Another Homecoming

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Another Homecoming Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  No thanks, that wasn’t my idea of a good time. It definitely wasn’t something I’d ever see myself doing before we had to move back to Stacy’s home because of the whole pesky me losing my job thing.

  Now, though? Well now that was something completely different. Now the thought of showing up at a party that was stuffed with dudes who would love nothing more than to stuff their cocks in my wife, dudes who’d been thinking about stuffing their cocks in my wife for the decade or so since she graduated and moved away, well that was a very interesting idea indeed.

  The kind of idea that had my cock hard even as I thought about all of the fun we could have with something like this.



  Stacy rolled her chair back. It made a clacking noise on the hardwood floor because some of the bits of wood were coming up in places. Something we were going to have to get fixed at some point and something that hadn’t been a worry for the previous occupants since no one had been living up here since at least the seventies if some of the lime green and burnt orange decor was anything to go on.

  I didn’t care much about that now, though. No, all I really cared about was the curious look on Stacy’s face as she looked down at the bulge between my legs, I’d placed the laptop aside so she could get a good look at what she was doing to me, and licked her lips with obvious intent.

  “You really do like the idea of going out to one of those parties and having a little bit of fun, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Fuck yes I do,” I said. “Do you think there will be a lot of interesting opportunities there?”

  She bit her lip again, only this time it seemed like a lip bite that was genuinely contemplative rather than a lip bite that meant she was thinking about all the sexy fun we could have if we went to this party and had the kind of fun I was thinking of.

  “I don’t know,” she said, trailing off at the end.

  Now that was interesting. I arched an eyebrow at her. “You don’t know? That’s a far cry from all the hardcore flirting you’ve been doing to get me interested in going to this shindig.”

  “Well the thing is this is a small town and everything,” she said.

  “Yeah?” I asked. “I seem to recall that being one of my big objections about coming back here, though I am warming up to the place.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t understand how things work around here,” she said.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll bite. How do things work around here, and how is that feeding into you suddenly being all cagey about this fantasy?”

  “Well here’s the thing,” she said. “If we’re going to do this then we’re going to have to be careful.”

  “Well duh,” I said. “I figure you should probably use protection in the future. I know you’re on birth control and everything, but that’s not going to protect you against an infection if one of the guys you’re getting with turns out to be carrying a surprise.”

  Stacy giggled, but she also growled and rolled her eyes.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about, and I can’t decide whether or not you’re really this idiotic, or if this is a show you’re putting on because you want to get what you want.”

  I grinned and leaned back on my couch. I was starting to think of it as “my” couch even though it was our couch. And even then it was more a couch that her parents had provided from one of their other rentals than it was our property.

  Basically I needed to set up an office, and I needed to do it sooner rather than later. I figured the more time I spent lounging on the couch the more dangerous it would be. I didn’t want to get too comfortable sitting around the apartment, after all.

  “Entertain the idea that I have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about,” I said. “And then we can go from there.”

  “Fine,” she said with a sigh. “I keep forgetting you grew up in the big city where you didn’t have to worry about all this crap.”

  “Crap?” I asked. “I thought life out here was supposed to be simple? Or have country musicians been lying to me all this time?”

  “Sort of,” Stacy said. “I mean yes and no. It’s a small town and life is slower around here. Simpler, if you will, but I never liked that description. The thing is it can also be more vicious around here precisely because it’s a slower life. People get bored, and there’s no better cure for boredom than to spread a little bit of gossip, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean,” I said. “But I think I’m getting at it.”

  I’d heard of people in small towns gossiping about each other, but honestly it was something that was so far from my experience that I’d always thought it was one of those things that was made up for movies and books or something. It was illuminating to discover that the small town gossip was alive and well.

  “So I think I get where this is going,” I said after that moment of reflection where she didn’t respond. “Basically you’re worried that if we go out and you start having fun with a bunch of people then word is going to get out and you’re going to get a reputation or something?”

  “Something like that,” she said, then sighed. “Honestly things are so fucked up when it comes to the gossip mill around here that I might get a reputation even if we aren’t doing anything.”

  “How do you figure?” I asked.

  “I figure because there’s no better way to smear someone’s reputation than by spreading a good rumor. Talk is cheap, and all that. And I’m afraid that after the way we kicked everyone out of the gym last night, well people are going to start drawing their own conclusions.”

  “Huh,” I said. “Guess I never thought of it like that.”


  Cheap Talk

  “That’s because you grew up in the city where everyone minds their own business and you can disappear into the crowd. This would actually probably be a hell of a lot easier if we were in the city where we could be anonymous.”

  “I mean we could always go back for a little mini vacation if you want to have your fun where it’s safe,” I said.

