All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6) Page 15

by Addison Moore

  A chortling laugh erupts from behind as Chloe steps into our midst with that familiar musk scent she wears like a calling card and, of course, miles of dark thick hair just as wicked as she is.

  “Oh, Skyla. How desperate you are to ask the enemy for mercy. Celestra deserves better than that.”

  “It deserves better than you.”

  “Why?” Chloe’s eyes ignite like infernal flames. “Because I got to do what you wished you could have? You would have sold your people for less than a song. You’re no different than me. Gage and your children, they are mine. The universe owes me that much after the hell I went through to land Gage Oliver by my side.”

  “Enough,” Gage says as he steps over.

  Skyla leans in, that look of hatred magnified by the power of ten. “Enough from you, Gage Oliver. At least Chloe is true to herself. Not even while we were fighting side by side did I consider her a friend. I never thought I’d say it, but Chloe Bishop is far more honest than you’ll ever be.” She takes off and Chloe scoffs.

  “Chloe Oliver!” she shouts after her nemesis as Skyla piles into the truck and Logan and her take off with the fog swirling in their wake. Chloe gives Gage’s tie a quick tug. “I’m gonna skip ahead. Rumor has it, there will be a very naughty Mrs. Claus waiting for you in bed.” She gives a hearty wink before heading up the street.

  “Sounds as if someone is getting lucky tonight.” I can’t help but glower over at him. “It wasn’t good enough to escape hell for eternity, you needed to seek it on earth.” I shake my head at him. “Screw you for letting Skyla go and bringing all of this unnecessary misery on everyone. Make no mistake about it. She will bring down hell on us. And fuck you for inviting Coop.”

  His cheek flinches as if I struck him. “New Year’s Day.”

  I slam my hand into his chest. “That’s right, buddy. You get a do-over. A true blue vow exchange in front of your mother and every other wicked celestial entity. I may have stood in your place the first time—you may have pressed cobalt blue contacts over my evergreen peepers, but next week, it is all you, buddy. I get to marry Laken and I am damn glad about it. But you”—I shake my head at him—“you just can’t seem to stop falling deeper into the flames. Go home and make your soon-to-be bride happy. Try to find some joy out of this nightmare you’ve embroiled yourself in. Good news, Chloe is limber as hell.”

  Laken and Coop step outside and Coop gives us both a curt nod. “I look forward to the wedding.” His lips expand in my direction, and something inside of me unsettles.

  Laken pulls him into an awkward embrace with Charlie sandwiched between them.

  “We look forward to seeing you there,” she whispers.

  He looks my way and his eyes hang on mine a moment. “Good night, Wesley. Laken.” He nods before disappearing into the night and a chill runs through me. Coop thinks he has the upper hand, and if I don’t watch this new Dr. Feel Good act of his, he just might.

  Laken makes her way off the porch as she heads toward home.

  “I’ll be right there,” I say as I stall at the foot of the driveway. I look back to Gage. “Let me be the one to remind you that you, in fact, are in charge. You could have it all, Gage. You with Skyla. Me with Laken. The only thing stopping you, rooting you to the ground like a lead weight, is your noble heart. Cut the cords. Take what’s yours in the here and now. No matter how hard you wish she would fight, you will not let her win. That’s not noble, Gage. That’s just cruel.”

  I take off and catch up to Laken, kiss her precious face as we get home, get our children to bed, and then I make mad love to the girl I love, precious and achingly slow, the mother of my child, the mother of my children. Laken. She is my entire universe, my queen, my goddess, our bed, my altar.

  And I worship.

  Oh, how I worship.


  The Prophecy


  There was a time when I would anticipate seeing Gage Oliver’s face when he walked through the door, when I heard the jiggle of our bedroom door and I knew it was him on the other end, our reunion just moments away. All day I would fantasize about the things we could do alone in the butterfly room, the things my tongue would do, where it would roam.

  But now all that greets me, waits for me, is revenge. Grief was a slow suicide, an eroding of the mind and heart, but anger is something that I can shape, work with, fashion into the weapon that it needs to be—a very sharp spear necessary to skewer both Gage and Chloe. Years ago, Chloe did exactly that to Logan and me.

