All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6) Page 61

by Addison Moore

  “All right, Chloe.” I sigh. “Your opinion is amusing per usual. Why don’t you go pester someone who might actually want your company? Oh, wait. There isn’t anyone, is there?”

  Her brow rises. “Not true. I have a husband roaming the grounds.” She twists her lips as she surveys the lay of the land. “Do you know what tomorrow is, Skyla?”

  “It’s my son’s third birthday. Outside of that, there is nothing else I’m concerned with.”

  “It’s my anniversary.” She bounces on her heels as she looks from Logan to me. “One year of sheer wedded bliss. And I’m so very glad that we’ll all come together again to celebrate it as a family, aren’t you?” She bats those vindictive doe eyes at me. “I wonder what my sexy husband will get me? A pony perhaps? Another diamond? Skyla, what did Gage give you for your first anniversary?”

  I spot Laken heading this way with baby Wesley Cooper strapped to her chest, and I’m thankful for the reprieve.

  “Logan, I’ll be right back. Don’t let Chloe eat the baby.”

  I meet up with Laken and pull her away from the masses toward the oversized fountain, the width and girth of the entire Landon home. Demetri had it drained in the event a kid should wander in it and drown. Smart move on his part, and thankfully, his swimming pool is gated.

  “Laken.” I pull her into a strong embrace. We’ve been sending cryptic texts for the last few weeks, but she still hasn’t told Wesley that she knows the truth yet. “How are you doing? How are you able to look him in the eye each morning?”

  Her thick, caramel waves cascade down her shoulder as she gives a lazy glance back to the enormous back porch where Gage and Wes stand chatting away. Honestly, from this vantage point, I can’t tell who is who. I guess that’s when you know it’s really over. You can’t pick the once love of your life out of a lineup.

  “It’s going just fine.” She shrugs. “I figure if Wes could hide the truth from me all these months, I can hide it from him until I decide what to do. Cooper has Charlie.” She nods toward a play area with miniature slides and carousels geared for those on the younger end of the toddler spectrum. “I haven’t told Coop yet. I figure it’s best if I get it out in the open to the two of them at once.”

  I suck in a quick breath at the thought.

  “And when will this double grenade launch take place? I’m praying soon. Coop won’t be too thrilled if eighteen years meander on by. He might know that he’s Charlie’s father deep down in his heart, but he needs to hear the words, too.”

  “I was going to do it tonight until I remembered it was your birthday, and, of course, tomorrow we’ll be at your place for part two of the birthday extravaganza. I guess I’ll put it off until Monday.”

  “Hell no.” My eyes widen with the prospect of having the most explosive birthday party yet, although technically, they’ve all been a bit more explosive and dramatic than I like.

  “Do it tonight. We’ll be at the Harrisons’. That’s right next door to your place. And once you dump Wes and his slimy ass, Coop and I will help you pack your things and shuttle you and the kids to his place.”

  She makes a face. “Skyla, you’re going to think less of me when I say what I’m about to.”

  “Never. Never will I think less of you.” A horrible thought comes to me. “Unless you decide to forgive Wes and stay with him forever.” I’m only partially teasing.

  Laken shrugs. “I’m giving Wes an ultimatum.”

  “Oh, good.” I breathe a sigh of relief. “Men love those. What kind of ultimatum? He has to wash dishes and do laundry for the next eighteen years? I think you should tack on that he gives you a lifelong hall pass with Cooper because really? Have you taken a gander at his hotness lately? And honey, you know that poor boy isn’t getting any. Rumor has it, Lexy Bakova has stripped down naked in front of him on at least two occasions wanting to be ravaged—and he declined both offers. And if you must know, Lexy told me that herself.”

  It’s true. She’s been around nearly every day taking pictures of Jaxson with the boys, Jaxson all by his adorable lonesome, with Logan and me. Not to mention all the hard work she’s put into our wedding. In fact, she’s set to mail out the invites this afternoon. It’s really happening. Logan and I are finally tying the knot—again.

  “Glad to hear Coop has options.” She darts a quick glance his way. “And selfishly, I’m glad to hear he hasn’t acted on them. I still love him deeply.”

