Smug Bastard: A Hero Club Novel

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Smug Bastard: A Hero Club Novel Page 1

by Stacey Marie Brown

  Smug Bastard is a standalone story inspired by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s (Cocky Bastard). It’s published as part of the Cocky Hero Club world, a series of original works, written by various authors, and inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling series.

  Copyright © 2020 by Stacey Marie Brown and Cocky Hero Club, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the authors’ imaginations. Any resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Published by: Twisted Fairy Publishing Inc.

  Layout by

  Cover by: Steamy Designs

  Edited by Hollie and Mo Siren’s Call Author Services

  To all the cocky and smug bastards and the girls who love them!


  Contemporary Romance

  Buried Alive

  Shattered Love (Blinded Love #1)

  Broken Love (Blinded Love #2)

  Twisted Love (Blinded Love #3)

  The Unlucky Ones

  Paranormal Romance

  Darkness of Light

  (Darkness Series #1)

  Fire in the Darkness

  (Darkness Series #2)

  Beast in the Darkness

  (An Elighan Dragen Novelette)

  Dwellers of Darkness

  (Darkness Series #3)

  Blood Beyond Darkness

  (Darkness Series #4)


  (A Darkness Series Novel)

  City in Embers

  (Collector Series #1)

  The Barrier Between

  (Collector Series #2)

  Across the Divide

  (Collector Series #3)

  From Burning Ashes

  (Collector Series #4)

  The Crown of Light

  (Lightness Saga #1)

  Lightness Falling

  (Lightness Saga #2)

  The Fall of the King

  (Lightness Saga #3)

  Rise from the Embers

  (Lightness Saga #4)

  Descending into Madness

  (A Winterland Tale #1)

  Ascending from Madness

  (A Winterland Tale #2)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22



  About The Author

  Chapter 1


  “Think that’s everything.” Wiping the sweat from my brow, I slammed the door on the converted van and turned to face my best friend, Sadie, her natural hair wrapped up in a tight bun. Already at nine in the morning, the early sun beat down on us. While Sadie’s flawless black skin glowed under the heat, mine sweated like a pig, turning my face the color of one too. San Diego was always warm, though, making me miss having seasons.

  “Are you sure about this, Kinsley?” Sadie folded her arms over her tank, her bare toes curling into the warm pavement. “You know travel in America for a single woman is always on the list as one of the most unsafest places. I looked that shit up. And you…” She motioned down my thin, athletic five-six frame. “Are the epitome of an attacker’s target audience.”

  Tucking a strand of my long, dark hair behind my ear, I sighed. I had gone through this argument with Sadie, my parents, sister, and brother ten times already.

  “I’ll be fine.” I reached out squeezing her arm. “I have pepper spray, kung-fu moves, and Goat.”

  “Goat.” She burst out laughing. “You think Goat will do shit?” Sadie gave me a pointed look before moving to the passenger-side window. She ran her fingers through his silky, white fur, scratching behind his ear, making his tongue roll out. “Yeah. So ferocious.” Goat sighed as he melted into the seat. “Watch over her, boy. Don’t let anything happen to her, okay?”

  I had found the dog behind our apartment building so hungry he was eating anything out of the dumpster to stay alive. At first Sadie was against him when I brought him in.

  “Oh, hell no.” She put her hands on her hips, her head going back and forth. “We can’t have a dog.”

  “But look at him.” Peering at her with pouty eyes, I rubbed his head, his emaciated, filthy body wrapped in a blanket, shaking with fear and fatigue.

  “No, Kins. We don’t have time or the extra money for a dog. We’re graduating this year, and my time is filled with working or schoolwork. I don’t even have time to see Nathan,” she exclaimed.

  She was right. My time was also taken up with trying to graduate and work part time as a waitress, but logic didn’t register when it came to seeing an animal in need.

  “For tonight at least? I promise I’ll take him to a shelter tomorrow.” I continued to rub his head, the one place on him not completely covered with dirt, grime, and matted knots. Under the muck, I could tell he had white fur. He was scrawny from malnutrition, but his bone structure was somewhere between a small and medium dog, with long ears. Complete mutt and the sweetest face I had ever seen.

  “Fine. Just tonight.” Sadie sighed. Kneeling on the floor next to him, she reached out, stroking his fur. With a tiny whimper, he nudged his head against her palm and licked her hand in a thank you.

  I saw it happen. Her shoulders sagged, her heart melting all over the floor.

  The battle was won.

  Though Sadie fought it for a while, Goat never made it to the shelter, burrowing his way into our hearts. He was named because he continued to eat everything for months, including my thesis. It was clear he had been abused, and probably by a man, seeing the way he growled and cowered from any male who entered our door. Nathan tried for six months, but so far Goat wouldn’t let him near him.

