the bed and headed into the kitchen.

  An apple and a yogurt, not the most substantial of meals, but no doubt when Jake woke he would be more nervous than hungry and only eat a small amount. Besides, Maddox couldn’t gift Jake with a full-blown meal when sex was on his mind.

  He put the apple in his pocket and breezed into the bedroom. The yogurt and knife were placed on the floor for when Jake woke.

  The choke hold usually lasted a few minutes, but Jake stayed unconscious. Maddox rocked on his heels, waiting for the other man to stir. He pressed his fingers to Jake’s neck, sighing in relief when he felt the steady pulse beneath him.

  He bound Jake’s hands to the bedframe with cuffs, hoping it would get Jake’s heart pumping. He had a desire for danger, for the chase and Maddox fully intended to fill that unspoken wish.

  The tilt of Jake’s head was all wrong, but the pillows on the bed were stiff and wouldn’t squeeze in the gap between his arms. Maddox unbuttoned his shirt, scrunched the material up and propped it beneath Jake’s head.

  Had Jake awoken and immediately screamed, Maddox would’ve gotten rid of the cuffs in an instant, but Jake only looked dopily up at the restraints for a second before drifting his focus elsewhere.

  “We’ve really got to stop meeting like this.”

  Jake’s attention snapped to the end of the bed, and Maddox’s cocky smirk died when he linked eyes with the restrained man.

  The sparkling blue of Jake’s eyes put the diamond to shame. Everything in the room was muted in colour, black, white and grey, but amongst the blandness was two dazzling irises, both diamond in beauty and detail.

  They tracked back and forth between Maddox’s eyes, and their focus had him heating up with desire. The irises moved their focus to Maddox’s chest, scanning his appearance. They lingered on the tattoo flowing right out of his heart, following the pattern dancing down his arm and ending on his hand.

  “I’m Maddox. Nice to meet you.”

  Maddox’s flicked his chin to gain Jake’s eyes once again, exhaling when they linked with his.

  “Am I not what you expected?” he asked.


  Maddox cocked his head with a frown, trying to gauge whether Jake liked what he saw. He stared back as if enchanted, licking at his lips. Maddox took that as a good reaction.

  “Guess I should say thanks for returning my diamond...”

  Jake eyelids drooped, and his tensed body sagged on the mattress.

  “You own the collection at the museum...” he mumbled.


  “What-what are you going to do with me?” Jake asked.

  Maddox breathed a harsh breath through his nose. “Haven’t decided yet.”

  It was the truth. He knew what he wanted to do, but whether it would happen depended on Jake’s consent. If Jake wanted to flee without sharing their bodies again that was his decision.

  Maddox plucked the knife off the floor, the blade reflected his own lust-filled eyes, more black than green and he snorted.

  Concentrating so much on the tool in his hand, he missed Jake’s sharp intake of breath. He glanced up with a smile, but it left his face the minute he noticed the change in Jake’s complexion. He merged with the bed sheets below.

  “’m sorry, okay.”

  The words were gasped, the dimple that complimented the one in Jake’s chin, appeared at the top of his nose and his eyes shimmered with worry.

  “Food,” Maddox announced, pulling the apple from his trouser pocket.

  Jake blinked in quick succession. “Wha?”

  Maddox casually peeled the apple in one continuous swirl. He used the discarded piece like a spring before flicking it across the room. He didn’t want it in sight, the only colour to stand out in the muted room was Jake’s eyes, not the bright red peel of an apple.

  He straddled Jake’s waist, being sure not to put his weight on any delicate places and forced a pillow behind Jake’s head to lift him higher. The angle highlighted the tendons in his neck and Maddox grimaced. Once Jake had finished his meal, Maddox would let him settle back in a more comfortable position.

  “You haven’t eaten all day. It’s been a busy night for you. Here have a slice.”

  The enticing pink lips sealed themselves firm enough to turn the edges white. Maddox waited patiently, moving the apple against Jake’s bottom lip like he'd done with his thumb weeks before.

