Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3) Page 33

by Posey Parks

  “What happened?!”

  Her eyes closed, then shot open. “My water broke. The contractions…are murder!” she scowled.

  I stepped behind Nadine wrapping my arms lightly around her waist pulling her a few steps back.

  Anthony flew into the kitchen glaring at his mom. “What happened?”

  “The babies are coming! Son, we practiced for this moment. Go get your Mom’s duffel bag, purse, whatever you need to keep you busy and meet us in the truck.”

  “On it, Dad!”

  In route to the hospital, I called Nadine’s father. I know he hates me but his grandchildren are coming into this world. Her family didn’t attend the baby shower because half the celebration was for me. Nadine informed me the morning of the baby shower her mother called informing her they wouldn’t be in attendance.

  Hello Earl.


  Nadine is in labor. We are in route to the hospital. I thought you might want to meet us there.

  He gasped. Yeah, we didn’t get the opportunity to see Anthony when he was born. Is she delivering at the hospital she works at, St. Michaels?


  Ok. Tony, thanks. See you soon.

  I disconnected the call.

  I glanced over at my heavy breathing fiancée. “We are almost there baby.”

  She nodded.

  I caught a glimpse of my sons worried eyes through the rearview mirror. “Anthony, are you ok back there?”

  “Dad, I’m fine. Just worried about Mom.”

  “I know Son. We are here.” I whipped into the emergency room driveway.

  Franticly, I ran inside. If I needed to kill a person in a millisecond, I can do that without blinking. However, watching my fiancée breathe hard through contractions, then I’m a ball of confusion. “Dr. Barlow is ready to give birth!”

  The nurses scurried from behind the counter rushing past me out to the truck. Everything happened at top speed. After valeting the truck, I ran inside. A nurse shoved a clip board and pen into my arms. “Fill out these forms.”

  Bogged down with a heavy duffel bag carrying one car seat in my hand, I stood on the elevator filling out the form, in route to the maternity floor. Anthony hooked the other car seat over his arm while he played a video game on his phone. The nurse stood behind Nadine in the wheelchair watching the floor numbers above.

  Hit man turned domesticated. I imagined the day so many times now it is finally here.

  “Baby, we are almost there.”

  “Ah!” she yelled the second she was hit with another contraction.

  “The contractions are closer together. The babies are coming!” she spit through gritted teeth.

  Doctors as patients probably tick the nurse’s off.

  Anthony sat at one end of the couch watching YouTube. I helped Nadine into a blue hospital gown.

  “Tony.” Her warn out eyes glanced into mine.

  My eyes have been wide since Nadine’s water broke. “Yes, baby.” I ran my fingers through my untamed curly mane.

  “I am happy you are here with me this time. I wanted you here the last time.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  I pulled her close. “I’m happy I’m here, too.”

  Her eyes squeezed shut. “Exercise ball, now!” she yelled through barred teeth.

  My baby was losing it.


  Two hours later, we welcomed Meena and Madisen into the world. The smallest people I ever had to care for myself. I remember when Samantha had Charlotte she was so tiny. Now I’m holding my own little girls. Their little eyes barely opened and their long little pale fingers are so precious. I’m their daddy.

  Wow, I have three children. It’s an amazing feeling. Nadine was exhausted. Nadine’s family poured into the room. Her sisters, their husbands, nieces and nephews, and her parents. Everyone wanted to hold the twins.

  My loud family arrived. Sergio and Dillon smacked me on the back telling me how proud they are.

  “Tony, if you didn’t get rest before these two arrived, I feel sorry for you. Their little clocks work opposite of ours.” Sergio laughed.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I glanced at Anthony. “He is going to be a big help.”

  Anthony ran over. “Dad, I am going to take good care of my sisters.”

  I kissed the side of his head. “That’s my boy. You always take care of these beauties.”

  Sierra and Fran talked to Nadine.

  Nadine’s eyes fell on me. She smiled wide. This is one of the happiest days of my life.

  “Tony, wait till they ask you to have tea with them and their baby dolls.”

  My eyes widened. “What!”

  Lily patted my leg. “My Daddy and I always have the best tea parties. You and the babies can join us next time.”

  I stared down at her. “Lily, thank you for the invitation. We would love to join you and your daddy.”

  She smiled then ran across the room to play with Shana.

  The first two weeks after the twins were born our house was crazy. Luckily, between my mother and Nadine’s mother, Sierra, and Fran we had plenty of help.




  A second chance at love. I can’t believe Tony and I are finally getting married, after having three children. I don’t mind the order as long as he finally becomes my husband. That is all that matters to me. I’ve wanted to be his wife since we met. I blush just thinking about it.

  His handsome face sent shivers down my spine at the youthful age of eighteen. Now at thirty-five I am tying the knot with the man I always dreamed of marrying.

  The Italian seamstress from Italy had her work cut out for her. She had to widen the waist of the Tulle sheer jewel neckline ball gown wedding dress. The bottom of the dress was covered in lace appliques and 3D flowers. I was a beautiful princess for a day.