  Though there was a part of me that was disappointed even as the words left my mouth. Sure on the one hand I’d be more than happy to go wherever the hell Stacy was most comfortable if we were going to be doing this whole fantasy thing, but on the other hand there was the pesky little thing where most of the fantasy revolved around me getting good and turned on thinking about dudes who’d been lusting after my wife for years finally getting a chance with her.

  Yeah, we weren’t going to find anything like that in the city.

  Stacy smiled. Pulled away from her screen and swayed across the room. It’s the only way I could think to describe it, because what she was doing was no mere walk. No, she oozed sexuality as she moved across the room and plopped her sexy tight ass down on my cock which was already very hard thanks to the conversation we’d been having.

  “You don’t have to look all disappointed like that,” she said. “I’m still thinking about it, it’s just that we need to be careful about how we do this.”

  “Well we can do this however you feel comfortable doing it,” I said, and I meant it. I figured if she wasn’t going along with this then it wasn’t worth doing. I definitely wasn’t into forcing my wife into doing anything she wasn’t into, that was for damn sure.

  “Let’s go to this party for a nice starter,” she said. “From there we can figure out whether or not this is something we can do locally, or if we need to maybe do a little vacation. Besides, in the meantime I don’t think Arnie is going to complain at all if we continue what we were doing with him.”

  “I suppose you do have a point there,” I said. “Something tells me he’s not going to want to ruin a good thing by bragging about it to everyone.”

  “You’d be surprised,” she said with an eye roll. “There were guys I’d never even gone on dates with back in high school who bragged about all the sex they were having with me.”

  “Seriously?” I said, blin

king a couple of times in surprise. “What was the endgame there?”

  “I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “As best I can tell the little assholes figured if they were having sex with me and it got around then other girls might want to start having sex with them too.”

  “But if you didn’t want to have sex with them in the first place and other girls weren’t interested then… Y’know what? I’m not even going to try and figure out what they were thinking.”

  “Probably for the best,” Stacy said. “I’ve been thinking about it for years and I still don’t understand why some guys would claim something like that when we’d barely even looked at each other in passing in the hallway.”

  “I never understood that either,” I said. “It’s like they think people thinking they’ve had sex with one woman is going to make other women want to have sex with them or something, but they only end up looking like bigger unfuckable losers when the truth comes out.”

  “Totally,” Stacy said. “So the point here is I want to go to this party and see about having a good time, but I can’t promise that anything is going to happen, y’know?”

  “I totally understand,” I said. “And I wouldn’t expect you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” she said, glancing down at my cock. “I also know that you’re getting really fucking turned on thinking about all the things you want me to do at that party, so maybe we could have a consolation prize?”

  I licked my lips. This was sounding pretty fucking good!

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked.

  “Well I was thinking that maybe we could talk through some of those fantasies while I fucked your brains out?” she asked. “Yeah, that sounds like a pretty fucking good time.”

  She grinned, and I practically jumped across the room to get at her. She let out a little surprised yelp and acted like she was going to try and get away from me, but she didn’t make it too difficult for me to find her.

  Not that I thought she would. She wanted to have this fun as much as I did, after all.


  Down on the Party

  “So this is really what one of these parties looks like?” I asked.

  “What’s the big deal?” Stacy asked. “I would’ve figured you’d get a kick out of this.”

  “I mean I do get a kick out of a party that’s literally happening in a cornfield, but I’m just a little surprised that it’s actually a party that’s literally happening in a cornfield.”

  “Yeah, well there it is,” she said.

  We pulled into a grassy area next to the field. There were a bunch of other cars parked there as well, so I figured it was probably okay to park here.

  “We’re not going to get the car stuck in mud or anything, are we?”

  Stacy laughed. Like she actually threw her head back and everything. Which seemed a little over the top if you asked me, but whatever. I was the city boy who was getting used to life out in the country, after all.

  “We’re not in any danger,” she said. “There’s not much mud until you get to the field, and even there you’re not getting in because the corn is too high.”

  Now there was a phrase I never thought I’d hear applied to a party I was going to, but here we were. I was going to an honest-to-God party in the middle of a fucking cornfield. Like I know that’d always been the big joke and everything, but here I was in the middle of the joke and it was actually fucking happening.

  “So what do we do now?” I asked. “The place looks like an actual field.”

  “Well the party itself isn’t in the cornfield,” she said. “It’s up at the bonfire.”

  I glanced around, but didn’t see any evidence of a bonfire yet. Stacy sighed.

  “Sorry. I keep forgetting that you’re not from around here and you don’t know what all this stuff just means,” she said.

  “Yeah, excuse me,” I said, rolling my eyes and feeling just a little testy.

