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Stripped Page 4

by Mia Archer

  She looked almost insulted, but she quickly schooled her face to a smile. I felt like an idiot for even asking about the price, but it was kind of an unfair situation.

  After all, I had no idea if she was offering one for free or if she was expecting me to pay, and if she did expect me to pay, something I’d happily do, then I needed to know how much of a dent it was going to put in my bank account.

  "Let's start at the beginning," she said. "You already know my name. Jasmine.”

  “Oh,” I said. "I guess I assumed that was your…"

  "My working name?" she asked with the barest hint of a smile. Maybe she got that a lot when she told people her real name.

  I was glad she was the one who phrased it like that. I'd been about to call it her stripper name, and it had only occurred to me at the last moment that it might not be a good idea to cavalierly toss around terms like "stripper name" when I was talking to a girl in the profession.

  She held out a hand and I took it. She shook it once, and I felt electric sparks dancing through my body that were completely overblown for what amounted to a glorified handshake.

  But what a handshake. That electricity moved out of my arm and through my body right down between my legs where things were starting to get really steamy. I squeezed my legs together and quickly pulled them apart.

  The last thing I wanted was to go over the edge out here in the crowd in front of all my friends. Best to avoid any extra stimulation.

  “I’m Taylor," I said.

  Jasmine smiled. "Nice to meet you Taylor," she said. "So how about that dance? It's on at the house."

  She looked me up and down in a way that left absolutely no doubt in my mind that she was very interested. That wasn't the kind of look you got from someone who was playing along because of professional interest.

  At least I told myself that wasn't the kind of look I’d get from somebody who was only playing along because of professional interest.

  Maybe that was a bit of wishful thinking on my part, but then again maybe not.

  "All right!" A voice said from behind.

  A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to see Dan sitting on a stool with a huge grin on his face. "Now this is what I'm talking about!"

  "What are you talking about?" I asked.

  "Well you're going to get a private dance," he said. "That's totally hot! Should we go over to a corner or something?"

  I turned back to Jasmine and the expression on her face had done a complete one eighty. She'd gone from looking interested it to looking very annoyed. Though that annoyance couldn't begin to approach how annoyed I was. Of course Dan would stick his nose in where it wasn't wanted at the worst possible moment.

  The idiot.

  I knew the only reason he wanted to get me out here was so he could see some girl on girl action. I’d known it and for a moment I let myself think he was being nice and now here he was acting like a complete idiot and maybe ruining my chances with Jasmine.

  I wanted to scream. I probably could’ve screamed and no one would hear me over the music.

  "Is this guy your boyfriend or something?" Jasmine asked.

  There was something about the tone of her voice that told me she wasn't at all happy at the idea of Dan being my boyfriend. The thought made me throw up a little in my mouth.

  Dan was nice enough most of the time, even if he could have his bro moments, but dating him? Ugh.

  I wondered how many guys came in with their girls hoping to see them getting a lap dance. I got annoyed when the guys at work talked about my love life as though it was only there to titillate, and I could only imagine how it felt to be in a profession where you were constantly confronted with people who came in to see that titillation live and in person.

  Yeah, that had to be pretty irritating. And it explained her tone of voice.

  "No," I said. "He's not my boyfriend. He's a coworker with boundary issues."

  The expression on Jasmine's face changed again. She went from a frown to a smile again.

  “Oh,” she said. “In that case we’re still on for the free dance."

  "Really? What would've happened if he was my boyfriend?" I asked.

  "He would've been the one paying for the dance," she said as she reached out to take my hand and pulled me towards the back of the club. Back to an entrance I'd seen people going in and out of ever since I arrived, but I'd never expected that I would be the one going in.

  More fluttering threatened to overwhelm my stomach and my senses as we approached that door. I couldn't believe I was about to do this. I was about to get a private dance from a stripper. No, not just a stripper. From a beautiful girl.

  This was wild. This was crazy. This was unlike anything I would've done if I hadn't been dragged out here by Dan, but at the same time I couldn't deny that it was kind of hot. And I couldn't wait to see what happened back there.

  She turned to smile at me and I melted. This was going to be interesting. Very fucking interesting.



  My stomach twisted in knots as I pulled Taylor towards the back room hall. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I hardly ever went out on the floor and I almost never brought someone to the back rooms unless it was one of those rare couples looking for a walk on the wild side.

  A couple of girls out on the floor looking for guys for their own private dances turned to stare at me long and hard. I had no doubt Tara was going to find out about this, and I also had no doubt she was going to try and find a way to use this against me.

  Not that I cared in the moment. No, all I really cared about was that this girl, Taylor, was with me.

  I turned and looked at her. And I couldn't help but smile. Up close she was every bit as beautiful as she was from a distance when I was up on stage. I was so nervous. It was a strange mix of emotions, but I couldn't deny how nice it felt.

  "Is this your first time at a club like this?" I asked.

