Conflict Unending

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Conflict Unending Page 16

by Raymond L. Weil

“There are two fleet bases left,” Hailey said as she examined a star map of Galaxy X-268 revolving slowly in a holographic display. “From the data transmitted from fleet base two before it was destroyed, we know they inflicted some damage to the Eternal fleet. Unfortunately all of their battlecruisers were destroyed in the battle.” Hailey wished some of those ships had been sent to fleet base three or four instead of being sacrificed needlessly. However, that was what happened when military AIs were involved.

  “We need a Human command crew on board all of those fleet bases,” commented Commander Erick Sutherland as he stood next to Hailey looking at the star map. “Those battlecruisers should have been sent to fleet base three where the other ones went.”

  Hailey nodded. “The military AIs are programmed to make the enemy pay the steepest price possible even if it means losing every ship and every asset. We need to change that.” Hailey was going to talk to Fleet Admiral Strong about this whenever she got back to the Hub. They couldn’t afford to waste valuable resources.

  “We’re getting a lot of new recruits in from the Fleet Academy on the Moon back in the Federation. Perhaps their first assignments should be to the fleet bases. It would give them an opportunity to work with Originator technology as well as AIs.”

  Hailey turned to face her second in command. “There are over two thousand fleet bases. Even if we just assign a small command crew and a squad of Marines to each base, we’re talking about over twenty thousand personnel. I would feel more comfortable with double that. Each base should have at least one seasoned officer in case of an Eternal attack.”

  “Forty thousand,” said Sutherland, looking thoughtful. “It would be nice knowing all the fleet bases are staffed with Humans or Altons. If this war continues those bases will play a significant role. It will at least give our fleets locations they can come to for repairs or a little bit of leave time.”

  “Admiral Lukel is requesting orders,” reported Lieutenant Sparks from her communications station.

  Hailey took a deep breath. “I don’t think we have a choice. “Inform Admiral Lukel he is to proceed to fleet base four and we’ll go to fleet base three. Those are the last two bases in this galaxy, and we don’t dare lose another one.” Hailey didn’t want to separate the fleets but it was the only real option she had. She stood a moment gazing at the hologram of Galaxy X-268. “We know the Eternals’ last position, fleet base two. I want a few battlecruisers patrolling the space between fleet base two and the other two bases. Maybe we’ll get lucky and spot them in time so both of our fleets can be at the next base they attack.” Hailey wanted to destroy the Eternal fleet. She couldn’t do so unless she had the firepower from both fleets.


  A few hours later Hailey was in the ship’s gym exercising when Caria came in.

  “Admiral, can I ask you a question?”

  Hailey stopped doing sit-ups and stood. “Sure, what is it?”

  “I heard you mention how our Military AIs are programmed to inflict the maximum amount of losses on our enemies but you seem to disagree with that strategy. Why?”

  Picking up a towel Hailey wiped off her face and sat down on a bench, indicating for Caria to come sit next to her. “Our war against the Eternals is all about numbers. Right now, they have more people, more ships, and more resources. A point arrives during a battle where one must decide what the best option is to ensure future victory, even if it means leaving the battle. If we’re engaging an Eternal fleet and at some point in the battle the odds shift drastically to the Eternals favor, isn’t it best to preserve what forces we can to fight another day rather than sacrificing them for diminishing returns?”

  Caria’s eyes narrowed as she thought about what Hailey had said. “But we’re here to destroy the Eternals. How do we know when we must leave the battle?”

  “And that’s the problem. Our military AIs do not fear dying. They may wish for longer lives and to be able to continue to serve the Originators but they have very little fear of death. They are willing to sacrifice themselves if they can take the enemy with them. A Human or Alton commander would try to save as many ships as possible to fight another day.”

  Caria slowly nodded her head. “I believe many of us are like that. While we are technically sentient beings, we are still artificial. Though I do not want to see the Victory damaged or destroyed, I would not hesitate to sacrifice my life for the greater good. Is that wrong?”

