All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6) Page 42

by Addison Moore

  My blood is still boiling as I watch him take off. Chloe brings the conversation right back on herself, and I don’t bother paying attention anymore. There goes my fantasy of Chloe delivering in the woods again, howling out in pain.

  Yes, I helped deliver Tobie. Only this time I wouldn’t help Chloe do a thing. I envision myself watching from a distance with a bucket of popcorn as she claws her eyes out, insane with pain.

  I glance back in the direction Gage scampered off to and note an iridescent wave cresting through the air.

  Hey—I give Logan’s hand a quick squeeze. I see something fishy in the direction Gage went.

  I’ll check it out.

  Fine, but I’m going with you.

  “I think I need to go to the bathroom,” I announce in the event Chloe gets a hair up her butt and decides to seek out her husband first.

  “I’ll help you find a bush,” Logan teases as he pulls me to my feet.

  Chloe scoffs. “Oh, hon, I’ve seen that mess between her legs. Believe me when I say, Skyla is bringing the bush.”

  I do my best to ignore the witch and waddle in the direction Gage took off in. And, sure enough, I hear his voice rumbling soft and low. He sounds angry, hostile even.

  The air shimmers in sparks of unnatural light and I spot a mane of golden blonde curls. I suck in a quick breath and stomp on over.


  The blonde look-alike’s mouth falls open and those pale blue eyes give her away.

  “Rory!” I head over and offer her a firm embrace. “Gage, why didn’t you get me?” I pin him with a dirty look. “Never mind. You’ll do anything to make my life difficult.”

  His cheek rises on one side, but he doesn’t look happy about it. He glares at my sister a moment.

  “Rory. It was nice seeing you.” He glances my way. “And for the record, I would have happily alerted you to her presence upon her request.” He takes off and Logan pulls him to the side, and while the two of them murmur away, I beam a huge smile at my sister.

  “Where have you been? I miss you. I want you in my life far more than you know.”

  “Skyla.” Her voice purrs soft like a kitten, her eyes enlarge as they bear into mine. “You do realize time doesn’t work the same way on the other side. I will try to be far more mindful of that.” A tiny dimple goes off in her cheek as she gives an impish grin.

  “What did Gage want?”

  She’s quick to shrug. “He said he was checking out suspicious activity. I guess he’s looking out for all of you now, isn’t he?”

  “Don’t let him fool you. He’s only looking after himself. And stay away from him, too. He’s dangerous and manipulative.”

  A laugh bubbles in her throat. “Believe me, Skyla, I’ve been known to handle a dangerous man or two. Gage won’t hurt me.”

  “Maybe not, but he’s hurting everyone else.”

  She ticks her head to the side. “So, what do you have planned? You do realize you belong in the position of power, not him—Celestra, not the Fems. You’ve disrupted the entire universe with your inability to act. For goodness’ sake, tell me you’re doing something.”

  “I’m doing something.” I glance back at Gage and Logan. “In fact, I’ve got a deadly plan of my own in the works. And I hate that lives will be lost because of it, but in the grand scheme of things it’s for the good of the Factions.”

  “What? When? How?” She yanks my hands forward in an effort to pull the answers from me.

  “I’m on the brink of hiding the markers, but even so I’m thinking of handing over as many of his people as I can to the government. The feds are thirsty. And this time, I don’t mind feeding them. And then I might just incapacitate as many Fems as possible. Marshall and Mother are willing to provide for me.”

  “That’s a major move. Do you think it will work?”

  “Yes. I just need my people to side with me again. And I will do whatever it takes to remove Gage from his reign of power. I need people back. I need to weaken his army. I need to slaughter and remove the Fems.”

  “And that’s all it will take to put you back in a position of power?”

  “Only the Justice Alliance, or the Decision Council can decipher that. But a few successful blows will certainly set me off in the right direction.”

  “If I were you, I’d get clear instructions from Mother.” She takes a breath as she looks to Gage. “Good work, Skyla. Just know that I’m busy working for our people, too.” She up and disintegrates before I can ask her another question.

  I head over to Logan and Gage and interrupt their heated debate as I wrap my arms around Logan.

