Magister's Bane

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Magister's Bane Page 2

by Yvette Bostic

  “Thanks, Sandy. You should probably wait until Sharon arrives to find out what she wants. She changes her mind too much for me to keep up.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” Sandy tucked the empty tray under her arm and walked away.

  I lowered the edge of the scarf covering my nose and mouth, then picked up my fork. I glanced nervously at the empty chair, waiting for my imagination to conjure up another strange man. When it didn’t, I turned to my dinner. The chicken cut easily, and a smile spread across my face. I couldn’t remember the last time I had anything other than eggs or cereal. The first bite was heavenly. I closed my eyes and chewed as slow as I could, relishing the tender chicken, crispy breading, and creamy gravy.

  When I opened my eyes, I nearly choked. The stranger sat across from me once again, an irritating grin turning up his too-perfect lips.

  “What the hell?” I grabbed my scarf, trying to cover my features.

  “Don’t stop eating because of me,” he replied. “You need some weight on your bones.”

  “Get away from me,” I demanded, “before I scream.”

  “And I would be gone before you opened your mouth.”

  I glared at him, trying to tamp down my fear. Most people went out of their way to ignore me, and I did my best accommodate them.

  “What do I have to do to make you go away?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” he replied, his grin growing wider. “I’ll be in touch.” He winked at me, pushed himself to his full height and walked away.

  I turned in my chair and watched him until he disappeared around the corner, then let out the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. My heart thudded against my ribs, and my hands shook. What did he mean about my worth? I was nothing. Did he intend to pawn me off as some freak in a creepy side show? Did he plan to kidnap me? With the way he disappeared, would I be able to avoid him? And how did he even do that?

  Sharon’s bubbly voice interrupted my dark thoughts. “Hey, girl! You didn’t order for me?”

  I looked up at my friend and couldn’t stop my tears. Sharon dropped into the chair across from me.

  “What’s wrong, AJ?” She reached across the table and took my hands, squeezing them gently, her happiness instantly replaced by worry.

  “I don’t know,” I replied. “This strange man just left. He said...” I forced myself to take another breath. “He said he was watching me and would be back.”

  “What do you mean?” Sharon asked, eyebrows knitted together.

  I repeated the conversation, the whole event sounding even more bizarre as I described it.

  “You need to report him to the police, AJ,” she said urgently. “They need to know someone’s stalking you.”

  “Why would they care, Sharon?” I pulled my hands away from hers. “They’ll agree I belong in one of the freak shows. They’d tell me to embrace it and take the money they offered.”

  “If you don’t go to the police, I will. You are not a freak. And who says this guy is offering you money to join one of those shows? I mean it. Go to the police, or I will.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Now, tell me about your new job.”

  I shook my head, grateful for my friend’s loyalty. “It’s just another housekeeping position, but the manager didn’t seem put out by my appearance. I’ll do my best to stay out of sight and work hard. I really need the money.”

  “Well, they’ll be convinced of your talents after the first day, if the stupid bastards can look past their own prejudices.”

  I chuckled, but there was no joy in it. “It’s not that easy to look past, and you know it.”

  “That’s because they don’t give you a chance.” Sharon uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. “You’re the most beautiful person I know.”

  “Liar.” I smiled and picked up my fork. A congealed pool of gravy floated on top of my cooling chicken, but I dug into it anyway, not willing to waste the meal.

  Chapter 2

  The next day, I found myself tapping lightly on the employee entrance of The Sanguis Casino. I hadn’t gone to the police. They had more important things to worry about than some deformed girl being bullied by a man who never touched her. They’d just take my name and statement and throw on it on the pile with the rest of the non-urgent reports.

  I pulled at my scarf and waited. After a few minutes, I knocked again. The door swung open, and I back-peddled away from the man who greeted me.

  “Good evening, princess.” It was the same man as the day before, and he flashed me the same mischievous grin. “Please, come in.”

  “I think I’ve changed my mind,” I replied, continuing to backpedal.

  “Then I need to work on my first impressions,” he responded with a bow. “My name is Logan. It’s my job to give you a tour of the facility and introduce you to your new boss. Please, come in.”

  “And yesterday?” I asked warily. “What was all that about?”

  “I was merely confirming your identity and rumors of your unique appearance.” He took a step back into the dark hallway. “I meant no harm. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

  Anger flared through my chest. He was making fun of my appearance, just like everyone else. I bit my tongue and tried to ignore the instincts telling me to run away and never look back. Visions of my empty bank account made me hesitate. I was running out of employment options. Could I really afford to walk away because one more dumbass decided to make a mockery of me? I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders, then passed through the open door.

  “Impressive,” Logan whispered as I brushed by him.

  More like stupid or desperate or both. Rather than going to the end of hall, he opened the first door on my right and ushered me inside. A narrow staircase wound upwards and out of sight.

  “Shall we?” He didn’t wait for a reply as he started up the steps.

  I looked back at the door that automatically closed behind me, and apprehension rolled over me in waves. Nothing about this felt right. I’d worked at dozens of the hotels and casinos in town. None of them treated my first day with such obscurity, but again, I was running out of options. I followed Logan up the steps.