  This is me returning the favor.

  The big New Year’s Eve bash is right back where it belongs at the Harrisons’ estate. And in just a few minutes, I’ll be making my way there. Logan offered to pick me up, but since it’s out of his way, I let him know I’d meet him there. That way, when I ditch out early, I won’t ruin his good time. My stomach sours at the thought. I know full well Logan sees both a good time and life in general through a very narrow lens—me. I feel terrible about it, too. But my head and my heart are in no position to sort out my feelings for anyone right now. There are so many open wounds, it’s all I can do to stop up the bleeding.

  I dress the boys and we head downstairs. Misty and Ember taught the boys how to slide all the way down on their stomachs and they both bubble with husky laughter all the way to the foyer. They no sooner get to the bottom than they trot off for the family room.

  The downstairs still has every last Christmas decoration up. It’s a funny thing how they initiate such a pre-holiday high, and once it’s over, they go stale and begin to look wrong altogether. God forbid they stay up until February. It can make you feel like a loon. Sort of like Gage and me. We felt good and right—and then out of nowhere we bottle rocketed our way right to lunacy.

  Drake and Ethan shout with glee as they obliterate someone on the television screen and I gasp as the bloodied men from the video game look as if they have the ability to run right into the room.

  “Why do they look so real?” Honest to God, I don’t think I’ve ever commented once on the resolution, size, or color contrast of the electronic beast taking up space in the room.

  Drake flicks his elbow my way. “Dad just bought a new set, dude. Freaking 4D!”

  “4D,” I say absentmindedly as I make my way to the dining room and pause at the sight before me.

  Huddled at the corner of the table sit Mia, Mom, Tad, and Olivia Harrison, Ellis’ lawyer of a mother. The same lawyer Gage threatened to discuss visitations with.

  “What’s going on?”

  Tad slaps his palms down over the table. “This meeting is adjourned. Lizbeth, we have a party to tend to.”

  Mia looks up. “I’m divorcing Gabe.”

  Mom shrugs my way. “We’re paying the retainer.”

  Tad nearly knocks over the table as he rises. “And that kid had better pony up the rest of it.” He growls my way, “And don’t get any bright ideas. I’m not paying for your divorce either.”

  “I don’t need one,” I’m quick to point out and then reconsider. Even though our covenant has been abolished, what about the legal ramifications? Gage is renewing his vows to Chloe tomorrow, but now that I think about it, maybe it’s because he wants to make it legal? Nuptials in the heavenlies don’t count for much in the great state of Washington.

  Just perfect.

  Tad hitches his thumbs into his belt loops. “Lizbeth, we’ve got fifty pounds of lobster that need to be cooked alive and the guests will be here at any minute.”

  I glance to the kitchen, and sure enough the sink is filled with long, archaic overgrown cockroach-looking creatures doing their best to crawl their way out.

  “Oh my Lord,” I hiss. “Do not let the boys near those.” No sooner do I say the words than the entire gaggle of children who live under this roof scramble on over, each hoisting their own step stool in tow.

  Mom rises. “I’ve got this, Skyla. You and the girls have fun.”

  Tad growls, “Not too much fun. Just because Big Dad
dy here has deep pockets doesn’t mean you need to go popping out another litter.”

  “I can assure you I’m coming home litter free.” And will remain so for the foreseeable future. I hope.

  “See this?” Tad barks while pointing at me and garnering the attention of my sisters, along with Em, who just waddled in, and Bree. “You can all learn a lesson from Skyla here. She realizes she made a mistake! She got married young, pumped out two pups, and ruined her life!”

  “Tad Landon!” Mom gruffs so loud the windows rattle. “These precious boys are no mistake. And if you ever reference them that way again—well, I don’t care how much money you have, or how many diamonds you have on your teeth, you’ll find your things on the porch.”

  The entire house takes a collective gasp, including me. After all of these years, after all of Tad’s tyranny, she’s finally standing up to him.