  “I think it’s time for cake.”

  We head back and hoist out a chocolate marvel and a bucket of ice cream. Ellis and Giselle helped me lug it all out here. We sing “Happy Birthday” to the sexiest man I know, the one who never wavers, who is for my people and me, who has my heart forever.

  Once everyone’s had their fill of cake, Logan lets the boys go wild with it, and soon all the kids are covered in frosting from head to toe. We wash them in the warm water at the shoreline and bask in the glory of a brilliant tangerine sunset.

  “Happy Birthday, Logan Oliver.” I kiss him as a warm breeze licks between us. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Skyla.” He lands a spontaneous kiss to my stomach, and I catch Gage staring in our direction.

  Take that.

  August arrives, hot and bloated, like a beached whale struggling to get back into the cool of the water.

  The morning of the dual—triple baby shower is a busy one, with my mother running around frantic as she tries to get the last of her gift bags assembled. The third person in today’s uteral extravaganza is Laken. I asked Bree to include her as a guest of honor and she reluctantly did. Most everyone Chloe and I know, knows Laken as well, and not one person has complained about it other than Brielle herself.

  In fact, she’s still bitching about it as we speak.

  Bree’s freshly dyed blonde locks are piled on top of her head in a messy bun. “I don’t know why I had to buy her anything. I don’t even like the girl.”

  “Then I wish you didn’t buy her anything,” I quip as Mia passes me the small lavender lace bag we’re loading up with all of the handmade goodies my mother has been whipping up since Christmas. Mia and Melissa, Em, Chloe the she-devil, Bree, my mother, and I have all been working in assembly-line fashion for the better part of an hour to knock out these goodie bags.

  Each guest in attendance this afternoon will receive a little white baby shoe filled with a bag of pink and blue jelly beans (my mother bought out all the baby shoes at the local .97 cent store, and some guests will receive a right shoe and others a left), a plastic wrapped chocolate dipped pretzel rod drizzled pink and blue (handmade by Melissa and Mia—I helped lick the bowl), a small candle encased in glass (the bottom dipped in glue and rolled in lavender glitter—and it is making a damn mess), one of my mother’s masterfully crafted vagina-inspired necklaces with the delicate pearl inlaid on that infamous sweet spot (don’t tell Gage, but she still uses the mold she made from the boys’ feet from when they were newborns), a small bag of cotton candy (she had Mia and Melissa print out labels that read thank you for coming!), and Mia and Melissa, being the deviants they are, added Gage, Logan, and Wesley’s pictures beneath it to create one hell of a double entendre. Evidence that both my sisters will do great at Host University in a just a few weeks. They’ll be commuting, and I’m selfishly glad to still have them at the house with me.

  Chloe thought we should include a gift card to The Gas Lab—the restaurant Ezrina and Nev run, that was once my own. Of course, I agreed. But we all know Chloe is shitting her pants because she knows she has to go through an insurmountable amount of pain to deliver that baby, and she’s trying to butter Ezrina up. I’m thinking of holding Ezrina hostage for a few blissful hours on that fateful day. Lord knows I’ve got access to the sexiest binding spirit of them all—that is, if Marshall is
up for playing my reindeer games. And if he knows what’s good for him, he will. We are in a war, and all is fair in this hellhole my ex has dragged us off to.

  Laken—being a person of class and dignity, has donated a simple sterling silver bracelet stretched over cardboard, each with a little sterling silver star pendant. And above that, her sisters wrote out the words make a wish over each one. Laken’s little sister, Lacey, and Coop’s little sister, Marney, are best of friends. I set my finger over the tiny star and feel the cool burn. In a lot of ways, Laken and Coop are inextricable.

  “Make a wish,” Chloe mocks. “I bet that’s what she does each time Wes mounts her. She closes her eyes and wishes he would morph into Coop.”

  I roll my eyes at the thought, but sadly I’m hoping she’s right.

  Em bumps out a grunt of a laugh. “I bet that’s what Gage does. Closes his eyes and wishes you’d morph into Skyla.”

  A stunned silence crops up at the table and I cautiously look up.

  What’s this? Dissention in the ranks? I’m loving every spoonful.