  Deep, gasping breaths escaped my lips when we finally stopped. The winding staircase made it impossible to tell how many floors we traversed. I would’ve guessed five or six, but there was only one landing and one destination.

  My guide pushed the door open, motioning for me to go inside. I peered around the thick, wooden frame only to find another hallway with six or seven doors on each side.

  “I don’t think so,” I said backing away from the door. “I accepted a position in housekeeping. I have yet to see the lead housekeeper, laundry room, or cleaning supply room.” I looked up at my escort and took several more steps back. His friendly expression changed to a scowl.

  “There is no choice here, for either of us,” he said in a low voice. “Don’t fight me. I have no desire to hurt you.”

  My thoughts moved into overdrive. Could I outrun him? I certainly couldn’t fight him; he’d toss my ninety-five pounds to the ground within seconds.

  “Please,” he said through clenched teeth and motioned towards the doorway again.

  I turned and ran down the steps. I didn’t make it five feet before his strong arm wrapped around my tiny waist and lifted me off the ground. I kicked and screamed my way back up the steps and through the door. It thudded closed behind me, echoing down the hall. He carried me all the way to the end and opened the last door, then tossed me in and slammed it shut.

  Tears swelled in my eyes as I planted my forehead against the hardwood floor. Why didn’t I listen to my instincts? I knew I should’ve walked away. The pay wasn’t even that good. Why did I allow myself to be led into this obvious trap? Who would possibly want me? No one good, that’s for sure.

  “Come on, girlfriend.” A soft voice caught my attention. “You don’t want to be lying there when they toss in the next one.”

  I raised my head and pulled at my scarf,
immediately panicking. It was in complete disarray, and I knew my short, white hair and deformed head were showing. I frantically wound it around my skull and face, then turned to my roommate.

  A young woman, likely close to my own twenty-five years, sat on one of two narrow cots on each side of the small room. She wore blue jeans, a snug t-shirt, and white sneakers. Her dark skin, high cheek bones, and pointed nose were smooth and perfect. Her straight, black hair hung to her shoulders, and I wondered if it was natural. I self-consciously pulled my scarf tighter around my face.

  “Have you already eaten?” the woman asked.


  “Good, they brought dinner an hour ago,” she replied.

  I sat on the edge of the cot opposite her and stared at the floor. “Do you know why we’re here?” I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

  “Yes, don’t you?”

  I blinked. “No, I have no idea why they took me. I’m not exactly, well, no one would want me.”

  My roommate chuckled. “I don’t know. Some men like really thin women.”

  I snorted and watched a nervous smile cross her face.

  “I’m Kate.”

  “AJ,” I replied. “Is that why I’m here?”

  “I wish. We might survive a whorehouse. You really don’t know?” Kate asked, raising both eyebrows.

  “No, what am I missing?”

  Kate rubbed her hands together and closed her eyes. A tingle ran across my skin, making the hairs on my arms stand on end.

  “Have they questioned you yet?” Kate asked, opening her eyes.

  “I’m guessing that fake interview for housekeeping doesn’t count.”


  I shook my head.

  “Then I won’t tell you. Your ignorance might save you.” Kate’s full lips turned into a deep frown. “Don’t lie to them. They’ll know if you do.”

  “Who are they?” I asked, “What do they want with me?”

  Kate shook her head and looked at the door. I followed her gaze, and fear surged through me as it swung open. Logan filled the space.

  “Let’s go, princess,” he said, his expression unreadable.

  “No,” I replied, balling my hands into fists to keep them from shaking.

  “And what will you do to stop me from dragging you from this room?” His lips twitched. Was he suppressing that irritating grin?

  “Nothing, but I’ll force you to drag me,” I replied defiantly. “I will not cooperate with you. People have gone out of their way to make me feel less than human for as long as I can remember. Your threats mean nothing to me.” That was a complete lie. I was terrified, but I learned early in life that being a victim was worse.

  Before I could take a breath, Logan draped me over his shoulder and left the room. I bounced up and down, watching his feet not leave indentations in the carpet. How could his two-hundred plus pounds not leave a dent in the carpet? My scarf slipped from my head, and I gasped in horror. I reached for it, but my fingers merely grazed the edge as it fluttered to the floor.

  I started pounding on his back as he wound his way down the stairs. When my arms wore out, I kicked his chest. He chuckled as he pulled my legs into his abdomen, restricting my movement. I pushed away from his back and rose into a semi-standing position. He stopped and looked up at me with that stupid grin spread across his face.

  “They have no idea what they’re getting,” he said in a low voice.

  Fear and anger surged through my veins. I brought my hand back to hit him, but he loosened his grip and let me drop to the floor. My knees buckled with the sudden impact, and I fell on my butt. My face burned hot with embarrassment as he stared down at me.

  He knelt in front of me and pressed his hands against the sides of my face. “I wish there was a way to strengthen this so they could not see what I see.”