  “So be honest with me. If Wes won’t do menial housework, are you packing up and headed to Cooperville?” I’m not really interested in the terms of her ultimatum. I’m just thrilled she’s going to spill the DNA beans.

  She gives a slow nod. “But I just figure I’m already married to Wes. This has been the status quo. And I love them both equally. I know that there’s no one in the world who can ever understand that.”

  “I could have once.” I nod quickly to acknowledge my love for the old Gage Oliver.

  “Good, because hopefully now you won’t judge me.” Baby Wes Cooper whimpers against her chest, rearing his tiny head, and I catch a glimpse of those familiar dimples as he blinks my way.

  “Oh, Laken, he is simply too precious.” I shake my head in disbelief. “He truly is a twin to Nathan and Barron.”

  “That he could be.” She combs back his thick, black hair with her fingers. “So tonight?” She winces up at me as if it pained her to think about.

  “Yes, Laken, tonight. Just out of curiosity, what’s the ultimatum?”

  She shakes her head at me. “You’ll see. Consider it a birthday gift to yourself. I think you’re going to love it.”

  “Oh, I’m going to love it. I already love it.”

  She takes off for Coop—same direction I’m hoping she goes in this evening. I can’t believe Wesley Edinger is about to have his ass handed to him this evening and I get front row seats to the spectacle.

  Happy birthday to me.

  I spot Ezrina, Nev, and their darling daughter standing with Logan, and I head on over.

  “Alice”—I say, kneeling to her height—“you are a princess.”

  She nods my way with those serious eyes, those ruby red lips the exact shade as her hair.

  “Am,” she says it sweetly with an undertone of aggression, and I can’t help but love her all the more.

  Both Nev and Ezrina take turns wishing me a happy birthday.

  “How is the serum?” I don’t mind asking Ezrina point-blank.

  “Circulating well through our brothers and sisters across the globe. Our Levatio transport system is working out quite well. No word of anyone with adverse effects just yet.”

  “Good. And in a month’s time, they won’t have to make so many trips,” I say it more like a question and Ezrina nods.

  “Yes, Skyla.” She looks to Logan. “The two of you are potent together in more ways than one. Might I advise more children?”

  My jaw unhinges. “How many more?”

  Logan tips his head her way as if he were genuinely interested.

  “Ten?” Nev looks to Ezrina. “Twenty?”

  I gasp, “We need that many for the serum? My God, I guess both my body and I will have to take one for the team.”

  Ezrina chortles, and it’s such a rare sight and sound, I try to memorize it. “Heavens, it has nothing to do with the serum. The Jax molecule, as you know, has an immortal lifespan it keeps reproducing. It hasn’t stopped yet, and it won’t. What you and Logan have created has truly saved our people.”

  I shake my head at her. “Then why all the kids?”

  “Because they’re adorable.” She nods our way while threading her arm though Nev’s. “We’re off to show Alice a good time.”

  And that they do.

  Hours drift by and finally it’s time for cake. My mother and Mia wheel out a three-tiered monstrosity laden with giant dinosaurs all over it and the boys go wild.

  Gage is holding Barron while I hold Nathan. Gage has yet to acknowledge me, yet to wish me a happy birthday.
He’s at an all-time petty low, and I’m positive it’s because he can’t comprehend that he’s about to lose his standing in the heavenlies.

  Who knew Gage Oliver was driven by power and greed? I should have figured so much as soon as we discovered he was Demetri’s spawn. I should have cut my losses as soon as we had the boys and run straight to Logan. Not wasted any time.

  My heart wrenches at the thought of framing those moments I spent with Gage as wasted. Tragic is more like it. In every sense of the word.

  Lexy snaps one picture after the next with Logan by my side and Chloe next to Gage. A family horror story if ever there was one.

  We light the candles and the boys blow them out after we sing.

  “Put me down! I want Mommy!” Barron cries and bucks as he struggles to get away from his father. He inadvertently kicks a hole in the side of the cake before Gage finally lets him slide to the ground. As much as I’d like to laugh, I feel terrible that my boys are already feeling the need to get away from Gage. He was a great father once.