  Taylor paused for a moment and nodded. She smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. The guys dragged me out here for a bachelor party. I never thought I'd end up doing something like this.”

  "I'll try my best to make your first time memorable," I said.

  The noise from the music cut off as we moved into the back hall. I always liked coming back here at where the music wasn't constantly assaulting my ears. I was certain this job was giving me hearing damage, but it's not like there was much I could do about it. Not if I wanted to stay employed.

  At least there was a smoking ban in place so I didn’t have to worry about secondhand smoking a few packs a night.

  I pulled Taylor into a quiet room. Bright pink curtains trimmed in white lace hung all around the edge, but it was a good thing it was so dark in here. The white wasn’t all that white after years of hanging there without a cleaning.

  I motioned for her to sit down on a bench that ran around the edge of the small room. I turned around and glanced at my music choices. That was one of the few modern touches in this place. A tablet set into the wall that let me put on anything from a wide selection.

  "Do you have a favorite song?” I asked.

  I felt like she was on the verge of telling me what her favorite was, but something stopped her. She seemed strangely hesitant.

  Not that I could blame her. If this really was her first time visiting a strip club then it wasn't at all odd that she’d feel a little out of place. So I pulled up my favorite rockets on, something that had a beat to it but was also nice and slow, and it turned around into a smile as my hips started to sway.

  I licked my lips as I moved across the room towards her. She stared up at me, her eyes widened, and I also noticed the way they ran up and down my body.

  There was something about her frank assessment of me that turned me on in a way I'd never been turned on before. If she could do that simply by checking me out then I couldn’t wait to see what else she could do!

  Sure there were times when I'd had girls checking me out, but they were usually with the
ir boyfriends who were paying for the lap dance and that always took something away from the experience for me.

  This was different though. This was hot. This wasn’t just for me and Taylor. It was the two of us coming together in a private dance room, and I loved it.

  I moved a hand up. Brushed a strand of hair out of her face. Her eyes closed and she took in a deep breath and then let it out in a long shuddering sigh.

  "I thought you weren't supposed to touch?" she asked.

  "What can I say? It's not like they have cameras in here, and rules were made to be broken. For the right person, of course," I said.

  Her eyes flew open. She looked up at me and her mouth hung open. I thought her breathing was picking up too.

  "So what do you say Taylor?" I asked, still swaying my hips in front of her.

  I moved to the dance. It felt so good dancing for her, putting on a show for her, knowing it was just the two of us. I couldn't help but be a little turned on. I felt wetness between my legs and that surprised me.

  I did never been that turned on at work, but now that I was experiencing it I liked it.

  "I think touching sounds nice," she said.

  Lightheadedness hit me along with her words. After all, this was crossing a hell of a line for me. I was usually so much better about this. I always prided myself on not getting too involved with clients. At least not at work.

  Even the girls I'd gotten with who were part of couples taking their walk on the wild side hadn’t gotten the privilege of touching me while I was on the job.

  I always kept things strictly professional.

  Well, at least I kept them as strictly professional as they could be if you're talking about a job where I take my clothes off. The point is I was a huge supporter of the "no touching" rule, and violating it was a big deal for me.

  And so I shivered as I moved closer. As she moved her legs together and I straddled her. I shivered as I felt her body pressing against me. As I felt the heat of her desire radiating up towards my own body.

  I felt as good as the one time I smoked a little pot. Only the high I felt during that one brief experiment wasn't close to the high I felt as I pressed against her.

  She was in a button up shirt and some slacks that looked like they wouldn't be out of place in any business casual sort of place, but there was something naughty about the juxtaposition of our situation and her business casual wear.

  "Is this the kind of touching you were thinking about?" I asked.

  I leaned down close to her. Close enough that our lips almost brushed together. And I never let up with the grinding.

  She looked up at me. Licked her lips. Nodded and locked eyes with me. That was so hot. It was a look that went to the core of my being.

  "Well it's not enough for me," I whispered.

  I reached down and took her hand. Again it was a dizzying sensation as I did so. This went against every instinct I had, and yet going against every instinct that I had was precisely what made it so fun.

  I moved her hands until they pressed against my stomach. I threw my head back and sighed. I was surprised at how good that felt. I knew I was losing control, but I was losing control so I didn't care.

  "God that feels good," I hissed.

  I was in such a lust induced haze that I didn’t care that I was losing it. I pressed against her harder. Harder. Something was building inside me. Something big.

  I looked down at her and bit my lip.

  "I want to kiss you," I said.

  I wanted to take the words back as soon as they left my mouth, but it was too late. She blinked a couple of times in surprise, and then she took control. Up until that moment I'd been the one calling the shots. I'd been the one taking the lead.

  After all, I was the one on home turf.

  That was no longer the case after my little slip up though. She reached her hand around my neck and pulled me down towards her. My body shuddered. I knew what was coming as her face dominated my vision.