  “Many Humans in our military feel the same,” replied Hailey, wondering how to make Caria understand the difference. “However, we will do everything we can to save lives and minimize the risks we take whenever possible. Our military AIs compute the percentage of success and use that to guide them in their tactics. Humans sometimes depend on gut instincts in a battle and have a tendency to do the unpredictable at times. I greatly fear the Eternals are using the predictability of our military AIs against them.”

  Caria looked confused. “All AIs can feel emotions; love, pride, loyalty, compassion, pain, and even suffering. Is that not enough?”

  Hailey smiled. “In most cases it is. But all of you still rely a little too much on logic when it comes to making decisions, and you allow that logic to sometimes overrule what your emotions are telling you to do.”

  “But emotions can cause you to make an illogical choice.”

  Hailey nodded. “Yes, it can. But sometimes the illogical choice is the better of the two. It adds unpredictability which is needed in combat situations.”

  “There are some AIs I know who allow their emotions to guide them. Camlin, Leeda, and Sible are all like that. I believe even Kazak and perhaps Albate are like that as well. It would explain why Albate and some other AIs are supporting Alvord, a member of the Defenders of Zorn.”

  “Perhaps you’re right,” replied Hailey. “I believe the Originators have always encouraged their AIs to think logically even though all of you were given lifelike bodies and emotions. Now, there are Humans on one of the Dyson Spheres at the Hub and soon my people will be on numerous warships and a few in every Dyson Sphere. The Originator AIs are going to be exposed more to raw emotions and how we go about making decisions. It would not surprise me to see AIs emulating that.”

  Caria nodded. “You may be right. I find myself watching the Humans and Altons on the Victory. Even though I am several thousands of years old I can see I still have much to learn.”

  “And that’s where there’s hope,” answered Hailey smiling. “As long as you can still learn there’s time for you to grow and become an even better sentient being.”

  Caria stood up. “I’ll leave you to your exercising. We should be arriving at fleet base three in another few hours. You’ve given me much to think about.”

  Hailey watched as Caria left. The AIs on board the Victory never ceased to amaze her. When Caria was in the Command Center Hailey very seldom thought of her as an AI. She was a member of her crew, an important one.


  Fleet Commander Tarsal was in his ship’s Command Center. It had taken several weeks for his requested reinforcements to arrive. Finally, four thousand additional battlecruisers had reached his fleet. He felt confident that with nearly sixteen thousand warships he could handle anything the Originators might put in front of him. He had demonstrated that at the last fleet base he had attacked.

  His fleet was in a small red dwarf star system where repairs were being done to the ships damaged in the last attack. The Originator battlecruisers at the last fleet base had fought to the last ship. This was an indication to Fleet Commander Tarsal he was dealing primarily with military AIs. The solution to that was quite simple. Any Eternal, thanks to the modifications done by the mechanical nanites, could out think the AIs. Their tactics were predictable and easy to deal with. In addition, the Originators and the Humans must be creating new Military AIs to command their bases, fleets, and ships. Those AIs would be inexperienced and easy to defeat in battle.

  Tarsal was going to send a report to the Council of Eternals abo
ut this. It implied to him that there were few Originators and possibly fewer Humans than originally believed. If he was right about this then there was no reason not to attack one of the Shrieels and take it over. From there the other Shrieels would be vulnerable through the use of the intergalactic vortexes. While the vortexes were the Shrieels greatest advantage, they were also their great weakness.

  “Set a course for the next fleet base,” Tarsal ordered. Repairs had progressed to the point where the fleet could safely enter hyperspace. “We need to destroy the last two and move on to the next galaxy.” As long as he had sufficient ships, he was going to destroy as many fleet bases as possible. In addition, First Leader Clondax was preparing to send ten more fleets into Originator space. Very soon the Originators would be overwhelmed and they would find their fleet bases in ruins.

  “Course set,” replied Devonn from Navigation. “We will be there in seven point two hours.”

  “All ships have been sufficiently repaired,” reported Lomart from Tactical. “We may wish to contact Second Leader Nolant about sending a supply ship with the new and more powerful antimatter weapons. We may need them if we encounter a large Originator fleet.”