  Not too testy, mind you. The last thing I wanted was to accidentally piss off my wife. The nice lady who might be good enough to flirt with some of the guys at this party and give us something to fantasize about later when we were fucking like rabbits.

  That fuck session we’d had when we were talking about her boundaries at this place had been pretty fucking intense. That was for damn sure!

  “Follow me,” she said, opening the door and stepping out into the evening air.

  It was that weird time of year where it’d been hot during the day and it seemed like it was going to cool down in the evening. The kind of night I always loved, but there was something about it that felt off here.

  There was more of a chill, for one. Not to mention there was also the little problem of all the sounds and smells being off. Not to mention some of the sights.

  I could look up into the sky and see nothing but a bunch of stars laid out as far as the eye could see. It felt like I could see all the way to eternity standing out here. There was even the faint glow of the Milky Way curving above us, and that was something I’d never seen in the city.

  Not to mention everything smelled different. There was the faint hint of manure on the gentle breeze that Stacy had informed me was from all the fertilizer the farmers spread on their fields to get things to grow. She’d also informed me that the smell was usually a hell of a lot worse at the beginning of the growing season, and this was just what was left after months of crops sitting out and the land being drained by rain.

  Whatever. I wasn’t here to worry about the crops. I was here to be introduced to some of Stacy’s old friends. I was here to watch some of those old friends who’d probably really wanted her when they were younger and school together drool over her all over again.

  It was an interesting thought, and already I was hard as a rock as I thought about all the possibilities the night might bring.

  “Come on baby,” Stacy said, reaching out and taking my hand.

  I figured she was going to be leading me to wherever the hell this bonfire thing was. Presumably it was on the other side of the line of cars parked in the grass. Only instead she surprised me by pressing me up against the car and pressing her lips against mine. Then she really surprised me by running a hand down my front and cupping my cock with those perfect hands that had done so many deliciously sinful things to my body and hers over the years.

  Only now all I could think about were all the deliciously sinful things those hands had done with another man’s body while I watched. I shivered and groaned into her, then heard snickering off in the distance.

  That was enough to get Stacy to pull away from the kiss. She looked off towards the laughter and blushed, then reached up and adjusted some of her makeup.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I just had to do that before we went out there and did our thing.”

  “Of course,” I said, watching a couple of people waking in the direction that I assumed would take us to this bonfire thing she kept talking about. “So are we heading out?”

  Though the only thing I could think about as we walked towards the party was what she’d said. Before we went over there and did our thing. That had me wondering what kind of thing she was talking about. Were we talking about her teasing some guys and having a good time showing off for this crowd for the first time since she’d graduated and left this town? Or we were talking about more than that?

  She’d seemed pretty worked up from the way she pressed her lips and her body against me, not to mention the way she’d been grabbing my cock, and so I couldn’t help but wonder where the night might lead!


  “Nope,” she said.

  “Nope?” I asked.

  “Yup,” she said. “I said nope. We’re not talking about whatever it is you’re about to try and talk to me about.”

  “But I was just…”

  She glanced down at my cock. Sure I was still rock hard, but I was trying to keep things under control in there. It was difficult and I had to re
adjust myself every couple of steps, but I thought I was doing a good job.

  One look at the look she was giving me was enough to tell me that I wasn’t doing as good a job as I might’ve thought. Oops.

  “We’re not talking about any of that tonight,” she said. “The only thing we’re talking about is the good time we’re going to have while we’re out with friends.”

  “Right,” I said.

  The meaning wsa clear enough. Maybe something was going to happen tonight, but it sure as fuck wasn’t going to be happening if I kept talking about it. I didn’t want to harsh the buzz of the moment, to mix metaphors, so I decided the best course of action was to follow my wife’s clear desire and shut the fuck up.

  So we walked on in silence. With me shutting the fuck up, because what else could I do?


  Getting Naughty

  “So that’s the bonfire?” I asked.

  It looked impressive hanging there like a massive monolith in the night. I couldn’t make out exactly what was being used, but it was pretty clear that there was a lot of wood that’d gone into making the thing.

  Then again it was pretty easy to see where they’d gotten the fuel for the stuff. There was a woods that went right up against that cornfield, and whoever owned this place would only have to walk up to the edge to get some nice fuel for a bonfire.

  “Yup,” Stacy said. “That’s it. They always make a huge bonfire here on party nights and everybody has a good time.”

  “Everybody has a good time until someone gets drunk and tries to dive into the thing, you mean,” I said.

  “Well something like that might or might not happen from time to time,” she said. “But it’s a rare thing, and usually people just get a little singed. Plenty of nurses out at these things these days, you know.”


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