  Bree smacks Tad on the arm. “You have diamonds on your teeth? Let’s see ’em, Pops!”

  Drake and Ethan jump over the sofas and even Olivia pauses from collecting her things to ogle at the oddity.

  Tad opens wide and Ethan shines the light on his phone over Tad’s left canine, and sure enough there’s a glint of light shining right back. A bulbous crystal sits over his enamel like an expensive barnacle for no one to see. God knows Tad never smiles.

  The room breaks out in congratulatory applause.

  Tad licks his lips and I recoil, sorry I ever fell into his mouth with my curiosity.

  “You got to treat yourself at least once in life.” He sniffs hard, rocking back on his heels with pride. “Life isn’t just about suffering, paying the bills, and wondering if you’re going to step in a pile of dog crap when you walk through the living room barefoot.”

  A couple of amens shoot off from the peanut gallery.

  It’s true. D-O-G craps like a bear right here in the house, and he doesn’t seem too fazed when you reprimand him about it either. D-O-G, who also goes by Bullet, is under a shared custody agreement between Mia and her old boyfriend. We’re on hiatus from D-O-G at the moment since it’s Revelyn Booth’s turn to play host. Rev is Mia’s punk rock ex-boyfriend, five years her senior who actually cleaned up his scruffy leather and chains act and transformed himself into a hot underwear model fit for Times Square. If I were Mia, I would have dumped Gabe, too.

  I spin on my heel and gag at the sight before me.

  “What’s he doing here?” I ask, looking right at the malfeasance himself, my sister’s soon-to-be ex-husband.

  Mia whips past him. “He’s my date. Melissa and I will be ready in a second.” She looks to me and rolls her eyes. “Everyone knows it’s bad luck not to have a date on New Year’s Eve. Don’t judge me.”

  “I’m not judging you.” I’m judging Gage because his date for the night—for life, just so happens to be Chloe.

  “Skyla, go on and get out of here.” My mother comes up from behind and lands a quick kiss to my cheek. “The boys will be fine with me.” She stiffens for a moment. “And full disclosure, Emma and Barron will be coming over. Oh, and Hal and Glendora are coming over, too. We’ve decided to band together since we’re going to be one big happy family.” She claps her hands and I want to take them apart and strangle her with them.

  Hal and Glendora are Chloe’s parents.

  “You can’t be serious.” I say, stunned, just as Olivia comes up and leans in.

  “You’d best go along with it, Skyla. Your boys are young.” She shakes her head, her eyes steadying over mine as if she were forlorn for me. “It’s hard to be apart from your children. I don’t envy you. It’s part of the reason I reached an understanding with Morley. Even though we divorced, I was not about to move out and share Ellis. That boy needed the both of us under one roof, and look at what a fine young man he turned out to be!”

  My lips twist as I work quickly to analyze this. It’s no wonder Ellis has been numbing himself with pot since he was a little boy. This sheds a whole new light on everything.

  “Well, he is special. And he certainly has a special place in my heart.” In fact, Ellis’ utter devotion to me has made me outright love him as family, deeper than ever before.

  “I’m glad you think so.” Olivia sniffs the air. “As for Gage, maybe try to work things out. He cheated, he smeated.” She waves the idea off as if it were a fly. “You know what they say, stand by your man—and his money.” A throaty laugh escapes her. “And judging by the fact he has his father’s backing, he does have money. Night, all! I’m headed to the mainland to ring in the new year with a few special friends.” She winks at my mother before trotting off.

  “What was that about?” I whisper as the room comes back to life.

  Mom lets out an exasperated sigh. “Olivia and her new boyfriend are into sharing.” She lifts a shoulder and indulges in an awkward nod. “As in the swingers scene.”

  “What? And ew. Don’t you dare share what the good Lord gave you.”

  “Ohh”—she looks back to the kitchen—“you just reminded me that I need to text Demetri to pick up some caviar on the way over.”

  “No can do.” Tad stalks off toward the hall. “I foot the bill around here from now on. And I’m picking up the finest champagne, too! What is it? Ten bucks a pop? I’ll take twenty.”