  I was sure to pump enough milk earlier today for the babies, so I can have a few glasses of wine on my wedding day.

  Sierra was my matron of honor. My sisters, Tony’s sister Cristina, and Samantha were my brides’ maids.

  Tony’s Groomsmen were Gio, Dillon, Kirk, Dominic, and Jacob.

  The entire sanctuary stood as I sashayed down the aisle toward my husband to be.

  The diamond encrusted earrings glistened in the flash of the cameras as I approached the groom. My deep ruby lips were dying to be kissed by Tony.

  I couldn’t wait until the ceremony was over. I wanted to peel the gray and black tux from Tony’s sexy body. Tony’s face was clean shaven. His hair was parted on one side, combed in a perfect manicured circle. His piercing blue eyes made me wet.

  I probably shouldn’t say that but I think Tony was having dirty thoughts too because I caught him licking his lips as his eyes roamed my body in the elegant wedding gown. The moment we said our I dos, and I slid the ring on Tony’s finger, I was all smiles. Finally, the moment arrived, my husband took me in his big strong arms, I weaved my arms around his neck and he ferociously kissed my picture-perfect lips. Tony leaned into my ear.

  “We haven’t had sex since the night of my birthday, I’m not letting up on you tonight. I plan to give it to you long and hard.”

  Over the cheering crowd, I swear I came a little at his words. I had to fix my flushed face before I turned to our guests and strolled down the aisle arm and arm with my husband into the atrium of the church.

  My dashing husband stood at my side in the receiving line shaking all of our guests’ hands. Between every guest he stole a glimpse of me. If that doesn’t make a woman feel special I don’t know what would.


  Waving my bouquet in the air with one hand, Tony held my other hand high as we walked through the doors of the packed reception.

  “It is my great honor and privilege to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Nadine Magarelli. Please join me in congratulating the happy couple!” The DJ announced.

  Immediately we were greeted by Anthony and the twi

  Anthony placed the twins in each of our arms. We gave Anthony a hug.

  “Mom, you look especially beautiful today.” He smiled bright.

  “Awe, thank you Anthony.” I kissed his cheek.

  My hair rested on top of my head in a perfect bun pulling my slanted eyes upward.

  I kissed our precious girls who resembled a mix of Tony and myself. There skin is a little darker more of an almond with big brown eyes.

  Tony wrapped his arm around my waist while staring at Meena. “You did good, Momma.”

  I glanced into his eyes, kissing his lips. “Thank you.”

  Tony’s mother and mine walked over removing the babies from our arms.

  “Mom, Dad, I’m going to hang with my cousins.”

  “Ok, Anthony,” I stated.

  Samantha approached. “It’s time for the couples first dance.” She ushered us onto the dance floor.

  I wrapped my arms around Tony’s neck gazing into his sea like blue eyes. “Your friend, pushy much.”

  Tony laughed. “Hey, she’s just doing her job. You do realize she is in the mist of preparing for her annual Christmas party and she is here coordinating our wedding?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah.”

  “She’s just a little stressed that’s all.”

  “I am very appreciative. My big powerful man has influential people in his life who drop everything to come to his aid. That shows you are a spectacular man.”

  His soft lips pressed against mine. “Thank you, baby.”

  Tony and I sat amongst the wedding party at the long receiving table. I never laughed so hard. Dominic cracked one joke after the other.


  Tony glanced down the table at Dominic. “What’s up?”

  “Did you tell your wife how we waited at the alter for like forty-five minutes for them to primp and pamper. I don’t understand why it takes women so long to get ready especially in this case you know exactly what you are wearing. The designer has taken all the guest work out of it.”

  He glanced at me. “Girl, what took y’all so long?”

  The table burst into tears, laughing.

  “Hey Dom, really we are going to do this again? Remember Vegas? You said your girl knows if she isn’t ready you’re leaving. How about we ask her?”

  Tony stretched his neck to ask Carmen.

  Dom placed his hand up deflecting them from speaking.

  “You don’t need to ask her anything.”

  I pointed at Dominic. “Dom, I think the real problem is you are used to waiting and you want it to stop.” I nodded my head up and down.

  Everyone waited for him to answer. “Listen, I wait half the time.”

  Everyone laughed again.

  “Busted!” I shouted.

  Carmen shook her head in agreement. “He waits,” she said rolling her eyes at him.

  We had the best time. Sergio, Dillon, Sebastian, Brandon, Jacob, then Samantha gave some heart felt toasts.

  Right before we snuck out we kissed the kids goodbye then climbed into the Black Maybach.

  “Mrs. Magarelli, you have no idea how long I’ve waited to call you by my last name.”

  I wrapped my arm around his head. “You know how long I waited to become Mrs. Magarelli…too long, baby. Too long.” I bit his bottom lip then pried his lips open with my tongue. Our tongues made slow love.

  “I’m ready for my husband to take care of his wife tonight. In ways that only he can.” I winked.



  The day had finally arrived, I married my best friend. The woman who would ride with me through the fire, literally. Every bad ass enforcer needs a woman who can throw down at his side if it comes down to it.