  The pink lips softened and popped open. Once the sweetness hit Jake’s pallet, he crunched down the pieces with no protest, only a small moan of appreciation. Jake fell under the veil of control effortlessly. Pink blotched his cheeks; his mouth trembled the longer Maddox made him wait for the apple. It was beautiful, sensual and visually mouth-watering.

  So, zoned out being fed apple, Jake’s eyes drifted. He waited for each piece with his mouth prepped.

  The calmness needed to be marched with audio. A piece that started slow and built to a dramatic conclusion. Maddox reached for the remote on the side table, pointing at the disguised stereo while Jake continued to munch with his eyes shut.

  Maddox was surprised when Jake started biting slower with the music, softer with his jaw not to make a prominent crunch. Both Maddox and the music worked together to seduce the younger man.

  “Sweet, isn’t it?”

  Jake nodded, dazed eyes unveiling from his lids and taking Maddox’s breath away. He couldn’t wait anymore, had no know if this was going to go how he wanted.

  “Same choice as before, Jake. I can let you go, right now...or I ramp up your thrill level.”

  A sharp expression tightened Jake’s features. Maddox swallowed his disappointment, waiting for Jake to respond.

  “What about the reward money?”

  Maddox snorted. “After you humiliated my men, no chance. This is your reward if you choose to take it. Can I have your body again?”

  Jake shuffled. His blue eyes tracked the empty space above him.

  Maddox stretched for the cuffs on his wrists.



  Maddox paused, intimidating body caged over Jake. “What’s your answer, then?”

  Jake teeth nibbled at his lip, then he relaxed with a defeated sigh. “I’m yours...”

  Maddox retracted his arm slowly. Eyes fixed on the sparkling irises.

  Jake’s chest rose and fell sharper, and his skin rushed with goosebumps.

  Maddox rested his hand on the panting man. “Got something else to give you some energy first.”

  Maddox reached for the yogurt, relieved it was still cool against his hand.

  “It’s vanilla. Thing is...I forgot a spoon, didn’t I? Oh well.”

  He got comfortable on top of Jake again, straddling his chest. The shift and rearrangement had his cock brushing against a crease in his trousers and he bit back a grunt. As soon as Jake had agreed, blood had flowed south, filling him out completely. Unlike last time, he was going to take his pleasure first, so all his focus could be on Jake afterwards.

  He held the lid up for Jake. “Lick it.”

  Jake swiped his tongue against the foil, biting his lip once his tongue was back in his mouth. Maddox pinned Jake to the bed with his bulk, but a quick glance behind and he saw Jake’s feet twisting and fidgeting. The joggers Jake wore were only thin material, and a blotch of darker grey grew at his crotch.

  More yogurt was offered from his fingers, pushed into Jake’s awaiting mouth. The hot tongue swirled and curled, each time Maddox g
rumbled in approval Jake increased the firmness of his licks.

  The music in the background was building, gaining pace, and so did Jake’s mouth drawing Maddox’s fingers into its depths.

  “Think you might’ve missed some. Make sure you get it all off, yeah?”

  He sucked desperately after the command. Maddox could hear the squelching and swallowing sounds his throat made, and it drove him mad with desire. He jolted his hips up, catching himself on his tight trousers to relieve an edge of his need.

  Yogurt leaked from Jake’s mouth and Maddox couldn’t stop himself ducking down to lick the trail away. Even sweeter now it had mixed with the taste of Jake.

  Jake's moan was surprising. It thundered along with the music, loud and drawn out.

  Maddox showed him the yogurt. “All gone. Got one last thing for you to eat though.”

  Jake’s restless rocking increased. Maddox leaned up on his knees and smiled when Jake’s hips tried to follow, thrusting up with no conscious thought. Jake was just as swept up in the moment as he was, and the thought had him filling with equal lust and relief.

  Up on his knees, it was easy to un-loop his belt. His hands shook, not from fear, but a desperation at having this kind of pleasure. It had been so long; Jake’s placid nature had reawakened intimate desires and he needed them satisfied.

  “Open up. You’ve been so good so far.”