  “I will make the request,” replied Tarsal. Lomart was correct. The new 100-megaton antimatter missiles would allow them to destroy the Originators’ battlecruisers quicker. Tarsal gazed at the ship’s main viewscreen showing Eternal battlecruisers as far as he could see. It was a powerful fleet and one he intended to use to cause more carnage across Originator space. Suddenly a swirling vortex formed in front of the Conqueror. The ship surged forward until the vortex filled the screen and Tarsal felt the ship make the transition into hyperspace. It was time to destroy the next Originator fleet base.


  The Originator battlecruiser QX-34762 was in hyperspace nearing the location of the last reported position of the Eternal fleet. Its stealth field was active and sensors were extended to the maximum. For thirty light years around it, the sensors searched for any signs of the Eternal warfleet.

  “Contact,” reported Seesalk from the sensor console. “Eternal fleet detected at twenty-two light years. They are on a direct course for fleet base three.”

  “Fall in behind them at twenty-six light years,” ordered Muresul, the ship’s commanding military AI. “We must make sure they don’t change course. Send a message to Rear Admiral Mann that we have located the Eternal fleet and they will be arriving in the vicinity of fleet base three in seven hours.”

  “Message sent,” replied the AI at Communications.

  The ship adjusted its course as Muresul watched the star field on the viewscreens change position.

  “We’re twenty-six point three light years behind the Eternal fleet,” reported the AI at Navigation after a few minutes.

  Seesalk spent a moment examining his Sensors. “There are no indications the Eternals have detected us.”

  Muresul was not certain the Eternals would acknowledge the presence of his ship even if they did notice it. One ship was not a threat against that fleet. “How many ships are in the Eternal formation?”

  “Fifteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-three,” replied Seesalk.

  Muresul was not surprised the Eternal fleet had been reinforced. “Inform Rear Admiral Mann of the number of Eternal battlecruisers.”

  Turning toward the tactical display, he gazed at the large blob of red threat icons. His ship would continue to follow the Eternals and report any course deviation to the rear admiral. However, he doubted if they would change course. As far as the Eternals were concerned, there was nothing in this galaxy that was a significant threat to their fleet. Muresul was curious how Rear Admiral Mann would handle the Eternals. Even with Admiral Lukel’s fleet, she was still outnumbered.


  Rear Admiral Mann was at fleet base three. There were eighteen hundred Originator battlecruisers and four dreadnaughts protecting the base. The fleet base was massive, larger than anything in Federation space. It could handle the repairs and resupply of a large fleet even one as large as the one she currently commanded. “Contact Admiral Lukel and inform him he’s to return here.” Hailey knew Admiral Lukel hadn’t arrived at fleet base four yet. He would easily beat the Eternals to fleet base three. “Also contact fleet base four. I want the extra one thousand battlecruisers they have. They can keep the two hundred normally assigned to the base in case the Eternals try to pull a fast one.” Hailey wasn’t going to take the chance of stripping all of the battlecruisers from fleet base four just in case a small Eternal fleet showed up. However, due to the distance involved the extra battlecruisers might not arrive in time for the battle.

  “We’re still going to be outnumbered,” pointed out Commander Sutherland.

  “Not by much,” grinned Hailey. “This time we will have four hundred dreadnaughts, all with defense globes. We’ll use the globes to help even up the odds. When Admiral Lukel arrives, we will put his fleet near the large gas giant in the outer part of the system. His fleet will remain there under stealth. With a little luck the Eternals won’t detect him. We’ll try to pin the Eternals between Admiral Lukel’s fleet and ours.”

  Caria looked over at Hailey in confusion. “I don’t understand. How can you suggest such a tactic when the Eternals will still outnumber your fleet?”

  “It’s simple,” replied Hailey, looking over at the AI. “The Eternals won’t be expecting a two-pronged attack because it defies logic. We’ll use that against them along with our defense globes.”