  Maybe that was something else I bonded over with Goat. Not trusting males.

  “Text and call me.” Sadie whipped around, folding her arms. “And give your family hugs when you get back home.”

  Home was North Kingston, a suburb outside of Providence, Rhode Island.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  She glared at me. “You could fly.”

  “I’m not putting Goat in cargo. He already has anxiety issues. And you can’t take him.” Our graduation was only two weeks ago, and Sadie had already been offered a job in a top computer company, moving her to the San Francisco Bay Area in a few weeks. Our notice to leave our apartment was already in, and all my possessions, what little I had, were packed up in the camper van I had traded my car for. Our life here for the past four years was coming to an end.

  We both knew Goat was really mine. She loved him but didn’t have time for a pet. Goat curled up on my bed every night, like he knew I needed his security and companionship
when the rest of me felt lost.

  Sadie’s direction was set, while I floundered and wondered what I had spent the last four years doing. I had a business degree now but no clue what to do with it… if anything.

  “I need to do this.” I tugged the keys out of my pocket. “We’ve been tied down for the last four years, and I have this craving to explore and see what’s out there.” I loved San Diego, but it was very vanilla, and something in me felt this dire need to find more, to really feel life.

  “I get it, girl. Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous about you taking a road trip across the States alone.”

  “I have barely two weeks before my brother’s wedding.” My brother, Kyle, was marrying his high school sweetheart, Amie, the two so perfect and still so in love it was disgusting to watch. “My sister is already angry I’m not coming right away. She has a million events and things she thinks I should be part of. She demands I be there four or five days before the event.”

  I liked Amie, but if I had to attend a bachelorette-type event every day for the next two weeks, there would be murder and mayhem.

  “Do not let you sister get to you. She always has a way of manipulating you.” Sadie pointed her finger at me. “Be strong.”

  “Right.” I snorted. “Have you tried to ever say no to Kasey?” My brother and sister were twins, five years older than me, and were the golden pair in our hometown. They even had golden-brown hair like my mother, with huge hazel eyes like my father. I was literally the black sheep with my straight, dark brown hair and matching eyes, taking more after my father’s mother.

  My parents thought they were done, happy with a boy and girl, when I came along. Surprise! Not that they didn’t love me to death, but I felt from birth I was not on the same road map as the rest of the Maxwell clan. My sister and brother were the cheerleader and jock, the A students, popular, beautiful, and overachievers. To come behind the great Maxwell twins was a bar I could never reach. Most teachers were at first gleeful in finding out who I was related to, until they discovered I was nothing like them. Average B student, I floated through school, more the introvert, with only two good friends. My extracurricular activities barely extended to the volleyball team, and I was far from the star in that. Actually, the whole team sucked.

  “I better get going. Would like to make it to the Grand Canyon by tonight.” I opened my arms, hugging Sadie.

  “Bitch, I’m going to miss you so much.” She squeezed me back, her voice thick.

  “Don’t start.” I swallowed back my surge of emotion.

  “It’s just strange. All this is ending.” She waved at the apartment we rented after living in the dorms. “You have been the only person I can tolerate for long periods of time. Even Nathan annoys me after a weekend.” She wiped her eyes. “Can’t believe we won’t ever live together again.”

  “Please. I’ll probably be knocking on your door in San Francisco, begging to sleep on your sofa.”

  “The place I rented is four hundred and eighty square feet. I won’t have a sofa.”

  A laugh bubbled up my throat. I hugged her tighter before I stepped back.

  “I want you to be careful, but have fun. Find a hot cowboy somewhere in Wyoming. Ride him until you forget about those other assholes.” Sadie nudged me. “Do not pick up your phone for Ethan; he doesn’t deserve shit from you. You’ll be seeing the other douche at the wedding, right?”

  I cringed. “I hope not.” Both guys had worked hard at worming into my heart, and then when they did, they stomped, spit on, and burned it.

  Jason, my high school crush, was the typical rich, popular, handsome jock you were warned about. I fought his attention for a long time before he broke me down into thinking he was actually a good guy. Basically, he won me over to take my virginity, dump me, and brag about his conquest the last few months of school to everyone. I wanted to get as far from him, the embarrassment, and town as I could, which landed me across the country in San Diego University.

  It took me a long time to trust again, but Ethan was diligent in breaking me down, making me believe all guys weren’t like Jason. After five months, he finally convinced me. Two months ago, I found him having sex with a girl from our study group.