  The pink lips opened. Maddox pushed down on the dimple in Jake’s chin to get his mouth wider. Never had Maddox’s seen such a sexy sight, Jake blissed out with his mouth perfectly rounded to fit him.

  Jake jerked at the first touch, Maddox soothed him with hushing noises, needing Jake to stay in his trusting state.

  The blue eyes blazed open, and a flutter of defiance had them narrowing at Maddox. His jaw flexed, and Maddox knew biting was on his mind.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he snapped. He exhaled slowly to rein in his anger. “Just do what you did with the yogurt.”

  Jake’s features softened, and the dazed look swam in his eyes again. The movements of Jake’s tongue were uncoordinated, nervous and rather than being a turn off, it made Maddox burn hot with desire. Jake had never done this to another man, he was the first to claim Jake’s mouth this way.

  He groaned, and the approving noise had Jake relaxing into his role. He moved his tongue in repetitive lines, lapping the underside with broad strokes. It was messy, the angle was all wrong and Maddox’s cock kept bursting free and smearing moisture on Jake’s face, but the sight was a sexed spectacle that had Maddox’s mouth hanging open.

  “Keep going...”

  Having his cock sucked by Jake was a thrill. Maddox’s moans punctured through the rumbling of the symphony, some guttural in tone, some hissing. Jake had pushed him to the point of disrespecting Beethoven. He hadn't thought that was possible, but he couldn’t stop groaning out of time, destroying the piece with his own sounds.

  He lost all sense of control when Jake opened his eyes. Sparkling blue overtaken by black. Jake whimpered around the length in his mouth and Maddox knew he was a goner.

  He grasped Jake’s hair, clutched at his chin and unloaded into his mouth. He knew it was a lot; he hadn’t come from his own hand for weeks, let alone this kind of intimacy.

  Jake, being the perfect submissive, swallowed it all, shutting his eyes as he did like he enjoyed the flavour of Maddox on his tongue.

  “ good Jake.”

  It was natural to praise, but he didn’t think Jake's lips would stretch into a devastating smile. Soft and fragile, Maddox stomach flipped when he saw the reaction his words had.

  Jake had been so good, and it was time for him to get his reward. Maddox intended it to stay in Jake’s mind till the day he died.

  Maddox shed his clothes in a hurry. He paused his mad undressing when he noticed Jake watching him, taking in the details of his body. He kept his body in good shape, knew he bulged with muscles without straining.

  The wet patch on Jake’s joggers had widened, no longer damp material, but nearing shiny from the amount of moisture. Maddox yanked them down, uncovering Jake from his chafing confines. His arousal looked almost painful, swollen and sticky.

  The t-shirt needed to go next. Maddox tore the fabric in two with ease, opening Jake’s clothing like the wrapping paper it was. He kneaded the flesh on display, earning him a wrecked whimper.

  He wondered whether he could make Jake come from his hand on his chest alone. Whether flicking and twisting his pert little nipples would have him convulsing.

  He sniggered with another idea and shimmied down Jake’s body before blowing on the slicked tip of his cock. Jake arched, gulped for breath. and Maddox thanked God Jake displayed so many visual clues when he was about to orgasm.

  He pressed the heel of his hand into Jake’s perineum, compressing the spurting tubes before come could erupt from the tip.

  The confused expression on Jake’s face was utterly adorable, and Maddox cursed himself for not being able to kiss his face and mess with his anatomy at the same time.

  A lash of his tongue on Jake’s cock had him thrashing as if on fire.

  “What the hell?” croaked from his lips.

  Maddox grinned to himself as he ducked down to caress Jake again. He squirmed, lifting his hips to dislodge the pressing hand, but Maddox didn’t allow it. He curled his fingers to touch Jake’s hole, barely scratching the folds of skin. Jake shuddered with a broken moan, clenching and relaxing his cheeks.

  “I’m gunna blow you....”

  “Like a trumpet?”

  Maddox’s opened mouth clicked shut. An amused smile spread across his lips. The music had been steadily building, but he had pushed it to the further edges of his mind to concentrate on Jake’s body.

  “Hmm, a trumpet....”