  Before I can pop his cheap champagne bubble, Bree skips over in a tight red dress while Emily waddles over in a psychedelic looking tent. Even in that, her swollen belly protrudes like a torpedo.

  Em grunts, “If Ellis’ shit show doesn’t put me into labor, nothing will.”

  Mom scoffs. “If you change your mind and want a home birth, I’ve got the blowup pool in the garage all ready to go on standby.”

  Em grunts. “I shit like a lion just as Ember squeezed her way out. I think I’ll pass.”

  It’s true. I was there. Not only did it morph into a shitty situation, but there was this whole blood and gore fireworks spectacular beforehand. I’m thankful that my birthing experience was nothing like that. A memory comes back to me from that day and it’s of Logan sweetly holding my hand. My heart warms at the thought of him for the first time in months. Maybe, just maybe, he can pull me away from the dark place Gage has landed me in. As much as I don’t need a man in my life, I need Logan’s sweet friendship and his kind smile to make me feel human again.

  Drake and Ethan can’t tear themselves from their game, so it’s just Bree, Em, and me headed out for a wild night of fun.

  Here’s hoping nothing cataclysmic happens.

  But I know better by now.

  Brielle screams her way from the car with a wild whoop in her throat, her body skipping up the Harrisons’ enormous driveway as if she were home after a long hiatus. The gargantuan fountain that sits in the middle of it trickles water gently from each of its tiers. The twelve stone lions at the base of it look far too forlorn, far too lazy to properly guard us from the night.

  “So you’re not really going to kill Chloe, right?” Em asks as I help steady her on our way to the door. “I mean, she’s having a kid. You can’t kill the kid, Messenger. It’s not the baby’s fault its mother is a wicked bitch.”

  My lips flicker with the idea of a smile. On a micro level I appreciate Emily calling Chloe out for who she really is. Emily is only capable of spouting off the truth.

  “Anyway”—she runs her hands over her enormous belly—“I have a vision for you.” She holds up a finger and I back up an inch because I thought she was about to smack me. “Before you say you don’t want it—too bad. This is happening, so brace yourself. Besides, I think you might actually like this one. I have a good feeling about it. I don’t know why.”

  Em is never privy to defining her visions from God—she’s simply instructed to give them. They are His work, His warnings.

  “I’ll take a hard pass,” I say as I look to the overgrown home before us.

  Music booms from the Harrisons’ mansion as we head on in. The windows buzz as they rattle. The bass digs into my chest and pulsates thr
ough me like an unwanted heartbeat. It’s so loud I don’t bother saying another word to Em as we go our separate ways. I spot Ellis and Giselle with their arms wrapped around one another and he looks up and does a double take my way before they head over. It’s dark inside, a sprinkling of neon lights, small as confetti spin over the ceiling.

  “Messenger.” He slaps me five. “What is up? You look smokin’. You’re going to make all the big boys cry tonight.”

  Giselle shrugs. “He’s right. You look amazing.” She glances down at my silver sequin dress, long-sleeved, high neck and even higher hemline. I dug out a pair of silver heels with a row of spikes running down the back to pair it with. It’s nice to know I have a weapon I can utilize if need be. “My mom says you’re going to marry Logan now. Can I be in the wedding? I’ve always wanted to be a bridesmaid.”

  Gage pops up between the two of them like an apparition, catching me off guard, with his ocean blue eyes as they drill right through me the way they used to do.

  “Yes, Giselle,” I say. “You can be in my wedding. But I think you have another wedding to think about first. One that will take place in less than twenty-four hours.”

  His dimples dig in. He’s hiding something, loving something. I can’t read him anymore. Gage has disabled me from his network.

  Logan comes up behind them, a slight mischievous grin already pinned to his lips. His brows do a funny dance as he looks at me. He’s unsure of what’s happening. Well, that makes two of us.

  “What’d I miss?” He comes over and lands a kiss to my cheek, his arm glides over my waist and it feels intimate, it feels both right and wrong.


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