  Melee breaks out as Mia and Melissa help serve up the sugary feast to the masses.

  Gage comes over, his brilliant blue eyes looking square into mine for the very first time tonight.

  Here it is. A happy birthday in the least. I gave him three children. If I’ve been forced to put our differences aside for the last year while he held the upper hand with the Factions—surely, he could do it.

  But he doesn’t. Gage nods to someone past me as his parents come up with my poor mother looking frazzled.

  “Oh, Skyla.” She takes ahold of my hand and grips it with her cold fingers.

  “What’s wrong?” I motion for Logan to come over and he dashes this way along with Demetri.

  Before I know it, Demetri has my mother in his arms as she leans heavily upon him.

  “It’s happened, the unthinkable,” she whimpers as Emma hands her a tissue and we all wait with bated breath as to what the unthinkable might be. Dear Lord, I hope Demetri hasn’t knocked her up again.

  “It’s Tad,” she blubbers through tears and I hold my breath, assuming the worst. Holy heck, Demetri has had him killed, and today of all days. “He’s been arrested. They’ve formally charged him with tampering with the lottery system. They say they have hard evidence.”

  “I don’t understand.” I shake my head over at her. “Tad said he got those numbers from his dreams. That can’t be illegal.”

  “That’s what I said,” she wails. “But he says they’ve got an iron-clad case, whatever that means. Olivia Harrison is looking into representing him. Oh, I don’t know what I’ll do if Tad gets sent to prison.”

  Demetri pulls her close, petting the back of her head as if she were his favorite pet, and I have no doubt she is.

  “There, there, my Lizbeth. I’ll see you through this. That’s what friends are for, my love.” He shushes her into submission before helping her into the house.

  “Well, there’s that,” I say, looking at Logan. “Demetri has finally figured out a way to ruin my mother’s marriage. And sadly? If Tad had to choose a way to go, I think he’d choose winning the lottery for one year straight.”

  Emma scoffs. “You hear that, Barron? She blames everything on our people.” She takes a deep breath. “Pity, since we’ve done so much for them.” She nods over at Gage as if this were true.

  I scoff at the thought. “I’m not sure when Demetri became your people, but if you mean because he sides with wickedness, I guess you’re right. And if by so much you mean scaring the planet into a tizzy, hiking unemployment while mishandling the world economies—then yes, you’ve done quite enough.”

  “And you?” Emma’s eyes bulge wide just as Chloe scuttles over in an attempt not to miss the show. “You have the government testing to see if we’re aliens. Not one leader has imperiled her people as much as you have, Skyla. Thank goodness we have a savior in Gage.”

  “Please”—my chest bucks with fury—“I just took a page out of your son’s playbook, Emma. I have the serum, and in a month’s time it will be permanent. There is only one leader for the Factions, and that leader is me. Your son put our people in peril. I’m fixing everything he tore down.” I look right at him, unafraid to face him eye to eye, and he winces as if he didn’t feel the same. “Gage Oliver, you are no savior. You’re a plague who I’ve all but stopped from spreading. I wouldn’t get used to that crown on your head. You don’t win. Not by a long shot.”

  Emma’s lips pull back into a tight smile. She plucks out a tiny pink package from her purse. “Barron and I have a birthday gift for you, Skyla. You are, after all, the mother of our grandchildren.”

  Barron’s eyes widen as if he had no clue what she was up to, and I’m sure that’s the case.

  I glance to Gage briefly as I accept the tiny package, and I quickly peel it open and pull out a long, plastic whistle of some sort that closely resembles a cigar.

  “What is it?” I ask as I pull it closer.

  “It’s a crow caller.” Emma grins as if she means it. “You can sit out on the Landon porch and call all the feathered nuisances that Paragon has to offer. You can be the queen of the crows, Skyla. Gage will be the king of our people.”

  Barron growls over at her before pulling her off to the side.

  And it’s just Gage, Chloe, Logan, and me, the queen of the crows. Leave it to Emma to get a zinger in on my birthday. Can’t wait to see what contraption Christmas brings. A framed picture of her face that I can use as target practice might be nice.