  He softened his lips in a pout and rested his lips on Jake’s straining cock. Jake didn’t disappoint with the tortuous howls when Maddox blew gently.


  Hearing Jake call his name flipped his stomach, filled it with excited tingling. Jake should only say his name this way. No one else should be able to touch Jake in these intimate places, draw moans from those delicate lips.

  “Please, Maddox....”

  Again, his name was gasped, and he shivered with how good it felt to hear.

  “Not like a trumpet then. How about a French horn?”

  Maddox opened wide around Jake. Hummed his length, sucking to ensure his vibrating cheeks were tickling Jake on all sides.

  Jake gasped and flailed, and the teasing stage was over. Maddox groaned, enthused as he took Jake to the brink, easing off and edging him forward once again. Jake moaned, rocking his head with his lips parted. The skin of Jake’s cock stretched with arousal, almost at breaking point. Instead of drawing the moment out longer, Maddox kept going with pulsing sucks.

  Jake went completely still as he came. No wheezing breath whistled through his lips, his chest was puffed up to the max, lungs fully inflated. Maddox’s hand was still putting pressure on Jake’s body, stopping him ejaculating.

  Jake squirmed, restless, threw his hips to try and dislodge both the hand bearing down on him and Maddox’s hugging mouth.

  Maddox pulled his mouth off and laughed into Jake’s thigh before whipping his gaze up.

  Jake was a mess, sweating and panting for air. Fidgeting like he was being electrocuted by the bed. Maddox thought he was capable of one more orgasm, and then he would finally allow Jake the complete relief he so desperately craved.

  “Please, please Maddox.”

  The mantra of his name continued, more desperate each time he ignored them. Never had someone sounded so beautiful begging for release. He curled his fingers towards Jake’s hole, pushing the folds till he was accepted inside.

  The pitch of his name increased. ‘Maddox’ was wailed to the ceiling, chanted over and over and he knew for the rest of his life he would never forget that despairing voice. He leaned up, able to see Jake's
scrunched face and the glistening tears that had run down to the mattress.

  “Shhh Jake, has to be at the right part of the symphony.”

  The blue eyes snapped open. His head was unsteady as he tilted forwards to see Maddox. That wrecked expression was too much to handle. Maddox dropped down and nuzzled at his cock, taking it in his mouth as his fingers edged in and out of his body.

  The area between the perineum and Jake’s hole was tiny, Maddox’s hand had started to cramp at the odd angle. The mild discomfort was worth it. Jake pleaded, begged and sobbed as the music built to the dramatic conclusion.


  He removed his hand, his fingers and his mouth, sat back on his heels and watched Jake fall apart in front of him. His mouth hung open, eyes unfocused and glazed over, and the sweet blush of his cheeks reached his temples. Three orgasms worth of come burst from Jake’s cock, slapping noisily on his heaving chest. His body quaked, even his feet shook on the bed as he was completely overwhelmed. Sweat clung to Jake's hair, and his short sideburns were damp and shiny. Even his cupid's bow shone with moisture.

  Maddox ducked forward for a taste of his come, licking a clean patch on Jake’s dirty body. Tangy on his tongue, mixing with the sweat on Jake’s stuttering chest. Maddox couldn’t resist another long lick, moaning at the taste.

  Maddox pressed his hand to Jake’s heart. The muscle slowed into a relaxed rhythm. Jake’s eyes closed, and his body sagged into the bed.

  “Perfect, hear me? You were perfect.”

  No verbal reply, but a small smile and a twitching of his brow instead. Maddox’s own body ached with the need to cement dominance over Jake.

  “Now I’m gunna fuck you.”

  He left the bed to search his drawer. The lube still had its seal, and he picked angrily at the plastic for delaying him. He squirted a generous amount, taking his time to massage Jake’s tight hole with slicked fingers until they were accepted inside.

  There was no rush to his preparation. The music had stopped, and he didn’t need to match it. It took twenty minutes for him to be satisfied Jake was ready for him. In that time Jake had brought his knees up, feet both flat on the bed as soft sounds escaped his lips.


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