  Bree smirks to Chloe. “Maybe that’s why you’re not getting any.”

  My heart thumps like a steel drum. That’s not the first time I’ve heard of this sexual drought. I look to Chloe and our eyes lock for a minute.

  Is it true, Chloe? Is Gage finally repulsed by your presence? Did your vagina fail to spin its magic? And instead spewed him with enough venom so he would never want to go back? Ha! I hope so.

  We wrap it up and Mia and Melissa load everything they can into the minivan. Logan picks the boys and me up. I don’t know how Chloe is getting there. Hitching a ride with Em or Bree, or maybe flying over on her broomstick.

  Logan leans over and gives me a kiss after we’re all settled in the Mustang. “You ready to do this?”

  “Only because you and the boys will be there.”

  And that is the God’s honest truth.

  My old home, the home that is still legally mine, is festooned in pink and blue crepe paper inside and out. Large pastel paper beach balls are strewn everywhere, along with balloons and banners, giving the place a festive appeal. It seems this entire summer has been one long celebration and it will continue to be so. Eli and Charlie will both be turning one in a few weeks, and I know Laken is already planning on hosting the doubleheader at her place. Chloe will have her baby, and then I’ll have mine. Of course, I’m not celebrating Chloe’s blessed, or cursed event.

  My sweet little angel moves and kicks in my tummy and I land a protective hand over her.

  “What do you think?” Mia hops in front of me. Her features have refined and we’re more or less twins at this point. Candace Messenger is a celestial being who can really appreciate a body double or two.

  “I think you and Melissa outdid yourselves.” I wrinkle my nose. “Did you make sure the balloons were loaded with glitter and confetti like I asked?”

  “You bet. Chloe won’t ever be able to clean up this crap.”

  “Good. That’s what I like to hear.”

  Mia makes a face at Melissa as she darts to the backyard with the boys. It’s partially cloudy out, but for the most part the weather is complying. Logan and Gage rented a huge white tent that’s more than large enough to provide cover for the party. And Ezrina and Nev were kind enough to cater the event. Em baked the cake but has kept it a secret that she plans to unveil. I’m betting it’s a three-tiered mint green wonder made of vanilla and sawdust. But I’m sure whatever it is, it’ll taste delicious. Em never strikes out in the kitchen.

  Mia nods Melissa’s way. “She’s finally dating Gabe.”

  “What?” Mia and Gabe’s divorce finally went through. They’re both freshly single, and already they’re wading right back in sloppy seconds waters. “Not this crap again.”

  “I’m fine with it.” She shrugs. “I mean, I’ll always love Gabe, but not in the same way I love Rev. I thought Gabe was the one, but if I had only followed my heart and not my vindictive need to piss off Melissa, I would have gotten it right the first time.”

  “So, you and Rev are a thing now? I hate to say it, but I’m glad.”

  “Yes, and thank you. Since this is a guys’ and girls’ event, both Gabe and Rev are stopping by. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Nope. They feel like family. I have a feeling they are.” I pull my sister into a nice long hug. “You went and grew up on me, didn’t you?” My hormones get the better of me, and soon I’m dabbing away tears with the back of my hand.

  “It was destined to happen.” She pulls back with tears of her own sparkling in her eyes. “Just like Logan and you.” Her hand caresses my bulging stomach before she heads outside.

  Soon enough, the backyard is teaming with every person I’ve ever met on this island—female wise. It’s a bizarre reunion of the girls from West and East High. Carly and Carson are here. And, of course, Carly is chatting up Logan, wiggling her tiny ass—which is the size of a thimble in his face. Even Melody Winters has shown her face, cavorting with Chloe as if they were besties, and I have no doubt they are.

  The boys—men as it were—have all taken to playing basketball at the far end of the yard where Gage recently had a couple of hoops installed and a concrete slab poured. Everyone is there, Brody, Ellis, Coop, Wes, Marshall, Nev, Drake, Ethan, Rev, Gabe, even Barron is playing with the young studs.

  Tad couldn’t be bothered to come. He’s probably at home counting all his shekels. He won a smaller payout from a scratch-off ticket just after my sisters graduated from high school. And don’t think for a minute I’m not apprised to the wicked winds that are blowing that misfortune his way.