  I look up at Gage, more than ticked that he lets his mother continue to crap all over me. But then, he’s crapping right along with her these days.

  “You wear a paper crown, Gage,” I hiss. “Don’t forget it.”

  The party winds down, and we save the gifts for tomorrow.

  Logan and I get the boys back home, and they’re crashed before we ever get them up the stairs. They’re so heavy I need to employ my Celestra strength just to get Nathan to his bed. Logan carries both Barron and Jaxson. Once we’ve tucked the boys in, I feed Jaxson as Logan holds us close. I just stare into those mesmerizing eyes of Logan Oliver’s as we telepathically share our undying love for one another.

  Logan and I are a miracle. Our family is a miracle. And no matter what heartache we may have gone through, I wouldn’t trade any of it because it gave us our perfect beautiful son.

  We made it, Logan. I nod to him in the dark. Just one more step and we will have the victory we have longed for.

  One more step. He leans over and dots my lips with a kiss. Let’s hope it doesn’t lead off a cliff.

  A tiny laugh warms my chest.

  And if it does? I nod over at him. We fly.

  We fly. He nods right back. Hell, I think we should fly anyway.

  And we will.

  Some of my fondest memories on this godforsaken island have all surprisingly taken place right here at the Harrison estate. In fact, Ellis’ parties were the first real parties I had ever gone to. Not that the parties back in L.A. weren’t great, but they were never so charged, so full of drama, holding an outright electric undercurrent of emotion, and tonight is proving to be no different.

  The grand room at the Harrison estate is the size of an average ballroom, packed to the hilt with the eighteen to twenty-five sect, and I’m starting to feel the burden of being on the older end of the spectrum.

  I glance over to Brielle as she drags me into the center of the room where the bodies are gyrating and rocking out to the live band Ellis was kind enough to hire.

  “It’s too loud. There are far too many bodies, and I’m missing my babies!” I shout over at her, and she makes a face.

  “It’s your birthday party! Shut up and have a good time, Skyla.” She bumps her hip to mine in rhythm to the beat. “That is a direct order from your BFF! And stop talking to that whiner who lives next door.” Laken is no whiner. “She’s dragging you down, Messenger.” She gives a little wink as she throws her arms up over her head, boppin
g and twirling as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Then it hits me. Maybe, just maybe, for one night I can let go. And I join her.

  Brielle and I dance until we’re hot and sweaty, until the room is steamier than a sauna and it spins with our every turn. My heart is pumping a million miles an hour, and I feel alive. Reborn. Gifted a new beginning.

  Ellis comes at us with a beer for Bree and an ice-cold bottle of water for me, and I down it in a few quick gulps.

  Ellis leans in. “Good show, Skyla. Gage has been pouting in the corner with Wes all night, eating his heart out at what he’s missing.”

  “Glad to hear it.” I glance around for the sulking sultan’s wife, the queen of mean, and spot her dancing with Michelle, Lex, and Nat, shaking their stuff as if we rewound the clock a good seven years. This could easily be the first party I stepped into on Paragon sans the stretch marks. Near the kitchen I spot Laken, Coop, and Logan, and a fire ignites within me. “I think it’s time to open up a few gifts.”

  I take off in their direction and am intercepted by Lex as she pulls me into her circle.

  “It’s done.” Lex gives me a spontaneous five. “I mailed your wedding invites. Don’t do anything stupid and putz it up. I expect to see a bride and groom at Whitehorse come December thirteenth.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. Thanks, Lex.” I glance to Emily. “And, Em? I’m putting it out there in advance, no visions, no paper, no pens, no pig’s blood allowed at my wedding. I don’t care if you spew green vomit because you can’t wait to draw on the side of the bowling alley. I’m taking a hard pass on the prognosticating.”

  “Done.” She shrugs. “I have nothing on the horizon anyway. Which is sort of weird considering I haven’t had this feeling since before you came to town.”

  “That’s because the Barricade is toast, and I’ll be on top again by the new year. Things are finally looking up for our people.”

  Nat shakes out her hair, and I’m pretty sure she just sprayed her sweat our way.


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