  Looking doubtful, Caria turned back to her navigation console.

  “Place us twenty thousand kilometers from the fleet base,” Hailey ordered. Looking at a viewscreen, the massive fleet base was visible. It was heavily armed but had none of the newer dark energy cannons. She wished it did as it would make the base much more dangerous to the Eternal fleet. She was grateful for the other heavy weapons it had though.

  “Lieutenant Sparks, contact the military AI in charge of the base and inform him I’m taking command.”

  Lieutenant Sparks did so and then turned toward Hailey with a bemused smile on her face. “The military AI on the base is female. Her name is Allora.”

  Hailey laughed. “I should have known better. There is no reason for the military AIs not to be female.”

  “What now?” asked Commander Sutherland. “It will be another hour before Admiral Lukel gets here and nearly four before the Eternals arrive.”

  Hailey looked at the viewscreen. Several showed star patterns and others different ships of her fleet. One was showing a dreadnaught which nearly filled the screen. “We fine tune our battle plan. We need to destroy that Eternal fleet and hold our own losses to a minimum.”

  “I may have a few ideas,” offered Sutherland.

  “I’m open to suggestions.” She walked over to Commander Sutherland’s station. She was curious to hear what he had to say.


  Commander Sutherland began explaining several possible options in the coming battle to Rear Admiral Mann. Caria turned away from Navigation, listening curiously. Humans still confused her though she greatly enjoyed her job as the navigation and helm officer on the Victory. Perhaps if she paid close attention she could learn more about these fascinating Humans and why they acted the way they did. It amazed her how quickly they threw logic away to rely on more obscure and riskier tactics. Once they returned to the Communications and Transport Hub, she intended to speak to some of the other AIs about this. Perhaps together they would reach a greater understanding of the Humans.


  The Eternal fleet was nearly to fleet base three when Garald suddenly reached forward and adjusted the ship’s sensors. He studied the readings for a moment and then turned toward Fleet Commander Tarsal. “There is an Originator battlecruiser following us. It’s twenty-six light years back and is operating in stealth mode.”

  “How do you know it’s an Originator battlecruiser?”

  “No other race we know of possesses this ty
pe of technology. I first noticed a small void space behind the fleet. I used a variation in our sensors to break through the field. It’s definitely an Originator battlecruiser.”

  Fleet Commander Tarsal considered what this might mean. He wasn’t shocked the Originator AIs had sent out ships searching for his fleet it was what he would have done in their position. “Keep monitoring it. As soon as we are close to the system containing the fleet base I want full scans of the entire system.” He thought it might be wise to be cautious in this instance. For the first time since coming to this galaxy, the Originator AIs would know his fleet was coming. It didn’t really matter as he would still destroy them.


  Rear Admiral Mann watched as the twenty thousand defense globes possessed by her dreadnaughts launched and took up a defensive position around the fleet base. Twenty percent of those globes were the new and larger ones with more powerful weapons and energy screens. They also contained a four hundred-megaton dark matter warhead, which could be detonated on command.

  “Defense globes have been deployed,” reported Commander Sutherland.

  “Admiral Lukel will be arriving shortly,” announced Captain Adams. “I’ve detected his fleet on the long-range sensors.”

  Hailey leaned back in her command chair, feeling it adjust to her new position. These damn chairs almost seemed alive. She didn’t know if she would ever get used to them. “We’ve made our plans and Admiral Lukel knows what to do. Now we just need to wait for the Eternals.”

  On the viewscreen, the massive fleet base with its ship construction and repair bays was visible. Around it were the twenty thousand defense globes and fourteen hundred defending Originator battlecruisers. Hailey had a plan she and Commander Sutherland had worked out. She just hoped it worked.


  Admiral Lukel’s fleet dropped out of hyperspace near the seventh planet of the star system, a massive gas giant.

  “Take us down,” he ordered, looking over at Maleea who was the Originator AI at the Helm. “I don’t want the Eternals to be able to detect our fleet. The only way to ensure that is if we hide in the planet’s atmosphere.”


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