  The devil is in the details, and, of course, the devil is here, too. Demetri, my mother, and Emma have stationed themselves outside of a castle bounce house I rented. They’re the self-appointed watchmen for all the innocents under five. Not that anyone can possibly remain innocent if left in Demetri’s presence for too long. Case in point, Gage Oliver.

  Laken and I eat pasta salad and cheeseburger sliders to our content as we sit next to one another under the big white tent. Plastic garden chairs abound, and the buzz of voices and laughter fill the warm summer air.

  “So, are you and Coop excited about the baby?” I say as Melissa generously takes my empty plate from me—and then it hits me. “Oh, my goodness, pregnant brain. I meant Wes. Please don’t be offended. I’ve spent the last few weeks calling Logan Gage. Thankfully, not at the wrong time. I swear, I’m going to sew my lips shut until I have this baby.”

  Laken bubbles with a laugh. “That’s perfectly okay.” Her features darken as she looks toward the basketball court filled with shouts and jeers from male voices. “Yes, Coop and I are happy about the baby. And Wes and I are, too.” Her lips purse. “It’s funny. It’s almost as if I’m with both of them. I mean, not sexually.” She huffs at the thought. “Sexually, I’m abhorrent. I don’t know why Wes wants anything to do with me in that department, but boy am I glad. I’ve never been so needy.”

  “Ha!” I pat my belly and the baby gives a hearty kick. My God, how I love to feel her. “Logan would probably say I’m greedy. I’ve made that boy service me at all hours just to try to get this itch scratched. And it does seem impossible. I wasn’t nearly this insatiable with the boys. But then, Logan has always had an addictive quality about him.” A moment of silence bounces between us. “When are you going to realize that Wes is Dr. Evil?”

  Laken gives a long blink. “Skyla, a good friend doesn’t say that. We have a child together.”

  “That’s debatable,” I say it under my breath. “Anyway, I wish a good friend would have warned me about my own Dr. Evil before he crapped all over my heart. Rest assured, Wes is doing the same to you as we speak. This is me being a good friend. You’re too smart not to have the scales fall off.”

  Laken sighs. “The only lens I see Wes through is the lens of love.”

  “Have it your way, but don’t forget—every Edinger on the planet has a way of turning lo
ve into a four-letter word. And by the way, when he starts bottling that love potion he slips you, tell him I want in.”

  Chloe waddles by, and judging by that look on her face, she’s contemplating sitting with us, but wisely decides against it.

  “I don’t think Chloe’s getting any.” I don’t bother to whisper it, and sure enough the Wicked Witch of West shoots me an eviscerating look.

  Laken strums out a dark laugh. “Yes, well, you have met her.”

  Ezrina comes over and settles herself between us. “Time has come, hasn’t it?” She eyes both my burgeoning belly and Laken’s. “I want to thank you both for donating to the cause.”

  My eyes widen at Laken. “You’re giving Ezrina your afterbirth? You do realize she’ll be using it for me.”

  She lifts her chin. “I’d hate for it to go to waste. Besides, if you and Gage keep playing chicken with the government, I figure soon enough we’ll have to work together to hide the markers anyway. The two of you are endangering us all.”

  Laken has no idea exactly how right she is. In fact, the time is quickly coming for me to pare down my list of whom I wish to implicate to the government once we’re able to hide the markers. And for a time, I had even entertained her. Wes would do anything for his Laken. Cooper would do anything for his Laken. My dear friend is far too valuable, far too dangerous for her own good. But ultimately, I decided against it. Laken is valuable to me. She is my sister, even if we do disagree on some major talking points.

  “Wow. Thank you. Or more to the point, I probably have Coop to thank.”

  Laken laughs at the thought. “And you would be right. Don’t tell Wes. He thinks I came up with the idea to donate on my own.” She sags a minute as she looks my way. “And Skyla, just to be clear, yes, Wesley is the love of my life.” Her lips press white.

  “You don’t have to say it, Laken. I’ll say it for you. Cooper Flanders is, too.”

  A seam of tears lines her eyes, and she does her best to blink them away.


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