  A tingling sensation raced across my skin, giving me chills. I watched his deep brown eyes delve into my own pale blue orbs. I sat there, frozen in his grasp as my heart rate increased and stars blinked in and out of my vision. Pain flared in my chest for several moments, then subsided. I still stared into his brown eyes, noticing the small flecks of green scattered in the background.

  “Get up,” Logan commanded, the harshness returning to his voice. “Do not fight me in front of the Council.”

  He grabbed me beneath my arm and jerked me off the floor. What just happened?

  I glared at him but didn’t resist as he pulled me down the dark hallway, stopping in front of Jack’s office. Logan tapped once on the door, then pushed it open. The room looked the same as last time, with the exception of six new people. They sat in large, wing-backed chairs, flanking each side of the dark, mahogany desk. Each man varied in appearance, but they were all stunningly handsome.

  Self-consciousness assaulted me, and I looked at the floor, knowing my ugliness was on display for all of them to see.

  “What is your name?” a deep voice asked from the left side of the room. He sounded Russian. Was that possible?

  “AJ,” I replied, staring at the carpet fibers.

  “What is your real name?” he asked again.

  I heard the impatience in his voice and swallowed the lump in my throat. Like they didn’t already know. They had my application for the job that apparently didn’t exist.

  “Alisandra Johnson.”

  “What is your talent?” another deep voice asked from the right with a distinct Spanish accent.

  “I have none,” I replied, suspecting that was not the answer they wanted.

  “Look at me when I’m speaking to you,” the man on the right demanded.

  I snapped my head up and looked in that direction, unsure which one spoke. The man farthest on the right leaned back in his chair, one arm slung over the back. An amused smile spread across his smooth features. I’d give anything for his beautiful, blonde hair. An Asian man next to him appeared distracted by his cell phone, steadily tapping at its surface. The man sitting right next to Jack’s desk stared at me with contempt, his dark eyes roaming up and down my body.

  “You have been bound,” he said. “Why?”

  And there was the Spanish accent.

  “I don’t know what you mean by bound,” I replied, my voice catching. So much for hiding my fear and confusion.

  A voice from the left side drew my attention. “You’ve been disconnected from your magic.”

  “Magic isn’t real,” I said, then snapped my mouth closed.

  The man on the right, with the sly smile, laughed. “She’s either a really good liar, or someone bound her as a babe. She has no idea what we’re talking about.” Was that a British accent? Who were these people?

  “There is no record of Alisandra Johnson being born in Vegas twenty-five years ago,” the man with the phone interjected.

  “Johnson is my foster parents’ name,” I explained. “My birth certificate just says Alisandra, no last name.”

  I watched each of the men exchange glances, then all of them turned to Jack. I withered under his dark gaze and returned my focus to the floor. Surely they didn’t expect me to believe anything they just said.

  “Take her back upstairs, Logan,” Jack commanded.

  I allowed my escort to lead me from the room and down the hall, following quietly behind him as he strolled up the steps. What did these people want with me? Did they truly believe magic existed? And I thought I was a freak.

  When we reached the top landing, he stopped with his hand on the knob.

  “Trust no one, except for Kate and her brother,” he said.

  His icy stare stopped me from asking the hundreds of questions running through my mind.

  Chapter 3

  I lay on my narrow cot in the dark. The lights automatically went out at eight. Logan let me pick up my scarf on the way back to the room, and its concealment was comforting, even in the dark. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my wild thoughts, but they insisted on running circles around the day’s events. I co
uldn’t believe anyone would want to take me. It wasn’t like I had money, and I definitely wasn’t prostitute material. So, what could they possibly want? Maybe running drugs, but it’s not like I would do it willingly.

  “How well do you know the man that brought me in here?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  “Not at all, why?” Kate answered.

  “I’m not sure. He said some things that don’t make sense to me.”

  Kate’s cot squeaked as she shifted. “Like what?”

  “He said I should only trust you and your brother,” I replied, rolling to my side.

  “Really?” The surprise in Kate’s voice seemed sincere. “I’ve never met him until today.”

  “They took you today too?” I asked, not hiding my own astonishment.

  “Yep, as soon as the sun set, they snatched me from the sidewalk.”

  “Who are they?”

  Silence filled the room, and I worried she wouldn’t answer.

  “How much do you know about the supernatural?” Kate finally asked.

  “I like to read fantasy books,” I replied. “But I’m guessing that’s not what you mean.”

  Kate chuckled. “No, not at all. I enjoy a good paranormal romance myself, but they’re definitely fantasy.”

  “Then I guess I know nothing.”

  “The council you met with earlier are vampires,” Kate said, lowering her voice. “I assume Logan is too.”

  “Really? Like blood-sucking vampires?” I asked, knowing my voice sounded harsh and judgmental.

  “Yep, really. They’re collecting mages,” Kate continued. “Our members have been disappearing over the last year or so, despite our Magister’s claims that they haven’t.”

  “Why would vampires want mages? And who is the Magister?” I questioned, my disbelief still obvious.

  “That’s the question of the day,” Kate replied. “For your second question, the Magister is the leader of the North American mages.”

  “They think I’m a mage?”


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