  He had been calling and texting ever since, wanting me back, saying he was sorry, and it had “just happened.” Screw him. I was swearing off men. I had Goat, and he was the best companion a girl could ask for.

  This road trip was about me. Figuring out my life, and men were the last thing on my list or my mind.

  Chapter 2


  Warm wind threaded through my hair as I sang loudly to my road trip mix, a huge smile on my face as I belted out, “Born to be Wild.” Goat had his head stuck out the window, looking like he was grinning from ear to ear as well.

  More than an hour into the trip and the excitement still thrummed through my veins. The moment I left the San Diego county line, I felt a weight slide off my shoulders, a terror and thrill I hadn’t felt in a long time bubbling in my stomach.


  It terrified me. My biggest journey so far had been moving across the country to go to San Diego University. That was where my venture began and ended, burying my head in schoolwork, books. I studied hard, trying to make my parents proud, but also because it was where I felt safe. Comfortable. I avoided parties and dating, preferring quiet nights with a book or being tugged out by Sadie a few times to a low-key bar.

  All my relentless studying did nothing more than prove I was the black sheep in the Maxwell house. I had no clue what I wanted to do, graduating with a degree in finance because my father thought it would be a good base. Kasey had started up and owned her own flower shop, which was expanding next year and was already voted as one of the best small businesses on the East Coast, while Kyle was on the road to be a CEO of some huge tech company.

  Our family dog even graduated from dog school with honors.

  Then there was me.

  “This is going to be awesome, Goat. I feel it… .” I rubbed his head, his sweet brown eyes peering over at me with utter adoration. “This is going to be exactly what we need, right, boy? You, me, and the open road.”

  It was as if a force in the atmosphere heard me…


  My cell, like a harbinger of strife, buzzed from its holder on the dash, my gaze catching the name flashing across.

  “Of course,” I groaned, wanting to ignore it, but I knew she would call until I picked up. She was persistent like that. I swear she could sense my relaxed mood and had to intercede.

  My finger hit the green button. “Hey, Sis.”

  “Kins!” Her animated voice broke through the speakers. “Have you left yet?”

  My sister always had ambition, like an Energizer Bunny. She kept going… and going, to the point you wanted to find the off switch. I adored her, but my introverted nature found her type A personality exhausting.

  “Yeah, I just turned off on Highway 60; gonna stop in Joshua Tree for lunch.” It was early June and already too hot to hike in the desert, especially for Goat, but it was a place I still wanted to check off my list. As much as this trip was wild and crazy for me, I had every stop researched and reserved. The van life had become a huge movement and a lot of places booked quickly. Plus, my parents liked knowing I was safely in an RV park every night.

  “No, you’re not! Stop right now.” Her tone crossed with excitement and a cold demand. “Seriously, Kins… wherever you are. Pull over.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Why do I need to pull over?” My brows furrowed as I peered around at a long stretch of highway, just passing through the town of Moreno, with nothing much around except gas stations, a strip mall, Walmart, and dry fields.

  “Pull over!”

  “Why? You are freakin’ me out, Kasey.”

  “Just do it,” she exclaimed. “Now!”

  “Okay… Damn!” I yanked the wheel, almost missing the turn off, the van bouncing as it swerved
down the off-ramp, lurching into the Walmart parking lot as I slammed on the brakes. Goat’s harness kept him in place, but his paws tried to keep him steady, his eyes wide, looking at me like I lost my mind.

  When it came to my sister, he was probably not far off.

  “Sorry,” I whispered to Goat, scrubbing his ear. “Okay, Kase, I pulled over. Now tell my what the hell is going on?”

  “Soooo, I got a call from Amie.”

  “If you seriously made me pull over about wedding—”

  “Kins, let me finish,” she scolded, clearing her throat. “Amie called me because Kyle was on the phone with someone else. She thought I’d want to know.” She giggled. My sister never giggled. She was happy, full of energy, and could be sweet, but she usually channeled it into controlling everything, especially her need to be the best at everything. She always was, even being gorgeous with a perfect body. Guys loved her, girls wanted to be her, and she always got whatever she set her mind on. So, she was not someone who giggled like a schoolgirl. This made a strange knot twist in my gut. “I still can’t believe Kyle kept in contact with him and didn’t tell me.” She puffed out a stream of air. “I hear his name and I become…” I could almost imagine her fanning herself. “I mean, he was the only guy who could do this to me… who still can do this to me it seems.”

  The knot coiled tighter.

  Just one person made her act like this. Even years later. The one she was never able to get pining and drooling after her, no matter how much she pursued him. Kasey told everyone they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and they even went to prom together. But from what I recalled, he looked tortured the entire time and never called her his girlfriend, leaving immediately after graduation.


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