  Her lips were soft. I know it’s cliché to say a girl’s lips are soft, but that's what they were. Only she was also just as forceful as any guy I’d been with back before I realized I was mostly into the fairer sex.

  She was insistent. She was hungry. It was obvious she was enjoying this lust-fueled moment just as much as I was. That she was letting go.

  And so I let myself let go. That kiss was all it took. Her mouth opened and her tongue darted out. I was hesitant at first, but then when I allowed my own tongue to flicker out that was enough to encourage her and before I knew it we were sucking face like our lives depended on it.

  Her hands roamed up and down my body leaving a trail of heat. My hands worked the buttons on her blouse. I needed to touch her. Needed to feel her. Needed to know how her delicious skin felt.

  Goosebumps. She was covered in goosebumps. They provided texture as my hands roamed over her body. As we continued making out. As I continued grinding against her. As I gasped into her mouth.

  As the explosion hit me. As I went over the edge. As I felt something that went so far beyond anything I’d felt before.

  I wrapped my arms around her and held our bodies together. Her hands were trapped between our breasts and I didn't leave her any room to escape. Over and over I continued my frantic grinding against her. I needed more and more of it. I needed more and more of her.

  Fuck. I'd rarely felt like this even when I was full on getting it on, and now here I was just grinding against her in a back room at work and it was enough to hit me with an explosion that was reaching atomic levels of intensity.

  Tears came to my eyes. That's how intense it was. That's how much I needed this. How much I wanted this. I felt as though I needed to hold on for dear life. It was as though the pleasure was a lifeline to reality and I could only keep hold of that lifeline by pressing against her body with everything I had.

  When I came down tears trickled down my cheeks, but this time they were tears of frustration knowing that moment was over. It was one of the most intense moments I’d shared with a girl my entire life.

  I pulled away from her and looked down. Suddenly uncertain. Suddenly unsure of myself.

  After all, that had been one hell of a breach of professional etiquette. If you could say there was anything in the way of professional etiquette on this sort of job.

  I searched her eyes. Searched her face. I looked for any sign she was upset about what just happened, but instead she smiled. She leaned up and pecked her lips against mine.

  That simple peck was enough to send another shiver running through me. I looked down at her blouse. Realized I’d pulled a couple of buttons off entirely in my hurry to get it open. I blushed and looked away as she looked down and realized what had happened, and then she giggled nervously.

  "So that was… Interesting," she said.

  I bit my lip. "Interesting good or interesting bad?”

  She blushed. I realized she still had her hands on my breasts. Somewhere in that intense moment when I'd lost track of everything she’d moved her hands under my top. I thought I'd felt something, but it had been two points of pleasure in an overwhelming tidal wave of feeling.

  She pulled her hands away and I felt the loss. I wouldn't have minded her keeping her hands right there, thank you very much, but I also didn't want to ruin the moment by being too pushy.

  "Definitely interesting in a good way," she said. She bit her lip. "Would it make things weird if I asked for your number?"

  I felt a new shiver running through me, though this time it had nothing to do with the pleasure I’d enjoyed with her. Or maybe it was tangentially related to that pleasure because it looked like this might only be round one if she was asking for my number.

  "I don't normally give my number to customers…" I said.

  The look of disappointment on her face was immediate and it was heartbreaking.

  "Oh," she said. "I guess I understand…"

  She looked away, and I reached down and pulled her back towards
me. Locked eyes with her again. Held that intense gaze that had helped push me over the edge just a few moments ago.

  "I think I can make an exception in this case though," I said.

  Taylor's face broke into a huge grin and she pulled her phone out. Handed it over to me and I tapped my number into her contacts. I sent myself a text message so I’d have her number too.

  Damn. I'd never expected something like this to happen at work, but now that it had happened I was over the moon. I was giddy.

  So many things hadn't been going well in my life lately that I found myself hoping that maybe this one shining point could be the something good I so desperately needed.



  I was in a daze as I made my way out of the private area. Jasmine held my hand and I gripped hers like it was a lifeline.

  And in a way it was. Her hand was something solid. Something real. It was something that reminded me that everything we’d just done in that back room was real. It had happened.

  It was completely out of character for me, I still had a hard time believing I'd done it, but damn it it had happened.

  We reached the end of the hall and I could see lights flashing and feel music thumping as we stood on the edge. Jasmine stopped and turned to smile at me. Shadows danced across her beautiful face as light moved in and out from the big room.

  "This was a lot of fun," she said.

  Her eyes darted back and forth as she searched my own, and I imagined I must've looked much the same as she did in those shadows. There was something in her eyes that was odd. An uncertainty. As though she suddenly wasn't sure if I'd had as good a time as she did.

  Though after everything we’d just done I had a hard time seeing how she could think I hadn't enjoyed myself every bit as much as she had.

  I reached out and touched her cheek. She smiled and leaned into my touch. I pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed me, but it was quick. None of the long lingering kissing we'd enjoyed back in the private room.


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