  I will never forget my gut instinct told me Nadine would be down for whatever. I was fucking right. The first murder I committed in her presence, she was shook.

  Later, that night she took me by surprise telling me to let her know next time we have a job she will bring a change of clothes. I thought wow my tongue game is that good to make her willingly kill with me or for me. To learn later she was serious was right up my alley. I knew I found the one. There was no way I could find another bad woman who is fine as fuck, intelligent, and a born killer crazy like me. Yeah, she was the one all along.

  Samantha’s toast at the reception was bitter sweet.

  Tony, when we first met you wore a constant scowl on your face. I thought does this man ever smile.

  We heard light chuckles throughout.

  I tried so hard to make you laugh. Then one day I came over to your house to bring you dinner. Truthfully, I was worried about you. You were a mess when you answered the door. You invited me inside. You told me to make myself at home, then you ran upstairs. I walked into the kitchen to place the food on the counter. I saw the bent picture of Nadine on the counter. I finally understood why you were always sad and so serious. You never knew I saw the pic because I decided to place the food on the coffee table in the living room. I figured if you wanted me to know about her you would tell me. Then one day it dawned on me why you didn’t. Being without her brought you so much pain.

  Samantha began crying then Nadine.

  Samantha raised her glass.

  Tony, I am sincerely happy for you. I’m happy you found your way back to Nadine. To a life of happiness. Salute!

  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  My wife stepped out of the bathroom wearing a hot pink lace lingerie.

  Her sexy hips swayed from right to left as she approached in the silver strappy studded Christian Louboutin stilettos. I was relaxing on the coffee-colored oversized armless couch.

  “I wish we had more time in the beautiful St. Croix villa. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  She’s right you can walk through the house onto the patio and take a dip into the Olympic size pool.

  The bamboo wood floors were cool under my feet. The double king-sized canopy bed is fit for a king. The dim lights bouncing off the bamboo ceilings, radiates Nadine’s skin.

  “I love the white curtains surrounding the bed. It’s romantic,” she smiled.

  I smiled, planting my lips against her thick thigh.

  “You deserve a romantic night. I plan to whisk you off to private islands more often in the future.”

  Nadine’s long hair swayed around her shoulders. Before we left the reception, venue Nadine had the glam team restyle her hair.

  “I can’t wait. Me and you on vacation again is well over due.”

  “It is, Kitten.”

  Nadine untied my bow tie tossing it across the room.

  “I’m trying to get right down the business. I’m horny as fuck, Tony.”

  “That makes two of us, baby. The hand jobs were nice but nothing is sweeter than being deep in your warm clenching walls.”

  Nadine burst into laughter.

  Her fingers quickly unbuttoned my shirt. I eased her onto my lap. My large hands massaged her thick hips, winding up her frame to her big breasts. I leaned forward licking her cleavage. Nadine circled her hips.

  “That’s right baby, show daddy what you’re working with.

  Nadine placed her hands on my shoulders rubbing her pussy over my tight abs.

  “Yeah, baby your pussy is dripping wet.”

  “Always for you.” She cocked her head to the right her hair flowed with her.

  I lifted Nadine’s ass so I could unbuckle my pants. I bent my legs behind her slipping my pants and boxers off, dropping them to the floor. Scooting to the edge of the couch, I picked Nadine up, carrying her over to the bed. Hoovering over her irresistible body I slid her peeking nipples out of the cups of the pink bra. I took turns sucking her thick brown nipples. Nadine pushed my shirt down my huge biceps.

  “Your body baby is a cum factory. One look at your rippling muscles and those tight abs I want to cum so hard,” she moaned.

  I unfastened the bra snatching it off her body. My lips and tongue
swirled around her nipples again. I lightly sucked her tender nipples. Nadine’s body reacted to each suck. Her hands roamed my back and ass. Our lips connected. Tonight, represents everything we always wanted each other. Peeling her panties from her soft skin, Nadine flicked them off the moment they touched her toes. I didn’t leave an inch of her body untouched. Nadine flipped me over running her greedy tongue down my chest along the ridges of my abs. “A work of art, baby,” she winked.

  I slipped my fingers into her wet pussy while she sucked my nipples. Her tongue slithered up along my neck.

  “You smell so good, Tony. You always have. You are my weakness. Always has been, baby.”

  I gripped her ass pushing her up my body until her pussy was dancing against my lips.

  “Baby, shit!” she screamed. Her fists beat against the mattress as my tongue tickled her core.

  “You like that, Kitten.”

  “Yes, Tony. So much,” she breathed.

  I sucked her pussy lips then her clit until she was cumming hard.

  “Damn it! Tony. Fuck, it’s so good!” she screamed.

  “Scream all you want. No one's going to hear you, Kitten.”

  I slid her dripping with cum, shivering body, back down my hard frame over my dick. I raised my eyebrows. “Now ride.”

  I folded my arms behind my head. Nadine squatted over my cock feet planted firm on the mattress. She bounced up and down my dick just the way I love. The sight was so fucking perfect. I reached out rubbing her thighs. “Just like that, baby. Shit, your pussy feels so good!”


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